Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

4D Earth:
Q.  According to the book Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus described a major earth shift that would happen in (described using astrology) October 24, 2029. The map indicating the result of the flood is described here: Is this related to the birth of the 4D earth? Can you look at this and tell us what you see?
A. When I tune into this, and focus on the future, I see the earth going through a lot of shifts.  Some are energetic, and some are more physical.  I do see true north shifting, and I cannot see that stopping.  That shift will create some flooding and water displacement.  I cannot connect to it being as extreme as shown on the maps, but there will definitely be some flooding (I always see the flooding on the outlying edges and major rivers, such as the Mississippi River).  I also see the earth expelling pockets of energy through quakes and volcanoes which doesn’t look to stop.

I don’t see this as a 4D thing.  It looks like it is a growth and evolution of the 3D earth and would occur with or without the 4D earth emerging.  

Q. Does The Event include changing of the DNA and activating of more strands? Will the people in the 4D earth be taller, or less solid, or will live longer?

A.  I do see some DNA “upgrades” occurring in the 4D.  People are more spiritual, more grounded and more understanding of their gifts.  THAT alone makes them healthier, happy and have a longer lifespan.  

Q. What’s unique about Earth compared to the rest of the universe?

A.  Earth has an abundance of resources, food and water.  Our atmosphere affords life, and is gentle on most life forms.  We have intelligent life forms, which draws in other ETs.  

Q.  Why are angels portrayed in paintings with a floating halo above their head? Is there a literal circle of light or it only signifies something?

A. I get this signifies enlightenment, and illustrates the light they carry with them.  It doesn’t look literal, but rather a depiction of the light they hold, and how it emanates from their crown chakra.  


Q. Why is lactose intolerance more common among Asians?
A. I get that a huge part of survival for North Americans and some other tolerant areas was based on milk and milk bases products.  They developed immunities and enzymes that allowed these milk products to be digested.  This ability was genetically passed down from generation to generation, leaving most people with the ability to have lactose in their diet (even if they have a sensitivity to it, they can digest it in moderation).  

I get Asians didn’t have that need in order to survive, so they never developed the enzymes or immunities.  Without the evolution of enzymes, they have become (mostly) intolerant.  

Q.  Are premature births predestined to happen before birth? If yes, is this due to some astrological influences that are important to the incoming soul’s personality or some ET race origin?

A. Your birth is predestined.  Many factors come into play such as astrology, and also what you’ve agreed to prior to reincarnating.  I get that is why astrology can be so accurate because you chose your path and lessons, and the Universe knows the best way to bring you into this world (what sign and alignment will bring you the best chance of tackling your goals).  

Q. Why do some boys start talking later than their girl counterparts?

A.  Men were hunters and fighters, and evolved physically to survive and protect their group.  Women were the nurturers, gatherers and helped to teach and take care of others.  Women needed the fine motor skills of communication to be better at fulfilling their role in society, and that developed to be a strong skill.  Men grew to be strong, and women grew to be communicators (for the most part). 

Q. If the past, present, and future coincides and time is merely a construct on Earth, is it possible for the future to affect or influence the past?

A.  Absolutely.  I get since they are coincide, what happens in one time line can effect the other, or even cause new splits (or events / experiences) to occur.  

Q. What is the significance of the speeding up of the Schumann Resonance?
A.  As it changes, it alters the collective consciousness.  This is an evolution the earth is going through as the 4D develops, and people ascend to the 4D spiritually even though they are physically still here.  

Q.  Considering the push towards Common Core (an example of a parent highlighting the problem with Common Core math:, heavy brainwashing (e.g., radical feminism, anti-Trump pro-Hillary narrative, racism), what can regular American citizens do to avoid the PTW’s attempt to dumb down of the American society?

A. School does have its’ good qualities, but it is becoming a form of indoctrination.  Some people may do private or home schooling, but that isn’t always practical.  Speak up when you can, and monitor what your kids are learning.  Be mindful that learning isn’t just what is in books, but it is the culture and influence that is being stressed on your kids at school.  I hear “it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease- be the squeaky wheel!!” Talk to you kids, and show them alternative ways of thinking, and support them when they think outside the box.  

Something Extra Just for Fun…

Q. Lynn, you have probably heard about the audio trick, Yanny vs. Laurel debate. Today a scientist explained that people hear two distinctively different words because they are on different frequencies. Could you focus on this and elaborate on what this indicates about our frequency levels?
A.  I get it has to do with the frame of mind you are in at the time you hear the phrase.  That frame of mind dictates when frequencies are dominant to you.  If you are in a beta brain wave cycle, listening to this will sound like Laurel.  The more distracted and zoned out you are (dipping in an alpha or even theta state) you will hear it as Yanny.  It truly depends of your level of awareness and attentiveness when you hear the words as the frequency of the word will be interpreted differently. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:
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Earth, Mapping and Universe Questions

Earth, Mapping and Universe Questions

Dear Lynn, thanks for explaining tricky questions so simply and clearly.  You are bringing light into this world!

Here are some more baffling questions:

Q. The world map is very intriguing. When we look at the map upside down, the landmasses look like they could have been together in one giant mass at the north pole and are now spreading out downwards, like when you put a thick frosting on top of a ball and it spreads and drips down. Was Pangea at the middle of the North Pole without the Arctic winters or was it a mass just anywhere in the middle of the Globe? 
A.  When I look at this, I get that all the continents clustered around the Asia area.  I don’t see it to the northern or southern area, but rather the central area, and spreading from there.  I also see that the earth was smaller during that time, and as it grew, it aided in the breaking apart of the continents.  I am also reminded that energy isn’t created or destroyed, so when the earth absorbs the sun’s energy, the earth has to expel it trough volcanic eruptions or store it, which causes the expansion at the belly of the equator (changing the face of earth to be more oblong versus circular).

Q. We all know about plate tectonics and even the direction each plate is moving. Do the land masses actually move or do they stay kind of stationary but the altitude changes as their surface rises and falls? 
A. I wan’t completely sure I understood the question.. But as I see it, the plates do move, some more than others.  The Asia area feels like more of an anchor, but even it moves slightly.  The butting of two plates can create a rise in altitude (like baby mountains being born which continue to grow as the plates press into each other).  As plates pull apart, there can also be a little “sinking” on the edge or newly formed coastlines, but it doesn’t look to be significant in Earth’s history.    

