Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

4D Earth:
Q.  According to the book Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus described a major earth shift that would happen in (described using astrology) October 24, 2029. The map indicating the result of the flood is described here: Is this related to the birth of the 4D earth? Can you look at this and tell us what you see?
A. When I tune into this, and focus on the future, I see the earth going through a lot of shifts.  Some are energetic, and some are more physical.  I do see true north shifting, and I cannot see that stopping.  That shift will create some flooding and water displacement.  I cannot connect to it being as extreme as shown on the maps, but there will definitely be some flooding (I always see the flooding on the outlying edges and major rivers, such as the Mississippi River).  I also see the earth expelling pockets of energy through quakes and volcanoes which doesn’t look to stop.

I don’t see this as a 4D thing.  It looks like it is a growth and evolution of the 3D earth and would occur with or without the 4D earth emerging.  

Q. Does The Event include changing of the DNA and activating of more strands? Will the people in the 4D earth be taller, or less solid, or will live longer?

A.  I do see some DNA “upgrades” occurring in the 4D.  People are more spiritual, more grounded and more understanding of their gifts.  THAT alone makes them healthier, happy and have a longer lifespan.  

Q. What’s unique about Earth compared to the rest of the universe?

A.  Earth has an abundance of resources, food and water.  Our atmosphere affords life, and is gentle on most life forms.  We have intelligent life forms, which draws in other ETs.  

Q.  Why are angels portrayed in paintings with a floating halo above their head? Is there a literal circle of light or it only signifies something?

A. I get this signifies enlightenment, and illustrates the light they carry with them.  It doesn’t look literal, but rather a depiction of the light they hold, and how it emanates from their crown chakra.  


Q. Why is lactose intolerance more common among Asians?
A. I get that a huge part of survival for North Americans and some other tolerant areas was based on milk and milk bases products.  They developed immunities and enzymes that allowed these milk products to be digested.  This ability was genetically passed down from generation to generation, leaving most people with the ability to have lactose in their diet (even if they have a sensitivity to it, they can digest it in moderation).  

I get Asians didn’t have that need in order to survive, so they never developed the enzymes or immunities.  Without the evolution of enzymes, they have become (mostly) intolerant.  

Q.  Are premature births predestined to happen before birth? If yes, is this due to some astrological influences that are important to the incoming soul’s personality or some ET race origin?

A. Your birth is predestined.  Many factors come into play such as astrology, and also what you’ve agreed to prior to reincarnating.  I get that is why astrology can be so accurate because you chose your path and lessons, and the Universe knows the best way to bring you into this world (what sign and alignment will bring you the best chance of tackling your goals).  

Q. Why do some boys start talking later than their girl counterparts?

A.  Men were hunters and fighters, and evolved physically to survive and protect their group.  Women were the nurturers, gatherers and helped to teach and take care of others.  Women needed the fine motor skills of communication to be better at fulfilling their role in society, and that developed to be a strong skill.  Men grew to be strong, and women grew to be communicators (for the most part). 

Q. If the past, present, and future coincides and time is merely a construct on Earth, is it possible for the future to affect or influence the past?

A.  Absolutely.  I get since they are coincide, what happens in one time line can effect the other, or even cause new splits (or events / experiences) to occur.  

Q. What is the significance of the speeding up of the Schumann Resonance?
A.  As it changes, it alters the collective consciousness.  This is an evolution the earth is going through as the 4D develops, and people ascend to the 4D spiritually even though they are physically still here.  

Q.  Considering the push towards Common Core (an example of a parent highlighting the problem with Common Core math:, heavy brainwashing (e.g., radical feminism, anti-Trump pro-Hillary narrative, racism), what can regular American citizens do to avoid the PTW’s attempt to dumb down of the American society?

A. School does have its’ good qualities, but it is becoming a form of indoctrination.  Some people may do private or home schooling, but that isn’t always practical.  Speak up when you can, and monitor what your kids are learning.  Be mindful that learning isn’t just what is in books, but it is the culture and influence that is being stressed on your kids at school.  I hear “it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease- be the squeaky wheel!!” Talk to you kids, and show them alternative ways of thinking, and support them when they think outside the box.  

Something Extra Just for Fun…

Q. Lynn, you have probably heard about the audio trick, Yanny vs. Laurel debate. Today a scientist explained that people hear two distinctively different words because they are on different frequencies. Could you focus on this and elaborate on what this indicates about our frequency levels?
A.  I get it has to do with the frame of mind you are in at the time you hear the phrase.  That frame of mind dictates when frequencies are dominant to you.  If you are in a beta brain wave cycle, listening to this will sound like Laurel.  The more distracted and zoned out you are (dipping in an alpha or even theta state) you will hear it as Yanny.  It truly depends of your level of awareness and attentiveness when you hear the words as the frequency of the word will be interpreted differently. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:
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Random Questions for Friday

Random Questions for Friday

Q.  People in Lemuria were known for telepathic powers and high spirituality. Did the Lemurians really have the “purest” DNA with 12 strands?

A.  When I focus on this, I get that they were able to access areas of the brain that opened them up to telepathic abilities.  This was capable because they did have access to the full strands of their DNA.  Our spiritual systems look to run in parallel to our nervous system, so closely parallel that sensations and messages can cross over to allow us to sense things through our own physical being (heightening our own five senses).  An increased ability to use parts of the brain (the center of the nervous system) heightened their spiritual gift of telepathy experience within the 3D body. 

Q. Humans have 2 (with 10 “junk” DNA strands). What are we actually missing? Can we do something to activate / awaken our other strands (meditation or ET intervention, for example), or at least the DNA of our future kids? Is our DNA changing? If yes, how and what are the effects?
A. I see these “junk” strands are activated in the higher densities.  They do serve a purpose, but not in our 3D reality.  When vibrations raise, and we are able to ascend to the 4D earth, these strands will be functional.  In 4D we are still human, and have a physical presence, but our sensitivities increase and are psychically advanced.  The additional DNA resource allows the physical self to exist in the higher vibration without frying our neurological system with enhanced activity and gifts of sensitivity.  

Q. What can you say about those companies conducting DNA tests to determine your ancestry? Are they accurate? I was wondering because with all the migration, intercultural marriages, and rewriting of history, we don’t even know where a certain ethnic group really came from.
A.  I get they are accurate because they go back to the root of history (ie when Germans are from Germany or Swedes are from Sweden).  IF your family was from Africa and migrated to England and then to America, the result would show African decent rather than England.  These tests go back to the origin, and not to where people shifted to over time.   I hear it “goes to the root and not the branches.”

