Chinese Social Credit Score

Chinese Social Credit Score

Q.  Lynn,  What is going on in China?  I recently heard of a system they are using called a “Social Credit Score.”  I saw a story of a man who could not travel outside the country because his score wasn’t “high enough.”  There are installing cameras, spying on everyone, and without due process, there is little the people can do.  Can you please look into this?  I’m afraid this will spread as a way to spy on everyone.  Thanks.

A.  When I look at this I see some very distinct paths emerging for the citizens of China.  For those that are fearful and are in survival mode (most of the population), they will become compliant.  They (the government) will monitor what they say and do in order to maintain control.  The people look to buy into this reward system in that if you “behave” and are a model citizen, you will continue to live as you have been.  Having surveillance and privacy being breached will be accepted as part of life and they will become numb to it.  One of the side effects of living this way looks to be passive behavior being passed on to future generations, which is the goal and agenda of the Chinese government.  (Note:  I hear the phrase to “always remember the root words of government, govern=control and ment=mental/mind.)

The challenge is for those that don’t even realize they have breached some kind of rule or behavior, and find themselves banned from something (like travel or a loan).  These people are used as an example to show “what will happen to you if you do not obey.”  I get the guidelines of what is permitable are very strict (so strict that as word gets out people will be afraid to do anything, even something so simple as having an opinion).  This also opens the opportunity for the government to “change the rules” to fit their current agenda or plan for the time being.

Then there are people that will test and try to defy the system.  This group looks much smaller, but still emerges.  The people are basically powerless against it as there is no true “due process” or legal system that supports the challenge, but few will try.  I just don’t see much success.

Lastly is the scariest group (well scary for the government).  I get you can only control people for so long before people start to stand up for their rights.  I’m told “the look of how people stand up can take many different forms.”  Eventually a group starts to form that “appears” to be the perfect citizen, but they are passively planning a way around this or a way to take it down.  I keep hearing the phrase “District 13” from the Hunger Games. It will be a slow process, and a few years in the making, but looks to be inevitable in our current timeline.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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US Trade War with China

US Trade War with China

Q. Hi Lynn,  Recently Mr. Trump declared commercial war on China! As Mr. Wolf (an economist who writes for the Financial Times) puts it: the USA is trying to impose to China a type of disadvantage agreement of the same type the far east country had to sign with the UK during the 19th century. Will Mr. Trump succeed?  And, will this measure bring back jobs to his country? Thanks!! 

(link to the whole article

A.  When I tune into this, I do see he will succeed.  There looks to be a much larger plan in play.  Up until now there has been unfair trade between the US and China, and he is working to make it more equal.  I see the media as trying to vilify anything Trump does, whether it be good or bad, and even though the ultimate result will be good for the US, the media (who is backed by the PTW / Powers That Were) are trying to impress upon the people this is bad.  

The citizens of the US want to make a good wage for work they do, and under the current system those jobs are diminishing.  China, with very low wages opens an opportunity for businesses that are trying to turn a profit.  With increased American businesses and manufacturing in China they have also worked hard at taking American products and intellectual property and creating cheaper “knockoffs” versions with sub-par components (plastic versus metal and cheap versus lifetime) .  China looks to be more in the “copy-cat” business rather than the innovation business, and that is a big reason why they need to ultimately stay on good terms with the US.  There is an illusion that the US needs China, but the reality is they need the US more.  Ideally, we continue trade with each other, but it has to be on more equal terms, and China realizes this even though they don’t like it.

Reestablishing more fair trade with China, including tariffs and regulations, means American businesses will have less incentive to take their businesses there.  Which means they will  bring jobs back to America because the “cheaper” alternative will no longer be there.  There will be an adjustment, and things will be tough as companies sort out the best plan of action.  The stock market looks to also have a few rocky months of fluctuation while the deal between the US and China is worked out, but looks to recover strong…  I see the media using this adjustment as a way to give Trump bad press, but this period will be short lived.  In the end the US looks to come out strong, and the economy looks to improve even more.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

Monday Mix Up

Monday Mix Up

Human body:
Q. Is there a war against the natural feet structure? In the ancient times, people walked barefoot and their toes naturally fanned out. However, the shape of our current shoes restricts the flexation of the feet.
A.  I get that for grounding and spiritual purposes, barefoot is better.  The fanning was the resulted from people trying to keep balance and stabilize themselves.  I hear it isn’t really a war, but it is because of our environment that footwear is needed.  Asphalt and concrete and not kind on the joints and hips for prolonged time.  BUT, if you are feeling off, a barefoot walk in a grassy area can be very therapeutic and balancing as energy wants to circulate through you in a loop (coming in at the crown, exiting the feet, while coming upward through the feet and out through the crown).  

