Mystery of Language, Ley Lines, Hawaiian God Pele, Kilauea Eruption

Mystery of Language, Ley Lines, Hawaiian God Pele, Kilauea Eruption

Q. Hi Lynn, this is a blog request. Could you do a reading about the energy of English (the language)? Also about Spanish. What is the energy of those languages?
A. English has been so manipulated, that is has been turned into a “spell casting” device.  “Old English” started pure, and the PTW (Powers That Were) got a hold of it, and changed it to their benefit.  The energy used to feel rich and pure, and now it is full of mind tricks.  

To those that don’t see what is happening, our language keeps us weak.  It starts young with children (i.e. learning “spell (casting) words”). We reinforce the PTWs wishes daily through our dialogue (which sounds grammatically incorrect if your say things any other way), telling people to have a good “weak-end” and good “mourning.”  We go to work, and after the “weak” is done we “urn” our paycheck.  We are slaves to the system, working and “urning,” buying and consuming, with retirement ages being further and further into the future (just the way the PTW want it).  When the etymology of our language is studied there are hundreds of examples of how we speak to one another in the course of our day.  

Spanish feels mostly pure (and a little raw), but also direct.  The language, even though it does feel to have a mix of other languages in its’ infancy, feel to be direct and clear at the message.  

[As a side note, when I first read this question and thought on it, I felt upset at our language and what has been done do it.  It is difficult, even with being mindful, to avoid certain words and phrases.  I even make a point to say Have a Happy Friday versus Have a Good “Weakend”, etc.  I have thought and done readings on this before, and I have realized that our intent adds so much to what we say.  If you are saying something with kindness and love, it is given or received with a high vibration.  Be mindful when you can, but more importantly, have positive intent in your message.]    

Q.  Hello Lynn,  When people talk about ley lines and energy lines, they usually include remarks about enlightenment and positive experiences. Are there energy lines that create bad experiences or bad feelings?
A.  I get there are no naturally occurring ley lines or energy lines that are negative.  There are “man made” portals that are negative and hold a negative space, but are directed to the sky, and not Mother Gaia.

Q.  The volcano in Hawaii is supposedly protected by ‘Pele‘, a local god.  Many people have reported bad experiences when they have removed rocks and other souvenirs from the volcano. In 1935 they tried bombing the volcano to stop the flow of lava. It stopped, but it was more likely a coincidence. Several weeks later, several of the pilots died in a training accident.

Does Pele’ exist? Is the volcano protected by a god with consciousness or all these events just a coincidence and a nice story?  Thanks!
A. Things happen because they need to happen.  It could be fate, karma, the universe finding balance, part of a life lesson or a combination of the above.  I get that Pele’ does exist, and he works to protect Mother Gaia.  

The 1935 bombing did stop the flow of lava, but the people that stopped it were later killed. It was as if the volcano erupted, the life path of the pilots were to stop the lava, and they then were led to an early death (to which the agreed to at the time of incarnation).  Their death worked through the god, Pele’.

Q.  Hi Lynn, Looking at the recent example of the Kilauea eruption, curiosity struck me about the hows & whys being attributed to this natural event and maybe others that eventually follow.

On Kauilapele’s Blog, KP posts the likes of Ben Fulford and QAnon and even GaiaPortal which attribute the volcanic eruption to nefarious acts. Others like Tom T Moore, who I glean important information from, irrespective of the fact he has not met up with his extraterrestrial source to date, comments for Mother Earth’s soul/spirit Gaia who said she is merely moving magma to build up the island of Hawaii. It’s interesting because some inituitives say we do not have weather technology sophisticated enough to make targets (I am thinking Pamela Aaralyn) and others say we are well beyond advancement in these areas.

What is going on here in terms of reality?  Are all of these tellings true in some respect based on the readers point of view? What can we learn from these seemingly different readings on the same subject from various communicators? I am betting the number one takeaway is to learn to discern from your own inner truth but I am looking for an answer that leads to more truth telling about this Earth Experiment construct?

Thanks again for your dedication to this blog and the work you are putting out there!  Cheers!

A.  In looking at all this, I will say that everyone sees and understands things differently.  We all have spiritual gifts, and some of those gifts are stronger in one person verses another (one may have strong intuition, while someone else may have clear clairvoyance, etc).  When I tune into a situation, and see, feel, hear, smell or even taste what I get, someone else cannot come in and fully interpret what I get.  Likewise, I cannot fully read someone else’s vision and get the same result.  Most times the truth lies where the readings or messages overlap.  Then, take what overlaps and run it through your own intuitive checks and balances.  If nothing seems to overlap or make sense, then it is up to you to trust your intuitive instinct to determine what really rings true to you.  Your inner self (subconscious) will guide you.

