Random Group Posting (Cancer, Quartz Crystal, Saints, Great Recession and Coincidences)

Random Group Posting (Cancer, Quartz Crystal, Saints, Great Recession and Coincidences)

(I thought it would be fun to pull some questions from my email.  I hope to enjoy the range of topics.)
Q. Hello Lynn, Cancer is widespread and debilitating and its genuine cure has been suppressed. This horrible disease appears to be on the rise and some of my friends are sufferers. A dear friend who is experiencing the same among her friends wrote to me recently and asked ‘Why are so many ‘good young people’ getting cancer at this time? 

I spoke of the ‘threat’ of the shiny ones and tall poppies standing out from the crowd, chemtrails, and toxic food additives yet these are super clean-living women, health conscious and in the natural healing professions with extensive self-knowledge. 

I’d be pleased if you could shine a light on what appears to be a rise in cancer and possibly your recommendations for treatment.

A. (As always, I need to disclose I have not studied medicine, and everything I get is from an intuitive perspective.)

When I tune into this, I see a lot of factors go into the rise of cancers.  Living “clean” (food and habits) is a great first line defense against cancers.  The challenge is our bodies are bombarded from every angle.  There is pollution in our air (chemtrails and other pollutants) and our food.  Even when we are “clean” our immune systems are constantly under attack.  

Continuous “waves” are also coming to and through us.  Microwaves, EMF, Wifi, etc are always in motion.  Not only do the environmental toxins (that can become internal through food or even breathing) interfere with healthy cell regeneration, the invisible toxins (in the form of various “waves”) beat down our immune system giving opportunity for cell mutations.  

Our bodies are brilliant and try to constantly self heal by either excreting or encapsulating toxins and free radicals within our fat. When I bodies cannot keep up with the toxins and free radicals, cancer can form. 

In addition to “clean” living, one of the single most things you can do is drink LOTS of water to provide your body a way to flush out what is not serving it well. The second is to address things that cause inflammation, and avoid those things (I see sugar as the main contributor). Every time I focus on the topic of cancer I see dandelions (specifically the yellow flowering part)- I get there is something significant in consuming these in a natural, pure form (and there is some anti-cancer / detox property tied to them).

To admit the root cause (sugars, high fructose corn syrup, chemtrails, “waves,” etc) would mean there are some powerful people (PTW / Powers That Were) that would stand to loose LOTS of money correcting the issue, so it is easier to fix the problem.  Additionally, providing a cure (especially if it is modifications in diet and holistic means) generates less revenue than offering long, enduring treatments.  

[I’ve done a lot readings on the topic, and attached the links to a few.  You may be interested:


Additionally, on a personal note, reading the book, Medical Medium, opened my eyes to a new world on health and healing through food.  I did an intensive reading on it as well and included the link in case you are interested: 

Q. Would you do a general reading on Judy at the YouTube channel Quartz Crystal?  At first I resonated with her thoughts on the Matrix, but further information began to feel tedious and a bit excessive filled with pleas for financial contributions.

A.  When I tune into her, I get she has a good message, but something within her feels very off balance.  She initially had a desire to share her knowledge, but her desire for compensation is starting to shift something.  Her donation site https://www.patreon.com/quartzcrystal states:  

GREETINGS! This is a way for you to say “THANK YOU” with your Gift of Appreciation and should be given with NO EXPECTATION of receiving anything from me. It is a Gift from you!


When I read the above, I felt and saw a lack of gratitude and appreciation for her following. (Looks like her passion turned into her job).  My heart was heavy for those who wanted to support her, but were persuaded not too if they could not afford $25 per month.  A dollar from some may feel like $20 from another (and thanks should be given to all those willing and able to support, even if the support comes in the form of kind words).  

Q. You know, sometimes we find ourselves going down the wrong path and it’s difficult to find an example of light, love and compassion. Because of this, I suggest you to do a reading about Saints.

I am sure a lot of people would like to know more about their lives. I can give you an example.  Paramahansa Yogananda, Amma, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, etc… are people who lived a very earthly life, but were connected to the Light.  If you tune into Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, or any other saint, I would like to know: Who was she? Why did she come to Earth? How she became illuminated? How she lived? What she wanted to teach us?  Thank you. I hope you find this topic interesting.

A.  This is interesting and there is SO much beautiful energy surrounding this topic.  I will focus on Saint Therese of Lisiux as I proceed.  Initially, I am overwhelmed with the image of white light.  It is warm and full of love, like I’m being hugged by it.  

I see this angelic presence emerge from the light, and get this is her.  She was in spirit as a guide prior to her 3D incarnation and understand that many Saints that incarnate into the 3D were once guides in spirit as well.  I am being told that in spirit there are rankings and guides ascend just as people do in the 3D.  Sometimes during the spiritual ascension process, beings need to live a 3D life to continue to progress.  Therese needed to be on earth to help convey the message and reveal the empowering emotion of forgiveness and love (which is the highest vibrational emotion).  That 3D lessen was her mission to be able to ascend further in spirit.

Q. Hi Lynn,   I’ve been reading off/on for a number of years now and always find such interesting correlations between your posts, my view on current events, and my own spiritual journey. Thanks for sharing all you have!

I believe there’s a chance you’ve covered similar questions around the topic but in the middle of my macroeconomic studies I found myself very struck by the significance of the year of The Great Recession.

Was this time relevant as it relates to convergence or divergence from previous timelines? For me personally I have such a significantly different perspective on my life leading up to and since that year, but very specifically on a spiritual and vibrational level. I perceive many people currently and previously in my life so differently and am always drawn back to that time as a sort of crossroads.  Thanks in advance for any attention to the subject and for all that you’re doing!
A. I get in our lives we have things in our path that create triggers for us.  These triggers can evoke emotion, inspire action or expand thoughts. The trigger can be unique for you (more of a personal or private trigger) or create a shift in a group within the collective conscious.  

The Great Recession was a big trigger within the collective.  It opened many eyes to politics and how certain entities control the market.  Prior to this people enjoyed the ease of getting credit, and low interest rates, but when the bubble burst and spiraled into a recession, it opened many eyes to the real manipulation that was taking place.  That eye opening further created other opportunities to uncovered other wrongdoings that were happening. This, then further created a big shift in consciousness that you and others experienced.
Q. Are there any coincidences?  Thank you.
A.  I hear “there are no coincidences, but rather synchronicities.”  Things happen because they need to, whether or not they make sense.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_opJ3a4yJ0w

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Illuminati Prediction Cards (What kind of a game is this???)

