Group Post [Beached Wales, Animal Deaths, The Staircase, Possession, Health, Harry Potter and Pain]

Group Post [Beached Wales, Animal Deaths, The Staircase, Possession, Health, Harry Potter and Pain]

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Q.  Hi Lynn!  Could you see why all of these whales have beached themselves??
A.  When I look at this, I get the internal compass (instincts) were off within these animals.  As I look at it closer, I see that as true north shifts (and I see an image of an earth and as it wobbles like a top,  true north is not always true north- it wobbles), and the magnetosphere is being tugged due to planetary objects above.  The currents and temperatures within the currents are being altered.  Animals on a collective get rerouted, and their instincts pull them into waters they would not normally go into.

Q. Hi Lynn please provide your take on this most distressing subject. Over 400 unusual animal deaths are still occurring around London, there has been no let up over the 5 years since this started and no idea of who or what is doing it. It is known as operation Takahe and called the Croydon Cat Killer. When will this stop?
A.  I get this is tied to some kind of gang activity.  I hear the phrase “They see themselves as the Jack the Ripper of the feline world.”  It looks tied to gang hazing or acceptance to be part of the gang.  I get the police have no real leads, and rather than look at this as a gang activity, they feel to be focused or distracted in the wrong direction.  I also see that there is a tell-tale they are overlooking, something with the ears or something they are doing to the ears (a tattoo, mark or notch??).  I cannot see it being resolved and the group being discovered in the short term, but I do see it eventually stopping (the gang seems to stop???).  It is like they want to leave a mark and stop before they are caught???

Q. Hello Lynn, I just finished watching The Staircase on Netflix. Could you please shed some light on what really happened? Did Michael Peterson kill his wife, Or was it just a terrible accident? Thank you so much.
A.  I did watch a few episodes to get in the zone, and I wanted to be able to focus on this.  I must admit when I was done watching this, the energy of the situation stuck with me no matter how hard I tried to disconnect from it.  When I went to bed later that night, she showed herself to me (standing in my room).  I had a difficult time understanding why she was there, and her vibe was very off.  I could tell with her actions and appearance she had a lot of mental imbalance going on.  She had a very difficult time trying to convey any type of a message to me, and the way she stood there made me uncomfortable.  I realized (somehow intuitively??) she was battling a mental imbalance (on mind altering meds???) and somehow that combined with alcohol made her unsteady on her feet and she fell.  It was instant, and I get she tried to get up a few times, but was so out of it, she kept falling and slipping in her own blood, and hit her head several times.  By the time she was found, her husband freaked out and handled the situation in an “out of operation” type manner.  Then I hear “you cannot image how you react until you find yourself in that situation.  It is easy to judge, but not so easy to live in the experience.”  This does look like a total freak accident.

Q. Hi Lynn,  I am feeling VERY STRANGE after having just watched this – to me, it’s not just magic, it’s actual possession. And if true, what’s worse, is, it’s generating great interest….directly, not hidden subliminally in music, in fashion, in whatever…here it is, in plain sight…. would love your feedback and hoping it’s a hoax, but the judges and entire room are freaked out and too much of what she ‘performs’ from start to finish of the video seems to be saturated in dark vibes. Look forward to your thoughts so I can sleep tonight!!
A.  I do get this is a darker “illusion.”  I see an image of David Blaine and see she works in the same way.  The head twitching is part of her act to aid in the distraction to complete her performance.  She creates the “creepy” vibe to intensify the shock factor and get emotions invested.  Overall, great performer and try to keep the same perspective as you would while watching a horror movie (can only effect you if you let it, and stay in the mindset that it is only entertainment).

Q. I am noticing an overwhelming increase in women having chest pains and cardiac problems over this past couple months. Women that are in their 30,s 40’s and 50’s. Is there something going on?
A.  People that are sensitive to energies are having a hard time with Wave X blasts that we are continually getting.  The heart chakra looks to take the biggest hit from the energy waves we are experiencing (it hits you in the chest first).  The energy usually runs down through the root, or up through to the crown, but if it gets stuck, it effects the heart.  (As a disclaimer, I’m not a doctor.)  If you notice someone feeling things in their chest (starts as tightness or a panic feeling) encourage them to ground themselves (as long as they are medically sound and open to it).  They need to move the energy rather than let it pool up in the chest.

