Group Post [Beached Wales, Animal Deaths, The Staircase, Possession, Health, Harry Potter and Pain]

Group Post [Beached Wales, Animal Deaths, The Staircase, Possession, Health, Harry Potter and Pain]

Hi everyone!  Thanks for viewing!  Please see original post at

Q.  Hi Lynn!  Could you see why all of these whales have beached themselves??
A.  When I look at this, I get the internal compass (instincts) were off within these animals.  As I look at it closer, I see that as true north shifts (and I see an image of an earth and as it wobbles like a top,  true north is not always true north- it wobbles), and the magnetosphere is being tugged due to planetary objects above.  The currents and temperatures within the currents are being altered.  Animals on a collective get rerouted, and their instincts pull them into waters they would not normally go into.

Q. Hi Lynn please provide your take on this most distressing subject. Over 400 unusual animal deaths are still occurring around London, there has been no let up over the 5 years since this started and no idea of who or what is doing it. It is known as operation Takahe and called the Croydon Cat Killer. When will this stop?
A.  I get this is tied to some kind of gang activity.  I hear the phrase “They see themselves as the Jack the Ripper of the feline world.”  It looks tied to gang hazing or acceptance to be part of the gang.  I get the police have no real leads, and rather than look at this as a gang activity, they feel to be focused or distracted in the wrong direction.  I also see that there is a tell-tale they are overlooking, something with the ears or something they are doing to the ears (a tattoo, mark or notch??).  I cannot see it being resolved and the group being discovered in the short term, but I do see it eventually stopping (the gang seems to stop???).  It is like they want to leave a mark and stop before they are caught???

Q. Hello Lynn, I just finished watching The Staircase on Netflix. Could you please shed some light on what really happened? Did Michael Peterson kill his wife, Or was it just a terrible accident? Thank you so much.
A.  I did watch a few episodes to get in the zone, and I wanted to be able to focus on this.  I must admit when I was done watching this, the energy of the situation stuck with me no matter how hard I tried to disconnect from it.  When I went to bed later that night, she showed herself to me (standing in my room).  I had a difficult time understanding why she was there, and her vibe was very off.  I could tell with her actions and appearance she had a lot of mental imbalance going on.  She had a very difficult time trying to convey any type of a message to me, and the way she stood there made me uncomfortable.  I realized (somehow intuitively??) she was battling a mental imbalance (on mind altering meds???) and somehow that combined with alcohol made her unsteady on her feet and she fell.  It was instant, and I get she tried to get up a few times, but was so out of it, she kept falling and slipping in her own blood, and hit her head several times.  By the time she was found, her husband freaked out and handled the situation in an “out of operation” type manner.  Then I hear “you cannot image how you react until you find yourself in that situation.  It is easy to judge, but not so easy to live in the experience.”  This does look like a total freak accident.

Q. Hi Lynn,  I am feeling VERY STRANGE after having just watched this – to me, it’s not just magic, it’s actual possession. And if true, what’s worse, is, it’s generating great interest….directly, not hidden subliminally in music, in fashion, in whatever…here it is, in plain sight…. would love your feedback and hoping it’s a hoax, but the judges and entire room are freaked out and too much of what she ‘performs’ from start to finish of the video seems to be saturated in dark vibes. Look forward to your thoughts so I can sleep tonight!!
A.  I do get this is a darker “illusion.”  I see an image of David Blaine and see she works in the same way.  The head twitching is part of her act to aid in the distraction to complete her performance.  She creates the “creepy” vibe to intensify the shock factor and get emotions invested.  Overall, great performer and try to keep the same perspective as you would while watching a horror movie (can only effect you if you let it, and stay in the mindset that it is only entertainment).

Q. I am noticing an overwhelming increase in women having chest pains and cardiac problems over this past couple months. Women that are in their 30,s 40’s and 50’s. Is there something going on?
A.  People that are sensitive to energies are having a hard time with Wave X blasts that we are continually getting.  The heart chakra looks to take the biggest hit from the energy waves we are experiencing (it hits you in the chest first).  The energy usually runs down through the root, or up through to the crown, but if it gets stuck, it effects the heart.  (As a disclaimer, I’m not a doctor.)  If you notice someone feeling things in their chest (starts as tightness or a panic feeling) encourage them to ground themselves (as long as they are medically sound and open to it).  They need to move the energy rather than let it pool up in the chest.