Illuminati Prediction Cards (What kind of a game is this???)

Q. Hi Lynn, I checked the past readings and I am afraid you have not seen this card game yet.

There is a card game sold 1995, (originally made in 1990), that is predicting many things accurately like NY Terrorism, etc.  What is your view of this? I am very curious about population control.

A. As I tune into this I get a sick feeling in my stomach… I see this blue print laid out on a table that outlines a plan for the PTB to keep and maintain control over the ages. There are always variables (due to free will) that intervene, so there are constant revisions and tweakings to the blueprint, but the PTB (or Illuminati) stick to a basic, fundamental plan.  I see that in order to allow the “plan” to continue, they (PTB) have to reveal small “truths” to the people, and if the people don’t dispute or revolt against these events, they are permitted to happen.  As a society, we are shown this outline (in indirect ways) and since no change is done, the Reptilian ETs that are trying control us (and work through the PTB) are “allowed” to follow through.

I do see population control as one thing that is addressed in these cards.  A smaller population requires less resources and is also easier to control.  Man made environmental factors are in play right now to try to shorten life spans and effect health.  I also get that big pharma is trying  capitalize on this now too by making money off of a wide range of illness, allergies, disease and cancer.  One thing that was unexpected was the elevation of human consciousness, and the huge trend for homeopathic and natural trends.  These pose a threat to “the plan” and are currently being looked at.. Trust your gut with these as I see a lot of negative press coming out as big pharma starts to lose money (and big pharma doesn’t always work in the greater good of the people).

A positive change I do see happening is tied to the internet.  As people become educated, and information is shared, people are “calling out” these events before they happen, which makes it much more difficult for the PTB to follow through with their plan (because they don’t have human approval).  Major revisions have been made to the “blueprint,” and the PTB are trying to attack things that are more subtle (such as manipulating food and weather, even though those too will become more difficult).  I hear a phrase that “this card game will need an expansion pack to address all the recent changes that have occurred.”

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

More Medical Questions..

More Medical Questions..

Q. I have come across these DIVINE HEALING CODES some time ago and I wanted to know if you pick up truth to the codes and them actually helping oneself and certain areas in a person’s life. If you feel that they are real and can be used for ones highest good, please share with others on your blog if you would like because we are in a time that much love and light is needed to be expressed toward earth. Thanks much.

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT–be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work.
There are three ways to use the codes:
  • write it on the part of the body, or on a sticker and stick it on the body anywhere in the aura.
  • write it in the air over the part of the body 
  • pull up anything that has the numbers on it online, on your phone or tablet, make the number big on the screen, and hold it over the body part or food item you wish to apply the code with the intent to use it.

A. I do see these working, but the person applying the “numbers” and the person receiving the “numbers” both need to believe and visualize the the “numbers” working.  This is energy work in which you are calling a guide to heal you.  I see these numbers creating a vibrational output that strengthens the intent of their effectiveness (and sort of “pings” a spiritual healer to help).  The belief and intent work in unison with the energetic output from the spiritual guide to create a healing.  

Q. Hello Lynn, Could you please explain what it means for people that experience Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)?
A. I see this as heightened nerve reactions.  I get that people with this cannot handle loud or sudden noises.  I see anxiety and over stimulation occurring when too much noise or too many distractions are around.  

When things are soft, or quiet, they are very in tune with their body and how their body reacts.  It is as if their nervous system is very awake, and a stimulus on one part of the body can travel (looks like a ripple) to other parts of the body, and when the ripple reaches an endpoint it sort of “spasms” to release the energy.

Q.  Hello Lynn, Today I have one question. It’ll be helpful if you read about ” fluoride mouth-rinsing”. I heard that the teacher of the kindergarten where my daughter goes told about it. They will start to have children do it at the age of 4 years old. However, I worry about that it’ll do children harm.
A.  I get that fluoride in general is not good for your health and that is why there are poison control numbers on tubes of toothpaste if large amounts are ingested.  High potency of fluoride can also leave white looking spots on your teeth.  If the fluoride is accidentally swallowed it can lead to the calcifying of the pineal gland (depending on where you live it is most likely in your city’s water supply too).  

Be cautious and as a parent you should have the option to opt of this if it does not resonate with you. 

Q. Are bluetooth devices bad for ones health? Like bluetooth headphones or headsets? 

A.  When I visualize bluetooth devices, I see that when you have a earbuds or a phone receiver in your ear it messes with the normal hertz of your brain.  The brain works at a certain vibration, and bluetooth things interfere (like noise) with that normal function.  I can also see that prolonged use can even cause “strange” neurological issues such as weird sensations in the hands or odd pains because the hertz gets out of sync.

Q. Hi Lynn, I am wondering about anorexia. What is the best way to help those afflicted with this devastating condition? Are those with anorexia under some sort of psychic/spiritual attack?
A. In some way they are under an attack, but it comes more from the programming of society.  Eating disorders manifest from an internal issue (low self esteem, confidence, feelings of neglect, etc).  The way a person copes with those internal issues is by wanting to look a desired way that they think is appealing or accepting to society (they think it will counteract those internal issues).  

The idea is highly skewed because much of what we see and watch is photoshopped or fake, but to the personal dealing with internal struggles that doesn’t matter and they strive to be what is seen as desirable. They start to live and try to be in this fake reality that becomes their real reality (which is why they are often blinded by their sometimes startling thin appearance and see something that isn’t there).  This is not the reality that their friends, family and people in their circle live in.  This fake reality is where the programming occurs which does grab a hold of them in a more psychological way. 

To help these people they first need to deal with what the underlying issues are, and begin working on those.  Once those issues are addressed, then they can start to be coached, loved and supported to shift back into the reality of those around them.  It is work, requires patience, and is a very serious condition both mentally and physically.

Q. Hi Lynn, Can you do a reading on what effects does coffee actually have on the human body and whether coffee is actually beneficial in moderation?  

A. I get beneficial and non-beneficial reactions to coffee, so I will just start listing them out… I see coffee can “wake up” the nervous system, give people the ability to focus (I see someone staring at a pinpoint), boosts mood, looks to circulate the blood and creates a detoxifying feeling.