Q. Hi Lynn, I did a search for Harry Potter books on here and nothing came up. Have you never looked into them or do I need to search with different key words? I was just curious about your take on them. I love them, but I have a few very fundamental friends who insist they are satanic. So, whenever I’m curious about things I go to your site. I trust the insights you get. Thanks for what you do!
A.  I’ve never read these books, but I’ve been exposed to them.  I do not see them as satanic, but rather encouraging kids to believe in their gifts.  It is about understanding what you naturally have and using it for good.  People that try to take gifts that are given and discourage them, are trying to encourage people to suppress themselves (out of fear that they will grow, expand and question “things.”)

Q.  Hi Lynn, I recently had a thought that gave me anxiety and a kind of panicky feeling. I thought maybe getting some insight from you would give me some clarity and/or comfort. I want to know why some people have to experience extremely painful events such as being burned alive or tortured. This has been my worst fear as pain is something I never dealt well with at all and I wish we didn’t experience that feeling. 

Do the people who experience these events agree to do this before incarnating? Is it some sort of karmic debt? Or does it just happen because of free will?

A.  We do agree to certain life experiences when we incarnate.  It could be to help you overcome fears, phobias, break cycles, grow and expand.  It could be to resolve a karmatic debt or reset a balance.  We do have free will, and if you intend to feel pain, you will feel it regardless of what you “agreed” to, but otherwise it truly is part of your life path.  It is important to remember that the Universe doesn’t see “pain,” it sees experience, and what you do with that experience is the fundamental lesson.
And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to REAL.Video Channel (Reading and Discussion):

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Health: Physical, Mental and Spiritual

Health: Physical, Mental and Spiritual

Q. Is there a spiritual advantage to being a vegetarian, or does it even matter?
A. I get it really depends on the person as there is no “Universal” rule.  I’m always reminded that it is the intent behind the consumption that is most important.  Meaning, if you have gratitude for the life force given to you, and express thanks for the food, it will serve you well. 

Some people in general feel better when they reduce animal protein from their diet, but that has more to due with the ability for your body’s resources to be allocated in other areas (such as healing and detoxing).  Animal protein does take a lot to process, especially for the liver.  Just be mindful that protein is important, so you need to consume it in other forms if you do eliminate meat (and soy is NOT a good replacement). 

Other people may feel worse eliminating animal proteins.  This can be due to not enough other protein resulting in fatigue and a poor mood.  It can also be part of a detox that occurs when meat is eliminated. 

All people are unique, so do what makes you feel like your best self.  Just remember, a moment of gratitude before every meal can mean everything.

Q. Hi Lynn, I was wondering about illness / diseases / conditions.  Do other ET groups also get sick or is it unique to humans / earth life? Our DNA was spliced and modified by the aliens.  If they have that kind of ability, they should also have the ability to remove all ‘disease-causing genes’.  Or perhaps they are the ones who planted these disease-causing genes? If so, why? Or again, is the reality of illness / diseases inherent to 3D life? If so, do other 3D civilizations outside earth also experience this phenomenon called disease / illness? Thanks.
A.  I see two things with this.  In our 3D life, dis-ease is part of our world, and creates opportunities to learn and grow through experience (even if the experience is viewed as ‘bad” it is still experience).  It is a necessary component to this reality. 

Also with the existence of disease, is the spiritual opportunity to learn the infancy stages of healing ourselves.  Many miracles (or what seems to be miracles) have been witnessed.  These diseases help to open and strengthen the gateway to spirituality (which is further accepted and expanded upon in the 4D).  The higher 3D beings such as light workers and healers emerge, and dis-ease shows them how to manifest a different reality by teaching others the power of intent, thought patterns and belief in Source. 

Q. Hello,  Is taking ormus or monoatomic gold a DNA healer / frequency increase / pineal gland stimulant? Or is it a tool by the cabal to mess with our DNA in order to keep us in the 3D with them. 
Thank you for all you do!