Q. Hi Lynn, I did a search for Harry Potter books on here and nothing came up. Have you never looked into them or do I need to search with different key words? I was just curious about your take on them. I love them, but I have a few very fundamental friends who insist they are satanic. So, whenever I’m curious about things I go to your site. I trust the insights you get. Thanks for what you do!
A.  I’ve never read these books, but I’ve been exposed to them.  I do not see them as satanic, but rather encouraging kids to believe in their gifts.  It is about understanding what you naturally have and using it for good.  People that try to take gifts that are given and discourage them, are trying to encourage people to suppress themselves (out of fear that they will grow, expand and question “things.”)

Q.  Hi Lynn, I recently had a thought that gave me anxiety and a kind of panicky feeling. I thought maybe getting some insight from you would give me some clarity and/or comfort. I want to know why some people have to experience extremely painful events such as being burned alive or tortured. This has been my worst fear as pain is something I never dealt well with at all and I wish we didn’t experience that feeling. 

Do the people who experience these events agree to do this before incarnating? Is it some sort of karmic debt? Or does it just happen because of free will?

A.  We do agree to certain life experiences when we incarnate.  It could be to help you overcome fears, phobias, break cycles, grow and expand.  It could be to resolve a karmatic debt or reset a balance.  We do have free will, and if you intend to feel pain, you will feel it regardless of what you “agreed” to, but otherwise it truly is part of your life path.  It is important to remember that the Universe doesn’t see “pain,” it sees experience, and what you do with that experience is the fundamental lesson.
And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to REAL.Video Channel (Reading and Discussion):

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PRIORITY Blog Request: Jet Fuel Hoax, Rockets and Lunar Wave

PRIORITY Blog Request: Jet Fuel Hoax, Rockets and Lunar Wave

Hi everyone.  I know the past few readings have been intense and really out of the box.  I want to switch gears, but I first want to address some interesting (and also more out of the box questions).  Now that I know the direction this reading went, out of respect for the person that paid for this Priority request (with super interesting questions), please keep remarks constructive.  I’m fine testing myself, but name calling or insults will go to spam.  Thanks. 

Q. These clips are very recent, but there are these guys that believe there is NO fuel in commercial airplanes.  They call it jet fuel hoax.  It would be nice if you could shed a light. Or, is it just a scam to make money….
A.   I have looked at this theory before (but never did an “official” reading).  I did take a few minutes to look at the videos just to get in the right mindset before I continued on….  

I will say I cannot connect to planes running solely on compressed air.  I get the fuel itself (jet fuel) is very concentrated, and an element of compressed (or “enriched”) air is added during the combustion process to maximize the efficiency of the fuel, but fuel (and occasionally a chemtrail cocktail) is used.  

Q. Also I found this channel “Crrow777” who has a video with an eyewitness in which she states that there are NO rockets going to space. It was just like a previous reading you did. 
A.  This is true.  I do not see rockets going into space because they cannot penetrate through the firmament.  When rockets go up, they really go at an angle.  From there they continue on until they explode on impact with the firmament, or they arch back down into the ocean to be retrieved.    

The same is true with satellites.  They are land based technology versus space based (that is why people in the navy or at sea have to use a different system of tracking and mapping because GPS does not work).   This is also why in rural areas sometimes the GPS or technology has issues because rather than getting a signal from the sky, it is coming from land based towers.  

The Space Station and Moon landing are also not as they want you to believe.  I’ve included a few links to previous readings on these topics at the end of this post. 