Q. What causes flat feet (i.e., feet with almost no arch)? Is this good or bad?
A. I hear the body is a brilliant thing.  It wants to heal, and compensate for any issues going on, and is constantly evolving.  Most times flat feel result from poor posture, and the feet over-correct (go flat) to increase balance and distribute weight better.  The root of the issue is posture. This isn’t a “bad” or “good” thing, it just is how your body has adapted.  

Q. Why do some races have more aquiline noses, while others have smaller and flatter noses? The same goes with cleft chin and dimples. Is this due to environment or some ET influence?
A.  Our physical appearance results from our genetic code (which ultimately stems from the DNA used by the ETs during our creation).  People sharing common characteristics most often times have a common ET species in their fundamental DNA makeup (from thousands of years ago). 

Q. Is there an ideal time and duration for sleep? Some promote polyphasic sleep, while some recommend sleeping 8 hours straight at night.

A.  I get that dedicating 7 to 9 hours (for most people) to sleep at one time of the day is best.  Even if you wake up 10 times and fall back to sleep, allot a block of time for sleep.  This is the time your subconscious goes to work, and it needs the downtime.  I see disrupting that (especially intentionally) to promote polyphasic sleep takes the body’s natural circadian rhythms off balance.

Q. What causes post-partum depression and what we can do to alleviate it? Thank you.
A. I see it being caused by the emotional and physical trauma of giving birth.  When you are pregnant, you are one with the baby.  You feel him or her move, and they are a part of you.  Once you give birth, that detachment triggers an emotional trauma of something being missing (whether you enjoyed the actually process of pregnancy or not).  Some women adjust back to the pre-pregnancy state quickly, and for others it feels like a long process to the reset (emotionally, hormonally and physically).  

The best thing to alleviate it is to first acknowledge that you feel off.  If you can take a few moments (which can be a challenge as a new mom) to meditate and focus on your solar plexus (the location of your womb, and also a powerhouse of emotions) I see that being very beneficial.  Eating clean and drinking lots of water is also helpful to physically aid your body in getting back into balance.

PTW (Powers That Were):
Q.  Why does it seem like the PTW is concentrated in Europe (e.g., UK, France, Germany), then eventually in the USA too?
A. I get the PTW (Powers That Were) were formed from a branch of the Reptilians called the Archons (in my mind I see them as one of the most scary forms of Reptilians due to their high intelligence and complete absence of empathy) that were sent here by the Reptilian race to get and keep control of humans.  I see this group came together and saw opportunities to take control during early European times (as early banking systems were taking off).  I hear they later became better known as WASPs as the free thinkers could see what was happening (but this occurred way after their agenda started to unfold).  

When America was being colonized, the “WASPs” saw this as an opportunity to further expand their control, and basically influenced a country to unfold into exactly what they wanted.  Materialism and consumerism is at an all time high, which leads to dollars in their pockets.  Then I hear that the “PTW like to stay close to their food bowl, and that is what keeps them close to these areas.”

Q.  Why is pedophilia common in PTW, like Hollywood and monarchies?

A. I get that when people are young, you are attracted (most of the time) to people your own age.  As you get older, your perception of attractiveness changes, and you reset your metrics of preference.  For example, when you are 10 you may have a crush on someone that is also 10, but when you are 25 you change your interest into other 25 year olds (plus or minus a few years) and a 10 year old is clearly a child.  There is a fundamental flaw in their DNA that doesn’t allow them to shift their preferences to someone their age (it is rooted in the Reptilian DNA and surfaces if triggered) and they stay stuck in the younger child mindset.  

Miscellaneous: Q. Can you do a reading about the Denver International Airport? It is a big place with some PTW signs. Is there a hidden purpose of this airport?
A. This is a very odd and mysterious place.  I did do a reading on this a few years ago.  I attached a link to it below, and I’m happy to answer questions in comments (please use this thread though to keep the comments in one place.)

Q. What’s with Hitler’s view that the Aryan race as the master race? Is there something about the ET ancestors of this race? Or this was just the “winners” who rewrite history by twisting his stand against the Jewish powers?

A.  Hitler did have an ET connection, and interpreted one of the communications to be that Aryans descended from the Pleiades star system, so to honor them and keep the Aryans pure, they should only breed with other Aryans.   He did believe that to be an Aryan was an honor, and felt it was a superior race.  He also felt it was important to unite the Aryans to combat the upcoming Reptilians (PTW), and the Aryans were the only ones capable of doing so.  I cannot connect to anything from Source saying one race is a master over another, we are all beings, and are all given gifts.  It truly is what you do with those gifts.  This thought was Hitler’s perception based on his communication, but it was not necessarily a fact.  

Q. Is the recent cold weather outbreak across the eastern United States natural or geo-engineered? If geo-engineered, what is the motive behind making eastern United States so cold?
A.  This actually feels natural and the extreme cold looks to be due to the earth wobble being off (true north looks to be shifting again..??)