A.  I get a little of this is ok, and can have some very productive effects on the pineal gland, but too much can be toxic.  It does feel like a powerful element, and you should do your research before taking.  I also get that IF you decide to experiment with it, it is best done in cycles (one month on and one week off, for example).  I also get that some headaches can be a normal part of the pineal opening process, but they should not be debilitating and could be a sign that you have too much of this in your system.  

Q.  Hi Lynn,  Below is a link to a webinar that provides a good introduction to the Emotion Code and Energy Code founded by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Recently (through synchronicity) I met a practitioner of this new healing modality so have had firsthand experience with this revolutionary new healing system. I can personally vouch for its efficacy as I’ve experienced a profound shift in my own physical and emotional well-being since trying it. I would be interested for you to do a reading on it as I feel that it is a real game-changer in the way we “think of” and treat disease and will be of benefit to many people who are desperately searching for answers to health concerns after having exhausted other avenues.
Thanks and blessings to you!

A.  I too see this as a great way to approach healing.  Tapping into and looking at energy fields is a great way to access current and past traumas.  Many times these traumas can manifest into physical symptoms if they are not dealt with and purged.  Clearing a field and healing in this way can most definitely transform a person.  He does feel real, honest and sincere with his technique.  This is worth exploring to see how it resonates within you as an effective modality of healing. 

Q. How effective is tideglusib for restoring human teeth from damage by cavities or external trauma?
A. I get it depends on the severity of the cavity or trauma (are the nerves involved or it is close to the nerve?).  In the event that the damage or cavity is more superficial, it looks to be effective, but in more severe cases, I cannot see it making that much improvement.

Q. Hi Lynn,  I have a question regarding this supplement. 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula. “The Ultimate in Immune System Support This product represents 4Life’s highest level of immune system support.” This product was recommended for a family member that had cancer. The reviews on amazon are amazing. I’ve taken it before, and I remembered I didn’t get sick that year. Does this supplement really give what it says?

A.  I get with a healthy lifestyle and dietary changes, this can be really effective at promoting and maintaining health.  It doesn’t feel like a “magic” potion, you will need to put effort into your health, but looks to be a great supplement to allow natural healing to occur. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:  to be posted 
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Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

Group Post: 4D Earth, Religion, Body, Time, Education and Something Just for Fun (Yanny vs Laurel)

4D Earth:
Q.  According to the book Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus described a major earth shift that would happen in (described using astrology) October 24, 2029. The map indicating the result of the flood is described here: Is this related to the birth of the 4D earth? Can you look at this and tell us what you see?
A. When I tune into this, and focus on the future, I see the earth going through a lot of shifts.  Some are energetic, and some are more physical.  I do see true north shifting, and I cannot see that stopping.  That shift will create some flooding and water displacement.  I cannot connect to it being as extreme as shown on the maps, but there will definitely be some flooding (I always see the flooding on the outlying edges and major rivers, such as the Mississippi River).  I also see the earth expelling pockets of energy through quakes and volcanoes which doesn’t look to stop.

I don’t see this as a 4D thing.  It looks like it is a growth and evolution of the 3D earth and would occur with or without the 4D earth emerging.  

Q. Does The Event include changing of the DNA and activating of more strands? Will the people in the 4D earth be taller, or less solid, or will live longer?

A.  I do see some DNA “upgrades” occurring in the 4D.  People are more spiritual, more grounded and more understanding of their gifts.  THAT alone makes them healthier, happy and have a longer lifespan.  

Q. What’s unique about Earth compared to the rest of the universe?

A.  Earth has an abundance of resources, food and water.  Our atmosphere affords life, and is gentle on most life forms.  We have intelligent life forms, which draws in other ETs.  

Q.  Why are angels portrayed in paintings with a floating halo above their head? Is there a literal circle of light or it only signifies something?

A. I get this signifies enlightenment, and illustrates the light they carry with them.  It doesn’t look literal, but rather a depiction of the light they hold, and how it emanates from their crown chakra.  