Q. Lastly,  the lunar wave is also interesting..
A.  I have done reading on this before (I will include a link below).  I still see it the same way as far as who lives there and the waves being tied to a force field.  The moon feels like there are bases all over it, and especially on the dark side, where we are not welcome (even if we could get there).  The moon does have a strange vibe to it.  I always felt like the earth was alive, and has a life force tied to her, but the moon has an artificial feel too (I don’t feel the same essence given off, even though the illumination feels powerful).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
To further support the blog or my video channels, please visit me on Patreon.
Antarctica (And a Little More)…

Antarctica (And a Little More)…

Q. Is there an ancient civilization on Antarctica?  Supposedly, Hitler sent people there to search for one and that may or may not be true.  But there are areas on Antarctica that have been shaded out on Google Maps.  There must be something significant there if it has been obscured.  Did Admiral Byrd discover something significant there?  Many suggest that it is an urban myth.   I believe something significant is there or the government would not restrict the satellite pictures and physical access?
A.  Hitler did sent people to Antarctica for a couple reasons.  The first reason is because Hitler had a strong belief and connection with ETs.  He had experiences in which ETs shared ideas of technology and various advancements that he implemented in leadership.  There was a rumor of a pyramid and ET base located on Antarctica, and he wanted to meet up with these beings in their territory.  He was very connected and curious about ETs, and he was drawn to be near them.  

Flat Earth Map (left) / UN Map (right)

The second thing I see is that Hitler wanted the oddities of Antarctica explored.  He wanted to explore this uninhabited land (I don’t see humans living there currently) to see what it had to offer.  Could it be colonized?  Were there resources?  What was there?  It was a mystery he wanted to solve.  

The reason Google has shaded out areas of Antarctica is because (take a deep breath, I know this sounds radical) the earth is flat and they cannot get access to those areas, and even if they could, Antarctica does not look like what they want it to look like.  In looking at the flat earth model map above (Note, which is the same image as the UN map), you can see the positioning of the continents, with an outer ice wall and ring (which is essentially Antarctica) encircling the “plane”t. Antarctica is not an icy continent on the south of a sphere.

The government restricts access to this area because they do no want you to know the truth.  Bryd did make a great discovery.  He was able to scale the ice wall, and explore beyond.  He saw the true lands of Antarctica.  If this truth was released, and people started to believe or ponder it, they would question what other lies have been told (and as soon as doubt is put in motion, they start to lose control).  Government (govern=control ment=mind) wants you to believe what they tell you, and not question or challenge it.  The “house of cards” would start to tumble (truth about WWI, WWII, 9/11, big pharma, vaccines, false flags, the list is limitless).

[Note:  I’ve done some in depth readings on Antarctica and the flat earth and included a few below.  I also want to share as I approached this topic, I used to have a hard time reading it.   I can remember reading questions pertaining to the flat earth, and even told my husband I didn’t know how to approach the subject objectively.  In my mind, especially with the “programming” out there via most every media source and school, the earth must be round.  He told me to clear myself, relax, and just go with the truths that come to you.  Not only did I shock myself with what came through after I set my bias aside, other things, like the UN symbol, would cross my path to reinforce what I just discovered.  I’ve had to really sit back and question my own belief system, but I do enjoy challenging and testing myself.  I believe that is how we all learn and grow as people.]

Link to past readings:

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
To further support the blog or my video channels, please visit me on Patreon.

Hi everyone- Just wanted to add this diagram to help explain the seasons and how the day/night works.  A picture (or video) is worth a thousand words and I hope it gives a little clarity.  Again, I know this is an abstract concept. Lynn 🙂

Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards

Q. Sometimes we hear about people playing with Ouija Boards and being negatively effected by paranormal events, including possession.  But, why does this occur if we are always watched by our Guides and Angels?  Is it free will? How come they (our guides and angels) don’t intervene to help us, or is there a order of seniority that allows the bad ones to overcome the good ones?

A. First, ouija boards are not toys.  Spirits and beings in other dimensions want to be heard, so if they see an opportunity, they will flock to it like a beacon.  

When someone uses a ouija board, they approach it knowing that they may (and probably will) connect with another being.  The intent of the user is to communicate.  If the user doesn’t set proper protection (through intent, mantras, and a belief in their own strength), a low vibe being can come through and attach to the user.  The low vibe being see it as a way to be heard through communication and/or influence.

Guides are there to protect and nudge you in the right direction, but if you go on your own, especially with the intent to connect to something not in this dimension, they can only protect you so much.  This is an example of how the Law of Attraction works; setting intent to connect (without protection) can give you any connection (because you didn’t set boundaries). 