HAARP Rainbow

When I tune into this, I see that Mother Gaia is expelling a build-up of energy. The earth, like any living thing, absorbs energy from the sun.  Energy isn’t created or destroyed, therefore; it is stored in the core of the earth.  After so much buildup, the energy needs released.  This is done via earthquakes, volcanoes of both.  In this situation it was the eruption of Kilauea.  The result will be a buildup of the island, but that is secondary to the main goal of releasing the energy.

It is true that the ability to control and manipulate weather exists.  If the PTW wanted to erupt this volcano, they could (even though when I see them manipulating HAARP, their images manifest as children that don’t fully understand what they are doing, but know enough to be dangerous).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support this blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon

Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

4D Earth:
Q.  According to the book Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus described a major earth shift that would happen in (described using astrology) October 24, 2029. The map indicating the result of the flood is described here: Is this related to the birth of the 4D earth? Can you look at this and tell us what you see?
A. When I tune into this, and focus on the future, I see the earth going through a lot of shifts.  Some are energetic, and some are more physical.  I do see true north shifting, and I cannot see that stopping.  That shift will create some flooding and water displacement.  I cannot connect to it being as extreme as shown on the maps, but there will definitely be some flooding (I always see the flooding on the outlying edges and major rivers, such as the Mississippi River).  I also see the earth expelling pockets of energy through quakes and volcanoes which doesn’t look to stop.

I don’t see this as a 4D thing.  It looks like it is a growth and evolution of the 3D earth and would occur with or without the 4D earth emerging.  

Q. Does The Event include changing of the DNA and activating of more strands? Will the people in the 4D earth be taller, or less solid, or will live longer?

A.  I do see some DNA “upgrades” occurring in the 4D.  People are more spiritual, more grounded and more understanding of their gifts.  THAT alone makes them healthier, happy and have a longer lifespan.  

Q. What’s unique about Earth compared to the rest of the universe?

A.  Earth has an abundance of resources, food and water.  Our atmosphere affords life, and is gentle on most life forms.  We have intelligent life forms, which draws in other ETs.  

Q.  Why are angels portrayed in paintings with a floating halo above their head? Is there a literal circle of light or it only signifies something?

A. I get this signifies enlightenment, and illustrates the light they carry with them.  It doesn’t look literal, but rather a depiction of the light they hold, and how it emanates from their crown chakra.  


Q. Why is lactose intolerance more common among Asians?
A. I get that a huge part of survival for North Americans and some other tolerant areas was based on milk and milk bases products.  They developed immunities and enzymes that allowed these milk products to be digested.  This ability was genetically passed down from generation to generation, leaving most people with the ability to have lactose in their diet (even if they have a sensitivity to it, they can digest it in moderation).  

I get Asians didn’t have that need in order to survive, so they never developed the enzymes or immunities.  Without the evolution of enzymes, they have become (mostly) intolerant.  

Q.  Are premature births predestined to happen before birth? If yes, is this due to some astrological influences that are important to the incoming soul’s personality or some ET race origin?

A. Your birth is predestined.  Many factors come into play such as astrology, and also what you’ve agreed to prior to reincarnating.  I get that is why astrology can be so accurate because you chose your path and lessons, and the Universe knows the best way to bring you into this world (what sign and alignment will bring you the best chance of tackling your goals).  

Q. Why do some boys start talking later than their girl counterparts?

A.  Men were hunters and fighters, and evolved physically to survive and protect their group.  Women were the nurturers, gatherers and helped to teach and take care of others.  Women needed the fine motor skills of communication to be better at fulfilling their role in society, and that developed to be a strong skill.  Men grew to be strong, and women grew to be communicators (for the most part). 

Q. If the past, present, and future coincides and time is merely a construct on Earth, is it possible for the future to affect or influence the past?

A.  Absolutely.  I get since they are coincide, what happens in one time line can effect the other, or even cause new splits (or events / experiences) to occur.  

Q. What is the significance of the speeding up of the Schumann Resonance?
A.  As it changes, it alters the collective consciousness.  This is an evolution the earth is going through as the 4D develops, and people ascend to the 4D spiritually even though they are physically still here.  

Q.  Considering the push towards Common Core (an example of a parent highlighting the problem with Common Core math:, heavy brainwashing (e.g., radical feminism, anti-Trump pro-Hillary narrative, racism), what can regular American citizens do to avoid the PTW’s attempt to dumb down of the American society?