Q. Bitcoin is becoming more popular as of 2018, and more people are now enticed to invest. Can you have an updated reading on this?
A. I do see Bitcoin and other block chain technology taking off during 2018, but it looks like the bubble will burst and ultimately a similar currency backed by tangible assets will emerge and take over.  This newer currency will be able to track transactions (transaction tax?), whereas the current setup doesn’t feel to be as invading on privacy.  Watch for trends, and if the market seems to skyrocket (the pump before the dump), consider pulling out.  Pay special attention to this during the mid part of 2018. Listen to your intuition.

Q.  What is the future trend of the world languages? Will English become dead like Latin, but develop into several new languages? Will Arabic eventually dominate Europe and become the common language there?

A. I don’t see English dying out completely, but as the PTW weaken (they sculpted the English language), it will lose it’s dominance.  Then I hear the phrase that “He who controls the money, controls the language” and then see China the the Middle Eastern countries light up.  In fact, I don’t see any language completely eliminated, but the Chinese, Arab, etc languages will become important for business (and be emphasized as an important language to learn).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you  Happy Monday!  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:

Things that make you go hmmmm….

Things that make you go hmmmm….

Q. You will probably want to look at this.  Very mysterious indeed!
A.  When I tune into this, I instantly get these are a tool used for defense against terrorism.  Specifically, they feel to be some type of EMP / EMF deflector / blaster (I hear it works like a gigantic piece of organite).  With the global unpredictability of Russia, China and  now North Korea, certain measures are being taken to protect the US assets.  Current weather warfare and HAARP attacks can leave the most defended areas weak, and these towers are being used to mitigate that risk.  This isn’t being shared broadly over media because they don’t want to create chaos, answer questions or let the enemy know the level of preparedness that is occurring.

Q. What is the true purpose of the emergency alert test broadcast?

A.  The purpose of this looks to be two-fold.  First, I see this as a way to communicate to the masses in the event of a disaster, HOWEVER, (I hear) to take heed and really listen to what you are being told.  Some information is valuable to people, and some feels very fear based and prays on emotions. 

I also see this as a subtle way to notify the PTW (Powers That Were) of their next tactical moves.  I get in a serious disaster or event there are key words and phrases used to advise the “appropriate people” of the status , current plan or agenda in play.  

Q. How does universal consciousness become manifest? At what point does an atom become a physical manifestation of universal God energy?  Thank you. 

A.  When you project a thought there is a frequency or vibration tied to it.  Just like a magnetic attraction (The Law of Attraction), the frequency draws in other objects, thoughts, people, experiences, events, etc with a similar frequency (ie, like attracts like).  The moment a thought turns to a physical manifestation depends on the thought and all the circumstances around the thought. Factors such as the greater good, life lessons, intent, etc all play a role in what and how a tangible manifestation will occur.  There is no specific time frame for this event to occur as they are all very unique.

Q. Why do people fall in love? Does falling in love in any way mean you are meant to be with that person, or is it merely a chemical phenomenon? Is there such thing as “soul mates”? Is there only one person for everyone?
A.  I get when people fall in love (real love) they have compatible vibrations and their pheromones mix in such a way it creates a trigger in their brain that you have met a good genetic match (should you chose to procreate).   It feels spiritual (through vibration) and biological (through pheromones).  

Falling in love means you have met a compatible mate.  You can fall in love several times, and love can take different intensities.  The most intense feelings of love are with a “soul mate.”  Being in love with a soul mate is a very deep, physical and spiritual love with past life connections that provide a sense of familiarity in this current life.  This type of love usually comes around once, but for some lucky people they experience it a few times in their current life.

Q. Hi Lynn, thanks for all your answers! This question came to me while watching an interview with a Russian scientist dealing about regular matter.  While the existence of dark matter has been inferred largely through astronomical observations and confirmed by simulations, it still remains a riddle in terms of identifiable particle in physics. Could you elaborate on how many elements do make up the dark matter and where it is more present on earth? Regular matter is composed out of 118 elements according to the periodic table of element.  Thank You 
A.  I hear dark matter (as referred to in space) consists of very few elements (I hear around 50) when compared to regular matter.  The challenge in studying it is many of the elements that create it do not exist here on earth.  As I try to hear some of the key components, I hear something that phonetically ends in “sho-PEE” and “to-NEE-lee.” (???).  

[I feel there is more to this, but I would need to sit and sketch / map out these elements while i focused on the make up. I may be able to hear more complete elemental names as well.]

Q.  Hi Lynn, So the Trump & NFL anthem protests have taken over the lead story in the media and on the internet. The PTW (Powers That Were) have often used this sort of smokescreen to do their evil deeds behind the scenes while we’re all intentionally being distracted elsewhere. Do you see anything like this going on right now? If so, I’d appreciate hearing what we’re missing. Thanks.