Q. Why is lactose intolerance more common among Asians?
A. I get that a huge part of survival for North Americans and some other tolerant areas was based on milk and milk bases products.  They developed immunities and enzymes that allowed these milk products to be digested.  This ability was genetically passed down from generation to generation, leaving most people with the ability to have lactose in their diet (even if they have a sensitivity to it, they can digest it in moderation).  

I get Asians didn’t have that need in order to survive, so they never developed the enzymes or immunities.  Without the evolution of enzymes, they have become (mostly) intolerant.  

Q.  Are premature births predestined to happen before birth? If yes, is this due to some astrological influences that are important to the incoming soul’s personality or some ET race origin?

A. Your birth is predestined.  Many factors come into play such as astrology, and also what you’ve agreed to prior to reincarnating.  I get that is why astrology can be so accurate because you chose your path and lessons, and the Universe knows the best way to bring you into this world (what sign and alignment will bring you the best chance of tackling your goals).  

Q. Why do some boys start talking later than their girl counterparts?

A.  Men were hunters and fighters, and evolved physically to survive and protect their group.  Women were the nurturers, gatherers and helped to teach and take care of others.  Women needed the fine motor skills of communication to be better at fulfilling their role in society, and that developed to be a strong skill.  Men grew to be strong, and women grew to be communicators (for the most part). 

Q. If the past, present, and future coincides and time is merely a construct on Earth, is it possible for the future to affect or influence the past?

A.  Absolutely.  I get since they are coincide, what happens in one time line can effect the other, or even cause new splits (or events / experiences) to occur.  

Q. What is the significance of the speeding up of the Schumann Resonance?
A.  As it changes, it alters the collective consciousness.  This is an evolution the earth is going through as the 4D develops, and people ascend to the 4D spiritually even though they are physically still here.  

Q.  Considering the push towards Common Core (an example of a parent highlighting the problem with Common Core math:, heavy brainwashing (e.g., radical feminism, anti-Trump pro-Hillary narrative, racism), what can regular American citizens do to avoid the PTW’s attempt to dumb down of the American society?

A. School does have its’ good qualities, but it is becoming a form of indoctrination.  Some people may do private or home schooling, but that isn’t always practical.  Speak up when you can, and monitor what your kids are learning.  Be mindful that learning isn’t just what is in books, but it is the culture and influence that is being stressed on your kids at school.  I hear “it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease- be the squeaky wheel!!” Talk to you kids, and show them alternative ways of thinking, and support them when they think outside the box.  

Something Extra Just for Fun…

Q. Lynn, you have probably heard about the audio trick, Yanny vs. Laurel debate. Today a scientist explained that people hear two distinctively different words because they are on different frequencies. Could you focus on this and elaborate on what this indicates about our frequency levels?
A.  I get it has to do with the frame of mind you are in at the time you hear the phrase.  That frame of mind dictates when frequencies are dominant to you.  If you are in a beta brain wave cycle, listening to this will sound like Laurel.  The more distracted and zoned out you are (dipping in an alpha or even theta state) you will hear it as Yanny.  It truly depends of your level of awareness and attentiveness when you hear the words as the frequency of the word will be interpreted differently. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:
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Remote Viewing Antarctica

Remote Viewing Antarctica

Q. Beside Reptilians another big interest of mine is Antarctica.  I know you have done readings before,  but this remote viewing is particularly interesting as he describes some kind of possible healing that is rare to earth.  Please look at the remote viewer or the topic or both….

With Antarctica being so prominent in the news lately, Brett discusses a remote viewing project that he participated on, which focused on describing the most significant relics found on the continent. What he discovered might surprise you.

Antarctica: What is going on there?  It feels like a mystery. 
A. When I tune into Antarctica, it does have some special properties.  The Antarctic, which is the polar opposite of the north pole has several portals to outward realms and inward to the hollow earth.  (Regardless if the earth if flat or spherical, which is another topic for another reading, I see the Antarctic region being the inverse of the north pole, and the thickness of the earth supports the inner earth inhabitants).  

