Islam, Thought, Intent and the Veil

Islam, Thought, Intent and the Veil

Q.  There seems to be a war against Christianity and a rise of Islamic Fundamentalism. 

Two thousand years ago, Paganism and Judaism were dominant.

Is it possible that as our values change, and people become more educated, and critical; that current religions will decline in the future and another belief system will replace them?

I was just wondering, because 2000 years ago in ancient Rome; they had hundreds of religions and cults to worship, not just the state sanctioned gods of ancient Rome.  And Quakers were relatively common several hundred years ago but they are a rare breed today.  So it is logical that today’s religions may cease to exist or morph into something new as well.
A. We are constantly changing and shifting.  I do see very controlling religions emerging because under that reign people are easier to control.  As the religion gets accepted within society, then people begin to be punished based on religious based laws.  For example, if you have a religion that requires women to be covered by a burqa, and she removes the burqa, she could be sexually assaulted.  Even if you don’t personally believe in the religion, you have to fear those around you that do and it can be easier to go along that try to resist it.  

The goal is, and always has been to keep people suppressed and easy to control.  Fear is the easiest way to control and manipulate people.  The migrant crisis in Europe is already shifting the culture.  This shift of people (instigated by the PTW / Powers That Were), was designed to start to attack Europe and it’s descendants.  There are two dissimilar cultures and belief systems colliding, and the governments are standing down and allowing it to play out as these migrants refuse to assimilate.  A (more) free thinking group of people is being broken down by a very aggressive collection of people. 

Please hold onto your beliefs, and do what you can to preserve your way of thinking.  Send some love to Europe- these people need it!

Q. How is ‘thought’ transmitted?  Is it faster than the speed of light?
A. I see thought as an energetic pulse.  I would say it is faster than the speed of light, as I see it happen almost instantly.  The interesting thing is that even though the thought “pulse” happens instantly, it may take a moment for your body to interpret the received message (either through an intuitive nudge, vision or even clairaudiently).  

Q. I bought a ‘Jesus’ candle last Easter.  Its’ one of those candles that are popular with Catholics and Hispanics.   I bought it to celebrate Easter and I burned it several hours a day until it ran its’ course.  I recited the prayer on the back when I lit it the first time. Many times when I passed the candle, while it was lit;  I said ‘Hello Jesus’ or ‘How are you doing Jesus’ and when I blow out the candle at the end of the day I said
‘Good night Jesus, say hello to God and my Mother for me’….lol

Are these just amusing antics from me or does Jesus, God and perhaps my Guides actually hear me? 
A.  With or without a candle, Source, angles and guides always hear you.  They are always around, and when you call upon them or talk to them, they know what you say.  They like to help and be of service, so your wishes are important to them.  You can speak to yourself, or out loud (but out loud creates a stronger intent).  

Q. If people on Earth are the only ones that live in a 3D world, and time does not exist in other worlds…….. what creates the difference?  Is it a hidden veil, like an invisible fog that exists around the Earth or our Galaxy?  Or is it a state of Mind that we are not aware of, like psychic abilities? We often hear about raising our vibration through meditation, but how does that occur?

A.  There are other worlds that experience time on a linear scale because they too live in the same density as earth (just under different circumstances and “rules”). Earth does have a veil that keeps us here (possibly the firmament as described in the bible- which is a topic I’ve talked about in past readings???). 

Meditation does help to raise your vibration because you are more connected to source.  Heavy or negative emotions keep your low, but meditating and being in tune with your subconscious and higher self helps you to rid yourself of those negative emotions (similar to unloading a heavy weight), which helps you to elevate yourself.  When you meditate focus on grounding to the earth (she welcomes everything you purge) and reaching to Source.  That intent and motion will help you to increase in vibration. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.
Intuitives, Psychic Awareness and Emotions in Spirit

Intuitives, Psychic Awareness and Emotions in Spirit

Q. If you were in a room full of psychics and intuitives, would you get along with them on a personal level?  Would you be friends with each other because there are so few in society (statistically) and have similar personalities (helping others)? Or would it be difficult because you would be in a room of mentally active people that would give you discomfort?  

A.  Intuitives and psychics are like everyone else, some you mesh with, and some you don’t.  It really depends on the person.  I do have friends that are very gifted and intuitive, and I’m blessed to have them cross my path.  We have great discussions, and the synergy that forms makes me feel like it recharges me in some way.