Q. Looking at a “two color” world map (blue being water and brown being land) it feels like the water encroaches and submerges any low areas it can find. That’s no brainer, but when you look closely at the map, some areas appear to speak volumes. For example, areas between Greenland and USA,  much of Europe and England and the entire area between southern Indian tip to western Australia etc looks like it was once a huge solid land mass and slowly submerged leaving only the upper elevations as the land that we can see now (essentially creating islands).  
A.  I see a few things going on with regard to island formation. In some areas the islands were created because smaller land masses broke from a parent mass.  For example, I see that is how many of the islands in the Greenland area came to be.  If you can image (this is how I see it playing out in slow motion) a large plate being broken in half.  One big mass stayed as Canada, another larger mass became Greenland, and all the shards turned into the smaller islands in between.

There can also be situations in which the water rises in some areas while receding in others.  This looks due to some north pole shifting and fluctuations in the the earth wobble which alters the seas (and tides).  As this happens new lands can be created (such as Shelly Island below) or submerged like Atlantis.

Shelly Island 

Q. Could it be true? Were these island chains once  dry land? If yes, that would change the shape of Pangea as given by Geologists. Can you see Pangea on the globe? (Additionally, geology hardly says anything about submerged lands on the said locations with the exception of Zealandia and few submerged coastal cities here and there. They have even failed to explain why they couldn’t foresee the emergence of many new islands in the oceans that have literally popped up overnight (eg. Shelly Island) and the 60 km long, 8 meters wide East African rift that opened up in just 10 days that was presumed to take place over millions of years. They are in fact baffled to see a very long process happening this fast.)
A.  In many situations, just as how I described the islands off Greenland, there was one mass that broke into smaller ones versus a large mass that was buried.  That type of development doesn’t affect Pangea.  

What does affect Pangea are the two MAIN masses of Atlantis and Lemuria that were not included.   Pangea, even though it looks to be an accurate hypothesis, is not exactly correct.  It’s basically geologists best effort based on what they do know.  

Q.  This means big unpredictable changes in short time are possible..What other major land changes do you see occurring in the world in near and far future?
A.  The biggest thing I see is the Mississippi River becoming more and more shallow.  The southwestern portion of the United States also looks to become dryer (and struggle with droughts).  

Mariana Trench

Many of the southern South American coastal waters also recede, and land masses may emerge as a result of that (water level lowers).  Additionally, many coastlines in and round Europe look to rise.  (There may be more, but those are the dominant things that come forward.)

Q. Was Mariana Trench ever a dry land mountain chain on Earth?
A.  I cannot see that the Mariana Trench was ever on dry land.  It looks to always be filled with water.

Q. Will the Himalayas become even higher?
A.  Yes, there feels to be a lot of potential energy building up in that area that releases in the form of plates pressing together and turning upward (like putting your hands flat, finger tip to finger tip, and pressing the tips together until they have no where to go but upward into a praying position).  It looks to be a gradual and steady growth.

Q. Can/Will Yellowstone National Park volcano blow entire US away like the Atlantis?

A.  Eventuallllly it will happen, but it looks to be much further into our timeline.  I get on earth there is still work to be done (the creation of a 4D earth and ascension) before it will be allowed to happen. There are some intervening forces guiding and protecting that area.

Q. Was the big bang caused by a black hole suddenly expanding and releasing all of it’s matter? 
A.  I see it more like a black hole vacuum taking everything in.  So much was consumed that it created an implosion, which then created so much energy that it (the black hole) EXploded releasing all the matter and energy previously consumed.  From there, that explosion aided in the process to create / form most everything..

Q. I know you say everything is connected to the Source. Is that true for our universe? Does our universe have a soul and when it dies, does it reincarnate into a new universe?
A. Everything either directly or indirectly connects back to Source.  Source wasn’t created from this, Source is The Source from which everything else came to be.

Our Universe is full of energy, has intelligence, and to some extend has a soul.  It feels like a machine full of harmoniously working parts, and when something is off, it seeks a balance.  The goal and life path of the Universe is balance.  I cannot see where our Universe “dies” so it is difficult to see how or if it reincarnates.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:

Blog Entry #1000.. A Look at 2018!

Blog Entry #1000.. A Look at 2018!

As I do my 1000th blog posting and approach nearly 5 million views, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, guiding, supporting and teaching me along the way.  I am truly humbled by how this blog has grown and the beautiful people that have crossed my path.  Love and Gratitude, Lynn 


With 2017 coming to an end, I wanted to look toward the future to “see” what we have coming our way.  I broke this down by categories to better focus… 

Politics and Media
I see more “fake” news (or rather news that is insignificant, embellished, or not indicative to REAL issues of the world) being used as a tool to keep people divided, and a way to create havoc for Trump.  As I see it, Trump truly is one of the biggest obstacles of the PTW (Powers That Were) because he is viewed as a wild card.  Trump knows what the PTW want (through connections and also personal requests / favors from them), but has too much ego to allow it to happen (because he cannot be bought and enjoys the power struggle).

I get Trump will make an unexpected ally.  Something is in the works now, but I cannot see how this will unfold.  It does look to be in the middle east, but I can say it doesn’t look to be China or Russia, but he is brokering a deal with another country that is ready to fight and expose the PTW as well.  I hear “this is best played as the long game, so it will require a certain element of patience.”

Some type of peace is also being worked on with China and Russia (even though it doesn’t appear to come full circle in 2018).  Trump realizes that part of the issue these countries have with us is they feel the US hasn’t played fairly in many world affairs, and they are also bitter at the US control of the dollar.  Trump has to level the playing field, and create a sense of fairness, but this is a long process (so long I cannot see the finality of it, or if it is even possible).  There is also an ulterior motive for Trump to make peace as Russia and China are aggressively working to squash the dollar, implement a gold backed currency, and establish new guidelines in which to purchase goods (including influence of oil trade).  The demise of the dollar would hurt the US in a major way, and Trump also doesn’t want this type of event tied to his presidency.