A. I get this is just another ploy to keep us divided while making Trump (who the PTW do not like) look foolish to other countries.  It is a disrespect and discrediting campaign that keeps emotions between people inflamed.  The democratic party is trying to do what they can to destroy him so when the next election comes up they have better odds of getting into office (which I get their efforts would be better realized by finding a good candidate).  

I also see a bigger agenda in play, and that is a modification to our constitutional amendments.  Freedom of speech was a vital part of our freedom, so important it was number one.  With the current level of offended people (induced by our media and society), many things that are said are being taken out of proportion and ridiculed (the amount of silent majorities of various views are rising).  

Regardless of your belief system, people do have a right to speak (not slanderous), and I see changes legally and in behaviorally in the future (for fear of be persecuted for their beliefs or opinions).  The media makes argumentative issues out of things that are non-issues (I see Melania’s shoes).  The PTW want us silenced, bickering and divided, so this is in line with their goal (see George Washington’s quote to the right and really think about his words).  Slowly but surely, I see our freedom of speech passively being attacked to where people have an illusion of free speech, but when exercised will be “punished” for using it.  In many ways I hear “we are allowing our own right to be taken away.”

It may be easier said than done because words evoke emotions, but I get it is better to objectively disagree with a point of view rather than silence or shame someone because they have a different thought.  Living in a modality of being offended or putting a label on someone feels very low vibrationally.  Opposing thoughts can lead to growth and expand the mind.  They may be uncomfortable, but challenge (even though mental contemplation) is what makes us stronger.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Priority Blog Request: ISS Space Station Scam

Priority Blog Request: ISS Space Station Scam

Hi Lynn,  Hope you had a wonderful X-mas with your family!

And here come my questions:  RE:  ISS Space Station Scam

Over the years people have studied the video and photo footage of the ISS (International Space Station) and found some weird contradictions and discrepancies, which would have one conclude that most of the footage has been heavily edited / photoshopped or even completely faked, for example: 

  • The astronauts bumping up and down during interviews (indicating they are inside a Zero G plane)
  • Scripted speeches, overly happy smiles and often ridiculously childish demonstrations of the effects of microgravity (more entertainment than scientific exploration)
  • The female astronauts always having their hair demonstratively open and standing up (as if fixed by hairspray)
  • Floating air bubbles appearing during space walks (indicating the scenes were filmed underwater inside a swimming pool)
  • Wrong perspectives or proportions of earth, no stars or galaxies visible (which imply photoshopped images) etc. etc.  

Q. So does the ISS actually exist as such and float around the earth? (There are actually a few amateur photographs that seem to prove its existence)?
A.  I get there is a station that follows earth, but I see it more like a satellite and not a manned station..  I don’t see humans actually living on it.  This station looks robotized and controlled remotely.  Positions of the satellite can be shifted and photos can be taken (but I also get that what is taken is not what is shared because the distance isn’t far enough to get accurate photos of earth, and true photos would raise too many questions).  

Q. Do the ISS crews really travel all the way up to the station with Sovjet rockets, stay there for months on ends and then return safely to earth or is there some chicanery going on?
A.  I get that the crews are sequestered much like the jury of a trial (those are the images I am shown).  They are forced to sign legal documents that require secrecy, and taken to a remote military location.  They really are gone for months at a time, and kept safe here on earth until they are required for a video, PR statement or some kind of testing.

Q. If so, how do they make sure that the handful of civil space tourists, who paid 10 million per trip, would keep silent about the deception involved?
A.  I get that the tourists will be heavily vetted, and some kind of complication will prevent the complete “tour” from happening.  It feels like there is one delay or issue after another.  The few that will be “allowed” to go (who also have strong ties to the Powers That once Were), will get a huge “discount” in exchange for a false statement on how wonderful it is/was.

Q. And why seem to be China, Russia and Europe faking their footage, too? Is there a global agreement?
A.  I do see some kind of “alliance” going on with these countries.  It looks like a few things are going on.  If the truth about the challenges of having humans too close or crossing through the Van Allen belt due to the radiation were to come to light (which also sheds truth on the inability to land on the moon), then other countries would have to admit some things they also lied about (or hid which is the same as lying to the people).  They don’t want that information being released.

The satellite stations also cannot hold an orbit far enough away from the earth (due to the constant radiation bombarding it) to get a clear photo of the earth.  Seeing what they are able to remotely see would raise a lot of questions (and then I hear continent size and even shape of the earth from that distance just wouldn’t make sense).

i also get that the footage has to be “doctored” because of the ET life that are in space all the time.  Until disclosure occurs, we won’t be able to see a clear and accurate photo.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

1/3/17 Follow Up Questions: 

Q.  You say that the astronauts are taken to a military base. How do they get out of the rockets which supposedly take them up and how do they get back into the reentry capsules that fall down from the sky and land in the desert of Kazakhstan?
A.  This looks to be all filmed like a movie.  Then I hear that is Kubric can do the moon landing, with current technology they can certainly create footage to share.  People only know what they are shown. 