Pic of Healing Device

There have been a lot of ET activities on the surface of Antarctica.  I see pyramids beneath the ice.  Strangely, some look to be upright (the point is upward) and others are pointing down as if they were built into the ice.. (???)

Q. What can you say about Brett?  
A. He feels genuine and very gifted.  Sometimes when you are RVing (remote viewing) a location or situation, you see shapes, images, shadows, feel the energy / emotions of the environment, etc.  He was able to, in great detail, describe some advanced technology used for healing purposes.  He feels to work with the intent of educating and sharing information.

Q. What do you see about his remote viewing experience and this new healing technology? 
A. I see this advanced technology is possible and even probable in a parallel future timeline.  I cannot connect to it in our current day timeline, but most definitely see it being developed in a parallel future.  

This also feels tied to a time when the 4D earth is being inhabited. and see this technology being both used and very understood.  It looks as though this healing technology is gifted to the people from ET beings (plaiedians?).  It was bestowed to the humans living on Antarctica first because they are the closest inhabitants to the portal, AND the pyramids served as a beacon to draw them in.  It was viewed as a gift and a way to bless the “new” earth. 

Q. What do you see with the new healing technology?
A.  It does look to be effective.  I see the circle in the middle (pic is included) being a form of stone or crystal that draws energy in from the sun and universe (similar to the way Reiki comes to you).  It takes the energy, and converts it to a vibration and the wand (stick end) is placed on the body like a tuning fork.  From there, healing vibrations are used and transmitted to the person to enhance their own ability to self heal.  I see that people have to do repeated sessions, and the number of sessions varies with the illness.  It looks very effective, and will become a popular method of healing on our new Earth.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
If you would like to further support this blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon. 

Random Sampling Short Answer (Menstruation, Moon, Animal Sacrifice, Cathars and Missing Doctors)

Random Sampling Short Answer (Menstruation, Moon, Animal Sacrifice, Cathars and Missing Doctors)

Q. Recently someone on Facebook I usually trust and agree with posted that menstruation is not natural and that the moon isn’t either.  Can you see what you can get on this? I am baffled and intrigued!

A.  I hear “he is half right.”  When a woman of childbearing age releases an egg that isn’t fertilized, the body sheds the lining of her uterus (ie menstruation).  The process repeats, providing a fresh buildup every month until she has a fertilized egg implant in the uterine lining.  I hear the process is “out with the old lining, and in with the new” keeping the healthiest, freshest lining available and awaiting implantation.  Our bodies are brilliant, and menstruation serves as a natural cleansing of her womb. I get that menstrual cycles are not only natural, but a necessary part of a woman’s reproductive system.

A. I have tuned into the mysteries of the moon before (I included links).  Something with the moon isn’t natural.  It looks as though it was brought here with some ET guidance.  In previous readings I saw a collision with earth, and felt the debris from the collision (specifically the Pacific Ocean area) broke off to create the moon, but when I dig deeper into that image, I realize it is symbolic of the time frame of when the moon was brought here and in reality the debris from that “explosion” created the Van Allen Belt (not the moon).  These events look to happen at a relatively close time.  (Two different events, creating two different things, occurring within a close time frame)

When I focus on the moon, it looks to have entry and exit points as if there are several ET bases within it.  I always get references to the “Death Star” in Star Wars when I focus on the moon, and to some extend see that is how it was brought here (driven??).  It is as if there is a central control area inside the moon with other branches that serve as bases (this is confusing for me too).  The moon has been in our atmosphere for thousands of years, and at one time was actually closer, but fluctuation in the earth’s gravitational field has allowed it to distance itself somewhat.  

Link to previous moon readings:

Q. Among animal activists there is a belief that it is not good to give black animals up for adoption during the Halloween season since occultist like to sacrifice them.  Is there any truth to that belief?  If it is true, does sacrificing animals really have any real power to the practitioners of such things?

A.  I do see some truth to this, but get that these dark ceremonies not only happen during Halloween, but also during full moons.  I hear the best thing a breeder can do is to try to vet the potential buyer.  Use your intuition and feel if they will be a good fit.  Ask questions!

