Biblical Talk..

Biblical Talk..

Q. I thought it may be interesting to ask you for your “take” on a few questions regarding the stories in the Bible… 

In Revelations; the beast having different heads, the birth taking place in the skies and the lady going into hiding, etc. How much of that is fabricated and how much is real? Many Christians believe it’s filled with metaphors. For example, the beast with different heads must represent something else (a person, not an actual beast)…. but I came across so many intel about Archons, Dracoians, and even animal-like ETs. Now, when I look at the chapters of Revelations my mind wants to make everything literal.. kinda like a sci-fi story coming to life. 

Speaking of the Archons, people claim no one knows where they came from, just that they started interfering and starting wars. Did they have anything to do with Lucifer and his downfall? You had mentioned that Lucifer was a prince of a star, etc. 

In the book of Enoch, The Watchers were condemned by God (or the other ETs) for their actions and their leader was thrown into a pit and chained. The chapter listed some other punishments. If this part is true, then how were they able to help Noah with the Ark and spread their DNA (there was a post on here about thousands of watchers being here on Earth at this present moment.) While we are on this subject, do you know where they came from as well? 

Thank you so much for all of your insights! I love reading them weekly!

A. Let me start by breaking these down so I can organize my thoughts: 

The Beast of Revelations: I see this as symbolic, meaning the “beast” is an entity that can take many faces.  I then get an image of an  Archon or Reptilian that has the power to shapeshift into various looking beings (some to gain trust, insight or even power).  Once that being is trapped, they lose the control to shapeshift, and they sort of “snap back” to their true self (i.e, a “beast”).  I also see that there is more than one beast out there, but they feel as though they are losing power, and they are very aware of their situation. [I then get strange images of England, the Monarchy and even Buckingham Palace???]

Archons: I see Archons being the highest form of Reptilians.  I get it was Archon DNA that created the Reptilians.  Archons look to be low vibrationally, and feel ruthless.  I hear they have a purity to their DNA, and that is important to them to retain their level of power.  They never breed outside of their race. I also see they have a floating base on the far side of the moon, whereas their Reptilian ancestors are “grounded” to the earth.  Reptilians feel more like the servants to help the Archons meet their goals. 

Regarding Lucifer, I get that ETs in general were not to influence and interfere with humans.  Archons couldn’t resist, and saw humans and earth as an opportunity.  Lucifer got blinded by the “Jedi mind tricks” (is the phrase I hear), and was taken down a path that the Source Consciousness did not approve.  Lucifer felt as if he was doing good, and was torn between what he was told, what he felt and how he was influenced. 

Noah and the Watchers:  I get that Watchers are ETs that came to earth to watch over humans. At one time they watched from afar giving indirect influences and guidance to propel life while maintaining a healthy balance.  Then they got too involved, and a sense of ego came over them because they had the ability to control and manipulate with such ease. They began to feel that they knew better, and were superior, and decided to leave their post and come to earth.  They abandoned their duties in exchange for the ability to power and manipulate.  In many ways they did feel they were doing a good thing, and humans needed their direction.

I do see a bulk of them being captured, but many escaped.  I see many of them being able to change their vibration and shift from one reality to another.  This allowed many to live, and carry on their mission.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

51 thoughts on “Biblical Talk..

  1. Thanks Alex. Sorry for the late response. Since spiritual messengers from other religions are also in the spiritual realms, can I presume that they are also spiritual beings?


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