Even though the question didn’t ask, it is coming through strong that it is no coincidence these are found in the toy isle of the stores.  The PTW (Powers That Were) want us to be reckless.  Keeping our vibrations low through fear, negativity and low vibe interactions.  This prevents us from ascending and growing (which inversely keeps us weak and easy to control).  

I also get there is an agenda to keep people afraid of the spiritual planes.  Spirituality, and connection to a higher power is empowering and teaches people they can manifest their own destiny.  It encourages people to be empowered rather than powerless.  Free thinking people are much more difficult to control.  In the right environment (always set protection),  spirituality and connecting to both your higher self and high vibrational beings is a very beautiful thing. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Be safe.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Link to PsychicFocus reading (I will include my own personal experience with a ouija board, and why to never play with them!  These are not toys, and I cannot say it enough.) on:

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Mysteries in the Sky

Mysteries in the Sky

Q. Hi Lynn – I been having a hard time finding people to communicate about these things I found on a webcam. I don’t know why people are silent when I ask around the net. It is really weird. I collected the images into a streaming video with some music we made.  I emailed you, and you were the only one that had anything to say about it. =) Thanks!

I was coming back to share with you if you can do a reading on what these things are? I would like to maybe share your comments with others too to get people to talk about them? It’s a long video, sorry, but I’ve collected the pictures over several years and put up the best ones. I cleaned them up, but didn’t alter what they look like. These things are still showing up in the same webcams too.  I will share the links to them as they are public.

Video Compilation:

Webcam Links (Don’t forget to “refresh” often):

Thanks so much again – your awesome!  Cheers!

A.  After reading this and watching the video, I was most drawn to the images that showed a bright “streak” in the sky.  While focusing on it, I get that they were ET air crafts, but the interesting thing is if you were to look at them with your naked eye, you wouldn’t be able to see them (referring to the video taped images).  The camera enabled you to spot them (so I am doubtful that there were reportings of UFO activities on most of these days).  These crafts were literally flying at speeds that our man made crafts have not be able to achieve (and our 3D eyes could not see, but something with the video or refresh rate ??? allowed it to happen).  

I also noticed that some of the pictures showed “streaks” with red dots along the streak.  I get these too were crafts traveling, but they were giving off a pulse.  This pulse felt like a communication to other beings / crafts.  It felt it was a pulse relating to either a binary or Morse code.

I was interested in knowing who the beings were that were in the crafts.  I then realized the camera located near the Lawrence Hall of Science was very near a portal, and many beings used this portal.  That is why so many ships were seen traveling, and why they are flying at such high speeds (rather than floating or just cruising).  It requires tremendous energy to fly in and out of a portal, and then the craft reduces speeds once through (to conserves energy).  

I can say that as I think about the location and watch the video, the beings feel neutral.  One specific ship has a crew of about 8 beings that look to be very pale Greys.  It was clear to me that these aren’t the only beings using the portal, but they were the ones that showed themselves. They were in the process of exiting Earth, and on their way.  I cannot see any ill will or negative activity tied to these pics or the portal.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon

JFK Jr…. Could it be?…. Q Who?

JFK Jr…. Could it be?…. Q Who?

Q.  Hi Lynn.  Well, well, well who would have thought this….  Found this today.

Could JFK Jr be alive and could he be Q (QAnon)?  What say you Lynn….?  Regards.

Q. There is a video circulating on whether the two people behind one of Trump’s rallies is John F Kennedy Jr and Caroline Bessette. It’s also thought that they never died in the plane crash in 1999, but escaped to hide in anonymity. JFK Jr and Trump are working to together to defeat the cabal. Here are a couple of links to explain. It sounds too good to be true but, the clues on the Q board are too coincidental. 

[If you watch anything, please give this a few minutes]

A.  I want to approach this as two different questions.  The first is to see if JFK Jr could indeed be alive.  I have been asked about JFK, and do see he was killed, and the events of his death were tied to interactions with the CIA (I have done readings on this, and pulled one to attach to the bottom of this post.)  