[Previous reading on ancestry tests that you may find interesting:]

Various Locations:
Q. What is inside the NORAD Combat Operations Center, Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) in Colorado?
A.  I get these are MAJOR military bases designed to withstand various catastrophic events (earthquake, flooding, solar flares, EMP and other attacks).  In the event of an apocalyptic event, this is where many world leaders (that have paid their dues) would be taken and used to jump start things again.  IF you were allowed to tour the whole facility you would see tunnel systems in and out that have the ability to be shut and locked (looks like huge concrete doors are able to close).  You would also see housing (some luxury).  It is truly set up to withstand tragic events while allowing people to live in comfort while the dust settles. 

Q. Why does the Vatican have very big doors and a big throne, as though they are not meant for humans?
A.  This was interesting.  As soon as I posed that question, I heard an immediate “The throne was designed to house the ego of what it represents and not the person.”  It looks as though it was designed large to impress upon the people this grand feeling of what it stood for.  It evokes an illusion of grandness.

Q. What’s with the series of earthquakes last January 2018?

A.  I get the earth has been blasted with CME after CME, and the earth needed to expel some energy.  In this area, I see there was a tectonic plate that shifted when a burst of energy was released.  It took time for things to settle, so the shifting and subsequent movements created further disturbances.  

And that is all I have.  Happy Friday!  Love and light- Lynn

Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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Random Grouping for the End of the Week

Random Grouping for the End of the Week

The following was submitted by a blog reader, and I though this would be an interesting read heading into the end of the week.  Enjoy!

Q. Will there be a time where all humans eventually mix and end up having a more uniform look (e.g., skin color, height, facial features)?
A.  I do see that happening, but we are several generations away from it.  I get the closer you are to the equator, the quicker the blending happens.  Not only will it be in characteristics of skin, hair, eyes, etc.. but there is also more of a blur between male and female.  We are slowly becoming a melting pot, and the dominant genes look to be darker hair and eyes (so much so that one day a natural blond or blue eyed person will be a rarity).  

Q. Why do humans have different blood types? What’s the purpose of having different blood types?
A. I get we have different blood types because we are from different ET groups.  We used to have three main groups: O, A and B.  Now that we have meshed as a society, we have many more variations such as AB, O+, O- and so on..  There is no real purpose, but rather it is a genetic imprint from your beginning.

Q. Why do humans sleep a lot? Giraffes sleep for less than 2 hours a day. 
A. Humans need time to download and decompress.  Sleep is the time of day the subconscious can work freely, the mind can reconnect with source, and the body resets (when physical, emotional and mental healing occur). I get this is why you are tired when you are sick or depressed because your body WANTS to heal and knows you need sleep.

Q. What’s the reason behind the sleep paralysis phenomenon, where you can’t move your body after waking up?
A.  I have tuned into this phenomenon in a previous reading.  I would like to share an except and link to that reading:

“I see sleep paralysis as a state of existence where your physical body and rational mind are here in the present, and your subconscious mind is somewhere else and hasn’t quite “caught up” to where your physical body is at that moment.  (Almost like you woke up too fast for your deep subconscious to wake up with you). I see when you sleep, you rational mind is quiet and allows your subconscious to wander.  You may be here on this physical plane of earth, you may be having a deep connection to the universal consciousness (I see this happens most after meditating a lot), or just wandering and processing information.  Your deep subconscious sort of “disconnects” from you when you sleep.  Occasionally your conscious / rational mind wakens before your subconscious realigns with you, and when you wake, your conscious mind is working but hasn’t had a chance to sink back up with the subconscious causing this paralysis feeling.”  

Please click the following link to see more:   

Q. What are the advantages of intermittent fasting/time-restricted eating? Why don’t health books promote this?
A. Our bodies use a lot of energy to digest and process food.  Without dedicated energy being used in digestion, your body can focus on detoxing and healing.  Additionally, not only are you healing, but you are starving the illness or virus so it cannot thrive. 

(I have not studied medicine, so I must say to use caution if you seek this method out, and do what resonates with you.  You will purge lots of toxins, and you will need to drink lots of water.

Some health books do promote this, but you have to seek them out.  I then here the phrase “where this is no money to be made, there is no press.”

Q. Why are there less people in cold countries?
A.  As the world was being inhabited, people flocked to where it was easier to survive (hunters and gatherers).  As time progressed, and technology made it easier, we branched out, but tended to stay where it was easier and more plentiful.  I hear “we are creatures that gravitate toward the path of least resistance.” ??

Q. What’s with Lindsay Lohan converting to Islam? Is this a part of PTW propaganda?
A. Yes, I hear most antics resulting from Hollywood are in the name of an agenda driven by the PTW.  Don’t look at the event, but rather threw it to see the bigger picture.

Q. Bill Nye “the science guy” – in an attempt to support the transgender agenda, he opposed his previous TV presentation that the chromosomes determine whether the baby is male or female. Now, he claims that all old people must die sooner to help save the earth from climate change! How did the PTW coerce him into doing these?
A.  I hear that if you “aren’t with them (the PTW) you are against them.”  It looks as though an independent liberal group approached him and offered him a “bonus” if he came out and said these things.  I also get that we haven’t heard the last from him… 

Q. How does the universe see killing pests? Is it ethical? Anyway, mosquitoes, as you mentioned, are genetically engineered delivery system that got out of control.
A.  Killing anything is taking a life force, but the ethics come from the intent.  Is it malicious, for sport or for survival?  Slapping a mosquito (I get), based on your reflexes does not carry the same intent as people out poaching because they can.  There is no right or wrong, and things are viewed by the vibration surrounding them.

Q. Do animals have a different set of chakras?
A. Every being has different energetic points, so they do have a different alignment (and number) of chakras.  I hear that most fall in a linear path, but the name, color and amount different between living things (some may only have one).

Q. Where is the lost land of Ophir described in the Bible?
A. As soon as I read this, I instantly got “it is the Land of Mu.”  This ancient land (that is now sunk) was an oasis “of plenty.”

Q. Now that the flat earth concept changes the assumptions fed to us: Does the moon light itself? Sunlight is consistently gold/yellow and moonlight is mostly white/blue, and sometimes appear to be semi-transparent.
A. I do get the moon provides it’s own illumination.  In fact, the inside of the moon looks to be an ET base and houses many of their crafts (I could go on, but this deserves it’s own reading..)

Q. Does the PTW control the beings in the hollow earth too?
A.  I see they have control of the leaders, because the leaders on the inside are related to the PTW on the outside (both are Reptilians).  I will say that even though both groups are Reptilian based, the ones on the inside feel less hostile than the ones above ground.   