Depending on the strength and quantity, I see it can adversely do things too.. I see someone with anxiety having even more anxiety, heart palpitations and creates an acidity that could lead to a sensitive bladder, stomach and kidneys… 

Overall, in moderation, everything looks to counterbalance out, and it looks fine to drink, but please listen to you body and do what resonates well with you. 

Q. Is drinking cow’s milk healthy (both for kids and for adults)? Other species don’t drink milk that is not from their own kind, and consumer milk is normally processed. There is also a book called “Got Milked?” that discusses the misconceptions about milk.
A. I don’t see milk as being healthy or unhealthy.  I don’t see that it provides the nutrition that we are taught it provides.  I get that many dairy farmers are subsidized by the government and there is a lot of money made between lobbying and politicking that keeps the rumors alive that we need cow milk.  I also get that they best milk for humans is human milk.  If humans don’t have the availability (or desire) to drink human milk, they can drink cow milk or almond milk for the taste, but calcium and vitamin D are best absorbed by other means.  I see a picture of the sun for vitamin D and green vegetables / spinach for calcium.
Q. The medical world wants us to believe cancer is genetic, which I highly doubt. I believe its more environmental than anything. People are dropping like flies due to this horrid dis-ease. What do you see the cause of cancer and why are the rate increasing alarmingly?!
A. Cancer is slightly genetic, and I need to explain this.  I see that certain people have sensitivities to certain toxins, and that sensitivity can be passed on genetically (just like eye or hair color).  Several decades ago the sensitivities still existed, but the environmental toxins weren’t there that sparked the mutation of cells to grow.  Now with chemtrails, manipulation of food, preservatives, pharmaceuticals and constant bombardment of EMF waves, or systems are on overload to process this stuff.  Some people can process it and not have a problem, but others react by growing mutated cells that form a cancer.  

The way you mentioned “dis-ease” is also true.  Many diseases and forms of cancer are manifested by a “dis ease” or something in your life you are not at ease about.  The discomfort is held in, not processed, and manifests into something else.  It may or may not be environmental, but realize the importance of letting things go, keeping your body in balance, and focusing on a healthy mindset.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Q & A XXVII: General Health Questions [Group Post- Part I]

Q & A XXVII: General Health Questions [Group Post- Part I]

Q. Please do a reading on hemifacial spasm and its cure.
A. My mind zooms in to this parasite that lives on the protein on certain parts of the brain.  The parasite can become dormant, and then stress or chemical reactions in the brain can reactivate it.  When it is active and attacking the protein, it is creating mini “short circuits” in the brain that results in these facial twitches.  I see some times are more active than others, but it is always there a little.

As far as the cure.. I keep seeing black pepper (ground up).  I get that it does something to the parasite, either forcing it dormant or killing it (I don’t see the parasites moving when attacked by the black pepper.  I also see someone getting acupuncture on the back of head and neck which looks to give relief (but I don’t see the dormancy factor with this, but rather deals with symptoms.)

[As a side note I see the black pepper in terms of pure essential oils, but you can check out a supplement, tea, etc…  The way it is administered doesn’t seem to matter, just consumption of pure black pepper looks to help.]

Q. I’m curious about the population control aspect with chemtrails, vaccines, processed foods, etc… Thanks Lynn.
A.  Let me break this down by item… 

Chemtrails:  I see these initially created out of a need for weather manipulation and a defense weapon.  It has grown  (because of a vision from of few of the “powers at be”) from that to a way to manipulate weather to create disasters, evoke fear, and make people more dependent on the government.  Dependendency on the government, in a way makes people slaves to the system, enables rights to be taken, and creates an obstacle to a revolution (which is the worst thing that any country wants from their people). As a side note, I see the company Monsanto thriving in this as well because not all natural farming can survive the harsh environment that is falsely being created in some regions.

Vaccines: I see these as a tool that started with a good intention, and slowly became (I want to say experimental) to see how society reacted to certain stimuli. At one time vaccines were just that, and they kept people healthy.  I see two things happening, they started using substandard components in their vaccines that were cheaper.  The second is they took some insight gained on Hitler’s Nazi testing on the Jewish community (fluoride in the water and other chemicals) and began to add those items to vaccines to make society more docile too.   

Processed Foods:  I see that they are cheaper, easier (most people live a fast paced life) and big companies make money.  Also big companies have lobbyists that are ruthless in keeping their products in stores.  The focus is making money… 

 Q. I had posed a question related to Whitanina Somnifera also called Indian Ginseng, known commonly as ashwagandha, poison gooseberry or winter cherry.  Which herb promotes cleaning of obstructed arteries promoting cardiovascular health? Is there any other method/technique which delivers the same results?
A.  When I focus on the ginseng I get this tired, “not caring” feeling.  It does seem stress reducing and creates a relaxed feeling.  It looks good for high blood pressure, but not so much for the actual cleaning of arteries.  

When I think of artery cleaning I see dark fruits, and lots of them.  They are mostly blue and black.  Blueberries and blackberries seem to come up the most.  Pure juice (preferably organic) or eating the fruit looks to be one of the best ways to clean this plaque. 

Q. I’m concerned that so many people seem to be so sick and seem to succumb to poor health at earlier ages than previous generations. Will our health ever improve? I know that I hate to be sick and when you do go to the Dr. there seems to be so much red tape and inefficiencies in getting a proper diagnosis and then Doctor just prescribes drugs to mute symptoms instead of promoting real healing. Also the food supply of USA is the worst in the world. In other countries its illegal to sell for human consumption many of the products we consider food because of the lack of nutrients and ability to harm the body. Will our “sick care” system ever get on board with real healing and preventative care instead of prescribing drugs loaded with side effects? Likewise when will farming practices be revised to produce truly nutritious food? Will our lives become more fulfilling and enjoyable vs. stressful with so many deadlines?
A.  The first thing I hear is “Sick people make money, the pharmaceutical companies love sick people.”  I also get something about doctors being indoctrinated to prescribe medications- they are influenced and get incentives to get meds in the population.  

Many people have also changed and want the quick fix- instant gratification (not everyone, but some).  Why go through the discipline to lose weight if you can take a pill?  Many people (again some, not all) want to be and look healthy, but don’t want to put in the time, effort or sacrifice  (such as cooking healthy meals, giving up that unhealthy snack or growing their own food).. We are so bombarded with marketing tactics too that make it difficult because even those wanting better for themselves are reminded of what we “should” want or “need” to have.