False Flags / Events / Changes- US Based 

I see something that has a similar appearance to small pox looks to come forward during the first quarter of 2018.  This promotes fear and allows an opportunity for big pharma to make money off immunizations.  Just be cautious and listen to your gut as I don’t see this as the epidemic that they portray..

I hear the phrase “Atlanta burning” and get there will be something in that area (fire, explosion, ??).  It feels politically driven, both locally and federal.  There may even be a “drill” there to see how people will react.  2018 looks full of “how will people react” events while the PTW see what people really are willing to put up with.

As we approach the middle of 2018, it looks like the central part of the country suffers periods of droughts.  The Mississippi River feels very low and concerning, and I don’t see that changing.  It looks like larger trade and travel ships will start to reroute or find alternative means of travel.  Consequently, the cost of goods will start to rise (especially in this area).  At first this situation is downplayed, and doesn’t receive much media, but the problem looks to get worse and worse and will start to become a news story..

To the east of the Mississippi River I see a rather large sink hole emerge (Tennessee area??).  There is an illusion that this baffles scientists, but the reality is that the earth is expanding, plates are shifting, and a gap is being created (only a few inches, but makes a huge difference because the water of the Mississippi is entering the crack and eroding the earth from the inside out in this specific area).

Yellowstone looks to encounter several small earthquakes, but not “the big one.”  There really is some guiding intervention working overtime to dissipate the energy stored there.  I get there will be several UFO sightings in the area, even more than before, while “they” help to balance this area of the world.

International Affairs
When I zoom out on a map, I see the northern region of Australia light up, and also England and Germany.  These look like targets for “ISIS” attacks, with an agenda to get them to join the PTW to fight against Saudi Arabia to gain controlling interest of their (the Saudi’s) oil (there is fear by the PTW that trade will be gold based, which they do not want so if they control the oil they won’t have to worry about how to pay for it).

With the world changing, the PTW needs a physical presence in Afghanistan to control the poppies (i.e. opium) and Saudi Arabia for the oil.  That region of the world feels very active during 2018.  Oddly, this won’t be the top stories in the news though, as propaganda surrounding North Korea and China seem to serve as the smoke screen for the dirty dealings in both Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.

Russia feels somewhat quiet, but still holds a presence.  Toward the end of the year they emerge again, but for the short term they feel to be watching to see what happens with the rest of the world (while they ramp up their own defenses).

North Korea feels to get very agitated with the constant monitoring of how they are governing their country.  It does escalate, and some kind of confrontation occurs toward the middle of the year (looks like a balloon bursting).  I cannot see it being nuclear, even though the threat and fear of it will be out there, but there is weaponry involved.  It looks like there will be a man made weather event used to weaken them (NK), followed by a smaller battle.

PTW (Powers That Were!)
They feel more vulnerable than they have in decades.  They see that people are waking up and demand truth.  Slowly things are being exposed in undeniable ways (such as the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination).  Most of their agendas require people to beLIEve their lies, and there is an inner subconscious that is restless.

Their goal will be to continue to conquer through division.  People are emotional beings, and the PTW prey upon that.  There will continue to be social unrest, BUT far more people are going to disengage and realize this state of living in constant anger, being offended or feeling oppressed because you are told to feel this way isn’t healthy.  When the PTW loses the power to make us “feel” a certain way, they will truly lose control.  We are headed in that positive direction as we get further and further into 2018.

I also get that the PTW are slowly being dismantled as they get weaker and things are falling apart.  I hear they are SLOWLY being brought to justice, but it will be handled quietly.  Part of their plea deals is that things need to be taken care of out of the public eye (when you see an over the top new story, most likely a new PTW member has been taken down and the media is providing a cover as this isn’t “illegal”).  If you feel something strike your “spidey sense” as off, that is because it is.  For example, I don’t get that Hillary or McCain have been arrested,  but some kind of negotiation is happening (note the picture to the right) and they have been told not to leave the country (queue the body doubles, they will be working overtime in 2018). 


There will be some subtle disclosure happen in 2018.  What I mean by this is it looks like someone reputable (ex-military out of Florida???) will come forward as a whistle-blower. ???  I get this man is retired, and feels as though he spent his whole life keeping secrets, and he doesn’t want his life to end still holding onto them.  He will reveal different things he witnessed and confirm what many people know to be true.  The PTW will work overtime to discredit him, but he doesn’t look to scare easily.  I see this man’s statement as being what many people want.

Economy / Cryptos / Gold / Silver
When I focus on the economy, I see a house made of cards.  This feels like symbolism as to how fragile the system really is.  One slight move, one misstep, and the whole thing will come crumbling down.  We are at a point where things have to be strategically handled to keep the false inflation going, and prevent a collapse.  

The dollar is fighting to stay alive, but is growing more and more devalued through inflation.  Quantitative easing will still periodically be done to offset this and prolong the life of the dollar (I’m not a finance major, but it comes through to me as a way to print more money while shifting debt elsewhere.  I hear the phrase “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.”).  

Meanwhile, other countries can see what is happening, and are concerned and want to get trade established in terms of gold or gold backed currency.  They (other competing countries) are worried that if / when the dollar collapses, they will be left holding worthless currency, so they want to unload as many “dollars” as possible in exchange for something tangible.  If this newer currency (not solely crypto or block chain based) hasn’t been released yet, it is very close and looks to emerge in 2018.  This currency will be the competition for the dollar, and its’ creation feels to be intentionally kept out of mainstream media during it’s infancy until it takes hold and gains momentum. The PTW look to feverishly convert assets over to diversify their wealth, and also plot how to get control of it, and manipulate events to try to do so (and look to fail).   

When this newer currency gains popularity, the US will want to fight it because it competes with the dollar AND because the controlling country (I want to say China) is not the US, the US doesn’t have a system in place to trace the purchases and selling (many tax dollars will be avoided).  I see this being a huge issue for 2018, and look at this topic to finally make the media around August ???

Many people are worried about cryptos and Bitcoin.  During the beginning part of 2018 they look to hold their value until the newer, backed block chain “type” of currency takes hold.  Once the newer one is in place, people look to sell their Bitcoins, dropping the value (the supply vs demand shifts).  Just be mindful of the news and watch for trends as you monitor your portfolio.