Q. As etched in the Georgia Guidestone and clearly a New World Order agenda, one item in the list is “3. Unite humanity with a living new language”. Why are they aiming for this and how are they trying to achieve this? Is this the English language?
A.  I do get the PTW are trying to get one language, and that language is to be English.  The English language has been heavily manipulated and altered against us.  Words are powerful, and the PTW are constantly reinforcing their spells through the use of language subliminally. English has gone from Shakespeare’s time of saying thee and thou, to our current time of saying you to reinforce we are followers (ie ewe, a female sheep).  There are hundreds of examples of phrases in our day to day speech (Eyes Wide Shut) and we allow it to happen through acceptance.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Random Read for Friday (released one day early :-)

Random Read for Friday (released one day early :-)

Q. Lynn, For the past few months there have been so many news reports of small children being trafficked for prostitution. I know this hard to look at, but I have a twist on it. My question is, what would be some unexpected solutions we could do that would help children everywhere to be safe? Thank you!
A. I get the first thing is awareness.  Many people think the problem isn’t as bad as it is, or that it wouldn’t happen in their area, but the truth it that it could happen anywhere.  Admitting this and working together to spot unusual behaviors (like strangers taking pictures of other people’s children) is a step in the right direction.  I see it like a neighborhood watch, but on a much grander scale.

Also, teach children not to fear the world, but really trust instincts.  Most times (even with adults) we get in compromising positions because we don’t want to be rude, and go against what our gut tells us.  Your gut won’t steer you wrong, and even children need to pay attention to what feels off.  

Lastly, I get the the people that run these rings do it for profit and deep down would be ashamed it it was exposed.  As people are discovered, they need to be publicly announced (much like registered sex offenders have to file where they live).  I get there are huge egos tied to these rings, and as they are found out, the realistic fear of public embarrassment would deter some of this activity.

Q. Were Neanderthals bred out rather than died out? Meaning were they mated into the human species to form another species?

A. I get there was some evolution of the human species, but they didn’t completely evolve from Neanderthals.  I see that Neanderthals existed, and an update was done to their DNA via ET Geneticists which created the human species.  The “new and improved” species later evolved into what it is today.  Neanderthals were important, and sort of a test, and then their DNA was enhanced to create an evolved version of humans.

Q. Hi Lynn, I read that octopus were of no DNA match to any other creature on this planet. Who made them? Where are they from? And why are they here? Are they psychic?

A.  I hear the phrase “they are the brain of the ocean” and are much more complex than what most people think.  They have existed for thousands of years, and get they came from a meteor (what it looks like).  The meteor was seeded with the DNA or life force when it landed in the water.  I get the very first octopuses had a radio active or electrical element that made them like beacons for experiments. They also had a telepathic ability, but it looks as though that ability has dulled down over the centuries (due to non use and also toxin buildup). 

Q. Are the arms of the T-Rex accurate to it’s body or do they belong to another dinosaur? I vaguely remember reading something that said the arms of the T-Rex were incorrect and that they actually had longer arms. Many thanks!

A.  When I tune into the T-Rex I get the arms are incorrect. I cannot see that the shorter arms belong to another dinosaur, but I do get the T-Rex had longer arms.  I also hear that if the arms were as currently shown, they would be useless.  He could not properly use them for defense, to eat, or other simple functions.  I hear the ratio of the arms to the body size and position of the should is off. 

Q. Hello, in ancient Greece there was a succession of women who were the Oracle of Delphi. Who / what were they? Were they really prophets? They supposedly gave prophecies in a vapor induced trance. What was this vapor?

A. I get these were highly intuitively women that came forward to share their gifts.  I see that as a new one was chosen, she would have some kind of prophetic dream as a sign that she was to be the next in succession.  Once her position was held, she looks to live in a semi-sequestered location, free of distractions so she can be at one with her thoughts, and her gifts could continue to develop.  I see this “vapor” being some version of a DMT substance that was naturally occurring in the area (some kind of plant, fungus, mold, etc). The “vapor” wasn’t required to be intuitive (she was chosen though this dream process), but it enhanced what was already there.

Q. Everyone is talking about Taylor Swift’s new video. The references to snakes/reptilian is pretty obvious and there’s lyrics talking about Swift being dead. It’s very odd. Immediately, my mind went to your posts about celebrities being cloned, etc.

A. I get this is her way of saying goodbye to the innocent Taylor because the PTW (Powers That Were) have gotten a hold of her.  She is being forced to follow the agenda, and she lost her autonomy.  She has to do what she is told or suffer the consequence.  The cloning is a real threat, and she is well aware of that.  The snakes and reptiles with the words “Look what you made me do” is in direct reference to what is to come of her, her career and messages in her music.  From this point forward she will be a different Taylor.

Q. Hi Lynn, can you do a reading on Joel Olsteen and his wife Victoria from the Lakewood ministries. I saw a photo of her and something about her didn’t look right and I felt a bit creepy. I really like listening to what they have to say because it is different from other religious preaching. Many people don’t like him because he was appointed to his position by his mother and never attended a Bible college or seminary. Some are wondering if Joel Olsteen is the false prophet. What is your take on these people. Lynn, much thanks – always.

A.  When I tune into Joel and his wife, they have a good vibe.  They feel to be genuine people, and take a different approach to the church.  Joel feels to encourage people to look both outward AND inward (much like The Law of Attraction) versus an absolute faith where things cannot be controlled and are left to chance.  I get they are scrutinized because of their differences, but they seem to have balance and take on the criticisms.  I cannot seem to connect to a creepy emotion tied to Victoria. 

Q. On a positive note, how can each of us more dramatically improve the energies around us? I’m personally focusing some time – irregularly, of course – to “pulling” energy into myself and sending it to Mother Earth. Occasionally, I try to radiate it around me, filling up the transport (bus, train, airplane) in which I’m riding, or the building in which I’m located at the moment. And I’ve also occasionally put up a “protective bubble” around me and others with me. Seeking to understand here: is all this effective? And what would be more effective?

A. This is effective, and a beautiful thing that you are doing.  The most important thing you can do is have positive intent behind your actions and hold that intent through the mental process of raising vibrations.  I also get that visualizing a color, and tying the positive energy to that color can enhances the flow (imagine the room, car, bus, etc filled full of that color).

Q. Lynn, have you heard about Carbon 60 Olive Oil? It is supposed to be the fountain of youth. Does Carbon 60 Olive Oil really work? Are there any cautions to taking it? Thanks, Lynn

A.  [I do need to put a disclaimer that I have not studied medicine, and this is from an intuitive perspective.]  
The first thing I hear is “Too much of even a good thing can be a bad thing.”  I get in moderation this can be an effective supplement to your food to aid in the detox process.  The one caution I do get is that it can be a little irritating to the intestines (because of the excreting of toxins), so be gentle with it to see what you are able to tolerate.
(If anyone has tried this, please share your experience in remarks.)