I have also come across some very spiritual people that focus on love and the greater good, but have a hard time accepting things such as the existence of the PTW (Powers That Were) or negative activities in the world.  I still get along with them, but I do have to hold back and watch what I say because they are not ready to hear it.

Q. Is there a level of psychic awareness that is considered the best or the highest?  There are several abilities like Clairaudience (hearing) , Clairvoyance (seeing), Telekenesis (influencing objects), Remote Viewing……

Does knowing one in particular elevate you to a higher Spiritual level than others?  In other words, does learning one Gift make you a white belt in martial arts, another make you a brown belt and another one make you a black belt?

Are there any psychic abilities at higher levels that the average person is not aware of that might be withheld from the general public?  
A. All psychic and intuitive abilities are gifts, and I cannot see one being better than another.  Having and recognizing abilities is just the beginning.  Developing  and trusting your gifts is what will help you elevate to a higher spiritual level.  

You may have the most amazing, vivid clairaudience, and not experience other “clairs” and be more advanced than someone with two recognizable gifts that are undeveloped.  Take what you have and work with it, and don’t worry about “rules” of advancement.

At the higher level, there isn’t anything hidden that I can see.  The big difference is the clarity in your messages, and your ability to relay those messages without altering the meaning.  

Q. When someone dies and passes to the other side, do they ‘sleep’, do they dream?  Do they feel sad or happy?
A. I cannot see that they sleep / dream.  They look to always be active (and “on call” should you connect with them).  I do sense emotion from them, so yes, a wide range of feelings can be detected from them.

A Few to Revisit:

Q. Ancient  aliens has some interesting ideas on their show even if some of them might be fantastical. Recently, they had a show profiling Chaco Canyon which housed several thousand people but they are still guessing as to why it was abandoned.  They lived in kivas, round circular homes; with wooden roofs.  At least that is the assumption.  What were they used for and why were they abandoned?  Did they build them on their own, or did they get assistance from someone else?
A.  Dada and I worked on this topic in a History’s Mysteries session.  I thought this question would be fun to pull, and I included an excerpt from our post: 

Chaco CanyonSo, who originally built Chaco Canyon? What happened to the civilization there? 

What Lynn Saw” The people who built this had very dark skin and straight dark hair, the native american tribe that built this community here. It feels like there were a lot of battles and fights over land and resources here, a lot of competition for survival. It was built with a big wall as protection, to protect against invasion, as terrible brutality existed at this time. The people within had a good mentality; they were just trying to protect themselves. They built the wall first, the rest later. It was its own little town. This tribe stayed there all year round. I also get that, as competition increased to survive outside, it became harder and harder to feed the thriving community inside. The resources dried up and the community was forced to abandon the area. They tried to reestablish this same community elsewhere.” 

Q. When people talk about ley lines and energy lines, they usually include remarks about enlightenment and positive experiences.  Are there energy lines that create bad experiences or bad feelings?
A.  I tuned into this in a past reading, and wanted to share it with you again.  Here is what I was able to see: 

I get there are no naturally occurring ley lines or energy lines that are negative.  There are “man made” portals that are negative and hold a negative space, but are directed to the sky, and not Mother Gaia.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon

Role of the Millennials and Generation Z in France’s Riots

Role of the Millennials and Generation Z in France’s Riots

Q. I have an odd question, Lynn. I’ve just finished reading “Large-Scale Riots Continue in France for 4th Straight Night” and a question arose in my mind. Isn’t this age group defined by terms like “starseed,” “indigo,” “crystal children,” and so forth? Is the population of (probably) younger Millennials and Generation Z equally split between spiritually adept and the “lukewarm” some have said will remain on a 3D Earth for another major cycle after the final completion of the Ascension process? This age group appears to constitute very violent groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, European African immigrant groups, etc. What’s the dynamic here? How do you see their respective roles playing out? 

A.  When I tune into the special beings, the starseeds, indigo and crystal children, I don’t see them as the portion of millennials that are filled with hate, but they the balance to the hate groups.  Even though these genuine special beings may get confused and wrapped up in these groups (because they are open minded and free thinking), they don’t carry a hateful vibe.  A starseed, indigo and crystal child will not feel right or feel they belong in a group filled with anger, and I don’t see them staying.