A. School does have its’ good qualities, but it is becoming a form of indoctrination.  Some people may do private or home schooling, but that isn’t always practical.  Speak up when you can, and monitor what your kids are learning.  Be mindful that learning isn’t just what is in books, but it is the culture and influence that is being stressed on your kids at school.  I hear “it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease- be the squeaky wheel!!” Talk to you kids, and show them alternative ways of thinking, and support them when they think outside the box.  

Something Extra Just for Fun…

Q. Lynn, you have probably heard about the audio trick, Yanny vs. Laurel debate. Today a scientist explained that people hear two distinctively different words because they are on different frequencies. Could you focus on this and elaborate on what this indicates about our frequency levels?
A.  I get it has to do with the frame of mind you are in at the time you hear the phrase.  That frame of mind dictates when frequencies are dominant to you.  If you are in a beta brain wave cycle, listening to this will sound like Laurel.  The more distracted and zoned out you are (dipping in an alpha or even theta state) you will hear it as Yanny.  It truly depends of your level of awareness and attentiveness when you hear the words as the frequency of the word will be interpreted differently. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:
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Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson

Q. Hi Lynn, thanks again for all the work you do.

In the UK Tommy Robinson who has been an outspoken critic of the snowballing Islamisation of Europe, has been in the cross-hairs of the authorities for a long time. This week he was arrested and thrown in jail for 13 months, while doing nothing illegal, in public and on camera, and there is even a reporting ban. Many now believe he will be killed. 

What do you see about him, the situation, the plan, the likely outcome, the broader political effects? Will this trigger off wider rebellion or an upsurge in similar suppression by the authorities? At some point I believe the powder keg will meet the spark. I don’t say that because I want it, it just seems inevitable. 

This is another landmark blow for freedom in the UK. What can we do? Thank you for any insights.

[ – Hi Lynn, I must second what above question reiterates. I’m not a fan of Tommy Robinson, but openly arresting him on trumped up charges as the judge looks on smiling from a court house window is disgusting and outrageous.  I do believe the judge presiding is a pedophile himself, and he is doing the bidding of others higher up the chain.  This will hopefully come crashing down on them? Thanks and may the universe look after you.

  -Also concerned about Tommy Robinson. A true hero plastered for trying to bring the truth to light.]

A. I see many countries (US, Canada and much of Europe) are allowing agendas and influence to override all else.  Free speech is being muted, and anything that goes against the agenda of division is called “hate speech” and therefore, not allowed   A section of the population don’t see it, but rights are slowly being taken, and we are getting to where opinion, free thinking and even facts that challenge what is going on in the world (even the obvious) will be banned.  The PTW (Powers That Were) love what is going on because it makes us weaker and destabilizes strong countries.  They’ve duped many on the alt-left to be the warriors (or social justice warriors) fighting for their cause so they don’t have to carry the full burden of being the “bad guys.”  These social justice warriors (SJWs) have been manipulated to act on emotion rather than facts and reason, so the PTW just have to keep evoking ideas that trigger their feelings (and ironically some of these SJWs that want to fight for right as some of the lower vibrational beings out there being filled with hate). 

What the PTW fail to realize is even though they have some of the alt-left fighting for them, the MAJORITY see this for what it is, however, only a few fight back.  When anyone that opposes or calls out this trend in society, they get labeled, and fear of the back lash or drama, so they stay quiet.  Google searches are being suppressed, YouTube hides alternative content and anyone outspoken threatens their career (this is why so much of Hollywood has to go against Trump, so they are favored and rewarded). 

Tommy Robinson did speak the truth.  He wasn’t arrested because what he said was untrue, it was because it challenged government.  They wanted to use Tommy as an example, hoping to create fear so others would refrain in what they say and do.  At a minimum it makes them think twice.  Tommy looks to have a hard time with his jail sentence.  It looks like those in control will make it extra hard for him to send a message.  

I do get that people in general have had enough.  Things do look to escalate, and the majority looks like they will bust if they don’t do something.  Within the next year I see civil unrest break out due to the threat of taking even more rights.  The PTW push too far, and cross the line as to what people will tolerate.  I would call this a rebellion.