In closing, one thing I wanted to mention is that it was brought to my attention after the reading on Censorship that Google and YouTube are manipulating stats and deranking websites that don’t support “the agenda,” including mine.  Please bookmark and share this site for future reference. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light-

Future of Humans

Future of Humans

Q. Lynn,  Many have speculated based on ancient writings and manuscripts that Humanity was a hybrid slave species of the Annunaki. You may have addressed this question already, so what I would like to pose here is, will humanity ever stop being a slave species to an overlord race/ruling class? Many do not realize or wish to admit that human slavery to a ruling class continues to this day in the form of governments. Democide (death by government) has killed more people over the centuries than anything else combined. It’s like a cancer on humanity. When will humanity be free? Do you see that happening? Will Humanity ever be willing to give up the belief systems that support elites, royal bloodlines and the ruling class? Will we ever claim our rightful place as infinite beings from Source and stop giving our power to overlords? What will it take? When will we stop our suffering and truly own ourselves and our actions? There are a few people right now who are doing the great work of waking humanity up to the slavery they are in. Is it enough? What will cause a tipping point for us to take back our sovereignty and be done with the authoritarian paradigm we have believed in for millenia?
A.  I too see that humans were created by ET geneticists that took their own DNA and encoded it into a new, human species.  I get the parent ET group isn’t just the Annunaki, but rather different groups did the creating of humanoid versions of cats, dogs, reptiles and avian ETs.  After thousands and thousands of years of evolution on earth (and the breeding and breeding with each other), I see the that the more “drastic” features sort of “bread out.”  The results that remain today are the different characteristics of humans (tall vs short, blonde vs brunette or red, fair complexion vs dark, and the list goes on and on).  I also hear that the avian humanoids had some kind of chromosomal defect, and they ended up dying out here on earth leaving the decedents of the cat, dog and avian ETs behind.  

Looking at humans in general (in history and also current day) it looks like they have gone through these “cycles” of control and independence.  I see an image of this trend spinning on a wheel.  Humans looks to feel controlled and trapped in an unfavorable situation, then they rise up and seek freedom, install some form of leadership (government, ruling authority) to instill order and fairness in their newly developed society, then the leadership gets too much power and control and looks for ways to suppress the people in order to further strengthen their position.  Now the group of people that sought to be free from their trap are right back where they started (but this looks to happen slowly and over more than one generation).  When the tolerance of being suppressed gets exhausted, the cycle starts all over again.

Humans are now in the part of the cycle where the ruling authority (aka government) has become large and it doesn’t want to lose its’ power.  The government is doing what it can to keep people from rising up.  The larger it gets, and the more dependent they get people on the system, the harder it is for people to break away and stand up.  There are other actions being done too such as fear by the media to keep vibrations low, manipulation of our food, chemtrails in our air and even additives such as fluoride in our water.  I hear the phrase “history is doomed to repeat itself” and the government and PTB are very aware of this so they are stooping to new levels to keep people passive.

I get that with each generation, humans are waking up more and more.  I see a bigger divide over the next few generations in which some people will continue to blindly follow, and others will have moments of awaking and begin to join together with others that have also awakened.  I hear this phrase that “many will start to see things for what they really are.”

It does look like people will start to take back their independence more and more as this cycle continues, and the power gets shifted elsewhere.  “All things must come to an end” and a new and different ruling authority looks to emerge as humans reset themselves.  

Continue to support and encourage truth through this process.  Question everything, and above all trust your intuition.  Love and light-

Reptilians HIding in the Public Eye

Reptilians HIding in the Public Eye

Q. Hi again! Love the help you have given to help us learn truths. In the search to find out how the world works and who’s in charge..(knew it had to be something without a soul)..I’ve stumbled upon the realization (on YouTube) that pretty much everyone who is famous, in a high power/public position is possessed by reptilians or some kind of force in one way or another.

Q Why would anyone agree to let these beings take over their bodies? Are they tricked into it?
A.  I first see the image of “1s” and “0s” as if this reptilian influence is either on or off, but contained within many of the people in power or of influence.  This component of reptilian DNA has bread into a lot of people. Some it is more intense (I get that certain bloodlines or families focus on maintaining a more saturated amount of DNA in their blood because they like the power and influence that is associated to it.- It is similar to a Royal bloodline, but of the reptilian influence.)  In some people it is heavily diluted, and in others (especially if you have the intent to maintain the bloodline) it can be much higher.

Back to the question, so you have these people that are influential or in power.. It would seem that we chose these people through popularity, voting, or choice or some kind.  The reality is that people with reptilian blood exude some kind of energy that has a subliminal quality to it, and they “make or influence” you to pick them or put them in power.  

I also see a situation that if a person that “wants chosen” doesn’t have reptilian DNA, or have enough of it to create the subliminal “type” thinking, if someone with the DNA wants them in office, then THEY can actually create the energy to make that happen.  It really is quite powerful, and I see this has been going on for centuries- Since reptilians first mated with humans (they were considered the “chosen” children of that time).

It isn’t a trick or an agreement, but rather who they are.. “If” the DNA is present, and “turned on” it is there.  The person may feel as if they are superior, entitled or worthy- and may (depending on the family line and talks of importance of maintaining purity) or may not know why..

Q Are there different kinds? Full blooded, hybrid, mind controlled, cloned…
A. I don’t see full-blooded, everyone I visualize is a hybrid of sorts, some more saturated with the DNA than others.  I don’t see any clones (they may exist I just don’t see one).

The thing I notice is that some appear to be more in control and others seem to be more mind controlled.  The ones in control are very clear on their ancestry, and feel they are here on earth for a certain purpose.  They are very clear-minded and goal oriented.  

Others that are more unsure of themselves or direction I see the “1” being turned on remotely.  As if something is using that piece of DNA within the human to connect remotely and provide influence and create direction. The direction may come in the form of inspiration (I see movies?), a goal (I see campaign posters), an idea (I see a doctor giving an injection), etc..

Q I guess the most important question is how to avoid becoming “taken over or possessed” by one?

A.  Do your best to maintain self awareness.  Keep your mind focused on who you are and what you want to believe in.  Question things- does it make sense?  I get your mind is like anything else, and if you continue to use it, then it will continue to work for you.  When someone is stagnant and allows others to do their thinking, they can become influenced easily (by reptilians, and then I see a Fox News emblem pop up??).  

The thought I am left with is to always focus on the greater good.  When you find yourself having doubts, or something doesn’t add up, if you have a mental thought during meditation or just through the day that doesn’t sit right with you, ask yourself “Is this (whatever it is regarding) in my greatest good?” Many times asking that simple question you will either give you a sign, clarity or give you strength to filter out the reptilian influence and allow your OWN thoughts to flow.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Narrated reading on YouTube. 