Q. What about the many amateur photos that show the space shuttle docking with the ISS? Have those been remote controlled then, too?
A.  Yes, the radiation is too intense for human to live within that “station.”  They are great with the remote controlling of equipment (and have this technology fine tuned). 

Q.  What happened to the hundred of millions of dollars that have been invested in the civil space program?
A.  Some is used for the “station / satellite,” but most has been allocated for the military and weather manipulation programs.  I also get that part of the “job” of this satellite is to monitor weather patterns (hot spots, cold spots, etc) so when HAARP is at work, it can enhance accuracy.  It works in tandem (part of the function) with the weather manipulation on the ground.  

Q.  How have they been able to keep up this illusion of human space orbit for so many years when there should be plenty of intelligent engineers and scientists that could debunk the impossibility of this program with hard technical facts?
A. People innately want to believe what they see (for example, the moon landing).  I get that if you were to seek out information, there are plenty of engineers and scientists that have posed questions, but disinfo agents do what they can to misdirect people away from that information.  During my focus I was shown / told that the Van Allen Belt and radiation levels are the biggest challenge and reason why this cannot exist in the way we are being shown.

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

[This question was sent to me, and it felt natural to answer this before I continue on with what I see in 2017].  

Q. How accurate can psychic vision be at predicting the future?  Thank you
A.  Intuitives can be very accurate.  The real challenge is to determine and understand the information you are given.  The more practice you have at understanding your “symbol dictionary” the better because you really don’t want to add your own fingerprints to the message.  The goal is to relay what is given in a clear way.  I often see things in terms of symbols, but the message can be literal too, so I do my best to keep the message as pure as possible.  Sometimes the message contains an element of emotion (fear, panic, joy), so I include that or let that guide me as well. 

When intuitives put the intent to find an answer, we also see things pertaining to the motion that is already set forth.  One thing that can influence that motion is free will, or other interventions.  A sequence of events can be laid out, but if someone or a group of people goes against the natural flow, the result can be different or change.  In those cases, or in reading long term events, an occasional “checkup” to see if anything has influenced the outcome may be needed.  

Q. Hello, Lynn. It’s the end of the year and the media always has lists for the ‘best of the year’ and many business people try to predict events and trends for the new year. Have you ever considered making a list of predictions for the New Year? It would be interesting to see.


  • I see it fluctuating at the beginning of 2017, taking a slight dip after Trump is sworn into office, and then rebounding. 
  • Gold / Silver looks to slowly rise and start to gain more momentum in August / September. 
  • I get other forms of electronic currency gain more popularity. 
  • The dollar starts to be phased out in such a way that people don’t realize it.  This REALLY starts to show itself mid-year (more and more places will prefer credit of cash). 
  • The banking system will offer incentives to trade in “dollars” for something else (not sure what that means yet). 
  • People voluntarily handle less and less cash, (and the banks make it looks like their idea in the name of convenience). 
  • China will emerge as a financial power.


  • Trump starts to heal the relationship between Russia and the US.
  • The US continues to have a love / hate relationship with China. (China will reject some of the US policies, and trade will be influenced, but I cannot see to what extent). 
  • Tensions with Mexico will rise, but Mexico realizes they need the US so they tolerate it (unhappily). 
  • Relationships with the majority of other countries appears better than the social divide on the US soil. 
  • Trump wants to bring people together, but the influences of the opposing parties won’t let things rest out of their principles.  This is a huge challenge for the upcoming administration.


  • More and more people are waking up and are open to new ideas.
  • The collective conscious is becoming stronger than ever. 
  • People are getting better at recognizing their own intuition.
  • A spiritual divide starts to occur (those that are awake are REALLY awake, and those that don’t want to see things out of fear or discomfort feel very stuck, but still forging forward).  
  • Everyone moves forward, but some are slower to grow than others.  Everyone has their own timeline, and the subconscious in general is waking up (ready or not).

Environmental / Weather

  • Chemtrails aren’t going away, but the awareness increases.  
  • I see some kind of protest in relationship to the spraying (looks to be in the southeastern part of the US).
  • I see a hurricane hitting the eastern part of the US around late September.  Please head warnings when they announce to evacuate.
  • I get that a man-made weather event will happen in the Caribbean and Japanese area around the same time.  This won’t be a coincidence.