What can we do?  Look at situations, and do what your gut tells you is right.  Not every situation is a reason to be offended.  Hate speech causing genuine fear and threats are one thing, but stating facts, opposing opinions or alternative ideas are just that.  For example, if you are tall and someone says, “Wow, you are tall,” they are stating the obvious so don’t look for ways to contort it as an offensive statement in your mind.  Hate speech, as it is defined, flows both directions, but is only addressed when it goes against the agendas at play  When it is directed toward conservatives, Trump supporters, free thinkers, etc, “that” free speech is allowed (Roseanne really pushed it and was fired immediately, but Samantha Bee can insult Ivanka with a fraction of the result ).  We have to learn (to some extent) to let things go that really don’t matter (especially when it is just words, ALWAYS fight for your rights).  Educate your kids, and teach them to be people you are proud of, but having thick skin when needed is also a valuable skill.  Focus on what is worth your time, energy and effort, and let the rest go as it does not serve you well, and carries a heavy energy.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon
Gold, Silver, Cryptos and the Seven Year Cycle

Gold, Silver, Cryptos and the Seven Year Cycle

Q. Hello Lynn, Here are the links to two articles that I thought were very good when written. I thought they would also be accurate as far as timing the gold market, and the dollar collapse. Could you please look at them, and see what caused them to fail. I use the 7 year cycle, and it didn’t work as it should have in 2015 either. I would like your insights on the 7 year cycle as well.  Thank You

A.  The phrase I hear when we tune into this is “we are on borrowed time.”  The seven year cycle is fairly accurate, but there is a lot of free will intervention skewing what would naturally play out.  

Two forms of inflation look to be at play.  We not only have an overproduction of currency diluting the dollar via multiple quantitative easing cycles, we have an increased cost of goods.  At one point Roman soldiers were paid a wage of once of silver for 10 days work (and that was a good life).  An ounce of silver is roughly $17 currently, which shows how grossly suppressed silver (and all precious metals) are.  

This “suppression” looks like an agenda being forced by the PTW (Powers That Were) and Central Banks.  The plan is to give the illusion of silver flooding the market (creating a surplus that doesn’t exisit).  They schemed the idea to issue silver certificates “paper silver” to help perpetuate the illusion.  The PTW know that precious metals are where the wealth will be when paper currencies fail.  By flooding the market, they can drive the price down so they can buy up huge quantities of tangible gold and silver.  I can see visuals of enormous safes filled with gold and silver, riding this out as long as possible, until the dollar bubble pops.  

Other countries (I always see China) are also taking advantage of the suppressed valuation.  They are stockpiling precious metals and also working to get foreign trade in alternate forms aside from the dollar.  It is a matter of time before they can no longer keep it inflated, and Trump (because he is vested as a business man and also his ego) feels like he is trying to find a way to make the crash “gentler” (is the word I hear, if there is such a thing).  I see a valuation being accurate, or much more accurate, by the end of Trump’s presidency. 

Q. Hello Lynn, Please look into this and tell us if it will be accurate. The 1988 economist magazine predicted crypto currencies would be on fire in 2018.

A.  Cryptos are popular and doing well in 2018.  I see them being out there getting people used to them, and also developing trust in the block chain technology.  By the end of 2018 I get there were be a more widely accepted crypto currency (one of the PTWs tactics of  control because it will be traceable and taxable), and the others will be difficult to use or exchange .  It is true their will be one dominant crypto emerge, and it looks to happen this year.  It will be backed by silver/gold, and structured in a way that each transaction can be viewed and taxes allocated per transaction.  Watch for this world currency to emerge.  It will be strong and encouraged. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon. 

A Royal Wedding…

A Royal Wedding…

Q. I would love to know how the Reptilians weren’t jumping out of their human skins during Bishop Michael Curry’s Royal Wedding Address. It was about all they detest. I would love you to take a look of how that was even allowed to happen. I noticed Camilla hiding her laughter under her hat. I hope that couple will help change the world.
A.  When I tune into this, I get this was all scripted, and like it or not, it had to happen the way it did.  The Reptilians, in conjunction with the PTW (Powers That Were) set this union in motion (due to PR, political and familial reasons).  All details, all words, prayers and parts of the ceremony were planned to the detail.  Even the color of flowers she carried was a subtle acknowledgement to sacrifice (I get it was supposed to be white roses, which sends a stronger message, but they resisted). I see that Prince Harry has “some” say and freedom as his chance of getting to the throne is very slim (they don’t take him as serious), but he does get influenced and his lineage does matter.  

Camilla realizes the “show” that had to occur, and that was the expression you witnessed.  I get several people in the audience had similar reactions, but they have little to no power over it, and to be secure in their place / position, they had to allow it to play out. 

I can’t see that they will change the world in a huge way, but the monarchy does look to be shifting.  When the Queen steps down, the upcoming leaders of the monarchy feel to be much softer.  The Queen feels very connected to the Reptilians and PTW through interactions, mental telepathy and mind control activities.  I don’t see the future of the royalty being as intense due to the PTW growing weaker and their inability to control.  The future monarchy also has a dilution to it (this feels like a recent surge), which makes the future generations stronger and less open to mental control.    

