Focus/BLOG Requests

Thank you for the GREAT questions!!

Occasionally you will see requests deleted because I’ve transferred them into my working drafts. Even if it takes a while for your post to show up, I will keep and address them all.  I have also been doing several personal requests.  My goal is to complete at least two blog requests a week (I also do group submissions covering several topics), so please check back if you are waiting on something specific.

I am now on Twitter.  To receive information on newly posted readings and events, you can find me at @PsychicFocus.
I can also be found on Facebook.  Please feel free to go to my page, and if you “like” my page you will receive updates from me in your news feed.


GENERAL Requests:
ALWAYS FREE – Please keep them coming in the comment area!
Anyone that has a GENERAL REQUEST (world changes, aliens, cool discoveries, phenomena, etc) can post their request in the comments area and I will respond when I have time.  The question / responses will appear on the main Home Page.  The basic key is as follows: Q-Question, A-Answer  …-represents about a 10-20 second pause per dot.  

*NEW: Priority BLOG Requests:
$25 – 1 Public Interest Topic / Question
I have recently had some frustration expressed to me regarding the length of time it takes for some questions to be focused on.  I have over 100 great questions, and when I go to do a reading I scan them over and pick the one I feel connected to at that time.  I will always do free requests, it just may take a while for a specific question to get picked.  If you have something pressing and you would like me to set aside scheduled time to answer it, I am happy to take those requests as a Priority Blog Request.  They will be completed by your scheduled time and posted on the blog.  I will forward you a copy of the link to review, and will follow-up on any additional clarification or questions you may have.

14 thoughts on “Focus/BLOG Requests

  1. Hi Lynn, Can you individually take a look at a list of 10 Earth-like planets and see if there is alien life (ranging from microbial to advanced humanoid alien or non-humanoid alien) on those planets? Also, which one out of the ten is the most suitable for humans to settle on in the future?Here are is the list of the ten planets (and a bonus one):1. Gliese 581d2. HD 85512 b3. Kepler-69c4. Tau Ceti e5. Gliese 667 Cf6. Kepler-62f7. Gliese 667 Cc8. Kepler-62e9. Gliese 581g10. Kepler-22bBonus: Ross 128 bHere is a YouTube video that talks about these Earth-like planets: you very much.


  2. Hello Lynn, would you please look into this world wide business (Aspire World Wide/Go Aspire) which ‘crashed’ a number of years ago.Go Aspire Ltd, formerly Aspire Worldwide, had gone into insolvency only months after investors signed and paid for “franchise agreements”. Some of which had been purchased for hundreds of thousands of dollars. And which then .. were exchanged for shares in the company. Unbeknown but soon to be discovered was that the company was ’worthless’.This Duo of two 'husbands and wives' from the UK has made off with an estimated $6 million from everyday Australian and English people after a worldwide “cashback shopping scheme” collapsed. Attempts to contact the two husband-and-wife duos who were responsible (and who were the founders:) … have been unsuccessful! Andrew Terence Hansen, 47, and wife Wendy May Hansen, 45. Philip Gordon Watts, 68, and wife Sally Anne Watts 52 …. Seemingly are nowhere to be found. They have now been ‘in hiding’ for a number of years.In a letter written by ‘Phillip Watts' Aspire members were informed that the company had ceased trading:“It is with deep regret that I must inform you that the company has now ceased trading due to becoming insolvent”. Everyone involved went into shock! Many people lost their life savings and/or gave up their jobs. Everyone had worked very hard and attended seminars, webinars and this outcome was so unexpected.Q: Was Aspire Worldwide/Go Aspire an organized scam from the beginning ? (If so they certainly went to a lot of trouble to convince people)! Q: Considering the company was declared ‘insolvent’ – did they really go broke or did they do a runner? Q: Did their ‘business knowledge’ let them down?Q: Where in the world have they been hiding ? Did they leave England?Q: Will they ever be found ? or give themselves up? Q: Are they still alive ?Q: Can you see (eventually) that there could be a ‘worldwide class action’? (Some people re-mortgaged their homes, or sold their homes to purchase an affiliate in this business).Thank you Lynn, best wishes Kris


  3. Hi Lynn, was wondering if you could do a reading on Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Every time there is an election the electricity is cut off in Turkey. Is he or his team changing the election results during these times? I have never liked him and wonder how he can be in power for so long. Thanks!