There is a portion of millennials (good portion) that is being swayed by the media through emotional tugs to join (what appears on the outside) to be a meaningful group.  Many of these groups (like Antifa) are hateful, and promote exactly what they claim to protest.  All of this labeling and anger creates division which is exactly how the PTW (Powers That Were) want it to be.  Agendas are being cultivated as we continue to divide, and the anger forms a smoke screen to allow the PTW to sculpt society into what they want.  They are emasculating men, breaking down the families and forcing people to live submissively (and if you speak out or make an observation you are labeled).  

There is also another (unexpected) role of these groups and people too.  I see these groups escalating to the point where there is an uprising.  Humans, by nature, can only be controlled so much.   People opposing these groups realize what is happening, and go in defense mode.  Something drastic needed to happen for change to occur, and this is the fuel.  I then hear the quote by Edmund Burke “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

People living in a vibe of division that cannot free think and begin to question things do feel doomed to remain on the 3D earth (through at least another incarnation). Ascension and various phases of ascension are constantly occurring.  I see that if you aren’t ready to ascend this time around, you don’t have to wait several incarnations or cycles to get there.  Maybe you are ready the next time you are here. You may not be ready in this life, but you could experience a lot of growth in a future life (or lives) that makes you ready for the next step.    

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon

A Few Thoughts for Monday

A Few Thoughts for Monday

Q. Hello Lynn, I am curious…  When someone is viewing an event on another timeline, they often comment that someone ‘saw them’ and reacted with surprise. Were they seen because the person in the other timeline had a sixth sense and was able to perceive them? Or were they able to be seen by anyone; like a ghost? 
A.   There are beings in every dimension, and every timeline.  Since time runs in a loop in the spirit planes (versus linearly as it does here on earth) there are beings experiencing that time line as well as beings that toggle between timelines (which is the basis of the Mandela Effect).  Anyone looking at an alternate timeline can be seen or sensed just as they can see other people. The “surprise” factor comes from realizing that you are seeing or sensing someone that has tapped into a different timeline.

Link to previous readings on the Mandela Effect:

Q.  Is there a single Heaven for the Universe or is there a different Heaven for each Planet or Galaxy? How come people that visit the ‘Other Side’ see other people and sometimes pets; but they never return saying that they saw dinosaurs and aliens?

A.  I see the progression on the other side happening in phases.  All beings do go to one spiritual “plane,” and they progress or ascend through that plane until they decide to reincarnate.  People that have a NDE (Near Death Experience) travel to lowest spiritual plane (think of it as the “welcoming” point).  They may see white light, have familiar people nearby, experience the earth from above, but don’t submerge themselves so deep in that state of existence that they are able to progress.  IF they stayed in spirit, they would gradually advance and ascend within the plane to the vibration that houses those beings, but they are pulled back or encouraged to go back before they get that type of advancement.  

Q. There are some special qualities about buildings designed to Sacred Geometry and the Fibonacci Numbers. Are there any foods in Nature that have the same design as Sacred Geometry and might have additional benefits beyond nutrition?  Thanks for your blog Lynn! 
A.  When I focus on this, I get that everything in nature is based upon sacred geometry.  We can either see it visually, or under a microscope, but regardless, it is there.  The tough thing in to determine what it is that you need (or need to eliminate) that is causing your body distress.  The first thing I heard (rather clear) when I read this question was the quote by Hippocrates “Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.”  To go beyond nutrition (which I see as health, healing and spiritual development), you should focus on natural elements found in our environments.  

The single most beneficial thing I see is water, and I hear the phrase “living water.”  It appears that water infused with a certain vibration whether done with music, herbs, oils, flowers, fruits or vegetables can be very beneficial depending on your health and spiritual goals.  This “living water” looks to help you to feel better, detox, promote cell regeneration and decalcify the pineal gland.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

Drought in the UK and Floods in Italy and France

Drought in the UK and Floods in Italy and France

Q. How about you do a Reading on the current lack of rain and imminent drought in the UK and much of northern Europe?

“UK weather sees driest June on record”

“However, Denmark, usually a reliable supplier, is having its driest season in 59 years”

“Farmers in some central European and northern countries [Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany and Finland] have been hit by severe drought, which is reaching catastrophic proportions. Whilst some southern countries [Iberian Peninsula, Italy, France] have been experiencing floods.”

What is the cause of this drought? How long can we expect it to continue?

A.  When I tune into this I get there is an underlying agenda to destabilize Europe.  It first started with the migrant crisis (that was instigated by the PTW / Powers That Were) and the influx of people that have been unwilling to assimilate.  To make it worse, some radical weather manipulation is going on which inhibits jobs, decreases production and ultimately hurts the economy. 

