Life Detective #6

Life Detective #6

Hi all, and welcome to our first Life Detective for 2017, where Lynn and Da-da look at past, present and future lives of various people. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most dominant past life of the subject come forward, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today, and who they’ll be in the future. It’s always surprising. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A

Past Life: This person looks like he was a ship builder (actually, the architect of big ships) in New England. I want to date this to the mid 1600s. Doesn’t look like a ship that we know of (or not one that I’m being told), but more like trading ships that would go to the Mediterranean. I hear that in this life this subject loved “exotic” women, like LOVED them.  

Future LifeWhere is this subject today? I hear he’s a German physics professor. Brilliant mind, but socially very introverted. In some ways it was a miracle that he was able to get in front of people to teach, but I also get when he is in his element, the shyness fades away.  Socially, he feels very awkward though. 

Subject B
Past Life: The image I get of this subject is as a little boy. He lives in a modest little hut in an outlying village. His family raised goats, but he himself is brilliant. He often feels stuck and defeated in his life, milking goats, taking care of goats, but he has this brilliant mind and he wants more. His mom always said to him, “You are destined to do great things.” He used that mantra his mom gave him to carry him through that lifetime of drudgery, and he started to believe in himself. That residual feeling stuck with him and jumped with him to his next lifetime. It’s unusual to have a mantra do that.

Future Life: I don’t get that this subject has incarnated, yet. Looks like this person left their mark and is still in spirit.

Subject C
Past Life: I see a man during some Viking age. This subject was a Viking in this past life, looting, pillaging, manhandling women, shackling them and selling them as slaves. Very aggressive and cruel toward women. But it was this brutality toward women that created this flip-flop in this subject’s NEXT lifetime, to speak out FOR women, trying to exonerate this subject’s actions in this past life. Their subsequent work in the next life explored how darkness and brutality can underlie and reside within people’s creations. 

Future Life: This person has come back as a woman. She’s a judge, now, not famous, but very much into this feeling of justice and wanting to uphold the law and do the right thing. It’s highly upsetting for her to see the law being flouted. It’s her passion. As far as location, I hear something about Concord; I’m being directed toward the New England states. 

Subject D
Past Life: I keep hearing that this person was a prince. I’m directed to Ancient Egypt. This subject wasn’t necessarily famous, but he came from wealth and was privileged… but all he wanted was a good conversation, an intellectual discussion. Unfortunately, all the people around him were too timid and afraid to approach him that way, given his powerful position. He was starved for deep intellectual pursuits. It’s not wonder this subject came back as who they are.

Future Life: Looks like this subject is not gonna come back for about 150 years. He’s going to be a homeopathic pharmacist. I see him infusing a sugar pill [placebo] with a vibration that’s encoded in this tablet, one that heals. [How was he doing it?] He looks like he’s using some kind of tuning fork system to do it. It’s as if this pill was inert (I think is the word I want to use) and he sort of drowned the pill in this sound/vibration for a predetermined amount of time, and then the pill took on the properties of the vibration. [A new study which we seem to be launching right now!]

Subject E
Past Life: Wow. I get an image of this dad and his little boy a loooong time ago. The dad is teaching the boy how to hunt with a spear, dating waaaaay back, just barely post-Neanderthal. All of a sudden they see this enormous light in the sky. It would throw us off, it was so bright, but it was also LOUD. They run and take shelter in a cave. Lo and behold, it was a spaceship that “landed.” It hit hard and knocked trees down. It was a major impact. The man and boy crept out to investigate, hiding behind a tree to see the craft open and beings come out, unaffected by the rough landing. They look like bluish greys who walk out, nice and non-threatening. Before they know it, the dad and son are suddenly surrounded by these beings; they could sense the humans’ fear, so they were easy to locate. Interesting. The dad and son then suddenly realized that they could communicate with these beings telepathically. Thus, the son was instantly exposed to the vastness of the universe and great mental powers, and he got this telepathic download that followed him into his next lives. His subconscious kept nudging him with this through all his future lives. Considering this one past life as a hunter/gatherer was all about survival, for him to experience something so profound at this stage was really special.

Future Life: I don’t get that he’s come back yet. The world needs him more where he is now than here on earth. I don’t see that he will return any time soon either.

And that’s it. Note that we’re going to be adding a new segment to this regular feature. Stay tuned! 


Mark the Rabbit Hole

Mark the Rabbit Hole


Thanks for having me on your show.  It was a lot of fun!  Love and light- Lynn

Astrology, Numerology and Palmistry

Astrology, Numerology and Palmistry

Q. I was wondering something… do you think there is a foundation for things like astrology, numerology, and palmistry? I am a little dubious of astrology and numerology, but more curious about palmistry… wondering if there might be a link between the hands in your palm and the structure of your brain?

