Friday Round Robin

Friday Round Robin

Q. A lot of the world’s coolest civilizations were wiped off of the face of the Earth in the worst possible ways, which makes me wonder, when a culture reaches a certain spiritual apex, are they destined to be Cosmically removed from this place because the said culture really has no point in being here anymore? Like they’ve evolved past this cesspit of a realm?

A.  When I tune into this I get in life most everything endures the cycle of a birth and a death as we evolve.  Something must come to an end (and it doesn’t have to be a bad thing) for something else to grow.  We see examples in our life all the time; babies grow up, teens leave the house, people start careers, people retire.  Things are always ending and beginning, and we learn through that growth and change.

Societies are the same way.  The form, grow, thrive, and then at some point, even centuries later, they evolve into something else as a way to survive our environment that is also changing.  During that transition, some may go extinct, while other regroup, form and thrive again in a different way.  Change, to some degree, is inevitable.

Q. Many people suggest that there is no Heaven and no Hell.  But, how do they explain the possession of people by demons and other negative entities?


It can’t be their imagination if it takes 3,4 people to hold down a child, people levitating and speaking in unknown languages. If they are demons, then don’t they reside in Hell?  

A. There are negative entities around just as there are beings filled with light.  When people, especially sensitive or empathic people, open themselves up without proper protection, they can draw in these negative entities.  They want to be heard, so finding a vulnerable person draws them in like a beacon.

If people play with dark magic, even if they think it is innocent (stay away from Ouija boards!), darker beings will flock.  I don’t see it as a “Heaven” or “Hell.”  I don’t see a realm with fiery pits and demons (that is just fear the church is trying to impress upon us).  I see negative beings in the spirit world, roaming and wanting to be seen in our 3D, and when they have an opportunity, they will try (just like light beings connect to those that are of a higher vibration).  Negativity can be just as powerful as positivity, and these extreme attachments are what you are describing in the question

Q.  I realize you are under scrutiny, but can you give a quick impression on Brett Kavanaugh?  He appears “sincere” and well spoken.  There are lots of protesters opposing him, but in my opinion it is because they just want to make trouble and fight against anything (or anyone) the President approves of.  

A.  When I tune into him, his energy feels neutral (like his mind is in concentration mode and very consumed by all this).  He feels very in his head, like he is forcing himself to stay grounded even when he is trying to be rattled by some of the questioning.  I do get he is very knowledgeable, highly intelligent, and he feels like a strong Constitutionalist (he will strongly support it).  He does feel like he wants to do a good job and will get the appointment.

Q. What would you experience if you remote viewed (RV’d) the pineal gland, the Third Eye, the Crown Chakra or The Mind ?
Because they are associated with the 6th sense, would if be different than RVing anything different?
A. This is a similar approach to looking at a virus (as I talked about in my last reading).  I see these more on a clairvoyant perspective in my mind’s eye.  Usually when I focus on RVing something, it is tied to a location (either in the past, present or future).  Locations feel to carry a different energy that is being tapped into versus people (or part of a person) in my own experience.
Q. Lynn!  Could you do a reading on how to detox your body from heavy metals?  Does honey have any effect at all, or honey with drops of coriander oil,  What dosage if that would work?  Also coconut oil?

A.  I need to disclose that I have not studied medicine, but I can share what I get from an intuitive perspective.   A heavy metal detox should really focus on the liver.  Drinking a lot (at least a gallon) of water while eating a diet of mainly fruits and vegetables, even for a short time, can really let the liver rest, and purge while it’s resting.

Honey is great for the immune system IF it is natural and ideally from a local vendor.  It is infused with natural elements from things that are in your environment, building immunities.  It is a great alternative to sugars (especially refined).
Coconut Oil is terrific for the lymph system.  When I hear “coconut oil” I immediately see someone doing an oil pulling technique to detox the system. (You basically put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth, hold/swish it around for 20 minutes, and then spit it out.  It “pulls” toxins out through the lymph system).
A great way to purge radiation and other environmental toxins is to take equal parts Epsom salts and baking soda, and put in in a warm bath.  Soak for about 20 minutes, and allow your body to absorb the magnesium while allowing yourself to detox.
And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
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