Do I see this changing?  I don’t see this changing for a long time… My symbol for a long time is a hand waving down the road- and that is what I see.  To make the change we will have to seek it for ourselves and not wait on someone to do it for us- buy better food, read ingredients on packages, seek out natural / homeopathic solutions and educate yourself. 

Q. Please look into possible cures for diabetes, and what would be the best for Type 1 diabetes patients and Type 2 diabetes patients.
A.  I get that both types of diabetes can be triggered by foods that we ingest (or your mother ingested during pregnancy).  It looks like a food allergy sparks it.  Specifically I see that some people are very sensitive to the artificial sweeteners (all types: Equal, Splenda, NutraSweet, etc) that are put (and sometimes in food you would not suspect) in so much of our foods. When you ingest these sweeteners it does something with regard as to how you make insulin- they damage or alter the way and how much is made. I get the more you ingest these sweeteners, you just keep irritating the way your body makes insulin.  You are better to eat real sugar (or honey or maple syrup) and monitor the amount than eat rather than have any manufactured sugar.

As far as a cure… I see something done that looks like acupuncture needles placed strategically all over your abdomen and looks like one on the top of your head, but it isn’t traditional acupuncture because these needles get some kind of electrical pulses- like something is being woken up or put back in sink (please post a comment if you know what this is as I haven’t seen this procedure before). 

Q. Can you explain how essential oils work? Are they spirits? Are they more potent mixed? Are some not good to mix? Are they the cure to most disease? Do they work on every level like physical spiritual past life trauma etc?
A.  Essential oils basically capture the true “essence” of a plant / herb / flower.  A good oil is cold pressed to extract the oil.  Many oils are ingestible such as lemon, lime, peppermint, cilantro, etc just the way they are, either in water, juice, tea, and baking, etc.. Some of the stronger oils can still be internal but they are put in veggie caps (to avoid taste or reduce burning- for example, oregano is very hot if taken directly).  They can be mixed, or taken individually depending on what issue you are having.  They can be used to calm you, or some help to detox your third eye to help you open spiritually.  

By capturing the essence, I see what really happens is you are capturing the vibration or frequency of this plant / herb / flower.  In the consuming (either orally, topically, aromatically)  the plant.  You are aiding your body in healing or maintaining health by slightly altering or introducing a specific vibration. 

There is so much to talk about regarding oils.  Here is a link to health concerns and oils that address those issues.  This is a great reference tool that I use for myself.  


I am also including a link to essential oils on my blog.  I very much believe in this product.  I use them to manage MS and any other issues my family, friends or myself encounter.  If you view this and have questions, please let me know.  If I don’t have the answer I will get it.

Q. Why do so many people get heart attacks and strokes ? What is the best home remedy or herbs to prevent such attacks ?
A. I see heart attacks and strokes as being very different.  I see a heart attack as an electrical misfire in your heart.  Your heart beats out of sink creating a situation in which it is not pumping blood effectively if at all.  I get something about making sure you have proper electrolytes in your system.. I also get that calming herbs can help too because when you get stressed or anxious (especially over a period of time) it cause your heart to seize a bit (get out of rhythm) like a hiccup does in your diaphragm.  I keep wanting to say Valerian root.  I also get something about drinking tea with raw herbs (such as mint or lemon) is helpful too (better than taking a capsule of it).  

A stroke is a blockage in your brain- I see this is a result of thick blood (looks like the consistency of tar).  I see the blood needs to detox and thin when this thickness starts.  I see going vegan, even if for just a day or two a week, can make a huge difference for this and really help to balance your system.

 Why do so many have heart attacks or strokes?  Lifestyle- people aren’t living their joy and are confined to cubicles, traffic, issues and situations that are unnatural.  The food is not as pure, nutritious (I see a scale and 1 apple then is equal to 10 apples now) and lack of exercise- people used to walk, have one car, ride bikes more, etc…

Q. Hi Lynn, Thank you for your recent post on animals! I have always wondered what the reason is behind allergies, specifically allergies towards animals such as a cat or a dog? I find it so frustrating that there are people out there with a love for animals who cannot have one in their life due to allergies. Is there anyway to overcome these allergies, by means other than pharmaceuticals? Thank you for your wonderful readings!
A.  I see over the years and being a part of a civilized society people have been more removed from exposure to animals (as a mass population- you aren’t sleeping in nature as we once did).  The lack of exposure to animals has created a sensitivity in some, for even the most avid animal lovers.  

I do see a way to overcome this, but you need to see a homeopathic doctor.  What they will do is create a medicine that is part your blood, and part of the allergen (in very small doses that gradually increases) and inject it into your body.  By giving yourself small quantities that slowly increases, you are building your own resistance to the animal dander to where your own immune system kicks in and knows how to tolerate the animal..  

Q. How do you prepare dandelion for cancer treatment? Do you use the root or the seeds?
A. I see you eat both the yellow part and the leaves, not the stems.  You eat it like a salad raw.  You can mix it in a salad, or eat them plain.

Thank you everyone for your contribution on this.  If I didn’t get to your specific question, no worries, I am forming a new rough draft with those saved questions.  I still have your Facebook, email and thread submissions.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Narrated reading available on YouTube.
Q & A: XVI: MIsc Health Questions [Group Posting]

Q & A: XVI: MIsc Health Questions [Group Posting]

Q. I am interested in your opinion about Targeted Individuals / synthetic telepathy. People are really getting hurt by this secret weapons war on American Citizens. How can we stop this individually? Who is behind this and why? Transhuamanism? 
A. When I read this I immediately think of “psychological warfare” (words that I saw in my mind).  The focus is to give people the illusion that certain actions are really of their choosing, and the decision the people in power want is made freely and not forced.  I see a magician, and they are waving a wand over someones head, and the words that come out of their mouth match the desired result.  It looks like a trick based upon hypnosis…

I also see that it could be an individual, but the image in my mind is more like a targeted group such as the middle class, men, women, mothers, certain age groups, that type of thing. The telepathy or sending a message can occur in the form of marketing, tv programs (and I get it is called programs for a reason because they program your thoughts and opinions), radio, etc..