Around this time, gold and silver markets try to begin resetting to the “true” value, but it takes some time because of the extended periods of being suppressed.  The stock market looks to peak abnormally high in the final moments, the PTW sell off stocks, and then the market will dip as the precious metal starts to peak (sort of like a teeter totter).  Listen to your intuition, and pay attention to trends during the middle part of the year..

The Event / Spiritual / Collective Consciousness
We are in the middle of it!  I see the Event as the birth of a 4D Earth in conjunction with upgrading those that are ready to ascend so they can inhabit this newer realm.  The upgrade involves a synchronicity between the physical self and elevated spiritual self (our 3D self cannot handle sustained vibrations of a 4D reality, so we have to advance slowly as to not fry our systems).  The Event doesn’t look to fully complete by the end of 2018 or early 2019, but we are in the final stages. 

You will continue to experience symptoms of this “upgrade.”  You may have moments of fatigue for no reason, or even restless sleep when you are tired.  You may also develop sensitivities to food, sounds or even light as your clairs enhance (but please also listen to your intuition and if you need medical attention, seek it out as these symptoms could be something else).  Pay attention to yourself, and now is a great time to start to meditate, even if for only a few moments a day.  2018 also looks to be the year of purging emotional traumas and negativity.     

The collective consciousness is elevating.  We are living an amazing time where shifts are occurring.  You may feel alone during the process, but there are many feeling the same way.  Everyone has to awaken on their own time frame, and we will all meet together at the destination.  As I close, I am reminded of the quote by Pierre Teilhard de Cardin, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”  You are much stronger than you realize, especially when we work in the collective.

And that is all I have for this reading.  I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!  I will have limited internet access for the next few days (and will try to check in from time to time), but will be back in 2018!  Love and light, Lynn
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:

September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017

Q. Hi Lynn, AT&T recently put out a documentary called The Sign.

The story tells of all the biblical and scientific evidence that planet x will pass by earth, closer than it ever has on 9/23/2017 and it will begin Armageddon.

Would you mind looking into this because I find it strange they would produce and market a documentary like this. Why did they do this and what is their goal – are they not a part of the PTW? Is there anything significant that will happen on 9/23/2017? If you look up this date many predicted the same thing would happen in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Are they just all getting the year wrong or hoping someday they’ll get it right?

A. When I tune into September 23rd, I get an anxious feeling as if I am on edge waiting on something to happen.  It looks like a lot of things are building energetically (planetary and moon alignments).  I don’t see a full on apocalyptic event, but the Earth does look to go through a shift.  I see the Schumann resonance picking up, and it looks like the Earth wobble is off more than ever due to the push and pull action of the astrological bodies.  

The alignment feels necessary on this timeline and is tied to the birth of the 4D Earth being created, forming another reality over our current 3D realm.  On a worldly perspective, I see harsh and unusual weather starting a few days before the 23rd, and following a few days afterward.  The strange weather patterns feel tied to wind, rain and water.  The increased Schumann resonance also looks to create subtle earthquakes all over the world as the Earth expels excess energy. 

On a personal level I see many physical reactions.  It mostly looks like flu symptoms including nausea, fatigue and even loss of appetite, with some people reacting more so than other.  There can also be a lack of mental clarity, even confusion as these energies push and pull through our bodies.  

Regarding the movie, I do see the PTW (Powers That Were) involved.  It looks like this movie serves two purposes.  One is to propagate fear and feed the minds of those that are worried.  The other is to share some truths in such a way that people are skeptic and doubting.  The goal of the PTW is to keep vibrations low, and fear is a way to accomplish that.

It is hard to narrow down the date of a mass event.  I see Earthly changes occurring over periods of time, and not sudden or immediate (like a slow burning fire versus an explosion).  We all have a subconscious nudge that change is imminent, so many of us are looking for a sign.  The dates look to arise from the collective finding what appears to be a clue, and like the Law of Attraction, when something is found, you attract more and more of the same.  

Overall, I do feel some disruption on September 23rd, but together we will get past it.  Take extra care of your mind, body and spirit during this shift of energy.  And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Friday Review

Friday Review

Occasionally I do a reading, and it deserves to be focused on again.  Free will and time line shift can affect the results.  These are a few I have been requested to focus on again.. 

Q. Hi again Lynn, I noticed that you predicted in an earlier reading that crypto coins will fade out “And then another electronic currency, “backed” by gold / precious metals, will emerge”.  Do you see if this electronic currency is already ‘in the making’?  If so can you tell when it will be made available? Thank you.
A. I get this has been in the works for a long time.  Then, I hear that nothing with the government happens overnight, it is a slow and methodical process.  Having said that, it is close to being released to the public.  They have to first manipulate the crypto currencies (over inflate, and then crash).  When the cryptos appear to be unstable because they aren’t backed by anything substantial, a new electronic form of currency will emerge with the claims of it being backed by physical assets.  This newer electronic currency will have some level of implied trust because it is backed by something real.  Eventually everything will be done via this new system (to track purchases, makes sure items are taxed, prevents money from being hidden, etc).  I see it being released by the middle of 2018.

Previous readings on Crypto Currencies and Bitcoin:

Q. Hi Lynn, Can you look into the Lincoln assassination. There has been a conspiracy theory that Mary Todd was the one to actually kill him because he was unfaithful to her. There is some circumstantial evidence to back this up. I don’t want to say too much as I don’t want to prejudice your reading.
A.  I do see Mary Todd as the real murderer.  She was in a very dark, sad and depressed state.  I don’t see that she premeditated it, but the timing, accessibility and access to a scapegoat all worked out in her favor.  I get that within about 20 minutes she had snapped and decided what she was going to do.  There were actually a few witnesses (some kind of servants), but out of fears they kept quiet.