Question and Answer Session IV

Question and Answer Session IV

7:57 PM And today I thought I would do another question and answer session.  It seems like people really like to hear me hit on a few different questions [topics] per session, so here goes…

Q. If we evolved from ape like creatures and over time have become the human beings we are today – how will we continue to evolve? What do you see us humans looking like in another million years? What is the state of our evolution? I always wonder if the aliens who visit us are ourselves in the future coming back (as we’ve learned time travel) to study ourselves.
A. The first thing I see is a face.  What I really notice is how smooth our face is.  There are are eyebrows, no stubble, our skin looks flawless.  It reminds of the texture of a doll made from synthetic materials.. I also see we have large full lips.  Reminds me of fish lips.  Our skin has what I would call a “sun-kissed” quality to it.  I wouldn’t  call it white or tan, kind of in between (on at least who I am seeing).  

I also get a sense of people looking a like, as if there aren’t many variances among people. People also look fit. Then I hear the phrase “survival of the fittest” as if the weak either couldn’t or wouldn’t survive in the future world.  I see a lot of tight, form fitting clothing.  Then I hear that “clothing should be your second skin.”

People also speak in broken syllables   Like they enunciate every syllable of every word.  It [the tone of talking] reminds me of a robot, however, the voice is human.  

I really get the vibe that the future human are almost super-human…

Q. With all the anti-gun talk from politicians I would like to know if they will indeed remove our guns from us in a door to door early am attack or will they just simply remove the ammunition from our shelves?

A. I first see them limiting the ammo for the guns that they don’t want you to have.  That won’t eliminate the guns that are out there, and it isn’t doesn’t give them a clear inventory as to who has what.  I see there being a need for the government to know who has what due to buying, selling privately, gifting or inheriting guns.  What they will then do is release this “flagged” ammo to public [referring to the ammo that was previously held off the shelves], and require that you provide info on yourself when purchasing..  Most gun owners will buy ammo they don’t even necessarily need if they see a shortage, and then realize it is available.  This is a tactic to gain your info and know who has what.  

The next things I see happening is a forced registering of your guns and then you will have to pay a “tax” on this ownership.  It feels similar to how you have to buy license plates to make a car legal.  In this situation I see you having to pay a tax on certain guns to make owning them legal.. I then see them using this tax as a way to eventually seize guns when needed.  Like the tax will just continue to increase (I see the tax going on length of gun barrel??  The longer the barrel, the higher the tax.)  Once you can’t afford the tax you either have to sell the gun to someone who can, or surrender it to the government. I also get that a homeland department will be the ones to control this..

Q. I would just like to know why all of a sudden it seems like Governments all over the Globe have put such a High Priority on passing all of these gay and lesbian rights. There are so many things going on in our World right now but it seems like they are focusing on this one issue with such urgency. Can you give any insight into that? Thank you!

A. The first thing I got was that governments don’t really care that much about these rights, it is a distraction from other issues.  They are pounding the media (at times) with gay rights but it is because they are avoiding other stories that may evoke “real” reactions..massive reactions. There are economic/financial issues, justice issues, democratic issues everywhere.  There are also underlying motives and causes to these “issues” and as people are side-tracked with gay rights for example, they are much less focused on what governments don’t want you to be focused on.  I getting an image of a magician and he is using smoke in the background to distract the audience from a movement of playing cards on the table- governments do the same things with gay rights- gay rights are the smoke…

Q. Will drugs be legalized in the future?
A. The main thing I get is that pot will be [legalized].  I keep hearing “Philip Morris”- as if he is trying to get it legalized, but also in a way that he can make profits.  Like he is working on the logistics.  Packing, sorting out how it will be taxed, manufacturing, etc… The biggest reason it hasn’t gone full blown is because the financial backers of it don’t have their stuff sorted out.  

Q. There have been many reports of sightings of mermaids, from ancient times to the modern times. Can you confirm the existence of these mermaids and if true describe how they look like and their living habits.
A.  I have actually meditated and seen mermaids.  They are unattractive.  They have a slimy appearance.  They look like they would feel like a slug.  They have a human looking face on a fish body. They have very needley looking teeth.  Some are hairless, and others have patches on hair upon the human looking head.   The one I saw looked to be about 3 feet long.  I also get that they are mainly located (or were located) around the equator.  I have also 
[psychically) read them (the topic of mermaids) and found them to be closely related to dolphin DNA.

Q. Are animal/human hybrids being developed?
A.  I don’t see a hybrid being formed, but what I do see see is that they are using animal parts (organs, tissue, etc) in humans to test compatibility.  The one things I see specifically is a human without an ear, and they are using tissues from what looks like a pig to develop this human ear.  So it looks like parts of animals may be used in a human, but there is no mix of DNA between human and animal that I am able to see.

Q. What was the first human language?
A.  I see the first way we communicated was like a form of Morse code and we used clicking our teeth together and also making a “grunt” sound.  We have (developed) symbols (by sounds or sound combinations) for words that came from this “clicking” and “grunting.”

Q. Can human consciousness be transferred to a computer?
A.  I get that it can, but this is just in its’ infancy.  I see that a person can stand either touching or near a computer, and the computer though heart-rate, breathing, body temperature and a frequency (which seems to be a frequency your brain gives, like a brain looks like waves coming from your brain) it can detect very simple items.  I get that lie detectors kind of work this way, but what they are developing is even more sophisticated because they have learned how to read these “frequency waves” that your brain gives off involuntarily.  I seems that people can learn to trick a lie detector, but this newer technology cannot be tricked…

Q. With the recent events unfolding and the Russians becoming even more daring. Can you tell me if they will actually attack Alaska or are they just playing games as some countries do? Is there a date to be prepared for this attack and where in Alaska is most likely to be attacked.
A.  I can’t get a date, but I can tell you this… I see a sequence of events unfolding before Russia will be involved with the US.  I don’t see an immediate threat until this event occurs.  There is what looks like a bomb going off in the south part of Asia.  It doesn’t look like China.  It looks like a country to the west of China, but it also doesn’t feel like Syria either… Somewhere in between.. At that point, Russia is going to go against the the US, and that is when will have to be concerned with an attack.  I don’t Alaska being the target, but rather some island off the coast of California.  Russia looks to come in from the west onto this island, and it is an air attack.  

Q. Our history has already experienced the persecution of Christians, famines, sickness (black plague, etc) and devastating earthquakes. Therefore, my question is: Does Revelations describe events that have already happened? Where and what is the “Kingdom to Come”? Does this mean the bible and its promise of reward are not actually applicable to modern day Christians?Thank you!

