PRIORITY Blog Request: Mollie Tibbetts

PRIORITY Blog Request: Mollie Tibbetts

Q.  Hi Lynn,  

Can you please do a reading on Mollie Tibbetts, an Iowa college student that recently vanished without a trace:

Is she alive? Did she run away? Was it an abduction? Who’s responsible? etc. The whole thing just seems really weird and law enforcement seems to be at a dead end. Thank you!

A.   When I tune into this, it is best to see things from her point of view to understand what happened.  I am placing myself as if I’m looking through her eyes and replaying that day out in my mind.  I do caution you though, as I get a really bad vibe as I approach this, so I am not sure where exactly this is going to take me…

So, I see her running, or rather going for a jog at a good pace.  Headphones are in her ears and she looks to be in a good place and just enjoying what is going on around her.  I see and smell trees, and no one is really around.  I can’t see houses or other people, but feel to be ok with that.  It’s really therapeutic.  As she hits the ground with each step, it feels like it is paved or really hard dirt (I really want to say a paved path).  My impression is this is a park or a road where it is fairly quiet. 

In the distance there looks to be a man observing her.  I don’t get he has a premeditated intent to do harm, but he does feel captivated to watch her.  He also feels unstable and mentally off (like he has been drinking).  Something about her drew him in.  He does feel like he has had awkward experiences with women, very introverted.  He has sandy brown wavy hair, and his hair looks messy.  I notice he is dirty, but not because he is a “dirty person” but because he looks like he just got done working on a car.  I then see he is wearing a mechanic’s blue uniform shirt, and even though I can’t read the name, there is a white patch on the chest. 

He watches and watches her, and something came over him.  I see that she stopped in her run and was coughing (something about a gnat getting her her throat as she was breathing through her mouth).  At that moment he came up behind her, grabbed her around the waist and overpowered her. 

He drug her, and even though she tried to fight him off, he got the best of her and took her to a nearby area that looks like shrubs and trees.  She tried  to fight him with everything she had (even bit him???) and he became irate and took a rock and hit her on the head.  She became unconscious, and at that point he assaulted her  He left her there not knowing if she was alive or not.  I get that she passed away shortly after the trauma due to the impact on her head.  If the family can locate this man, or if someone knows what area I am describing, I feel they can find her.  I can say I feel she would like this man to get caught, but more importantly she would like closure for her family.  She feels at peace, and wants the same for them.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Please spread the word and if anyone knows anything, please call the authorities.  Love and light be with her.  

20 thoughts on “PRIORITY Blog Request: Mollie Tibbetts

  1. Hi, thank you for shedding light on this . what spiritual reason is there for these two the girl that died and the man who killed her. Thank you


  2. thanks for doing this reading, lynn.just a quick follow-up. was there any possibility that she returned home? it's strange because according to her fitbit (allegedy), she came home after the jog, and was (supposedly) doing homework as late 10pm. even with those facts the authorities are being very tight-lipped when asked they possibly throwing out wrong pieces of info out there, to give the perp a false sense of security as they close in?


  3. lynn, when you say he took her to a nearby area, do you mean he put her in his car and drove somewhere miles away, or just dragged her a few feet from where she was jogging? and on that note, did you see any body of water, like a very small lake, near this area?thanks again.


  4. This woman is clearly a fake. She went back home after the big they established that. How sick a person to post some bogus crap like this when the family and friends are already in such grief, this woman has no clue what happened to her, oh she was running on diet or pavement. You are psychic to know that? Makes me sick.


  5. This case is local for me, and I'm hoping her family finds closure soon. Sex trafficking is a big concern in our state right now because there have been many reports of stalking and attempted kidnappings, not to mention 40 people have gone missing over a 2 week period (mostly young women). Hopefully they find her or her remains soon.


  6. Her father is now saying he thinks the person who took her, knows her and its all over a misunderstanding she got caught up in. I somehow feel the public is not getting the whole story. There is another psychic on twitter saying she is alive, she is pregnant and she is in a white shed with a noisy fan, she is safe, but scared, he says they will find her, the person who took her has a broken nose and is ex law enforcement and he knew her secret of being pregnant and she is near Chelsea railroad/Chelsea united Methodist Church (Steel church), Chelsea IA. I know you said she passed away, but I hope you were wrong and she was just passed out.


  7. @Sherrie: I hope I was wrong too. There is so much trauma tied to this for both her and her family. @Unknown: If you know the area, maybe some of my description will be of use to pinpoint this. Also, maybe the description of the main I saw is helpful??Love and light be with them!!


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