I get that the PTW have a plan to try to regain control of the United States, and weaken other areas (countries) that pose a threat.  They “think” that the fear and society shifts that are currently at play trough the media and Hollywood will give the Alt Left a sure lead to the next presidency, (but what they don’t realize is that people have had enough and are starting to see things for what they are).  The PTW realize they cannot control Trump, but they can lay the framework for when they (assumedly) will regain control of the US again.  

By making Europe weak, I hear they think they can “buy Europe for pennies on the dollar” and come in and save they day.  Also, Europe and other surrounding countries will be in a much better position to accept and buy into a new world currency if they think it has a hope of restoring and re-balancing what has been lost over the last decade (or so).  (And this new currency will not only keep track of each transaction, but will allow the PTW to tax each transaction, and give access to people’s funds via electronic means should they need it.)

I see this lasting through 2018 (I hear something about the fiscal calendar).  So much looks to happen over the next few months, and the European government is in many ways in denial as to the overall situations plaguing Europe (migrant crisis, rape culture, lack of assimilation and economy).  I see Europe reaching out for help or doing some kind of restructure within the next 3 to 5 years. 

(Please give a moment of pause and good vibes to Europe.  Both the countries and the people need it).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon

I Really Don’t Care Do U?

I Really Don’t Care Do U?

Q. OK Lynn, here’s a quickie! What on earth did Melania’s jacket mean? “I really don’t care do u?”
A.  When I tune into this I get that Melania isn’t this mean, heartless woman that many in the media try to portray.  The PTW (Powers That Were) cannot stand Trump because of his outspokenness and lack of ability to be controlled, so they work to dismantle and hurt anyone associated with him (i.e. Ivanka, Baron and Melania) to find a weak spot.  Trump has called out the media on their lies and propaganda they try to push, and rather than evaluate how they report news, they get offended and keep attacking from different angles (reporting even MORE false news).  I hear “the news has turned into competing reality shows, not report facts, but rather opinions in hopes of acquiring higher ratings”

Melania is a strong woman that is well spoken in several languages.  She has been attacked for her shoes, clothes and even her accent (I hear the phrase “How many languages are most people fluent in? She knows seven.”).  She even tried to start a “no bullying” campaign, and was in a sense “bullied” by the media after speaking out on it.  I see this jacket was an extension of her “no bullying” campaign and was a message to the media to basically say “regardless of what I do you will find fault and report based on your own agenda, and I REALLY DON’T CARE DO YOU (and directing the thought to the silent majority)?  Rather than calling them out in ways her husband does, she is standing up to them in a bold, alternate way hoping more people will stop caring what the media thinks, and hold your head high regardless of who puts you down.  

(The following are just a few of the negative attacks on Trump’s relatives JUST because they support Trump… Melania finally stood up to this “bullying” because She Really Doesn’t Care, Do You?” I then hear the phrase, “When has a first lady or president EVER been treated this way in our history?  The same people that threatened to leave the country upon his election are celebrating our great country on Independence Day today.)

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon. 



Q. Hi Lynn, Sorry if this topic has been discussed before, but lately I have been coming across a lot of articles about Elvis

Did Elvis really die in 1977? I have read that Elvis had a younger brother named Franklin who died of cancer, and he was used to fake the death of Elvis.

Also, there is a man named Pastor Bob Joyce which people are saying is Elvis. He definitely looks like Elvis, has the same mannerisms, walks, talks like him and definitely sings like him. I have attached a link of Pastor Joyce singing American Trilogy

Is there any truth in this Facebook page

Is what Priscilla says in this video (“it’s exactly what he said the other day” in 2005) an honest mistake?

Thank you for your time Lynn.
A.  I spent some time focused on this after looking at the YouTube links (to get in the energy of this person) I do get that Elvis needed to fake his disappearance when he did.  Between what he had going on in his personal life, and the expectations he put on himself from his fans, he was full of pressure to perform, act and be a certain way in the public eye.  The pressure ended up being too much, and he needed to escape.   I see him really torn with the decision as he loved performing, but he had made ample money and deep down knew it was he needed either get himself sorted out, or it would be the end of him (I see a doctor telling him if he didn’t change his ways he wouldn’t be here much longer for his family).  