A. I see the bible as a collection of stories.  There looks be truth in everything, however, some may be embellished.  I don’t see the embellishment as intentional, but rather a person trying to write a story (based on memory or other stories) and piece bits of it together to make it logical.  I do see a history of persecution, famine, sickness and earth changes.. When I focus on the kingdom to come, I get that it is different for everyone depending on how you live your life and what lessons you learn..  I also get that your true reward is one that you find in yourself.  Then I see Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz clicking her shoes to go home in the end, and she realizes she has had the power all along.  I see that we as people have the power within us, you just have to find it, and when you do, that is your reward.  Nothing is bestowed on anyone.. The most valuable lessons you bestow upon yourself… The “reward” you are seeking will only be found in your true internal self.  It cannot be given.

Q. The locals here in New Mexico say we live in a bubble. As if the outside world does not affect us in real estate, education, health. What do you see for New Mexico in the next year?
Thank you for answering everyone’s questions. 

A.  I see New Mexico tied to the rest of the United States.  I see that California, what is does and earth changes associated to California will highly impact New Mexico.  I see some kind of tie between both of those states.  Economic trends, jobs, etc will effect New Mexico just as they effect the rest of the United States..

And that is all I have for now.  It is 8:54 PM.  Thanks you.  Link to Audio.
Aliens [Group Post] Please give a glimpse into the life of aliens? Do they have religion? What is the origin of aliens? Can you talk a little about what really happened at Roswell, NM in 1947? Was there an alien spacecraft that crashed? Was there any ET involved at all? Was it Project Mogul and the test dummies? An analysis of what really happened in the Roswell UFO incident would be appreciated. Thank you. Was the Alien Body and Spaceship found on the Moon a hoax? it is said she was in a hibernation state she is alive and/or cloned and here on earth.

Aliens [Group Post] Please give a glimpse into the life of aliens? Do they have religion? What is the origin of aliens? Can you talk a little about what really happened at Roswell, NM in 1947? Was there an alien spacecraft that crashed? Was there any ET involved at all? Was it Project Mogul and the test dummies? An analysis of what really happened in the Roswell UFO incident would be appreciated. Thank you. Was the Alien Body and Spaceship found on the Moon a hoax? it is said she was in a hibernation state she is alive and/or cloned and here on earth.

7:40 PM – Ok…I am getting that aliens are one of the oldest living life forces and if they are not THE most sophisticated they are very sophisticated with regard to their physical and mental abilities.  I am getting that they do not focus on a religion, but are more knowledge centered.  

I am also getting..and it is coming across kind of comical, that religion is something that us humans made up to explain why things are the way they are are…because we lack that higher knowledge, so religion is a way to rationalize concepts in our mind to kind of put us at peace….I am getting too that it was exhausting for the human mind to understand just life concepts.

Religion in a way provided relief for people because it was easier to comprehend and live by a code rather than really ponder life and life’s mysteries.  

Q-What is the origin of aliens?

A-I am getting that they have always been here.. and when I try to look at the past, it is like as I keep going backwards, it is like I see that they have always existed.  They have not always been in our solar system.  I am getting that our solar system is newer in relationship to other solar systems.  So they may go from system to system but they have always been somewhere.  Even when I focus on the first aliens, my mind get caught in an infinite loop of spinning backwards in constantly seeing them to where I cannot see where THE first alien came to be.

Q-Can you talk a little about what really happened at Roswell, NM in 1947? Was there an alien spacecraft that crashed?

A-What I see happening there was that there was a military base and they were doing a lot of experimentation with aliens and UFO activity.  And I see that we were transmitting some sort of signals into outer space from that location.  It is coming to me as some sort of a sound wave, but it appears that we could not hear it, it was a very strange frequency, and it looks like through this beacon of sound, we drew a ship to us.

Once it got close enough, we sent another type of beam, it does not look like it was a light beam though, it was like electronic, it is like a combination of electronic and magnetic, that created that ship to crash in that area.  It looks like we were testing not only communication, but some sort of a defense system as well.  A ship DID really crash, l see that at least two aliens were salvaged from that, but the focus was on one because the other alien had some damage to it.  I first want to say it is Grey but that is not quite right…

If it is not Lycan, it sounds very close to lycan, I am hearing it in my mind….and the one thing I see they did when they got these aliens, is they studied them and dissected them.  And I see when they dissected them their skin was smooth like a humans, but it had this super thick toughness to it like a reptile.  And they STILL have these aliens and they are preserved…and to those people who are in the know, these aliens are one of the first species and one of first captured ones that they have gotten.

Even though they are older and have had mutilations done to them done by us, they still keep them because they are looked at like a trophy of some kind.

Q-Were any captured alive?

A-We did not capture any alive from that, but I am getting a visual of two guys, they look like scientists, they are having a mental conversation with an alien, as if it is like a coworker.  So we do have relationships with aliens, but none were captured or interacted with during the roswell incident.

Q-Was there any ETs involved at all? Was it Project Mogul and the test dummies?

A-It truly was ETs involved.  They tried to cover it up, referring to the military.  They did not want anybody, including other countries, knowing how much the US military did or didn’t know with regard to aliens.  I am also getting that obtaining the ship to study technology and attempting to reverse engineer different aspects of the ship was almost more important to us than the alien bodies themselves.  And we did not want it to leak out and let other countries know what we were working on and that we actually had access to it.

Q-Was the Alien Body and Spaceship found on the Moon a hoax?
A-Ok, my mind is going two different ways with this.  In one direction we have found a lot of evidence around aliens.  We have had interactions on Earth where we have interacted with aliens, we have seen their UFOs, the Roswell incident happened as I have described, and going back to that Roswell incident, I see that we were shamed by that, by other aliens, specifically the Greys.  I see that we have a relationship with them that is evolving, but at the time when that happened it was really a despicable act of the United States to do that.  And part of why it is such a secret now is because we are not proud of what happened and we could have really jeopardized relationships with other aliens.  So on that side of it I see that we have had a lot of interaction.

But then on the other side, I do not see that this alien body and spaceship on the moon was true.  We have had many true experiences, however this is just not one of them.

Q-Are there Alien / Human hybrids living among us in public, and if so do they even know that they are aliens?

A-Immediately I get that there are humans that have a percentage of alien DNA, as if it was bred into us hundreds of years ago.  So that part, in a person’s DNA, is still living on today.  I see that people that are carrying this are carrying a very diluted portion of alien DNA but it still exists, and NO they do not know.

Q-Are there any crashed or abandoned alien spacecraft on the moon?

A-As soon as I read that question, I got an image of a ton of snow, as if somewhere here on Earth, and I am getting south pole area, there is an abandoned craft, or wrecked craft buried deep in the snow.  When I change my focus to the moon, I get that there are spacecrafts there, but they are not abandoned or wrecked, they are all functional.