A.  I do see that your body is directly influenced by what is happening in the universe.  The body/mind/soul is a piece (I see someone showing me a grain of sand) of something very grand (then they show me a magnificent sand castle).  We, our beings, are part of, rather than alongside the bigger picture, so it only is right that what is happening in the larger picture (the universe) effects us and who we are.  

Chart 1

Astrology: I get this image that at birth, the moment we leave the womb, the alignment of the sun, moon and stars has a direct influence on who we are.  I see that for at that moment, in fact that exact brief second, the universe and our beings align and I get the image that the positioning of everything in the sky sort of “stamps” an impression on that being.  I then get an image of someone holding a magic wand and they are taking the exact alignments of everything from the heavens and then making this motion as if they are blessing a baby at the exact moment of birth.  (As a side note I picked two very specific birth charts. Curious of your thoughts..)

Chart 2

Numerology:  I see numerology as significant as well. It looks to be more accurate for those with a very detailed understanding.  If applied correctly I see it as a very effective tool in understanding, but there is room for error too- not to the point that it shouldn’t be trusted or utilized, but for example I see numbers could be added or misinterpreted when looked at randomly.  Specific events like dates or numbers (I hear the word “static”) that don’t change, are extremely accurate.  Picking numbers that aren’t tied to something, but rather have a random feel, are the ones that need the most caution when trying to interpret. 

Palmistry: I also do see a link to your hands and your brain (somewhat, but even more complex??).  I get an image of someone looking at their own hands, then they look to the sky, they then look back at their hands and shake their head yes.  It was as if they were able to look at their own palm and gain insight into something for on their own.  For people that study and understand looking at the palm, they can “read” other people along with their own palm.  I then get an image of someone holding out their hand, and a blueprint floats upward.  That blue print looks to be every line and fingerprint laid out like a map.  I get that no two are alike and this “blueprint” is a specific outline for that person.  I don’t see it as only a tie to the brain, but rather a tie between the soul and life plan of the person. It looks like the “map” or “blue print” is a map of the persons life or life path / journey.  

In closing, I see that something else can also be read by looking at the sole of a person’s foot.  There is some mapping or lines / sections of the foot that are also unique to that person. I get that no two foot prints are alike.  Then I hear there is a reason that sole and soul sound alike. ?? 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Link to narrated reading on YouTube.

Added Comment: 

The following is an email that I received from one of my astrology friends.. I thought it would be interesting to pass along since it aligns so well with today’s blog entry. He describes the technical parts of current astrology along with a translation for people that are less technical. ..

Dear Friends,
     Mercury went Retrograde @3 Cancer this past Saturday morning. Neptune will make a station at 8 Pisces [the sign that it rules at 3:51 p.m. on Monday and Mars will exactly square Pluto this coming Sunday morning @13 Libra/ Capricorn.
     Translation: For the most part this shift will be felt mostly internally. We know that when Mercury is retrograde we internalize our communication methods. You can expect some miscommunications and perhaps more technical issues than normal. Mercury beings in a water sign and we can expect this to mean coming to terms with some inner emotional issues. Be sure to be specific in your outward communications with others.
     Neptune stations today [Monday] afternoon. Neptune is in the sign that it rules [Pisces] making it even more powerful. Neptune rules intuition and can be very foggy in its communications as well. You can expect your intuition and your powers to manifest to be quite high right now. Neptune is also forming a trine with Mercury right now meaning they are working very well in tandem. Be clear with others about what you need emotionally right now and listen to your inner voice.
     Translation: I know there is lots of crazy stuff in the news right now.. mass shootings, bombings, diseases. We have to be able to shut off the external noise. These transits are asking us to internalize, focus and listen to our inner guidance. Put the inconsequential outside noise aside.
     Now I know from talking to many of you that there is a lot of frustration with how slowly things are moving and it seems to be hard to move forward in many areas. This will change at the next shift which is in about a month. I know many of you are having some tough challenges right now and some of you have had some unpleasant things to deal with. I can only tell you that we are nearing the end of this rather difficult period that started late last year where we have been asked to assess what is important to us in relationships and creating balance in our lives.
     We are almost at the end of this long internalization period. We are all being asked to clean up things from our past so that we have room to take in the great new energy that is coming starting in mid July. So try and be patient a little longer and take care of what needs taken care of so that you are ready to take off in July.
     I know things have been difficult, just remember we are all here together to work out our stuff and that you are not alone even if it feels like it sometimes. We are all connected and here to help each other.
     So just remember that this period is almost over and we’ve all done a lot of work the last 6 months. We will reap the benefits shortly.
     I love you all very much my friends….each and every one of you. Just hang in there, things are changing soon.. I promise.
     –Mark Metheny