I get that setting up his own death was what he felt he needed to do.  Close family assisted him, and shortly after I see he went to a rehab center under a false identity to try to put himself back together.  He felt he needed the time and attention of an in-patient facility to help him get his health, addictions and mental state back on track.  In this facility he leaned on faith to get him through and stay strong.

When I look at the actual funeral, I see an empty casket.  (I’m not sure if this is literal or symbolic of something).  I cannot connect to a younger sibling being in the casket or taking his place.  This feels more like a play that was set up for the public eye versus reality.  ???

Taking this a step further and looking at Pastor Joyce, I do feel a connection, but something also feels off too.  There is a tie between the two, and even though he is flattered to be compared to Elvis (because I get he is indeed Elvis), he doesn’t want his identity blown.  I get in talking with him, he may say little things, but he will not confirm it to anyone.  There is this thing that he loves and reminisces about the old Elvis life and performing, it was also a dark time too and a lot of it was suppressed.  He used religion to help him through his dark time and to find his way- that was his inspiration for going into theology. 

I do get that he and Priscilla do keep in contract.  She didn’t misspeak, but rather slipped up.  

Elvis feels to be doing well.  He still has a love of singing, performing and helping people.  Love and light to him and his family as he truly does try to help people and be a positive influence on their lives.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support thie blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.  

Hollywood and [More on] Meghan Markle

Hollywood and [More on] Meghan Markle

Q. Hi Lynn,  Can you do another reading about Hollywood?

Do most Hollywood actors and directors worship Lucifer?

Does a person need to make a contract (and sign in blood) with Lucifer in order to work and be successful in Hollywood? The common expression for this is “selling one’s soul to the Devil”.

A.  When I think about this, I don’t get they “worship” Lucifer, but they do feel to allow moral boundaries to be loose, and greed and promises of fame cloud good judgment.  To succeed in Hollywood you have to be willing to put yourself in various forms of media, regardless if you personally agree with the agenda (and support those agendas if you want future work).  Your personal opinions no longer matter, and you speak on behalf of the PTW (Powers That Were).  You have to be willing to give up your identity, and become a puppet of the PTW.  [Note:  In Taylor Swift’s recent song, Look What You Made Me Do, when she states “the old Taylor can’t come to the phone because she’s dead” she is speaking the truth in plain sight- the PTW got to her and her tone has changed ever since.]

I get one of the tactics the PTW do to keep control is entrap them into something, and hold that against the person as a bribe, and this in turn is the “contract” that leads to either “fame or destruction.”  For example, they get them to say something, support or even participate in some dark activity (could even be through entrapment) in order to have some “dirt” on them to bring up at a later date (like insurance for obedience).  

Many people in Hollywood have lost their way, and by choosing fame they have relinquished their own sense of self.  

Q. Why do I get such a weird feeling when I look at Meghan Markle’s parents? is she really the daughter of Doria Radlan / Ragland who attended the wedding.  Her name is spelled all different ways all over the Internet like they don’t know her name? The energy is like they are strangers just meeting. What about that big Thomas guy who admitted to photoshopping photos of himself (pretending to get ready for the wedding) to sell for quick money. Is that her dad, he looks kind of different from the guy in the photos when she’s a baby. I’m seeing a lot of photoshopped images, mainly the ones when Meghan is an adult with her mom, and “family”, and every picture I’ve seen with her dad in adulthood is altered. What’s going on?
A.  When I tune into this, I feel a disconnect with Thomas being her biological dad.  Something is coming through that her bio dad is really a person heavily involved with the PTW linking back to the monarchy, and this wedding was encouraged to happen (it needed to happen).  The PTW wanted to keep a lineage alive.  She really does look to be the daughter of Doria, but many cover-ups have occurred along the way changing the appearance of history (hence the photoshopping and confusion).  Doria was never to disclose the truth, and this marriage was a reward (in a sense) for not speaking.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: 
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me at Patreon. 

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

Q. Hi Lynn,  I was wondering, what really happened to Leonardo Da Vinci when he disappeared.  He was out of sight,  completely, gone, and no record of anything by him for a good two years? Was he really taken and trained by extra-terrestrial beings? 

Most of the work he did upon his return was NOTHING like what he had done before – inventions, aerial shots (to precision) of land placements, details of organs, muscles, etc…and then, the mirror imaging on the majority of paintings which showcase the same ‘Alien’ face, time and time again.