I have even done a reading on JFK Jr, and I took a minute to review it (attached) to mentally get in the same place.  In my initial reading (which I reconnected to) I could feel the kind of person he was; compassionate, very intelligent, hard working, deeply missed his father, and full of anger at the agendas in place.  Who he was made him privy to lots of inside knowledge, and it really disgusted him that people in power could get away with horrible things, even murder, and think they were untouchable.  

As I replay the events in my mind, trying to pay even more attention to the details, I see the plane explosion (again).  In my original reading, I stopped there and didn’t think to keep probing and asking more questions.  This time as I zoom in on the plane, I am realizing that I see the explosion, but I do not see him in the plane.  The windows are tinted, and you cannot see anyone inside. In fact, I don’t ever see his body.  Even when I was looking at the aftermath and family gatherings.  I see people, emotions, even chaos, but I never actually see him physically (closed or no casket????) or in spirit (when someone has passed, the image always looks like there is some fog to it, and they look to stand at a distance rather than close to my face). 

[After taking a few minutes to clear myself again] I wanted to focus past the plane crash, and focus on JFK Jr himself.  I don’t want the distraction of the crash, but rather more on if he faked his death and is he alive…  As soon as I put the intent out to that question, I am overcome with the emotion of apprehension.  I see a face appear that looks to be him in disguise. My empathic side kicks in, and as I realize this IS him, he cannot safely reveal his identity, location or remove the scarf from his mouth.  I feel the need to get some kind of closure for his father’s death, but also the fear of being found out before he can complete his mission.

(Oddly, when I was looking for a image to add to this post, this
popped up using the keywords “JFK Jr. Death.”  There are no
coincidences, and I had to share. I’m not sure what I expected,
but it definitely wasn’t this.)

Now I’m being shown the story as if I am seeing a rewind.  He is showing me some of the things he gathered that he wanted to expose.  He had done his research and was close to proving the CIA involvement (Bu5h) in his father’s death.  He also has a lot of evidence regarding disclosure, which was something his dad was very passionate about (and one of the motives behind his death).  He was going to make change, and some big name people were going down.  The word got out, and the PTW (Powers That Were) that were affiliated with Kennedy’s death knew that JFK Jr needed to be quieted.  It got back to JFK Jr that there was a plan to “defect his plane” and he realized he would never survive to bring these people or agendas down.  As I look at it, I see a big, black spider web connecting all these people (PTW).  He basically had a few days to take the plan the PTW put in motion and use it as a fresh start for himself to finish what he started.

While the news of the crash hit the media, it served as a smoke screen for him to get out of the country.  He knew he had to plan out what he wanted to do in great detail, and the since he had such a short time to plan his death, it took him a while to regroup, determine who he could trust, and network.  He knew that he needed someone to be on his side, and trying to reveal anything under a Bu5h or C1int0n Administration (or one where they had any influence) would be impossible.  Under the wildcard of Trump, and Trump’s desire to purge the deep state, he had the opportunity he needed to come forward.  There is something significant with the letter Q (I see it like an inside joke) and added the Anon for a tag name. He is determined to make the PTW sweat, and help wake people up to the truths around us.  I then hear him say “All is fair in love and war.”
Link to previous readings:

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
NEW!  Link to REAL.Video:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

#WalkAway Movement

#WalkAway Movement

Q.  Lynn, I keep hearing a lot about the #WalkAway movement.  Apparently some democrats are “walking away” from their party and joining the republican side. Is this legit or is there an agenda to it?  Do you see this taking off?

A.  I do see this is legit, and gaining momentum.  Democrats typically support liberal ideas and social programs that they feel benefit the lower class, and lower middle class.  I see some dems having internal conflict due to the radical comments and actions of the alt left (including Hollywood), and this mode of thinking doesn’t align with what many democrats stand for.  

Some alt left groups are promoting negativity against people that challenge their ideas.  Even events such as Maxine Waters (an elected official) rallying to have people harass Trump supporters promotes the opposite of unity.  If you disagree with these groups, you run the risk of being labeled with something ending in “obia” or another choice word.  Promoting violence and completely disrespecting the President is not what the democratic party used to be about.