The higher ups with an agenda are the ones that keep it going. It really looks like an art that they have mastered. For example, people have the illusion that they are voting for a republican or democrat without realizing these individual groups funnel back to the same source.  False flags are also a way to program people by using fear. Even simple things like telling certain groups they need to look a certain way is programming in order to make you buy materialistic things you don’t need. Then I hear “you can’t even watch a news program without being told you need this drug or that drug.”

There is a lot of targeted telepathy going on.  It benefits politics, pharmaceutical companies, merchandise, food, all kinds of things.  How to avoid it- pay attention and learn to realize what are your thoughts versus what thoughts you are told to have.  As a mass society it isn’t going to stop, but self awareness can aid in protecting you from it.

Q. Could you do a post on ayahuasca? Is it positive or negative for spiritual development? Does it damage your aura or third eye, or help you see truth?

A. What I see is that this herb / weed can give you some clarity, but I also see that once the effects of the herb / weed wears off, it is difficult to remember what you “discovered” during your experience.  It is as if it is so intense when you experience it that something in your mind “burns out” making the memory once you are off the “experience” very faded like a dream.  What I see people doing is either recording (audio or visually) their experience or journalling what they experience so they can reflect on it later.  

I see it spiritually enlightening, however, the memories will be more complete in your subconscious rather than you conscious mind.  It will take deep meditation (or reference back to your recordings of the event) to fully process what you learned and understood.  You may not understand it as well either when you revisit your experience because part of the understanding is viewing the experienced through a different part of your mind.  

I really see no damage unless you do it too much.  You have to allow your mind to process what is learned and not use that herb / drug to find all your answers.  If you abuse it rather than develop your own self along the way, I see it will create a block.  It is a tool or aid, not the thing doing all the work. 

Q. How good is the water from Reverse Osmosis,electricity based+ UV rays based water purifiers like Aquaguard,kent,etc.It is rumored that excessive purification of water cause the water to lose its essence,leading to lower body-immunity.
A. I see the electric infused + UV osmosis is good at killing bacteria, parasites and those type of living things, but it doesn’t rid the water of fluride, chlorine and other various chemicals.  A natural, charcoal type filter looks to be the most gentle and effective way of filtering water.  I do see too much processing can “kill” the essence of the water, but I see that tied to processing (or cleansing) associated with chemicals and not the charcoal type filtration.

Q. May I ask if Jim Humble’s MMS (28% sodium chlorite + citric acid) really is effective in curing aids, cancer, malaria and dengue fever (as they claim)?
A. I do see this as effective IF the patient takes this during the early onset of symptoms.  Once the disease or illness progresses too far the immune system is too weak to react, even with the MMS.  I In some cases I do see a full recovery, and other (depending on what type of cancer and with AIDS) I see it more like a remission that will need followup treatments.  It really depends on when the MMS is given and how damaged the immune system is when the MMS is administered to determine the real prognosis.

Q. I was wondering if you see any bigger issues or pandemic situations with the current Ebola and MERS-COV outbreaks and if the US should be worried. Thank you.
A.  I see these illnesses coming back because of the amount of international travel.  Diseases that appear to have died off are coming back in areas that haven’t seen it for many years.  Unless you travel to an area that has outbreaks, I wouldn’t be paranoid, just cautious (I see a lot of hand washing) and use common sense.  

I see pockets of the US having problems with this, but I don’t see a countrywide epidemic (at least in my mind during the near future).  It feels to get isolated and be in larger cities.  I see special quarantines being set up within hospitals and treated very seriously so it isn’t spread.  Keep educated and keep hygiene on the forefront of your mind.

Q. Hello! Again, thank you for your time in answering all of our questions! You are truly a divine being. I know lots of people with MS. Can you look at this dis ease and see what the cause might be and what can be done to either manage it or cure it? Thank you and god bless!

A.  I see MS (which I too have) being caused by many different things.  In general, it looks like the person has a very sensitive nervous system, and depending on what you are sensitive too, it can cause the MS reaction to start. I see some people have a toxin in their body (from something they eat or something found in pollution), other people are sensitive to waves in the air which can include higher amount of electric (if I walk near higher powered electric lines I “feel my teeth discharging static electricity”).  Other people have a virus that “hides” in their brain and spinal fluid, which can cause the reaction.  I see this disease as being very unique to the person, but it ends with the same result of the body’s immune system, over-reacting and attacking itself. 

Different approaches can be used to manage the MS depending on what symptoms you are having.  Rest and allowing your body to repair itself is very effective.  Various types of fish oil and cod liver oil are healthy for the nervous system (I always envision this coating the nerves and creating a calming effect).  Natural sunlight looks to help self regulate hormones and chemicals in the body.  I also see B vitamins being beneficial.  Some people need all of this, some need a combination, and some require something else depending on what is going on.
Q. Please take a look at Lyme disease. My daughter suffers from it as well as many friends from the New England area. I did read that it may have been released from Plum Island either intentionally or by accident. It may be militarized and a weapon. Is it from a tick bite? What is the best way to treat it? Many take strong antibiotics for years .

A.  I first see instead of antibiotics a more natural way to cure or force remission is to use FrankincenseCinnamon  and Tea Tree essentials oils combined with a small amount coconut oil (in order to dilute and prevent skin irritation) on the bottom of your feet (I’m not a doctor but see a lot of things in terms of organics).  Doing this a couple times a day looks to really help the patient. 

I do see Lyme disease as being something that was mutated. It looks like there was an experiment that created this (unintentionally), and it was never mean to get out. Somehow different birds carried this out of this island location. It looks like this island was a branch of the CDC (?) that was isolated and used to create immunizations and drug test, tics bit animals being tested and this mutated into the current day Lyme disease.

Q. A diabetic cannot eat very many carbohydrates, so the best protein for them is meat because it has no carbs in it. In a previous post you said to eat fruits and vegetables to clean your body, but what about diabetics? Do you have a different suggestion for them? Thank you very much.

A. I still see a plant based cleanse.  Some plants must not break down into harsh sugars. ? I see an aloe plant, and the juice is being squeezed from the center of a leaf. It looks like aloe juice is good for cleansing and also I hear “flax seed.”