Previous reading on Mary Todd (Friday Five with Da-da):

Q. Lynn, thank you so much for your time, courage, and dedication to your blog. It is truly amazing, and you’re the best.  I think it might be time for you to update us about “your” red comet – twin sun approaching what you saw before. They say a year 1 (2017- numerology) should bring some great changes to earth (the end of the old system, and a new beginning). What do you see as these big changes in the rest of 2017? Could it be Nibiru or (your red comet – twin sun) this year, or something else that starts everything new? Is this a year when that ‘soul harvest’ happens – when everyone is assigned to the place on earth according their soul vibration (earth’s time lines split starts)? How that ‘soul harvest’ happens? In generally, would you please comment on geo-socio-econo-political scenarios within a year or two ahead for US. There are many talks about soon dollar collapse, precious metals spikes, August 21 solar eclipse, October 12 asteroid, and so on. What do you see?
A. Geo:  I do see the Red Comet still out there and in full force.  It does feel like it is burning bright and on the opposing side of the sun currently, making its way to the western side of the sun (using the northern hemisphere as a reference),  The Red Comet feels connected to the sister system, and its presence feels to somehow shift the orbits slightly within that system.  The sister sun is also still present, and looks to be the counterbalance to our sun as the pair corkscrew through space.  

As the above system shifts and moves, there will be some influence on Earth.  The main effects will be associated to weather, odd weather patterns and extreme changes.  As I type this i get that the wobble of the Earth is also being shifted, and true north will continue to slowly (and consistently) move.  This feels to go on indefinitely (I cannot see the end), and has been happening for a long while. 

Socio:  Regarding the Earth shift… I see that Earth is transitioning into a 4D reality (or rather a new parallel reality opening).  As we transition into spirit and chose to incarnate, if your vibration can support a higher dimension, you will incarnate into the newer 4D reality.  I don’t see a mass disappearance or harvest, but rather a newer reality opening up that houses higher vibrational beings.

Econo:  I hear we are living in the “calm before the storm.”  Many of us know something is on the horizon, but rather than accept that things may not be what they seem, they live in a “ignorance is bliss” modality.  Things actually feel fairly strong for the short term (stock market, investments, etc).  I see the PTW (Powers That Were) are currently inflating the stock market so they can cash out when it is high, and having insight as to when it will deflate.  Watch for unnatural highs at the end of 2017 as this feels like a clue that the “pump and dump” has begun. 

Political: As I focus on politics, I get the Russia, China and North Korean issues are going to reach a boiling point by the first quarter of 2018 (possibly sooner).  I get there is strategy being planned (with a huge focus on North Korea right now), and there looks to be a physical strike on North Korea by the end of 2017.  I’m not seeing specific details (I feel it is in the greater good to not know specifics).  

Here are a few of the many readings on this topic:

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Fukushima Fallout

Fukushima Fallout

Q. I was very concerned to learn about the severe increase of Fukushima pollution in the Pacific:

‘Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels’

Seems like the MSM still is failing to cover this. Are they going to reveal the dire circumstances we’re all facing anytime soon? Is this an extinction level event as some have claimed since the beginning? AND – does this have anything to do with ‘The Event’?

Thanks so much, Lynn.

A. I do see this as a very real and valid concern.  Many people know this is happening, and in some instances the media is being told to suppress it, while in others people (like environmentalists, botanists, herbalists, etc) have been threatened to keep quiet.  The government isn’t willing to admit that cancers, autoimmune disorders and neurological problems are on the rise due to this, because then they would have to (in some part) be accountable.

It looks as though the governments (especially the US) is trying to work on a fix, in the form of either an immunization or some kind of neutralization of the radiation, but they don’t really know if or how well these things work.  In one scenario I see them using weather manipulation to force a drought (especially in western part of the US) because the theory was that rain brought the radiation to the ground (from the air and also from ocean water that has evaporated), so forcing a drought would allow the radiation to dilute more before it was rained down.  I see them further complicating the drought with chemtrail experiments to try to induce chemicals to speed up the half-life of the radiation before the radiation was rained down. 

I have also seen experiments where the government has secretly worked with Monsanto to try to develop seeds that will grow in radiated soil, and in harsh conditions (while further weather manipulation and chemspraying goes on).  

Another experiment that is in play is putting additives into immunizations (flu shots, shingle vaccines) in higher concentrated radiated areas to try to lessen the effect on the human body, but nothing has been proven.  Right now, they know there is a problem, but really have no way to correct it, so the testing continues.

I do see a “plan B” emerging that looks to involve Africa.  I hear that “Africa is one of the best kept secrets, and it is full of natural resources”  I see in the near future there will be a made up reason to go there, and occupy portions of the country (but not under the current presidency).  In reality, this looks to be a safe haven or a back up area to escape for the wealthy, or well-connected PTW (Powers The one Were). 

I don’t see it related to The Event, but it does look to hold this 3D reality in check, while another 4D reality emerges.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

[This question was sent to me, and it felt natural to answer this before I continue on with what I see in 2017].  

Q. How accurate can psychic vision be at predicting the future?  Thank you
A.  Intuitives can be very accurate.  The real challenge is to determine and understand the information you are given.  The more practice you have at understanding your “symbol dictionary” the better because you really don’t want to add your own fingerprints to the message.  The goal is to relay what is given in a clear way.  I often see things in terms of symbols, but the message can be literal too, so I do my best to keep the message as pure as possible.  Sometimes the message contains an element of emotion (fear, panic, joy), so I include that or let that guide me as well. 

When intuitives put the intent to find an answer, we also see things pertaining to the motion that is already set forth.  One thing that can influence that motion is free will, or other interventions.  A sequence of events can be laid out, but if someone or a group of people goes against the natural flow, the result can be different or change.  In those cases, or in reading long term events, an occasional “checkup” to see if anything has influenced the outcome may be needed.  

Q. Hello, Lynn. It’s the end of the year and the media always has lists for the ‘best of the year’ and many business people try to predict events and trends for the new year. Have you ever considered making a list of predictions for the New Year? It would be interesting to see.


  • I see it fluctuating at the beginning of 2017, taking a slight dip after Trump is sworn into office, and then rebounding. 
  • Gold / Silver looks to slowly rise and start to gain more momentum in August / September. 
  • I get other forms of electronic currency gain more popularity. 
  • The dollar starts to be phased out in such a way that people don’t realize it.  This REALLY starts to show itself mid-year (more and more places will prefer credit of cash). 
  • The banking system will offer incentives to trade in “dollars” for something else (not sure what that means yet). 
  • People voluntarily handle less and less cash, (and the banks make it looks like their idea in the name of convenience). 
  • China will emerge as a financial power.