Medical / Health

  • Homeopathic remedies and healing are on the rise and start to really threaten big pharma. 
  • Big pharma really pushes back on the FDA to regulate vitamins / minerals / herbs (and this causes a real upheaval). 
  • Lots of information regarding curing via homeopathy comes out (please pray for the safety of our doctors that aren’t very praised by the Powers That once Were)
Misc Around The World
  • Lots of “secret talks” occur trying to institute a new gold standard (similar to the Shanghai Gold Exchange, but more world wide). 
  • Middle eastern countries try to make the purchase of oil in gold (some kind of a phase in program). 
  • There is some social disturbance in Australia (can’t tell what it is over, but feels vaccine related).
  • Putin emerges as a powerful leader (he isn’t going away). In fact, many people are distracted by what China is up to, but in reality they should have their eye on Putin.  Then I hear Trump say “Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer” and that looks like what he intends to do.

And that is all I have at this time.  Thank you.  Love and light-         HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Random for the Week

Random for the Week

Lynn, I hope you can answer a group of random questions:

Q. Why is the PTW (e.g., Powers That once Were such as NASA, mainstream media) hiding Nibiru (the one you referred to as the “red comet”)?
A.  I get they are hiding it for a few reasons.  They are trying to avoid social panic and chaos.  If people find out about the “red comet,” the PTW are also concerned that people will wonder what other things have been hidden from the population. 

Most importantly, I see that the PTW want to keep the information private to allow them an opportunity to prepare without everyone competing for resources in the event of a magnetic or atmospheric disturbance.  I see at one time the PTW were focused on areas in Africa (hence the forced Ebola scare to deter and distract).  There are also various underground cities in the United States and “ghost cities” in China (there are many more examples, but those come to the forefront).

Q. What are the countries (particularly the rich ones) that will remain safe in case of World War III?
A. The ones that stand out are Russia and China.  I also see some time line splits occurring, and IF the oil rich / producing  countries (such as Saudi Arabia) maintain control of their own land without having other countries occupying them (SPECIFICALLY the US), they too will be very rich.  IF the oil producing countries permit another country to occupy, they feel as though they lose their power and become very vulnerable. They have a feeling of being bought out (much like a business buying and acquiring another business).

Q. Is NZ experiencing earthquakes because it is the antipodal point (exact diametric opposite) from CERN’s location?
A. NZ is having earthquakes due to a combination of CERN (the visual I’m shown are reverberations through the earth), and also the weather manipulation in the atmosphere.  I get a visual of a lot of spraying and chemtrails. I hear that “CERN is a dirty little secret” and the chemtrails are “to instill a sense of peace and calm (much like a test).”  The problem with the weather manipulation is that the people controlling it feel very naive at the true power behind the control, and so much of what they are doing is learning (so the whole thing is like an experiment and they are trying to understand a true cause and effect).

A. An energy wave hit the earth on Winter Solstice. Any reason as to why?

A. I hear it isn’t as much a “why” but rather a “what.”  Earth is moving though a lot of shifts of energy (due to the guiding force of our source consciousness).  It looks like pockets or waves in space, and as earth transitions through those pockets people feel the effects.  I get these pockets also help to enhance sensitivities within people (bringing out their empathic abilities and intuition), so you will feel this as earth moves through it.  I get these energetic bursts are the baby steps to allow earth to graduate to a higher dimension (this will take much time though) and also help souls ascend.

Q. Flat earth revisited.  Many people have brought up the topic of the flat earth.  I did a focus session (and afterwards a little reading) that gave me pause on the topic.  I see it as plausible and even possible (I know there is a lot we don’t know or understand).  I wanted to share links to the reading since many of you have sent requests on this topic.

Q. If Vladimir Putin is against Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton, NATO, “ISIS”, and many things related to PTW, how can he remain safe?
A. I see he has many body doubles, and he is very cautious about where he goes and where he is seen.  He has many residences, and he even has special bunkers and a tunneling system.  I also get that he has many people that feel they way he does, so outside of the US border, he has more support than what the media likes to portray.  Many times he is shown as a villain in the US, but is seen as a hero to others.

Q. Why are some races generally taller than the others?
A.  I get it is because we all have a basic “human recipe” but many ETs have infused some of their DNA with ours.  Some ETs are taller, whereas others are shorter.  The result of height is based upon what ET lineage you came from.  

And that is all I have for this collection of questions.  I look forward to the comments and discussion.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes

Q. This is very interesting.  Please let me know what your psychic impressions are on this man and his information.  His name is Simon Parkes.

I feel that this guy might well be on target, which is a very scary thought.  I have been reading things on the internet for the last couple of days about Russia launching military exercises that are supposedly the largest mobilization that they have had since the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968.  I also saw a video of American tanks in Germany being moved from one location to another (unspecified destination) which correlates with Parkes’ claim that the Americans are moving their tanks into the jumping off position for an attack.  The U. S. has been moving weapons and missiles right up to Russia’s border and they, too, have been having military exercises near Russia’s borders.  Another item I came across on the internet was a posting by a retired military guy.  He says his contacts report that the U. S. airbase on Guam has now got so many heavy bombers there that they have to park some of them on the grass.  He also says that it is getting very hard to find a place on military transport for Europe (military retirees are allowed to travel for free on a space available basis on military transports).  