Q. Hi Lynn,  Can you take a look at certain members of the British royal family and see if they are Reptilian shapeshifters?

  • Is Prince Philip a Reptilian shapeshifter?   I do get he has the ability to change and alter himself.  When I look at him, I immediately feel a dark energy.
  • Is Prince Charles a Reptilian shapeshifter? I see that he can shift, but he lacks finesse and control.  He looks to involuntarily shift during periods of stress OR when he is being controlled (via a mind controlled action). 
  • Is Prince William a Reptilian shapeshifter?  He looks to be pure of heart, and I cannot see that he is a shapeshifter.  Even though he does have some Reptilian DNA that he inherited from his father, it feels suppressed. 
  • Is Prince Harry a Reptilian shapeshifter?  He feels like his brother, and I get the boys were balanced by their mother, Princess Diana.  I cannot see that Harry shapeshifts. 

  • Is Kate Middleton a Reptilian shapeshifter? No, she has energy much like Princess Diana.  I do not see any Reptilian or shapeshifting connection to her. 
And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: 
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon. 

(Dada also wrote a blog about the special event.  You may want to check it out! 🙂
PRIORITY BLOG REQUEST: Longyou Caves, Ergaki Nature Reserve, Erdstall Tunnels, Jonathan Adampants and Project Horizon

PRIORITY BLOG REQUEST: Longyou Caves, Ergaki Nature Reserve, Erdstall Tunnels, Jonathan Adampants and Project Horizon

Q. Longyou Caves, China
One of the most mysterious cave systems ever found in recent times (1992) whose origin and construction is a complete and utter mystery.
Who built them, when, how and for what purpose?
A.  I get this cave system was built by an ancient Chinese civilization a few thousand years ago.  It looks as though there were leaders fighting and battling over land and power.  The Dynasty (Haun/Han/Hand??) had dominant control, but many underdogs were emerging planning a takeover.  

The threats were real, and many people would set their sights on China, so maintaining control was just as difficult as taking control.  As tensions would rise, and smaller battles occurred on the outlying edges, the current leader decided he needed to have a place for him, other Dynasty leaders and some key military members to retreat.  He wanted a place to ensure his legacy would be passed on, and his lineage would survive.  

He laid out a plan, and began to work on this day and night.  It was very important to him, and this was built to honor the Dynasty he created.  I see earth being carried out by the bucket fulls (feels like there are mounds or an embankment nearby??) and dumped.  I see some people did live there, and it became a fully functioning location.  People lived there for decades until it flooded, at which time people fled the area.

[Additional Questions:  
How come that no scriptures or texts were found in the caves then?
A.  I get there are some kind of symbols or codes (maybe a picture).  Looks like it is on some kind of stone or marker.  I get something was put on the entrances / exits and it has to do with setting intent for protection.  

What technology or tools did they use that created the scratch pattern along the walls?
A. There was a tool that used friction and heat to create this pattern. It looks metallic (copper?) and has a handle.  I get everything about this was intentional, and it was done to create some kind of positive feng shui.]

Q. Ergaki “Nature” Reserve, Russia
What was in this place, who built it and what happened here?
A. When I tune into this location, I get this is the former home of Giants.  I see enormous beings, at least 20 feet high, roaming the countryside.  They lived life, living off the land.  

I then see a cloud of smoke and smell sulfur.  It looks as if a nearby volcano (?) erupted.  This wasn’t just any eruption, this was huge, filled the sky with dark plumes of smoke and ash for weeks, and filled the Giants’ lungs with toxic smoke.  It looks like most, if not all of them died during this tragic event. 

Q. Erdstall Tunnels, Germany

A network of small maze-like tunnels with no obvious purpose or configuration.
Who built them, when, how and for what purpose?
A.  I get these tunnels that have been around for centuries were constructed as some way to extract water (?) from the hill / mountainside. I hear this tunnel systems is a way to get clean (filtered) water to the people.  Water used to run through this man made cave system like a stream, and would pool up in areas.  It was as if they created some kind of low-flow trickling aquifer. 

Q. Jonathan Adampants

A guy who suddenly appeared on Youtube over 10 years ago, published some of the most amazing videos about the spirit, love, the universe, mind control, religion, communicating with animals, etc. and then disappeared completely.

Can you see if he is still around, safe and doing well?

A.  He does look to be around, and safe, but also wants to just remain quiet.  I get he has some personal things (health related) going on in his life, and needed to take time off to regroup.  (Please take a second and pause to send him love healing and positivity). 