Dems that cannot relate or support the actions of their party are leaving.  This isn’t saying they are pro Trump, they are just anti violence and division.  Until the alt left rethinks their strategy, I see more and more dems leaving, which really scares the PTW (Powers That Were) since the alt left are the activists used to influence their agendas.  The alt left doesn’t feel as scared as the PTW though as their plan is to get immigrants (legal and illegal) voting rights and sway them in the democrat direction.

We are in a shift.  People are becoming more and more alert and aware of what is going on around them, and slowly starting to question everything.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:  To be posted
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

Gaia TV Controversy, QAnon, Wilcock and Goode

Gaia TV Controversy, QAnon, Wilcock and Goode

Q. Hi Lynn! I have a few questions for you. First dealing with the recent Gaia TV controversy. If you aren’t aware of it; apparently former employees of the Channel have formed the G.E.M. which stands for Gaia Employee Movement, alleging that Gaia’s CEO, Jirka Rysavy, is a Luciferian and that Gaia’s top corporate personnel have basically suppressed information concerning the revelation of advanced plasma based tech, etc., along with concealing an array of even deeper details and information pertaining to the secret space program. It is claimed employees/former employees, hosts of it’s various programs and their guests have been threatened, intimidated, and even abused, some of which even by Scalar weapons (directed energy weapons which are supposedly very painful) and are stifled by having to sign non-disclosure agreements which legally prohibit them from discussing the topic any further outside of their interviews which after they are filmed and never again see the light of day and never air on the program, stored away indefinitely. 

In addition, it has been rumored that David Wilcock, host of Cosmic Disclosure and Wisdom Teachings on the channel, has resigned from the company for that very reason and it seems his frequent guest and co-host of Cosmic Disclosure, Corey Goode, has some legal battles with the channel as well. A woman investigating the situation on a YouTube channel, You Are Free TV, covers the ordeal and reads a letter supposedly from Wilcock to the Gaia corporation. What do you see concerning the truth of this situation and the real agenda(s) involved? Does Gaia’s Corporate Big Wigs really have a Luciferian agenda to contain and limit disclosure? 

And lastly, concerning Wilcock, he recently posted an update of new briefings on his website, in which he suggests based on the latest QAnon quotes, this month could very well be the month that the disclosure event happens. QAnon’s quote is as follows: “Panic is good. Panic is right. July 2018 – the month the world discovered the TRUTH. Conspiracy no more. Time to FEED. Q” 

Wilcock also claims that at least four of his insiders have confirmed that the “Alliance” has seized trillions upon trillions of dollars previously stolen by the Deep State and that these funds will be released back into the economy in the form of “Prosperity Funds”. What do you see pertaining to all of this? Will July really be the pivotal, earth-shaking moment of disclosure for humanity including the revelation of the E.T. existence and advanced technology or will it (IF it happens) be just some limited disclosure of corruption? In other words, what is the “truth” QAnon is referring too? 

Thank you so much for your time in reading this long request and for looking into it! Much love and light to you and yours! 

A.  I do see as Gaia TV closes in and reveals more truth, they have been put on the radar of the PTW (Powers That Were).   There is a secret space program, but it deals more with the beings in space versus the objects in space.  As discoveries are made, and the probability of disclosure becomes more evident, this information is flagged and the PTW want it secret.  Knowing and confirming the existence of ETs will change the paradigm for many people, and force an acceptance that some aren’t ready for.  More importantly, it threatens a loss of control of the PTW because there indeed higher powers out there, and these higher powers may be sought after like beacons of light. The PTW can no longer cause a problem only to be solution because a new player is in town.  

Wilcock and Goode do have their challenges.  They obtain information, but then it gets infiltrated and edited to appease the channel.  Bits of truth are revealed, but so much is filtered and edited to comply with the agenda.  It does feel like this Gaia channel has some Luciferian ties.  I hear the phrase to “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” and feel I am being told the motive for creating this channel was to lure in the threats, have them work with/for you in order to keep tabs on their findings.  It was no accident that Wilcock and Goode aligned with this channel. 