  4. I've been watching programmes about Lord Lucan. I came here to see if you'd done a reading on him, but the search facility drew a blank. Perhaps his case is not known about in the US, but in the UK he has long been our most famous missing person, fleeing from a notorious and grisly murder scene four and a half decades ago, and the mystery has still not been solved.After years of a toxic and destructive marriage, and his gambling addiction threatening to ruin him, Lord Lucan planned to murder his wife but killed the children's nanny by accident. He also attacked his wife but she escaped to raise the alarm. Apart from visiting one friend that night and then abandoning the bloodstained car on the south coast, nothing more was ever heard of him. It is thought that his powerful set of aristocratic friends helped him escape. Or that he killed himself, but no trace of remains has ever emerged. There were supposed sightings of him all over the world which became something of a standing joke. Many of the people involved have now passed on, with no sign of any deathbed confessions.What happened to him? What was the truth? Is he still alive, and where? Or did he die quickly? Are his children in on the secret? Will the truth come out someday? And what was the role of John Aspinall, who is widely seen as the chief conspirator? I appreciate any time you devote to this matter. Your British readers will I'm sure be very interested to know what you see. Please clear up the mystery for us. Thank you!


  5. FOLLOW-UP QUERY ON THE ELVIS READING SESSION OF 29th JUNE 2018Hi Lynn,Trusting you are well, and thanks for your work.Regarding the Elvis session reading. Warning…..!I'll go out on a limb here and state and question some bizarre possibility or scenario.A week before your reading , I had a dream involving Elvis and in it I was made to understand and experience his deep kindness, love and generosity of heart for the people , and I understood something I had heard earlier ,that despite all the glamour and drama surrounding him, he was also consciously or unconsciously a spiritual conduit or channel to the masses.So the bizarre scenario I was inquiring about,… is it possible, that he wanted out for the reasons you stated, and that his body did actually die but he had already willed himself out of that personality of Elvis the star, and moved to another physical body, possibly already born, (in a totally different and humble environment) without him going through the after-death stages and processes….maybe he came back as a walk-in.( I'm hesitant in using that word) and that could contribute to your questioning whether the funeral and empty casket where symbolic….?I hope its not to much out there…but I'm curious all the same :)All the bestPatrick


  6. Hi Lynn!India is once again rocked by a sensational group suicide / murder mystery. In the capital city of new delhi a family of 11 people committed suicide. It is told that a son of aged 45 years was in touch of his deceased father in spirits and he manipulated them to commit suicide Whole India is baffled at this mystery.Was it aa group suicide or is this a mystery?


  7. Hi Lynn, I know you have recently wrote about the political and social division in our country, which frankly is disheartening and worrisome. A common sense individual knows and clearly sees that the political parties agenda is to create division, which can lead to a civil war. Recent news has been reporting the “deep state” infiltration into our law forcement and security agencies. I recently saw the Capital Hill drilling of F..I agent Peter $tr2ok and I was deeply disturbed by his mannerism, smugness and answers, or lack of. He clearly was bias against the President (which he has the right to have a political opinion outside of work) and I don't believe for one second that his bias did not influence the investigations. Could you please look into this individual and this situation and let us know if there's more Peter's at the agency and if he's truly lying. Thank you.


  8. Hi Lynn, could you do a reading right now on the breakdown of the British government following Theresa May's Chequeurs Brexit capitulation to the EU? Two cabinet ministers including Boris Johnson have resigned because of it. Will this lead to a second Brexit vote rigged to keep Britain in the EU? Thank you.


  9. Hi Lynn,1. Is YouTuber A Call For An Uprising really onto something with his videos or is he a deceiver?Here is a link to his YouTube channel: Are the Psychic Twins, Terry and Linda Jamison, really psychic?Here is a link to their YouTube channel: Could you do a reading on the hidden messages embedded in Avengers: Infinity War? Sort of like the reading you have done for Star Wars: The Last Jedi: you so much.


  10. wondering about the Count of St. Germain ( ) dose he pretend to die every so often and show up as someone else, is this the same guy ?Jacques St. Germain, the same guy ?has there really been some guy walking around on earth for hundreds of years without aging ?if so, how is he doing it ? does he really make gold from lead ?


  11. Hi Lynn,After seeing this video, seems to answer all the questions we're always asking. The cigar-shaped craft seen in our solar system, ufos, the MH370 missing plane, the weird Nasa photos always hiding/blotting out the North and South poles, no flights allowed to fly over the poles (EVER), the green children, the history of Shambala in all ancient texts, the disappearance of the thousands of Vikings who discovered Greenland, the disappearance of the Mayans, the disappearance of thousands of Italian and German soldiers straight after World War 2, as well as a million people, and oh so, so, so, so much more!Have never felt more excited. This video has connected so many dots, given me reason to feel so much excitement, and possibilities of what may lay ahead.Hope you enjoy it…and anyone else here who may view it…would love your feedback. you.


  12. Hi Lynn whatever happened to Paddy Moriarty who simply disappeared with his dog one hot evening in NT Australia. He appears to be another victim of the Stuart Highway, renowned for it’s strange disappearances. What really happened? It there alien or human involvement here?


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