Here is a brief video by Simon Parkes that came out a few days before the one that I sent you earlier:

Here is a different video that purports to be put out by the BBC as a fictional account of a nuclear attack on the U. K.  It is says it is a prepackaged news report – what is a prepackaged news report???  I never heard of such a thing.  Does it mean they know exactly what will happen in the future? Or does it mean that it has all been planned out and this is what they will report to the masses when the ICBMs start raining down on our heads, even though the war started in a very different manner?  It takes a little over half an hour to watch.  It seems to be very well done and very realistic.  If you get any psychic impressions about who did this and why they did it, I would love to hear them.  

I find all of this very unsettling and wonder just what on earth is going on.  It is interesting to note that both world wars started in August, or close to it (the first war began in the first week of August and the second began on September 1). 

A. I get that in the big scheme of things Germany has been viewed poorly by much of the world since World War.  They are now the target for a much bigger agenda.  I see the refugees being part of the plan to destabilize their economy and create a strain within their society. Things have been brewing and I see that many countries are on the edge of breaking loose, and the US is trying to keep it contained until after the election (unrest now would just propel Trump, and the PTW are desperately wanted Hilary as she is much more controllable).

Russia is ready to strike against it’s neighbors.  They are wanting to reacquire the land that is alongside their borders.  I see when the time comes they go deep into neighboring lands, and then they are forced to surrender, but the ultimate result is a net gain of land.  Russia views this as their rightful land that was slowly (and I hear the word) “stolen” over the years.

I get that China is awaiting the perfect storm of when the stock market declines.  They want to jump in and be the protectors and back the “new currency” that will rule much of the world.  China is working overtime accumulating as much gold as possible so they can prove their solvency when the time comes.

I also see some kind of deal in the works that if Israel and Great Britain help the US get a reason to be in Syria (for positioning and also resources), the US will help Israel get back the German area.  I looks like kind of master plan that is slowly unfolding.

As I look at the “pre-packaged” news report, I see they do this a lot.  What happens versus what they want you to think happened can be very different. (I see flashes of 9/11).  In the event of a false flag, they are preparing what they will tell the world in order to keep the agendas in alignment.

Don’t live in fear, just pay attention.  Keep a focus on the greater good.  And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Economic Propaganda, Chinese / Russian Occupation

Economic Propaganda, Chinese / Russian Occupation

Q. Washington is currently conducting economic and propaganda warfare against four members of the five bloc group of countries known as BRICS:  Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Brazil and South Africa are being destabilized with fabricated political scandals. Both countries are rife with Washington-financed politicians and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Washington concocts a scandal, sends its political agents into action demanding action against the government and its NGOs into the streets in protests.

Some think this is the beginning of WWIII.  What do you think?
A. When I tune into this, I see that WWIII has been in the works for quite a while now.  It looks like pockets of disruption have been going on all over the world in different forms.  I get that for a few decades other countries have been looking at trends, studying dynamics of other countries and trying to see how to emerge as a leader.  I hear the phrase “eyes on the prize” and understand this to mean that the US is a leader, and other countries have been coveting that position, and looking for ways to take over that position. 

China and their allies have been looking for a weakness and see it with the US currency and spending trends.  They see that the dollar isn’t sustainable, and through QE and inflation, the US devalues their own dollar and open themselves up to having other currencies emerge.  

The members of BRICS (being led by China) saw an opportunity to to trade with gold and other solid backed money.  This is a HUGE threat to the US and the dollar.  I hear the “best defense is a good offense” and the US is thinking in those lines.  I get that the US is doing what it can to destabilize the members of BRICS as both a punishment and a warning to not mess with them.  

I hear a comment that “the US will own BRICS” before they are done and then I see a flash of the movie Confessions of an Economic Hitman.  The US is a master of destabilizing governments, and then when they need help the US steps in and creates various forms of indebtedness from the country.  

I do see that the US in fighting a fight that they aren’t ready for.  The number of allies is decreasing, and negative behaviors from other countries and leaders is being exposed.  I get that new alliances are being formed, and there is a fight to ride to the top.  I also get a sense that a birth of something new is on the horizon, and a reset of the financial system is emerging and it will be backed by a hard asset (as in precious metals).

Q. Your previous associations are of the Chinese and Russian Occupiers west of the Mississippi. That time period is rapidly coming to a close if Obama will be leaving office soon. Do you see a revision to this? Living in the gun happy west I can’t image the scenario for this. So many people are stocked to the gills hoping to repel invaders from without or within. Even lacking consistent tactical training the firepower in the bands of the many is unreal. Perhaps these recent years of mass arms buying by the public was orchestrated.