Question and Answer VI [Group Submissions]

Question and Answer VI [Group Submissions]

5:59 PM
Occasionally I like to do a series of random questions to address some of the many (great) questions out there.  Let me get started…
Q Putin (of Russia) seems like a very smart man (unlike western politricksters) and may even have a Heart. Could you take a look at him?
A  I immediately see him as a strong, but easily intimated man (to the right people).  I see that China really has control over him (kind of like a puppet).  He deep down looks to care about his people, and the success of his country, but his loyalty to those things also blocks him from compassion to people that are not in his country and are not “his people.”  I really see that he doesn’t want a lot of conflict over this Ukraine situation, but in a way he feels powerless about it.  As if the wheels are in motion and he just has to “stick to the plan.”

Q Does Iran have a nuclear weapon? Does it plan to attack Israel? What do you see happening in this region? 
A  I see that this conflict will never end.  I visualize these countries as cartoon characters, and they constantly “pick” at each other.  The US is more loyal to Israel, so we tend to stand up for them and the media is slanted to only portray Israel as the victim, but Israel picks back too (they look like the inferior kid that says if you don’t do what I want I will have my big brother [meaning the US] get you.  They definitely use their strength of the US to their advantage.
I see that Iran does have a nuclear weapon, but something about it feels off.  It was like it was made with some junk parts or very outdated.  I looks as if they use the idea of having a weapon as security, but in a way they don’t trust it would work the way they want it.. It may work, and it may do something unexpected. 
The idea of having a weapon causes a threat, but I don’t see them using it.  They have other weapons (not nuclear) that can cause damage, and I do see at some point when the US is incredibly distracted in other world events they will attack Israel because it will be more difficult for the US to come in and save them. 
Q Hello, I’ve heard many stories about Mars, and am wondering what things are being hidden from us. Have any people already made it to Mars? If so, what are they doing there? Also, how are they traveling to get there? I have read rumors of potential teleportation devices and such, and am curious about that. Last of all, was Mars ever an inhabited planet?
A  I do see that life existed on Mars, and it looks as if it still does.  I also see what looks like greenhouses with plant life. We do travel there, and it does look like some kind of a teleporting system (I can’t sort out how it works) and it only opens at certain times and weather conditions and it powered by a machine using magnetism.
I did an extensive reading on this a while ago, and I am attaching the link (I think you will find it interesting.)
Q.There have been skeletons unearthed of giants, 8 feet tall or more. The bible speaks that there were giants, what do you see on that? What happened to them?
A. I also see that we had giants.  What it looks like is they lived during a time when the earth was much different.  It had something to do with the gravity being less, which allowed animals, plants and even people to be larger.  As the gravity was altered, things couldn’t grow as large because their hearts couldn’t pump blood, etc..
I then get an image of the earth being smaller, and then the next image looks like the earth is breathing (much like how your chest goes up and down when you take a breath), and then the earth grew with each breath as if it was a living thing as a whole.  When the earth changed in that respect which took many, many years, the gravity altered, and these large beings died. 
I even see an image of a giant helping to build Stonehenge, and at one point they were treated as slaves.  I get intellectually they were not as superior to the smaller man, but they had so much strength it didn’t matter for their survival. The smaller man knew how to entice them (because of their intellect) and get them to do work.
Q. What is the relationship of aliens to the Universe?
A.  I do see aliens and UFOs in our universe.  Then I hear a message that in the big scheme of the universe, it would be limiting to think that our planet is the only planet that can sustain life or has the technology to go into space.  Then I hear that aliens have been in space and lived on other planets long before humans existed.
Q. Do you see a cure for cancer or aids coming into the world anytime soon?
A.  I do see a cure for cancer, aids and other diseases.  Then when I focus on it I see that it will come in terms of homeopathic cures and not by pharmaceutical companies.  Then I get that there is no money in a cure, but there is a lot of money in treating symptoms. 
Then I see a manger scene from Christmas, and I hear Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.  I get that those three elements in various tinctures can significantly heal the body (you may be drinking, eating or breathing this based on your illness.)
Then I see something about everyone has everything they need to heal themselves in their environment, they just have to look.  Then my mind goes to a previous reading I did on cancer, and someone is eating the yellow tops off of a dandelion.  It looked to boost the immune system, while helping the body purge toxins. 

Q Where did dogs originate from? How did they get to be domesticated by humans? 
A. I see dogs came from wolves, (which then I see originally came from hyenas). To focus on how they were domesticated by humans… I see that they started to inbreed, as if there were wolves that became separated geographically, and the continuous act of inbreeding left them more tame (and less aggressive).  It took several generations for this to happen, but the result became a species of dog that was capable of being domesticated.  I also hear that feral dogs are more true to their roots because their instincts are much like that of their wolf ancestors.

Q. The Book of Enoch in chapter 8 explains how the angels came to earth and fornicated with the women and taught humans how to make swords and breastplates and metallurgy. When I watch the TV shows Vikings and Game of Thrones it seems like these angels in the Book of Enoch are actually the Norse Gods. The book says God was so dismayed that the angels shared these secrets with humans that he caused the hybrid children of the angels and human women to fight and kill each other, as in the perpetual and bloody wars between the various Royal Houses in Europe and Asia. Is the Book of Enoch explaining these events in history?
A. I see that the word angels meant different things to different people during this time.  In my mind I am getting “tripped up” on the language of the question, and it appears to come from the conflicting views people had back then.  Some people thought that beings that came to earth were angels, some thought they were gods and other thought they were aliens. There was an element of magnificence regardless of who they were or what “name” to put on them.  People of that time didn’t know or understand who there were, they just knew that they appeared to fly in (some on machines) from up in the heavens.

I see that there is a lot of truth in the book of Enoch, and it explained how many hybrid people came into existence (then I get an image of someone called a god that had a human body with a very elongated head).  These part angel/god/alien people still had the humanistic quality of wanting more  (land, money, power) and also felt that because they were different, and viewed different by the people that they led, they deserved  the land, money, power.  Then I hear a message about “Imagine if we had someone in our current society that was so unique that they were half angel/god/alien and exhibited those physical characteristics, They would be treated as the angel/god/alien themselves and seen as unique or special.”

Will a matrix like technology be conceived in the future, such as connecting the brain directly to created stimulus rather than it perceiving the stimuli from the environment. 
A I see this being experimented with now.  I get the first phase will be to implement this into video games, and the technology is there (it is still early) but evolving greatly.

And that is all I have for now.  It is 6:55 PM.  Audio to be uploaded later.