  • Trump starts to heal the relationship between Russia and the US.
  • The US continues to have a love / hate relationship with China. (China will reject some of the US policies, and trade will be influenced, but I cannot see to what extent). 
  • Tensions with Mexico will rise, but Mexico realizes they need the US so they tolerate it (unhappily). 
  • Relationships with the majority of other countries appears better than the social divide on the US soil. 
  • Trump wants to bring people together, but the influences of the opposing parties won’t let things rest out of their principles.  This is a huge challenge for the upcoming administration.


  • More and more people are waking up and are open to new ideas.
  • The collective conscious is becoming stronger than ever. 
  • People are getting better at recognizing their own intuition.
  • A spiritual divide starts to occur (those that are awake are REALLY awake, and those that don’t want to see things out of fear or discomfort feel very stuck, but still forging forward).  
  • Everyone moves forward, but some are slower to grow than others.  Everyone has their own timeline, and the subconscious in general is waking up (ready or not).

Environmental / Weather

  • Chemtrails aren’t going away, but the awareness increases.  
  • I see some kind of protest in relationship to the spraying (looks to be in the southeastern part of the US).
  • I see a hurricane hitting the eastern part of the US around late September.  Please head warnings when they announce to evacuate.
  • I get that a man-made weather event will happen in the Caribbean and Japanese area around the same time.  This won’t be a coincidence.

Medical / Health

  • Homeopathic remedies and healing are on the rise and start to really threaten big pharma. 
  • Big pharma really pushes back on the FDA to regulate vitamins / minerals / herbs (and this causes a real upheaval). 
  • Lots of information regarding curing via homeopathy comes out (please pray for the safety of our doctors that aren’t very praised by the Powers That once Were)
Misc Around The World
  • Lots of “secret talks” occur trying to institute a new gold standard (similar to the Shanghai Gold Exchange, but more world wide). 
  • Middle eastern countries try to make the purchase of oil in gold (some kind of a phase in program). 
  • There is some social disturbance in Australia (can’t tell what it is over, but feels vaccine related).
  • Putin emerges as a powerful leader (he isn’t going away). In fact, many people are distracted by what China is up to, but in reality they should have their eye on Putin.  Then I hear Trump say “Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer” and that looks like what he intends to do.

And that is all I have at this time.  Thank you.  Love and light-         HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Alternate Worldlines (Timelines)

Alternate Worldlines (Timelines)

Q. I have been doing a lot of reading and I have come across several references to two different worldlines (timelines); one where Trump becomes President, and one where Hillary becomes President. Supposedly, if Hillary becomes president then there would be nuclear warfare between USA and Russia. On the other hand, according to Nostradamus and other sources, if Trump becomes President then we will see a golden age eventually, and become united with Israel. Is this correct? What happens to our other “selves” in the other worldlines when we go to Heaven? Do we all merge into one soul when we get there, or does each worldline have their own version of Heaven, or how does it work? Thank you for your clarifications!
A. Both candidates bring something different to the table, and have an opposing type of energy. (One of the main reasons the candidates have the adverse feelings they have toward one another.  They energetically don’t mesh.).  I do see that if Hilary wins we will be going to physical war sooner rather than later.  i also see the nation witnessing one of the biggest scandals being uncovered because Trump supporters will be relentless revealing the truth.   i also see that Russia (Putin) won’t accept her either, and will do what they can to bring about shame  This causes a huge divide between supporters and non-supporters.  Tensions are high, and I get day to day life won’t “feel as easy and fluid.”  People feel insecure, the stock market feels unstable, and the intuition within people really starts to heighten in order to know facts versus fiction.  There is some level of ascension during all this (feels more personal than collective).

Trump brings something different.  If he wins he will go into this with the utmost devotion (he has an ego that keeps him driven), but once he is briefed and realizes the happenings around him, he goes though a moment of feeling defeated.  He realizes it is much harder to get things done than he realized because many other people pull the strings (or try to), but he is determined to do what he wants.  I actually see him trying to fight this system, and see him talking with someone and saying “You know I have money and know people too”  He doesn’t take kindly to being bullied, and feels it is harder to work with people in his own country than to negotiate and make things happen elsewhere in the world.  I do get a slight image of him getting some kind of “mystery illness” at some point during the early part of his term.  The economy starts to turn around, and he applies many business practices to create his vision of the country (again, I see his ego really driving him hard).  I get the PTW (Powers That once Were) even go so low as to threaten to manipulate the stock market even more to affect the democratic approval rating, and he somehow works around that as if he is one step ahead of them.  I cannot see a connection to Israel, but feel overall Americans do very well.

I get that we will live and experience the worldline (or timeline) that the mass collective experiences on this linear timeline. Some small groups may “glitch” into the alternate worldline,similar to the Mandella Effect, but eventually reset to the collective worldline. The other worldline exists, but it won’t be your experience in this 3D life.  When we pass into spirit I see that all worldlines merge into one shared (multi level based on vibration) spiritual plane, the highest level being “Heaven” (but can be termed many things.  This highest level is where most highest vibrational beings reside.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light-

Five… er, SIX for… Wednesday? (Five for Friday #35)

Five… er, SIX for… Wednesday? (Five for Friday #35)

