Life Detective: NEXT #1

Life Detective: NEXT #1

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to a new (baggy) eye-opening Life Detective segment where Lynn only looks at the NEXT future life of various people. (Note: Lynn’s under the weather, but still managed to pull this off, which is pretty amazing; healing thoughts her way!) Anyway, buckle up — you’ll be glad you did. Here we go.

1. George Soros 
“I see when he passes… this human body falls off of the actual him as he passes. Inside… it looks like he has this dark, gremlin-y creature inside. I see it come out and dive into the earth. Weird. Looks like at his core he’s housing some dark being that’s controlling his actions. i don’t see him incarnating or ever being anybody else ever again. As a result, this thing is being sent back where it came from when he passes.” [Yikes.]

2. David Rockefeller
“This is interesting. Most times you see a person come back as a person, male or female… but I’ve rarely seen this. I dunno if it’s some kind of spirit joke, but when I put this out there, I see this all white llama! Chewing on tall grass. I think he’s gonna come back as an animal!

3. Bill Gates 
“I see this guy in a space age facility, dated late 2100s, early 2200s. He’s doing these meticulous experiments. He’s some kind of some scientist who’s working to create a true cure for cancer, or streamlining an existing cure to make it more efficient.” [Perhaps making up for past actions?]

4. Napoleon 
“He looks involved in a boots-on-the-ground war over the Holy Lands in the future. He’s a fighter at heart and very passionate. Looks like he takes people into battle; he’s a good motivational leader. He’s excellent at tactics and calculating positions and flanking forces. Around 2050, you’ll see him come forward.”

5. Kurt Cobain 
“When he comes back, he just wants to be a normal guy. He doesn’t want the fame, or the paparazzi, he just wants a quiet, normal life and doesn’t want to be in the limelight AT ALL. He’s gonna be some kind of professor in Maine, a university professor. He’ll teach the humanities… art, literature, philosophy… that kind of thing.” 

6. Stan the Man (Kubrick)  
“I keep seeing the movie RAIN MAN. I see Kubrick next as this math savant. When he comes back, he’s gonna kinda be like that, say in 2050/2060… he’s super observant, observes every detail. Even more than a math savant. He sees math in action, in every day experiences, totally brilliant, and can’t help but see things without even being taught that mathematics. He’ll be able to just see things and be able to tell you the exact math behind it. Verbally, he’ll be a very poor communicator, but his mind is super analytical and it just won’t stop.”

Well, that’s it from Lynn and Da-da and Dave the Wonder Llama. Join us next time for another exciting future-life adventure! Oh, the animality.

72 thoughts on “Life Detective: NEXT #1

  1. THANX, ALEX. 🙂 the thing is……..I have read the christian bible a long time ago and decided it 's NOT for me. So, I can't relate.Reminds me of an incident, many years ago, I was being pursued by a minister of a cult, trying to “save” me. He said “Do you believe in the bible..?” I was stopped on my tracks because if I said YES, he'd really get me. He knew the bible in and out upside down and I don't. If I said NO, he'll try his best to educate me…what a dilemma. So, I took a deep breath, and replied “” I came directly from HEAVEN (which I really don't know if this is true.) and before I left, my FATHER-in-HEAVEN told me NOT to get involved with the bible That I am exempt.”” The minister was speechless and slunk back from the rock he climbed out of……… and I was SAVED. DUH..


  2. Alex…..and, ehhhh……..I communicate with my dogs thru my I AM PRESENCE and sometimes…with the archangels. They process it thru this LANGUAGE OF LIGHT that the devas know and speak.. It works well. I just have to be precise and know exactly what to ask.


  3. ayyyy……….I wish there is an edit button. Alex,…just because a religious group declared that there is such thing as TRANSMIGRATION incarnating as a lower animal DOES NOT MEAN IT IS TRUE.I DON'T GIVE A HOOT IF AN ARCHANGEL CAME TO ME PERSONALLY AND TOLD ME the TRUTH. I'LL STILL HAVE TO BREAK THAT DOWN AND SEE IF IT PASSES MY BS GAUGE.


  4. @joyGreat psychics such as Gautama Buddha, Edgar Cayce, our Lynn and many others I've read have found real life reincarnation cases from humans to animals so this is a true phenomena. However, the purpose of reincarnation is to evolve into a higher state so this is not common but it does occur due to past life karma. Even if a human reincarnate into an animal, it won't be to the lowest grade of animals like insect, mosquitoes. It is usually as another mammal (five senses).