Dr. Sam Chachoua and Cancer

Dr. Sam Chachoua and Cancer

1:51 PM
Q. I have read online about a serum developed by Dr Sam Chachoua as being capable of destroying cancer by giving the immune system the ability to recognize the cancer. Do you think this serum works? What is your impression of this doctor and his work.
A.  I do see that he cares and has a positive energy about him.  He looks like he wants to help people.  He has a humble feel also, meaning that his main goal is to improve lives rather than be famous.

I see cancer being caused because the body is holding onto something toxic that isn’t excreted.  It can enter the body through living conditions (breathing pollution or exposure to waves in the air for example), absorbed into the skin, eaten or drank.  I also get that some people have a predisposition to develop cancer (like breast cancer) which doesn’t necessarily mean you will automatically get it, but rather you are extremely sensitive to a toxin and once it is introduced and at a high enough quantity, it will create cancer (I am going back to a reading I with where aluminum in deodorant was a toxin that if introduced in high enough amounts can cause cancer is someone with a genetic predisposition to develop cancer).

When certain toxins enter into your body, if it is one that you are sensitive to, it creates a mutation in the cells like an allergic reaction (I am seeing a benedryll bottle cluing me in). I also get an example that some people are allergic to shell fish, and if eaten causes harm, while other people have no reaction- Different things can be toxic to different people and different levels of exposure.

I see that Dr. Sam Chachoua has studied this process of how this allergic reaction occurs when healthy tissue is exposed to certain toxins, there is some chemical that is released.  What I see his serum doing is going to the part of the body where the chemical is being released and surround it (I am watching a capsule encapsulate some gel) creating an opportunity for your immune system to attack the foreign growth. I also hear that since cancer constantly grows and consumes healthy tissue, the chemical reaction is constantly occurring, creating a beacon for the serum to locate it.

I do get that he has a high success rate, and then I hear the phrase “mind over matter.”  Then I get that there is a scientific basis behind his work, however, the groups of people that believed it would work, and opened themselves to it, were able to drastically reduce or force their cancer into remission.  I get that the mental outlook and attitude is highly important.

And that is all.  Thank you. (No audio at this time.)  It is 2:22 PM

Random Q & A Session Part I [Group Post]

Random Q & A Session Part I [Group Post]

7:38 PM

I have been getting so many requests, that I thought it may be a nice idea at times to do a random session.  It helps me practice my skills because I am jumping in and out of various topics.  And, also allows me to address the concerns or concepts that many people are curious about.  I am testing myself to see how well I am able to do this…

Q. What’s the real deal with Mega Churchpastors?

A. I see that most pastors actually go into that field of religion because they were either brought up that way or they have a deep spiritual connection and religion helps to explain or provide an understanding that they cannot determine by just their own means alone… So there is definitely a connection between them and their faith.  I also get an impression of someone that is quiet and fairly humble.  The image I get is a person (man) walking with his head held down.. He looks like he doesn’t want to draw attention or even look his peers in the eye.  Just a very quiet, almost introverted person..

Even as they progress through their religious career they open up to people to spread their religion in hopes that people will also have that same connection [that they have].  I see that the frustrating thing for mega church pastors is that to accept a religion  a person really has to identify with it from the inside out, rather than have it forced on them for it to mean something.

Now I get the phrase that “all good things that start for good usually go bad with wrong influence.” [I will say the very last part of that seems like a different word, but I can’t get it.] As i am saying all this I am seeing this humble person, who evolves into someone wanting to help people, getting corrupted.. As if people with power and money use the churches good intentions to promote their agenda… There is just as much love in church as there is fear, and fear is very powerful.  People with money/power can flaunt those things because the church (mainly the pastor) needs those items (they think) to do good.

When I ask about the “real deal” I get the analogy of a loan shark and a person who needs money.  The powerful people are the loan sharks and the person who needs money is the church pastor.  The relationship works great until the pastor backs himself into a hole and can’t get out. Then he really depends on the loan shark.. and it looks fearful.. I then get the phrase that “not all of these sex scandals are even true, some if not most are made up by the “loan shark””. [referring to the bullying that occurs between the loan shark and the pastor]

Q. What causes aging in humans? Animals such as as crocodiles and sharks don’t show signs of aging. Why do they die? Why don’t they show signs of aging? Can their genes be added to human cells?
A. I’m getting that all animals show signs of aging, just some show it in different ways.  In the example of crocodiles and sharks, I get that they may not wrinkle of have gray hair, but they get bigger, wiser and even more instinctually stronger. Even though there may not be blatant evidence of age on the surface, it is present internally   It has to do with cell division and growth.. 

There is a protein that we decrease in our bodies as we age (referring to humans) that cause our physical change..I’m getting that this protein exists and if we inject it, we can prolong the aging process, but this manufactured protein doesn’t work as well as our bodies organic version. We (at this time) can’t stop the look of aging.  I am getting that we can prolong life, but we will still grow to look older.

That is all I am getting on that topic for now….

Q. Hi.. can you please focus on cancer cures again, I have read the session on Dandelions as a cure.. is there any truth to Vitamin B17 as a cure as well? Would eating apricot seeds, apple seeds, etc. help and reverse cancer?
A. I don’t see it as specific letters or type of vitamin.. But I get an image of an oily substance.  It is clear and thick (I can see my finger rubbing it and it look like olive oil..) It is greasy and it doesn’t absorb into your skin.  It just lays on the top.  I want to say that this is a fatty acid..Ok, I see peanuts, so now I can put together that this is a peanut oil base. I see people consuming like they do flaxseed oil.  It helps to detoxify by coating your digestive tract and also push our the toxins are building up in your digestive tract.. I hear “colon cleanse.”  This rids your body of harmful material and also allows your body to absorb nuitrition much better.  i don’t see it the whole cure, but an important part of attaining better overall health…

As I was typing the bit of the paragraph, I kept hearing “honey.” Also I keep seeing bees and bottles of honey.  I now see people consuming honey and also chewing on bits of the comb itself.  I definitely see this as healing.. now I see sparkles around this person chewing the honey comb as if it is magical or has magical properties… [in reference to both the honey and the honey comb]

Q.Was Paul McCartney replaced by a double in 1966? If so, what happened to the original Paul McCartney? Who was behind this and what were the motivations? Were any other of the Beatles replaced with doubles at any time?
A.  I’m getting that he was replaced.. He died some kind of embarrassing or shameful way I’ll focus on that in a minute). The Beatles didn’t want to tarnish the name or have any bad associations with their name, so it was easier to just replace him. I am also getting that the Beatles knew, as well as their manager figure and also some big record company.  They were are in the know, they didn’t all agree, but it was a majority rule type situation. It was done strictly to protect their name… 

Now when I try to focus on how he died… I keep getting the words embezzling and government..so it appears his death was associated to that.