The “authentic” QAnon is very insightful, and a truth seeker as well.  I cannot see full disclosure happening by the end of July, but I do see it happening by the end of Trump’s administration.  You do have to be cautious that you aren’t following a copycat of QAnon as well.  I see that the PTW are very threatened and scared of what QAnon is going to share and release for the public, and since they cannot stop him, they copy him and relay false info to discredit him so people be will less likely to believe in the revelations he shares.  I get this message regarding July was a “copy cat” message, and even though it will happen (referring to disclosure), it won’t be within this timeframe.  There are also many “deep state” officials being taken down (some in the public eye, and some privately), and this part of the message was to desensitize people as “offensive damage control” for when these stories inevitably break into the alternative media streams. (which does look to be July)  It is important to know that the real QAnon is legit, so listen to what he says, and run it through your intuitive filter.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, 
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon. 



Q. Sounds create shapes called cymatics.  If you change the vibration of sound waves they produce specific shapes and waves called cymatics. If you repeat the vibration you should get the same shapes under the same conditions.  Some of them are circles and random geometric shapes, but you can also create a cross (Christian symbol) and a pentagram (Satanic).  Symbols have a powerful influence on people if they are closely associated with a movement or a belief system.  If you play the sound / vibration that creates an associated image, can you influence people’s behavior or mood with that sound while the person is unaware?  If you played the sound associated with a pentagram would that make you more aggressive, or a cross more docile?
A.  When I focus on cymatics, I do see that you can infuse and influence the shape of sound (and water) with specific vibrations.  I see that these vibrations can be very effective in healing a person (though sound therapy, or through ingesting infused water).  Everything within us works on vibrations and frequencies, and when an illness occurs it is because a frequency is off.  Sound is one of the ways to influence and encourage health. 

I do see a person can be influenced in ways they are unaware of (smells, sounds, visually) and there is a lot of money in marketing and advertising to determine what is most effective to obtain a desired result.  I see there are also other agendas out there using a stimulus such as sounds to manipulate people to be calm, docile, aggressive.  Sound and vibrations are not only heard, but they are felt within the subconscious.  

The interesting thing I get is you can place intent behind a sound to alter how it is perceived by those hearing it.  If you were to purposely create a sound that was infused with a cross, and placed the intent of love and Source, it would be met with a peaceful reaction.  Likewise, if you sent out a vibration of a cross and tied it with the emotion of sinners being punished, the reaction would be very anxious and fearful.  Cymatics do look very powerful, and the intent behind a directed (purposeful) sound is just as impactful.      

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: to be posted
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Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

Q.  Some have suggested that the pyramids were a source of power that used water as a pump that radiated through a crystal at the top.  Was the pump noisy…..could it have been heard outside the pyramid?  How did it use oscillating water to create energy?
A. I do see the pyramids did sit on an underground water source or river.  The pyramids also had a large crystal quartz capstone at the top point. They did serve as a powerhouse, and it looks like they would build up electricity using a mechanism and the running water, and the current would then flow to the inner chamber of the pyramid via some kind of primitive wire or tubing.  This wiring feels like it was insulted in the channel by using a pink colored store to line the channel.  Within the center of the pyramid was a metallic looking apparatus and hear it was a capacitor and worked like a battery.  When the “battery” was full it would expel and electric charge upward through another pink stoned lined channel and out the top (it was how the battery discharged).  When this happened, it would look like a lightening bolt was shooting out the top of the pyramid and into the sky. 

The pyramids did make noise, similar to a low hum when the current was flowing.  If you touched a pyramid and were grounded, you could even feel a little static shock (even thought the majority of the energy was held within the channels that carried the wiring).  

Q. Ancient Egyptians used Hieroglyphics and many people that have seen aliens and alien aircraft have reported that they have seen writing on the sides of the aircraft that resembled hieroglyphics.  Because aliens have been associated with ancient Egypt and the Pyramids, is it possible that Hieroglyphics evolved from alien writing?  Or did hieroglyphics naturally evolve from using pictographs to represent ideas and objects?  
A.  I get hieroglyphics evolved in Egypt because they were an advanced society and wanted a way to keep records and advance knowledge to future generations.  It looks as though Egyptians came up with their own way of documenting through pictures.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light,
Link to PsychicFocus reading of YouTube: to be posted
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