He did (and does) want to help people, and feels very genuine in his messages.  He just needs time to recenter and re-balance, and I do see him eventually coming back to continue to work in the greater good.

Q. Project Horizon
A study and secret project to establish a military base on the Moon by 1966 which was officially cancelled.
Was this project actually realized as part of the secret space program?  
A.  I get this was cancelled because a base could not be made.  Not only could we not make it to the moon, the ETs that inhabit the moon made it clear that they would not allow it.

The moon has territories and ETs have already claimed areas.  Some ETs are more aggressive than others (especially on the dark side), but none of them look to welcome humans there (even if we could get past the Van Allen Belt).  I hear the “real” secret is that moon landing itself did not happen the way it has been shown to happen in the media.  I’m then left with the verse, “Space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a Hollywood basement.

[Additional Question:  
If this is true it would mean that all whistleblowers (such as Corey Goode) who claim we have military bases on the moon would be lying/spreading disinfo about this topic, correct?
A.  Yes, that is correct.  There are ET bases all over (and even in) the moon, but not human bases.]

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.  

New Age Spirituality and Paul Simon / John of God

New Age Spirituality and Paul Simon / John of God

Q. Hi Lynn,

There are so many testimonial videos on YouTube (in the link above) of people “converting” from New Age Spirituality to Christianity, and many of those people claim things such as Yoga is demonic, Spirit Guides are demons, and New Age movement in general is demonic. Also, some people claim that the New Age movement is a NWO / Illuminati deception. What do you see is going on with the New Age movement and is there is any deception involved in it? 

Thank you. I will really appreciate it. Seeing a bunch of those videos got me kind of confused about the New Age movement now.
A.  When I tune into this, the first thing I hear (really clear and loud) is that this is complete propaganda because spirituality threatens some forms of religion, specifically the church.  It is possible to have a beautiful balance and harmony between religion and spirituality, but a religion or church that wants to have complete control doesn’t want to compete.  

Some religions use fear as a way to control.  There are people that are scared of the after life, and one of the best ways the get control is to evoke fear, especially fear of the unknown.  We are to have an all forgiving God (or Source, Universe, Consciousness, etc) which is true, but some churches make you fear Him if you do something he doesn’t approve of.  They want you to think all you need is faith, and you are helpless to the results.  

Spirituality puts the control and empowerment back onto you.  You have the power to create and manifest your destiny.  Not all things will make sense, but the Universe knows what needs to happen for you to learn, grow and expand.  

Yoga is NOT demonic.  It is relaxing, balancing and helps you to connect to your higher self.  Your Guides are beautiful spiritual beings sent here to help you on your path, and have nothing but love for you..  

Lastly, many times the PTW (Powers That Were), speak in terms to confuse people.  The accusations they are saying are untrue and are purposely trying to to take the empowerment from people.  Spirituality is one of the best practices to create harmony within yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and psychically (which does not fit the agenda plan of the PTW).  The PTW ultimately want to suppress our gifts from the Universe because they fear what will happen if we become too strong, or understand how to use our gifts to overcome evil.

Q. Thank you for all you do!

Back in 2014 Paul Simon went to the Casa, the house of John of God in Brazil. During his second visit, the medium asked him to sing one song to all present! Somebody handed him over a guitar and he played one tune. What happened that made people tremble and faint while he moved around in the room singing to the healthy and ill?
(here’s the link to the story:

A.  I get there was an amazing alignment of events that led to this reaction.  People went to the Casa with the hope and prayer of healing (they set their intent, just like in a meditation or spiritual healing).  Being there, in the presence of everything, it feels energetically very overwhelming.  John of God (or Source) also has a large presence.  

As it came time for Paul Simon to heal, he felt as though his troubles were not as great as those around him, and in that humbling moment voices came to him  and told him that foregoing his healing doesn’t take away from someones else’s healing or pain (healing and health is abundant).  He was then asked to sing.  

I see he sung from his heart with such conviction and love, that those around seeking help were overwhelmed and could feel the vibration of “love” coming from him.  It was genuine and pure.  Many did physically react, it looks like it was an involuntary reaction from their subconscious.  It was truly a beautiful moment. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you  Love and light-
Link to PyschicFocus reading on YouTube:
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All About Earth 3D and 4D

All About Earth 3D and 4D

Rock Formation Compared to Tree Stumps

Q. There is a mind expanding video “There are no forests on Flat Earth” that I don’t really know how I came across or what made me watch it, but there are no coincidences, right? It is haunting in many ways and I knew I had to send it to you. It is long but well worth the time as I think it unlocks some mysteries that many may have never contemplated. Maybe it will resonate, but at a minimum will probably stay with you as it is hard to “unsee.”. The second link has a person’s cliff notes which is good too – but watching the original video is really amazing. I am hoping that you will comment on it if you have the chance to watch it. All the best and thank you for your service to share your intuition.
A.  This is very interesting and mind expanding.  I do see a time in which Giants lived on earth.  As I watched and read through this, it does resonate with me that these giant rock formations found all over the world could be petrified tree stumps (and lots of other things were covered as well, but that stood out to me the most). 