by Lynn & Da-da
Hi all, and welcome to a special midweek “flying weirdness” edition of this series. Since we missed last week, we decided to release this one today to get you through the week. Here we go.
Image #1:  Airship Flap of 1897
Hundreds of airship sightings were reported in 1897 — well before there even were airships. Where were these airships from and who was piloting them? And is the photo beneath the sketch (photo taken in Iowa in 1897 of “The Airship Waterloo”) one of the actual airships?
What Lynn Saw
 “I get that the bottom pic IS one of the actual airships. I get that they have this old-fashioned feel to them. These ships still exist underground, in a secret UFO museum of sorts. I keep seeing the Dark Side of the moon. I see this flap open up like the moon is the Death Star, then I see these old-timey airships coming out. There was some kind of vortex over CA at that time, some earth vibration like a heartbeat and they wanted to investigate.” [So, were these sightings mostly of moon ETs? What did they look like? And why did they make the ships look like airships?] “They were mostly moon ETs. They look like ‘Aryan’ humanoids. They made them look like airships in order to blend in, using way-old technology, almost as if they were trying to mimic a boat or a sailing ship.” [Indeed, some “flying ships” were also seen in 1897, sails and all.]
Image #2: Sprite Flap of 2016
This is a huge jet/sprite formation recently seen high over Oklahoma. Anything unusual going on here?
What Lynn Saw
 “I get this unnerved feeling, like some big natural event is soon to happen to this area. It almost feels radioactive, but it feels natural.” [There were three small earthquakes on June 9th in Oklahoma. Could that be what you were feeling? Or is it something to come?] “I feel like it will be bigger. Something big is still looming.” [Is the thing you’re feeling a natural event, or something man-made? Maybe due to fracking? Do you see loss of life?] “It does feel like an event, one that’s natural, not man-made. I can see the earth crack. It looks like there’s this terrible drought before the earthquake. There’s a disruption of the natural cycle of things. There’s loss of vegetal life, but not human life. It feels major. Drought followed by an earthquake, maybe later this summer.” [How big we talking? Like the continent splitting?] “No, doesn’t feel that big, but it should make the news.”
Image#3: That’s No Moon
I know it’s honeycombed with all kinds of ET bases, but is the moon… alive? Does it have a spirit like the earth does?
What Lynn Saw
 “I feel the sun is alive, the earth is alive… but the moon feels like a satellite. It has a vibration, but I can’t see a life force tied to it. It’s an amplifier, a reflector. I don’t see it alive the same way I see the earth and the sun as alive. It’s a necessary satellite that’s here for balance, but it’s not its own thing.”
Image #4:  Spooky Flying Being
Here’s a rather spooky eyewitness account of a bizarre flying being (and a detailed drawing by the viewer) from his site:
September 17, 2013 at 12:20pm
“During the encounter, I was driving towards Ottawa, northbound on the 416 Memorial highway, it was about 12:20 in the afternoon on a clear sunny but very windy day. When I noticed at first what I thought was a huge seagull about 200 feet in the air ahead of me…within seconds I noticed the wings did not match the initial interpretation I had made and then saw outstretched arms, a head and torso with legs tucked together in a horizontal orientation. The wings, I could see now as I drove towards it at near 120 km/hr, were pure white and very large, its wings moved up and down rather slowly each doing a nearly 180 degree movement up and down. One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, I estimate its full wing span at 25-30 feet as one of my thoughts during the sighting was that the wings appeared too big for its body and i wondered how such long wings would be stored when the creature was walking on the ground…
“…it landed about 75 feet from my car. So, now that I was looking to my right i could see it coming down to tree top level, still in a horizontal body position, gliding a bit more than flapping its wings like when it was higher…the sun light up the white feathers and the wings appeared grey underneath due to the sun and their shadow…The part that still sends chills down my spine was the being’s human like characteristics yet not being like any human. He was The color of dark wet clay, face, lips arms legs and all.. He was also 12-15 feet tall judging by his height compared to the trees around him. His physical stature would make a 12 foot tall bodybuilder look like a scrawny pipsqueak…the mass and size of its muscles were beast like and very powerful looking.

“I remember it looking over and down towards us on the highway and the look terrified me.. It looked at us like we do unto ants, but with a certain disdain in its glance. The best look at his face was when he actually landed, at this point he dropped his body to a vertical orientation and out stretched his wings to land…curiously i could see that in the heavy winds he was having some trouble..his legs and arms seemed to be being used as counterbalance but the giant wings were catching a lot of wind making him not completely stable upon final decent as his limbs were awkwardly jockeying for a balance point as his wings acted like a massive sail.
“At this time i could clearly see the inner feathers blowing feverishly in the wind, down-like and soft, while the further to the outside of the wing I looked, the longer, stiffer and more defined the feathers became. So stiff longer feathers around the edges and down like feathers in the inner parts of the wing’s undersides..I’d thought in mythological cartoon like terms that they were supposed to magically ascend with light and singing etc, but not the case here, where it was clearly affected by and had to follow the laws of nature from what I saw. It had no facial hair, but wore some type of headdress grey in color and had like braided or dreaded looking (pigtails?) coming out from under its hat on either side of its neck, behind the ears going to the back of its shoulders. I could see around its neck that it wore some type of robe matching its skin in color and being thin enough that i could see its muscles right through it, when landing i could clearly see each of its legs so it was probably kilt like on the bottom half of the garment.
“He did not appear friendly or welcoming, the last seconds I could see him, was of his ominous glare towards my direction through my back window as I passed at moment of it’s touchdown..his nose and upper eye socket ridges cast a black shadow over portions of its clay colored warrior looking face…It looked like he was here for a definite reason and the fact that we on the road could see him did not seem to bother it at all, at this point I lost visual contact due to converging tree lines.” [src: Skygaze, Flying Humanoids]
So, what did the witness see?
What Lynn Saw
 “Wow. I get the same vibe as I do from Bigfoot. This being came here from a different dimension, like there was a portal glitch. He’s a 5th dimensional, angelic humanoid, and he was just as curious of the cars and our world as we were of him. He could feel where the portal was and got back to his dimension with little problem. He’s spiritually higher than we are. He’s not dangerous. I get this feeling of awe. This is probably never going to happen again. Very rare.” [This is a weird question, but could it be possible that the guy who saw this being had some kind of spiritual relationship with the flying man? Or one he’ll have in future?] “When you say that, I get that YES. This guy was wrestling around with some alter-ego thoughts that were kinda dark, and some… I want to call it ‘attack-of-conscience’… opened the portal and brought this being here. The viewer was subconsciously thinking about some kind of other identity within.”
5. Flying Naked Black Lady of Vietnam
This from John Keel’s, Mothman Prophecies:
“Earl Morrison, the witness, was serving as a private, first class in the marine corps in Vietnam in the summer of 1969. He and two buddies were sitting on top of a bunker near Da Nang on a warm summer evening. His exact words:
“All of a sudden—I don’t know why—we all three looked out there in the sky and we saw this figure coming toward us. It had a kind of glow and we couldn’t make out what it was at first. It started coming toward us, real slowly. All of a sudden we saw what looked like wings, like a bat’s, only it was gigantic compared to what a regular bat would be. After it got close enough so we could see what it was, it looked like a woman. A naked woman. She was black. Her skin was black, her body was black, the wings were black, everything was black. But it glowed. It glowed in the night—kind of a greenish cast to it.
“There was a glow on her and around her. Everything glowed. Looked like she glowed and threw off a radiance. We saw her arms toward the wings and they looked like regular molded arms, each with a hand, and, fingers and everything, but they had skin from the wings going over them. And when she flapped her wings, there was no noise at first. It looked like her arms didn’t have any bones in them, because they were limber just like a bat.
“She started going over us, and we still didn’t hear anything. She was right above us, and when she got over the top of our heads she was maybe six or seven feet up.
“We couldn’t do anything. We didn’t know what to do. We just froze. We just watched what was going over because we couldn’t believe our eyes. … So we watched her go straight over the top of us, and still she didn’t make any noise flapping her wings. She blotted out the moon once—that’s how close she was to us … As we watched her—she got about ten feet or so away from us—we started hearing her wings flap. And it sounded, you know, like regular wings flapping. And she just started flying off and we watched her for quite a while. The total time when we first saw her and could almost define her until we lost sight of her and were unable to define her was between three or four minutes.”
So… what did Earl see?