Q-How large is the one you see on the South pole in regards to size?  Where exactly is it located?

A-I keep seeing the grassy area inside of football field, so it looks to be that size.  I keep seeing the letter A, is there something there with the capital letter A.  Is there something that sounds like Antillies, or sound like that???  I do not know I definitely get the south pole.

8:38 PM Link to Audio

What is the Divine/Universe take on gays? Is it good or bad?

What is the Divine/Universe take on gays? Is it good or bad?

8:28 PM – I see a ball of light and the core of it looks golden, and as you go to the edge it is bright white to the point where if you look to the edge it hurts your eyes.  And then I see a piece of this ball of light about the size of a softball shoot down into a person’s stomach, and the image is almost like a shooting star that make contact.  

And as this ball of light hits this person in the stomach I see their soul or their energy light up, and this light radiates out from their abdomen and I see their physical body appear like a shell.  In fact their body looks like the texture of a crunchy exoskeleton on a bug.  It looks like this bright white light uses our physical body like a vehicle to drive it around, but in the big picture it is VERY insignificant.  

Also as I look at people….it has this image of people as these balls of light that are walking around, and it is the light that is important.  It looks like the physical body is very insignificant.  In fact, every time I see it is either in black and white or sepia tones and my attention goes to the light that is within each person.  And as I look at people…I do not even see them as male or female….and when we all go back to that universal consciousness our souls are like asexual.  It doesn’t matter if you are male / female, gay / straight, really none of that has any bearing.

I see your gender being a thing that is given to you when you reincarnate as a way to allow you to experience life and learn from many different angles.  I am getting images that most times that I have reincarnated are female, but I have been a male also….You can start asking me questions now.

Q-If you reincarnate as a male / female, what causes the change to attract to another sex.  If you came to experience a male perspective and was born a male, why be gay and play the feminine role?
A-I see this as deep down a person’s soul is asexual, what happens is that when we reincarnate the sexual attraction to the opposite sex is there as a survival instinct.  I see that deep down most people could be with a man or a woman, but that survival instinct kicks in and it is so strong that it shapes us and alters us to seek out the opposite sex.

Now I am going to think about a man being gay and playing the feminine role….in regarding a man who reincarnates gay and then plays the feminine role I keep getting the word DNA and it is not in their brain it is in their DNA and it has something to do with when they reincarnated, their DNA something got jumbled and that is what makes a male take on a feminine role.

And I also got that many times in a past life they may have been very feminine, and something with that is wanting to pull forward with this current life.

Q-But if it is in their DNA, what does a past life have to do with it, and if it is DNA is being genetic and can it be passed on to offspring?
A-Ok I get that a soul and it’s experiences is like muscle memory and you have a stronger connection to the experiences that you have had more frequently, and in the above example, if you have reincarnated a lot as a female, then you your soul kind of identifies with that female perspective.  The DNA portion only relates to the being straight or gay here on Earth, but the soul portion can make a gay man feminine or masculine / or a lesbian, more girly or masculine.  Can it be passed on….I see that gay in your DNA can be passed on, but determining if a person is masculine or feminine will reside with your soul.

I mean you can have straight masculine women, or very feminine acting men that are heterosexual, because that personality trait is in your soul.

Q-So to be clear, is sexual preference / personality soul based?  I understand a big hary deep voiced guy has masculine traits (DNA), and can still be gay, is it his soul that make this masculine featured peron act more feminine and be gay?
A-For every person their DNA and their soul will determine whether they are gay or straight and whether they act feminine or masculine.  Your DNA will give you your sexual preference and sexual characteristics, but your soul is what make you feminine or masculine and also gives you a comfort level with one of the sexes.

Q-Is being gay good or bad?
A-I do not see it being good or bad, and being straight is not good or bad, it just is, that is just the life experience that you are having.

Q-Are the number of gay souls increasing, and are they more spiritually advanced than straight souls?  Like are more femine souls incarnating into male bodies?
A-I am getting that there has always been gay people, it is not increasing, you just see it because we live in a socially accepting country.  I also see that there are many countries in the mid east that it is NOT socially acceptable, and there is still the same amount of gay people but it just not openly expressed.  We live in a time when people are not supressing their sexual orientation.  At least where we live in the U.S.

Q-So to be clear, being gay or lesbian is NOT from environmental influences?
A-I see environment making it easier to express how you feel, but it is not influencing you one way or another.  It really is your DNA.

Q-But if it is your DNA, would that not be passed down to children?
A-As I said, yes, being gay can be passed down to your kids.

Q-Should gay people have children?
A-I cannot see any reason they should not.  I cannot get any images of how that would hurt anything or…or even society as a whole.  I feel like they should be able to have children like everybody else.  Then I am getting a message that there are many straight people that should not have children, and you cannot base having children on being gay or straight.

This is how I keep seeing it in my mind and I feel this diagram need to be included.

Note: Masculine and Feminine in this chart ONLY refers to personality preferences, NOT physical appearance.  Sex and Physical appearances overlay all four categories.  A straight guy who may likes to get waxed would be a straight feminine, a straight woman who likes to chop wood would be a straight masculine.

Q-What percentage of the population do you think is gay?
A-I keep getting 1 in 20.

9:34 PM Link to Audio

Is it possible using magnetic fields or some form of stimulation to activate inactivated portions of the brain that are responsible for psychic phenomena? Scientists say that 95% of human DNA is not being expressed, what is that DNA responsible for? Has genetic immortality been discovered yet? Will population control be instituted?

Is it possible using magnetic fields or some form of stimulation to activate inactivated portions of the brain that are responsible for psychic phenomena? Scientists say that 95% of human DNA is not being expressed, what is that DNA responsible for? Has genetic immortality been discovered yet? Will population control be instituted?

7:50 PM – I first see that we used to use a lot more of our brain than we do now….I also see that our brains used to be larger than what they are now, but they’ve kind of shrunken down or atrophied because the parts that are not stimulated and used have shrunk down in a sense.  I keep getting the word “telekinesis” it is coming to me that people used to, thousands of years ago used to have much more intuitive abilities than what we have now….

I also see a lot of those intuitive abilities being tied to a person’s subconscious….I am sorting out in my mind why we stopped using these intuitive abilities which created the atrophy in our brain, and the vision I am getting…I am seeing humans interact with what looks like and alien species, but the communication is more on an intuitive level rather than a physical level.  Some of this alien species lived here and some were just visitors, but a lot of the interaction was what I refer to as mentally talking to one another rather than using your voice.