It does feel like lots of propaganda is out there trying to keep us from knowing the truth behind our history.  I get that teaching us only the version of truth (which in itself isn’t the whole truth) is how we have been controlled for so long.  Within our subconscious there is a truth that wants to be discovered, and that is why so many are opening up and questioning this.  The PTW (Powers That Were) realize this, and try to flood the media and internet with opposing information to keep us confused (and their secrets hidden).  Trust your gut, and when you want to find truth it really will flood you. 

Q.  Hi Lynn, There is a website that claims that the Earth went through a significant axis shift in 2004 and that the Sun is more than 850 miles further north in the Northern Hemisphere summer. The governments are keeping quiet about this. Is this hogwash or is there any truth to these claims?

Website link:

A.  I do see the earth is shifting, but I don’t see it as one single event.  It looks as though it is slowly being tugged at as astrological bodies interfere with our gravitational field and magnetosphere, and that tugging is shifting the location of true north.  I get that what was once true north, is no longer, and it will continue to change as time goes on. 

Q.  Hi Lynn, Can you please do a follow-up reading ( regarding the inner earth in 4D-Earth?  Is it still inhabited by hostile beings? Do you see interactions between them and us?  Thank you.

A.  As I tune into this, I don’t connect to a hollow earth in the 4D version.  I get that one may be formed via a colonization (there is potential), but cannot see one already in the making.  The focus of the 4D will be to inhabit the exterior. Even our current 3D earth didn’t initially have a colony inside, that was created via ET bases that went underground to create a colony.  

Q. Assuming we are headed for one of two new Earths.. Is the darker Earth tyrannical? Are there dragons? What kind of magic is available? How do the East and the West compare in terms of liberation?

Where can we best learn for and prepare for where we’re headed?  #NewEarth
A. Great questions!  As I look at this, the new, 4D earth is not dark in any way.  Everything feels more light and greed doesn’t feel to take over.  People have a feeling of equality on the new earth.  There is no east versus west.

I then ask, If there is no greed, what drives people to get ahead, invent and innovate (oddly, I do see a positive component to greed and competition)?  People feel driven to work toward the greater good.  That desire is what inspires growth.  I see that the new earth is more focused on spirituality and less on the tangible environment.  

I see that fairies, dragons and even big foot exists in the 4D.  They may not show themselves all the time, but look to be much more present and less afraid.   

Don’t be afraid, and just accept the new earth.  I see it like a gift to us, and a place where we can grow as spiritual beings (we are spiritual beings living a human existence in this life).  Even though we still have a human form, it doesn’t feel as heavy, and much easier to mentally, emotionally and spiritually expand.  The “clairs” feel to awaken, and the ability to astral project is much easier.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light- 

Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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US Trade War with China

US Trade War with China

Q. Hi Lynn,  Recently Mr. Trump declared commercial war on China! As Mr. Wolf (an economist who writes for the Financial Times) puts it: the USA is trying to impose to China a type of disadvantage agreement of the same type the far east country had to sign with the UK during the 19th century. Will Mr. Trump succeed?  And, will this measure bring back jobs to his country? Thanks!! 

(link to the whole article

A.  When I tune into this, I do see he will succeed.  There looks to be a much larger plan in play.  Up until now there has been unfair trade between the US and China, and he is working to make it more equal.  I see the media as trying to vilify anything Trump does, whether it be good or bad, and even though the ultimate result will be good for the US, the media (who is backed by the PTW / Powers That Were) are trying to impress upon the people this is bad.  

The citizens of the US want to make a good wage for work they do, and under the current system those jobs are diminishing.  China, with very low wages opens an opportunity for businesses that are trying to turn a profit.  With increased American businesses and manufacturing in China they have also worked hard at taking American products and intellectual property and creating cheaper “knockoffs” versions with sub-par components (plastic versus metal and cheap versus lifetime) .  China looks to be more in the “copy-cat” business rather than the innovation business, and that is a big reason why they need to ultimately stay on good terms with the US.  There is an illusion that the US needs China, but the reality is they need the US more.  Ideally, we continue trade with each other, but it has to be on more equal terms, and China realizes this even though they don’t like it.