What Lynn Saw
 “I want to use the term “dragon lady.” I feel like this is a very rare species. Very ominous. She had babies around there somewhere, and she wanted to protect them. She could’ve breathed fire if she wanted to. This species has since completely died out, due to some kind of chemical warfare there in Vietnam [Agent Orange]. The government totally destroyed the climate there. These beings were herbivores (and were thus no threat), and when they ate the poisoned vegetation, it killed them. This being wasn’t being malicious, she was just protecting her babies (three of them).” [Anyone else ready for Monsanto to become extinct?]
Image #6: Putting That Flying Thing to Bed
And finally, what’s this thing, photographed over Italy in 2010? Cosmic vending machine?
What Lynn Saw
I get that it’s a guy who’s ejected out of a military aircraft of some sort, in some secret training maneuvers that were never reported, and someone just happened to get a pic of it.

And that’s that. Hope the rest of your week goes well. Join us some upcoming Friday… or whatever day… for episode #36!
The Economist Cover 2016

The Economist Cover 2016

Q. Hello Lynn ! Thanks for your incredible job as always !

For this end of year 2015, the Rothschild’s faction of the PTW has a present for us ! His new “Economist cover” for the year 2016 As always, lots of details!

See if you manage to get some interesting sights on it!  There is a sort of Taliban looking person with the actress on cellphone, and a rifle on the shoulder of David Cameron.  It seems a “London False Flag” will be done in 2016! UFO with remote antenna and bankster inside, holding a brain ?! The intelligence will work on the UFO technologies to make money? The magazines with the date 1987, 1993, 2000, 2008… so the expected economy crash seems to be decided! More and more!

Thanks for all you do and Happy New Year and Christmas!

The Economist 2016 Cover

A. The last cover was so interesting, I thought it would be fun to look this over and share our impressions, reactions and intuitive answers as we enter 2016.  The following were things that jumped out at me along with some visions that came forward..

The Economist 2016 (Full cover when open) 

  • Obama looks to be pushed to the back, and other leaders are emerging.  Obama’s exit will be fairly quiet.  He doesn’t say much, and the PTB feel like he portrayed the passive character they needed, but now the people will require a different brand of president.
  • The PTB want Hillary in office, and Bill looks to be involved, but in the background (that is why he is on the undercover).  The PTB will work through Hillary to interact with Bill directly.  They have worked with Bill in the past and feel they can team with him well.
  • US (symbolized by the flag) isn’t what it used to be.  It is a changed and diluted version of what it once was. That will be even more obvious in 2016. 
  • The population is rising to alarming rates.  I see ideas of population control being highly considered.
  • The market looks set to collapse (I see in very early 2016 if it doesn’t happen sooner).  I see this being a (gamble) or play with numbers to keep things afloat.  The debt is at an all time high (and is “hidden” on the underside of the cover).  
  • There will be some sort of false flag event or threat during the Olympics.
  • People will continue to have services made available (like grocery delivery) to make life easier (but also creating more complacent people).  The PTB want Americans lazy, comfortable and complacent.  I hear when people are “fat and happy” they are less rebellious.  
  • Chinese power is on the rise.  They have their eye on the world.  I get they are operating quietly, taking it all in and paying attention to everything.  Don’t underestimate what they are capable of.
  • Gold is on the rise. 
  • The sun is changing and going through a cycle.  It feels super heated and “white hot.”
  • As the dollar is scrutinized by other countries, and the idea of a gold standard (or gold backed money) is discussed in exchange oil or other goods, the US will play close attention (they don’t want that to happen).  The countries that try to push for this will have their leaders demonized (falsely) by comparing them to Hitler ideals, and therefore stopped.  I see these “Hitler” labeled leaders being watched very closely. 2016 will be a very sensitive year for the dollar and the breakthrough of alternate currencies.
  • There will be a news line about a breakthrough in AIDs research, but it feels like is gets glazed over quickly.  It is as if the media needs a quick story so they pick old news that “feels fresh” to blast out to have something to talk about.
  • Our troops will continue to fight and oil war that was started when Bush was in office.  It is like the never ending battle over oil (the new gold, “liquid gold”).
  • Germany is going to emerge as a big player in 2016.  Not because they want to, but because they have to.  Between the refugee situation, and the political battles, Germany will be forced to step up, defend themselves and voice what they feel needs done.
  • Germany is going to align with Spain once things heat up. 
  • Something big (like an outside interference) is going to happen in Albania toward the middle to end of 2016.
  • More and more people find themselves reporting to a boss or company that is taking more and more from them, and they are disconnected from their family (and children).  The family unit is really in danger.
  • At a glance I see some kind of attack being aimed at the “new” USA.  Looks like during the first half of 2016.
  • Part of Germany’s strength comes from their interaction with ET and use of ET technology.  They are working on enhancing their technology through telepathic communications with their ET allies.  I get this ET activity has been in effect since WWI, but it getting significant enough that it is starting to really matter in world affairs.
  • China is trying to partner with Germany, but Germany is ignoring them for now.  It is frustrating for China, but they are willing to wait as they see Germany’s value starting to emerge.
  • I see some kind of drastic weather or climate change around March or April 2015.
And that is all I have for now.  Feel free to evaluate this yourself and leave a comment.  This topic leads to great discussions!

Love and light-