To further answer the question, I see no other Beatle being replaced…

Q.  What is the best thing the average citizen can do to turn the USAaround into a direction of peace, integrity and concern for the welfare of its people and the world? Seriously I really wonder what can be done. It feels quite hopeless sometimes. Thank you!
A. It actually came to me as “Gain and share knowledge and knowledge is power.”  I also hear “Don’t ever let other people do your thinking, always think for yourself.”  

And that is all I have at this time.. Thank you. 8:28 PM Link to Audio

I was wondering if you could focus on "cancer" and give some idea as to the cures. Also, focus on the medical establishment’s answers to cancer (chemo, radiation, surgery) and the millions spent a year to find a ‘cure’. Also, why they can’t seem to find a cure. Thank you.

I was wondering if you could focus on "cancer" and give some idea as to the cures. Also, focus on the medical establishment’s answers to cancer (chemo, radiation, surgery) and the millions spent a year to find a ‘cure’. Also, why they can’t seem to find a cure. Thank you.

I was wondering if you could focus on “cancer” and give some idea as to the cures. 
Also, focus on the medical establishment’s answers to cancer (chemo, radiation, surgery) and the millions spent a year to find a ‘cure’. Also, why they can’t seem to find a cure. 

8:40 PM – The cure….The first thing I see is a ton of green bubbles…And I feel like it is some extract from a plant and it is traveling throughout the body and it specifically is derived from the leaves…It works by detoxifying your body and it helps to regenerate new cell growth.  I feel like it smells and tastes sweet, I had the word Honey come to mind, it is in reference to the plant itself, and I am going to try to figure out what plant this is…the image I get is of dandelions. 

Hmm…and it is like I am seeing them do studies on these raw leaves, and it is like this guy has found a way that most cancers,  I do not want to say the word cure, but it is like a way of detoxing and your body purging these cells that are foreign.  But it’s…let me think….but I feel like he is a bad man, the guy that has this cure…I keep seeing the villain on Despicable Me, Vector, and I feel like he has the knowledge, but he is unable to obtain like the money and power he wants in exchange for the knowledge.  And he is like hugging his notes and guarding them against anybody.  And that is all I see on that part of the quest.

Q-Rather than focus a cure, what is the cause of cancers?
 A-Hmm..Um..the way it is playing out in my mind is I see what looks like dirt particles entering into a person’s body, and a lot of times we cough them up, like in your phlegm.  But other times they are absorbed into your body through your skin, or through your nose.  And when some of that dirty toxins are not released out of your body they get stored in what looks like congealed fat, so like fat cells.  And it is fine when they very first get there, but depending on the toxin some of them create like a little tiny infection which causes your immune system to respond, and when it does respond, it looks like some kind of a chemical reaction happens with the toxin in the immune system, that creates some kind of a resilient cell.  And then that resilient cell begins to multiply and then cancer grows from that.
Q-What is the main source of these toxins?
A-I saw it as metals, like metallic dust, and in my mind I kept thinking aluminum a lot.  And then I got a panicky feeling thinking about deodorant that has aluminium in it.
Q-Is it also in Chem trails?
A-I am getting yes, and I am getting some sort of a metal and I am hearing Oxide, like O X I D E.  And I am getting NEVER to wear clinical strength deodorant.
Q-What about what people eat does it contribute?
A-I am getting it is not what they eat, it is what they do to it, and then I got a picture of a big bucket full of apples and they are spaying it down with some kind of spray.
Q-What about the mainstream cures.
A-I am getting that they DO work, but they are only temporary…but whatever this like herbal remedy is from the dandelions, has true long lasting purification properties to it, and it is not harsh on your body.  And then something about you excrete it naturally, and then it was in some kind of lingo like you might smell  funky when it is working.
Q-So the dandelion remedy makes you excrete the cancer causing toxins.
A-Yes, it is detoxing you through your urine and your normal excretions, but it was something about your body itself might have a funky smell if you consume these dandelions.  But not to worry about that smell, it just means that it is working.
Q-People used to eat dandelion salads, can consuming them in the raw form be beneficial?
A-I feel like yes, but it is not in the yellow tops it is in the leaves.
Q-I think the leaves is what they consumed?
A-Oh..I don’t know I have never eaten them.
Q-Why can they not seem to find a cure?
A-Two things, one they do have a cure, I feel like this guy has some kind of patents, and he has it so red taped that other people cannot access it.  And then two, I see the main focus being on the drug treatments and enhancing them and trying to increase their effectiveness.  That more money goes towards the drug side of it and dealing with the problem instead of going to the proactive side and looking at those types of medications and homeopathic routes.
Q-Can you see how this remedy is made?
A-First, the optimum time to get your dandelions is when the white fluffy tops are on the top.  They take the leaves when they are still juicy and green and they chop them up into little bits…And then they press the leaves really flat, and like some moisture comes out when they do that, but they save every bit of it, the moisture, the wetness and the leaves.  That entire combination they put into a glass container….and they heat it in such a way, it has two venting tubes off of it, one like pulls water off, the other one it looks like golden oil…like some kind of dandelion oil.  And it that oil, like I am seeing someone put it under their tongue, and I am getting that it tastes really bitter.

Q-So they are extracting dandelion oil?
A-Yes, out of the leaves.
Q-So each year I fight to kill off the cure for cancer growing in my yard.
A-Yes, I guess.
Q-Is this the best cure and what percentage will it work for people.
A-I am getting that it is best natural remedy if you use it for prevention and you get cancer in it’s very beginning stages you can have like and 80-90 percent success rate.  It is much harder to treat it once it has progressed, but it is still possible, but I am getting that cancer that has been untreated for a long period of time has like a 50-60 percent success rate.
Q-So would recommend eating dandelion leaves to be healthy?
A-Yes, after this reading I definitely want to try it.  I am also going to Google dandelion supplements to see if they exist.  I might try it.  I mean who would think that it could be that easy.
9:15 PM Link to Audio