This video is very interesting:

Would love to know your thoughts.  Thank you ❤

A. When I tune into this, I get that during this time there was a lot going on politically and socially, and see that Da Vinci was getting a lot of scrutiny for being “controversial.”   Da Vinci feels to be known for expressing himself through his art, and using art to say what he couldn’t really verbally communicate.  It isn’t that he cared too much about what people thought, but it evolved into what felt harassing to him (which bothered him a great deal). 

Things felt to be so heavy and Da Vinci felt like he was close to being in trouble with the law (???), so he decided he needed to take a break and hide from the public eye. He didn’t stop creating or drawing.  He just didn’t put it out there (I get if you saw his sketch books during this time, they were amazing).  It is true that his perspective changed, but that is because during his time away he began to really focus on his spirituality (looking inward).  In the process of looking inward, and using that as a connection to Source, he had many experiences of astral projection and travel. 

Tapping in the astral plane allowed him to see and experience the world from above.  He took those visuals to create maps and diagrams. His ability to get to a theta state (and even deeper) of meditation helped him to “see” beyond the tangible 3D world and into something more, leading him to inventions and drawings that were ahead of his time.  

He did use mirror writing and hide things in his work.  I get he did this for several reasons.  It was his way of sharing “truth” as he learned it, and he liked being creative.  It was as if he would hide things in cryptic ways, and ‘if” you were able to decipher the code, you were worthy of the message.  I hear he liked hiding truth in plain sight.  Something feels like you could not be outspoken during this time, but you could convey subtle messages in this way.  It was also Davinci’s way of leaving a legacy.

I cannot see this as an Alien interference, but I do get there was a huge spiritual enlightenment that led him down this path. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you. Love and light, 
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon

The following are a few readings I’ve done on Da Vinci:

Question on: Are They Recycling Your Soul?

Question on: Are They Recycling Your Soul?

A. Hi Lynn,  So thankful for this blog, we learn SO MUCH!!

Lynn, can you please explain more on the above “YouTube” subject, They Are Recycling Your Soul

I know that you explained once on this blog that if you die you must not go into the (white) light to avoid being recycled into this world again.  I want to know, do we have a choice of not going into the light?  My concern is if this is a “set up” (grid / jail) of sorts and I do not want to be recycled.  Also, are there repercussions?   For example, if you do not comply with this system will your soul be rejected and you end up all alone in the universe without any chance of belonging somewhere?

This is a real disturbing thought for me!

A. I think this is easier if I break this down into parts.  Let me first start with the video..  

I see a lot of truth with the video (the concept itself).  I’ve always seen that when we cross into spirit we have the option to stay in spirit or go to the (white) light to begin our next experience with reincarnation.  If you chose to stay in the spirit plane, you are free to roam, guide, protect and look after whoever and whatever your chose.  

If you decide to go to the light (bright white light) either at the time of passing or later, you do start the recycling process where memories and quick recall is wiped, but residual DNA memory still remains (they would love to wipe that too, but have not figured out a way to do so).  The purpose, as I understand, is to prevent humans from ascending and being able to build upon their wisdom and knowledge.  If we continued to grow, and didn’t have to relearn everything, we would soon become SO powerful we would overcome the overlords (i.e. Reptilians) which has been their greatest fear.  It looks as though this design was created by the Archons (the most evil of the Reptilians?).

Something new I have been shown is with the emerging of the 4D earth, new “light” sources / tunnels will be evident at the time of passing.  Specifically I see a green, blue and violet tunnels of light.  These look like options given to promote the ascension process as you graduate to the new 4D, and you will be drawn to the thing you need to work, expand on or heal (green works on heart / relationships, blue focuses on communication / expression and violet deals with the self / self-reflection).  These colored portals are all good in their own way, and there isn’t a wrong choice (Don’t be afraid of these!).  

Is there a choice?  
You do have a choice.  You can chose to roam the spirit plane, or go to any of the colors of light.  You can even elect to stay in spirit to wait and watch others, and go to the light later.  The light (all four of them) are always open.  It is also important to realize that once you are in spirit, time is relative. There is no limitation or clock ticking creating a deadline because there is essentially no time.  

Are there repercussions?
I cannot see any repercussions.  In fact, with regard to the white light, I see benefits to waiting as the longer to stay is spirit, the easier it looks to tap into your residual DNA memories (it looks like they imprint or something similar to that).  There is no punishment, and when you do chose to go to the light, any of them, you are welcomed.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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