Reestablishing more fair trade with China, including tariffs and regulations, means American businesses will have less incentive to take their businesses there.  Which means they will  bring jobs back to America because the “cheaper” alternative will no longer be there.  There will be an adjustment, and things will be tough as companies sort out the best plan of action.  The stock market looks to also have a few rocky months of fluctuation while the deal between the US and China is worked out, but looks to recover strong…  I see the media using this adjustment as a way to give Trump bad press, but this period will be short lived.  In the end the US looks to come out strong, and the economy looks to improve even more.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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The Event.. 3D, 4D, 5D. What Does It All Mean?

The Event.. 3D, 4D, 5D. What Does It All Mean?

Q.  Trying to conceptualize comparing our 3D existence to a 4D or 5D reality can be overwhelming and confusing.  I’m often asked about The Event, ascension and the different dimensions that are around us.  I thought I would try to break this down to the best of my ability based on what I am able to intuitively “see.”

A.  Our 3D reality is what you see and feel around you every day.  This reality runs on a linear timeline consisting of births and deaths, and repeating the process in cycles.  Even throughout a person’s life they experience mini births and deaths (could be children moving out to the birth of grand-parenthood).    Every chapter of life is a death of something, and a birth of something else.  Some lessons and expansions of experience can only occur in this linear scale, and we are put here time and time again until those lessons are mastered.  

This 3D plane looks and feels like a balance of being very primal (surviving) to being spiritually awakened. There is a huge range of vibrations in this density, from very low vibe 3D to very high vibrational 3D beings that are within the ascension process.  I see this wide range of vibrations providing an opportunity for many beings to incarnate here to re-balance karma, learn, heal, teach and heal.  There are a wide range of lessons to learn in this reality.

The Event has been coming for some time now, and will continue to come.  These waves of energy are slow to come as it takes the higher vibrational 3D beings even higher.  It is a slow process because it needs to be.  Rushing it, or doing too much too fast would fry our biological and neurological systems.  The surges of energy that wash over us like waves in the ocean can be difficult to process, even at the slow rate they come.  Our human bodies are amazing things, and adjust to the environment, but it does take time, and we do feel it.  Some get energized, and have amazing moments of clarity.  Others feel exhausted, have strange sleep patterns and even feel like they have the flu.  

While The Event can take a toll on those ascending to the higher end of the 3D spectrum, it is also responsible for aiding in the development of a 4D earth.  I see the 4D earth overlaying the 3D (like a layer on photoshop).  Those incarnated onto the 4D earth may come and go (share some similar events and timelines merge or cross from time to time), but then they go back to the 4D.  Groups of 4D people may experience this crossing of events and timelines like the Mandela Effect and then go back to their respective 3D and 4D realities.  

People remaining in the 3D will need to do so until they are ready to advance to the 4D.  The 4D requires a certain amount of spiritual advancement and openness to free thought.  Things work on a collective consciousness level, and your intent needs be in line with the greater good.  The 4D is about internal reflection, understanding and being in tune with your higher self.  As I described above, those in the 4D may occasionally cross over to the 3D (like they are part of lessons, learning and even healing to the 3D trying to ascend), but ultimately the timeline will reset you back to the 4D.  

Some talk about the 5D.  I see the 4D very different than the 5D.  5D looks and feels like something more on an elevated spiritual plane.  The 4D still has a human body, but the 5D looks as though people can “float” in and out of their bodies (like astral project on command).  Just as 4D can overlay the 3D, 5D will overlay the 4D. 

As I discussed this post with Da-da, he had a few questions too that you may enjoy:  
Can someone on 4D see and interact with people on 3D, and vice versa? 
A. Yes, upon occasion, but things will eventually reset to where that interaction doesn’t exist.  It cannot last any length of time because the vibrations don’t feel to be in harmony with each other. 

Will someone on 3D see a 4D blog post (that is, textually)? 
A.  They may, but memory of it will feel more like a dream.  In fact, they may not see it physically, but more like a deja vu type of event or something as a thought or dream.  The blog is in the collective consciousness, so they would be accessing through that manor versus real life. 

And who is on the 5D plane now, anyone?
A. I get the impression that it exists, but it looks like blank space.  I want to say it is there, but not developed.  There may be a few beings there, but I cannot see that it is a populated reality…yet…

For those of you wanting to do what you can to make it to the 4D, Da-da wrote a great post outlining some steps you can take.  Enjoy!  Click to see it on Schrodinger’s Other Cat

And that is all I have for this post.  Thank you.  Love and light-
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