Even though the alien life still interacts with some of us here, I do not see it at as grand of a scale as it once was, it looks like people used to have ceremonies welcoming them here multiple times a year, and now it is just a select few people that see them very randomly.  So over time humans out of lack of use, did not really lose the ability to be intuitive, they just forgot how to tune into it.

Q-Is it possible using magnetic fields or some form of stimulation to activate inactivated portions of the brain that are responsible for psychic phenomena?
A-I do see magnetic fields working but what happens is that during the stimulation the brain almost gets like surge and like a swelling as if it is flexing.  But then when the surge is over and your mind is able to relax, that is when your intuitive abilities start to peak through.  It looks like it becomes more effective right after that excited peak state, like when you are coming down off of whatever stimulation you have created.  I see your brain as being like a muscle that you have to work, and as you work at it the more developed you will become.

Q-Scientists say that 95% of human DNA is not being expressed, what is that DNA responsible for? 
A-Hmm….a…I am getting the phrase “unexpressed knowledge” meaning it is thoughts and memories and actions of previous lives and our current life that we do not know exists.  I am also getting that that is just part of it, not the whole 95%.  And I am getting the word Deja Vu.  And I am getting another phrase as an example and it is saying “The way the bird knows to build a bird nest” it may not have been taught, but it is instinct that is ingrained in your DNA.  I am just getting all these examples, another is “How you know a smell is foul”, you are not taught that, you just know it.

Q-Has genetic immortality been discovered yet? Will population control be instituted?
A-I do not see immortality or population control, but a lot of genetic mutating is being done, and I am seeing something about the perfect race or perfect species is the word that I want to say.  And they look kind of like albinos. Their eyes are very ice blue….But I will say that when I think of this species, there is something not right about them…they look like they do not have a normal soul.  Um..they act like humans, and are considered human, but emotionally they are like robots.

Q-What kind of electromagnetic stimulation can cause the flexing of the brain to trigger a state of intuitiveness?
A-I see a picture of a device, and it looks like a TENS machine, and they are putting a pad on the left side and a pad on the right side and stimulating current that way.  And it gives a sound of static electricity snapping, and I see the first reaction being kind of like a static shock, but the after affect of that creates like a relaxed state that allows someone to exercise their intuitiveness.  

Q-When you describe left and right side, which body part do you refer, and what separates this from electroshock therapy used on mental patients?
A-I am referring to the head, above the ear on either side.  And it is actually very similar to electroshock therapy.  I see that after you get his initial shock you get a moment of clarity, like outside distractions and noise do not interfere with your own personal thoughts.  I also see this as temporary, but that one experience can be enough to show you what frame of mind you need to be in and what it feels like.

As a side note, this does look rather invasive to do and there is much healthier and natural approaches to tuning into your intuitive abilities.  For example, focusing on meditating can be just as if not more effective and in a more holistic way to achieve that intuitive result.

Q-You spoke of telekinesis, was this similar to “Using the force” referred to in the Star War films, and how did it work.
A-I see it being used in the following way.  I see an extraterrestrial  he is talking to an Egyptian because I see pyramids.  And without ever moving their mouths, they are having a mental conversation back and forth.  Then the ET wants to see a scepter that they Egyptian is holding, so he mentally asks to see it, they Egyptian is holding his hand out, he lets go of it and the ET flies it over to him and they are standing about 5 feet apart.  And no one was in shock or awe over it, it just seems that was the way business was done.

Q-Could groups of people move large objects such as stones with telekinesis?
A-Immediately when I read that I thought of the pyramids, I am seeing groups of people gathered in a circle, and I am talking like a couple hundred people, and they are absolutely moving…the image I have is like a stone that has a carving on the front, and that is what is being atop of stone platform.  They are putting it up on this platform.

Q-If one were to try to practice telekinesis, what object would be best to start with, metallic, organic, what?  And what should they focus on?
A-The image that I first get is an image of compass, and what I am seeing is that you need to focus on the needle and try to move it from the direction that it is pointing.  And that is the best and first thing to really practice this skill with.

Q-But what do you focus on in your mind in order to do this?  Do you ask the needle to move, visualise it?
A-You are going to focus all of your energy on that needle point, and you give it this internal will that it is going to move, you put this intent that it is going to move, almost like a demand, not a question.  And when you stare at it, you get some kind of a connection and you will actually feel that energy or focus in conjunction with the command and that is what you have to practice on, not losing sight of that focus.  You cannot let an outside noise or distraction, you have to wholly be absorbed in that task at hand.

Q-Going back to DNA, is it just another form of subconscious memory, and does our children, since they have parts of our DNA also retain this memory of past lives and or events?
A-Yes I do see our DNA like that, our children do have some of our memories, but what happens is that your children’s memories are diluted, one because it is not their own lifetime experience, and two because their DNA is not just purely yours, it is diluted with another individuals, but I am getting that they could even have a dream or a memory of something that their parent did, that they never actually lived through themselves if part of that DNA peaked through.

Q-Are we meant to have access to this memory, and how can we work to gain access to it?
A-I am getting that the proper term is that you are meant to have availability to it, because some of it you are not meant to remember out of self defense I guess…and the best way to gain access to it is to meditate, but that would take a lot of practice, and those memories are not easy to retrieve.  A more effective way is through either past life regression, or hypnosis.

Q-You mention mediating in many of your readings.  Most people do not really know what this term actually means, or know how to meditate.  What is the best description of this exercise?
A-Simply, meditating is eliminating all of your outside distraction and focusing on your inner thoughts.  Being in tune with all five senses.  Sometimes during a meditation you might smell something, hear something, or taste something.  All of it is relevant to what you are kind of in tune with at the time.  For example, you may put the intent out that you may want to know what career path you want to go on.  So you really focus on this topic and then you clear your mind and then you see what images come to you and what feeling you have with those images along with any other sensations.  And it is a way for your subconscious to connect with your conscious mind and help you get a complete message or better understanding.

Q-What does one do if they try all the above, but do not sense anything with their senses?
A-For some people this can be really hard, and for some it is easy.  For someone new trying, pick a time of day that you feel the least distracted, for many people it is at night because your daily to do list is not on the forefront of your brain.  And when you lay in bed, visualize something comforting to you, it might be a color, it could be the sky, or an ocean.  And you stare at what you have chosen.  So if you are looking at the sky, just focus only on that sky, and see what thoughts come to mind, you might see a kite in the sky, so you follow the kite and see where it takes you, then you might see a bird.  But you go down all of these paths where you are being taken, and in the end you usually receive some sort of a message or you feel insightful to a question that you have.  And if during your meditation you find your mind wandering on something miscellaneous, then you immediately take yourself back to your starting point of the sky.  And many times people start with 2 minutes at a time and you have to work your way up.  Everyone is completely different with this.

8:53 PM Link to Audio