A. I see that there were thoughts in the beginning that gun control really just made people go out and buy guns and create a heavily armed society because it was one way to defend against outside invaders.  I do see there is some truth to this as per capita the US is some of the most heavily armed population.  It does help to defend outside people from wanting to come in an take over (and the US is more fearful than ever right now).

However, I see the ulterior motive coming into play now.  They used fear and panic to get us armed, but now they want to impose strict rules on the people in order to make money.  I do see some “democratic” ideals being influenced into effect where they are going to create some kind of a firearm tax.  There will be a lengthy application process and the registration and taxes will help to identify who has guns, and where they are located.  The database for this looks very high tech.  I get that some of the false flags involving protests and riots are really the governments way of testing how far people will get pushed before they react (and how will they react and with what means to a hostile situation). There is a balance between being able to control your people, and having the people feeling so much control that they themselves take control, and that is the fine line being determined now..

Five for Friday #28

Five for Friday #28

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to our latest Five for Friday. Let’s get started.

Image #1: GoogleEarth Blackout

GoogleEarth recently blanked out this region in the Himalayas, a region rife with UFO and yeti sightings. What’s behind this black patch?

What Lynn Saw

“Hm. When I look at that… I’m seeing UFOs flying all around. Right there in that location is some secret entrance to a UFO base. It’s sorta semi-cloaked, normally, but a UFO crashed while trying to get into this base, and someone is trying to retrieve it. So, it’s a very sensitive thing going on right there, tied to the regular greys. I heard, ‘You’ve already stolen enough of our technology, you’re not getting this, too.’ The Chinese look to be behind this. They’re hiding it from the US, but the US knows that something went down there. The Chinese blacked it out because they didn’t want the US to steal it or lay claim to it.”

Image #2: East Coast Micro-Spheres

These little spheres were recently found after the recent huge snowstorm on the East Coast. What’s their purpose and who dropped them?

What Lynn Saw

“I get they’re part of this whole weather manipulation thing, via chemtrails. It’s a test. Feels like a newer product, trying to neutralize any kind of Fukushima radiation. There’s a chemical reaction that takes place with this spraying, and by the time it gets to the ground, it resembles these little spheres. They’re testing it in various places and at various temperatures; this East Coast appearance was part of that test. They’re trying to get it right before they use it on the West Coast, where we really need it. I see these spheres forming a solid matrix around a toxin. I get they will eventually break down, but the goal is to have the element inside neutralized before that happens. For example, say you have something nasty encapsulated in it, and the half-life is 20 years (and the potency is mild in like 30), the capsules are designed to last that long. I also hear ‘glycerin’ as if there is some kind of glycerin component to them. It’s meant to be beneficial.”

Image #3: The Thing on the Balcony
This was part of a video someone sent in, showing an image of a being that Google removed from their GoogleEarth database, which originally appeared on a balcony somewhere in the Netherlands. Is this real, or a statue?? What is that thing?

What Lynn Saw

“I get that it’s real. It’s a type of low-level ET. This is not its true form, like this being was moving and the image was distorted. Whoever lives there may have had a really weird night, like an abduction or something, some strange phenomena. Feels like a very dark being. Very low level, very dark, and very creepy. I can’t put a label on the dimension (doesn’t even feel as high as 4th or 5th), but I will say the vibration of this thing is bad.” [Yikes.]

Image #4. Sistine Chapel Pineal Gland??
Is it just a coincidence, or did Michelangelo intentionally paint this part of his famous Sistine Chapel fresco (a mainstay of High Renaissance art) to mirror the brain, its structures and pineal gland??

What Lynn Saw

“I get that… YES, he did! I hear something about it illustrating the Christ Consciousness. Regardless of one’s belief system, one’s SOURCE connection is via the pineal gland. This is showing you that the connectedness is through our own self, and that you have all of this within you. This is definitely what Michelangelo had in mind here. He came to this realization on his own; he was guided in so many ways. He was very brilliant, but had his challenges. I’ve done a lot of readings on him for another client, so this was an exciting ah ha moment for me!” [Wow.]

Image #5: The REAL Shining

This is the Stanley Hotel in Colorado, the inspiration for Stephen King’s “The Shining.” Is there anything special about the land the hotel sits on? It seems special to me, though I couldn’t tell you why.

What Lynn Saw

“What’s special about this land pertains to who lived there before the hotel existed. There is an enormous Native American energy associated with it. There’s a lot of positivity there. A lot of Mother Earth, good-connectedness happened there. If you walked around barefoot there, I feel like you’d experience a lot of good mojo. The Native Americans created their own center of positivity there, they drew it in and it never left. It feels very sacred. It’s a beautiful, beautiful land, very grounding.” [The hotel could perhaps try marketing that aspect. Now I want to go there.]

And that’s it. Join us Friday after next for Episode #29!

[Note: all images and freaky mojo copyright their respective owners.]