  5. Alex………..That reminds me….I have explored reincarnation for the longest time and finally dropped it as a hoax,a lie, an illusion , not true, a way the ego-mind explain what it could not explain.Everytime I am faced with a challenging person, I go into deep meditation and ask to be taken to the time and place where I was with this person, why NOW, the challenge.Everytime, I get transported to THAT exact place and time . I have been into worlds I could not recognize, inside bodies too bizarre to look at and into the situations that provoke this karmic payback. YET ,…I WAS NOT CONVINCED.It is NOT possible that I am here, minding my own business, oblivious of this past life incident, and all of a sudden……this person appears , demanding blood or something as payment for something I have done to him/her.. DUH……..! SO INFURIATING.So, What is it…? It boils down to: WHO am I..? One part of me says, yes you are SPIRIT, and these are your journeys into the physical realm. Another part of me says NO, I have never been in (another world) and NO, I DID NOT DO THIS THING i'M ACCUSED OF.Finally, the one that says “I DID NOT DO IT” won. Because, FIRST…WHAT SPIRIT..? IT turned out, SPIRIT APPEARS FRAGMENTED INTO MANY DIFFERENT ASPECTS HERE. I'm an aspect of SOUL, the I AM PRESENCE, that directly navigates the material and non-realm, housed inside the physical body.This is the SPIRIT BODY /or/ ASTRAL BODY/ or. BODY DOUBLE , now called the LIGHTBODY. I still have another aspect of SOUL that was created separate and veiled so that THIS “I” provide SOUL with a different point of view on a subject on hand that SOUL wants to explore…the ego-personality. So there you are,..there are two of me inside this body. One obviously did the incarnating and reincarnating , NOT I, AND I'D BE DAMMED IF I WILL PAY FOR THINGS I DID NOT DO. It is possible that the ego-personality (the false self) did all these reincarnating, or it is also possible that that ASTRAL body has a direct influence over the ego-personality to reincarnate and follow it wherever, or it is possible that these stuffs, however illusory, are all tied up together to form a belief system that ties me up all together in the physical plane. BY AGREEING THAT,.”YES,..I WAS THAT AGGRESSOR IN that ANOTHER INCARNATION”…MEANS THAT DEBT needs to be paid back, and THE law of the 3DMatrix will apply to you.You'll be shackled forever and ever……NONSENSE.Its all sleight of the hand.Thanks again Alex. Good topic.


  6. All we humans at this time (most of us) can only get bits and pieces of “the all that is”. We can question, investigate, imagine etc. We have to be open to ALL possibilities because who really knows the full scope of our existence here and beyond. Someone once asked me a question regarding spirituality and I said “I don't know” and he said you have more wisdom than you know. I found that odd but now I understand. So I will continue to read all I can. All views of as many people as possible and learn. My views constantly change as I learn more and experience more. That's why most of us are here. So if “that which we think we create” becomes fully realized, there is no end to the possibilities for all of us. No one is right and no one is wrong. Perhaps whatever your belief is, is what your reality is in the here and NOW and beyond.


  7. @Emmejay.. W O W! So interesting and has me thinking!! Thanks for sharing!Lynn and Dada, thank you for all you do to share these readings with us every week despite your other responsibilities. There are likely many (like me) who've enjoyed reading your blog as well as well as the comments section for months, if not years, without the inclusion of our own written participation. Not only have I learned a ton, but have received a ton of affirmation and positive reassurance regarding my own intuitions about various curious subjects. I have yet to find similar, consistent value anywhere else and hope you & your readers all know how much you are appreciated. Let's keep spreading the love and lifting each other up (leaving the yuck stuff for those still choosing to be stuck).. Maybe then none of us will have to come back as llamas who need some extra love! xoxo


  8. Thanks Lynn and Dada for all your work! Every time we put work and energy into the universe we will always get a reaction. That's contrast and Balance. 🌈🙏🏻


  9. Most of the commentators here are frequent contributors. And we learnt a lot from each other.So, let’s just respect and accept our differences without name neither calling nor labelling.And let’s just be grateful for all the work and time that Lynn and A Man Called Da-da have put in this blog.And a big THANK YOU to you, A Man Called Da-da, for subsidizing these posts with your own money. Let’s send Love n Light to each other.


  10. I actually like both the past life-future life series, as well as just the future life, but i constructed the future life variant to be easier on Lynn. These readings take a lot out of her. And she *won't stop* even if she's sick!


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