Just like focusing your intent on light and positivity, the same works when looking toward the dark.  Honestly, the color of the animal doesn’t matter, it is the intent of sacrificing a life force in exchange for some kind of lower vibe trade (power, influence, money, control) that is the driving force behind these groups.  To some extend it is effective, because the Law of Attraction works for good the same as evil (what you put out you draw back unto yourself).  

I am left with remembering regardless of how dark something is, it cannot remain dark in the presence of light.  As we continue to focus our collective on light and healing, it will slowly illuminate the dark. 

I then hear the following quote “The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”- Edmund Burke  It may not be instant, but it will happen and the PTW (Powers That Were know it).  Every positive thought and kind thing you do raises the collective, and that is doing something!

Q. Were the Cathars right in claiming this was the realm of the Demiurge, and if so; what makes this place so important? I may be too obnoxious to declare myself a Cathar since they were supposed to be nice, but I don’t see anything I disagree with. Me thinks the world would be a far nicer place if the ALBIGENSIAN CRUSADE didn’t happen.
A. This place, earth, is important because it is all about discovery in the lowest sense, the 3D.  In higher realms the focus is more on spirituality and already knowing, but here is is where we figure it out and begin to understand it.  It is about being open to possibilities.  It is like the kindergarten to self analysis and early steps to ascension that prepare us for higher vibrations and realms.  .  It is so important that even more advanced beings incarnate here at times to either help be a guide, reinforce a lesson within themselves or expand upon something that can only be experienced here.  Our earth, even though challenging, is important for spiritual growth

Q. I hope all is well.  I saw this today.  Might be worth posting. A prominent Atlanta doctor and whistleblower went missing.


Also, a guy named Steve Quayle started to compile a list of all the doctors and healers that have gone missing recently. You may find this interesting:

A. This is sad, and happening more and more often.  The PTW (Powers That Were) are scared.  Big Pharma is worried that they will lose money through the insights and knowledge being shared by these doctors, and want to keep them quiet.  Not only are these people coming up “missing” or having “accidents,” it is meant to send a message to any others that are thinking of becoming outspoken.  

Please send some love, light and STRENGTH to these people.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light- Lynn 
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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Piggyback on Previous Posts (Biden, Kennedy Confession, Lady Sophia, Fake Sun, Flu Outbreak, Missing Planes and Fenn Treasure)

Piggyback on Previous Posts (Biden, Kennedy Confession, Lady Sophia, Fake Sun, Flu Outbreak, Missing Planes and Fenn Treasure)

Q. With regards to your post on Joe Biden, he once lived in Arden, DE, a famous (or infamous) village which is reported by former residents to have a dark, Satanic cult past. Do you see Joe being involved in a cult there? Or is it just a coincidence that he lived there?

Here is official info on the town:,_Delaware
A. When I tune into Arden, I get a flood of emotions.  I feel the history.  I get a sense of spiritual energy and also dark forces swooning overhead.  I see an image of a yin yang swirling above as if there is constant motion of light chasing dark, and vice versa.  

My impression is that it would be difficult to be there without either being consumed by the light, or taunted by the dark.  

I looking at Joe, and his connection to this place, it looks as though his curiosity with the dark drew him in.  I hear “he was a better observer than a participant,” but was definitely involved in some ritualistic activity.  It isn’t something he is proud of, and doesn’t make it public, but is part of his past (he he still has connections to that area). 

Link to Previous Reading:

Q.  Hello Lynn, Wiki Leaks came out with a tape of James Files confessing to the Kennedy assassination.  Can you look at this? I think a lot of people would like to know if he’s telling the truth.

A. I get that James Files did not do this.  This was an organized even from the inside (the CIA) to take down Kennedy because they did not like how he was handling things (he was warned for being too honest with the people), and they, the PTW (Powers That Were) wanted to regain the political power and control.  Kennedy felt to be a wild card and he was becoming difficult to control.

Link to Previous Reading:

Q.  Dear Lynn,  Regarding your answer to a reader who asked a question regarding Carla, the anesthesiologist and Reiki master who calls herself Lady Gaia Sophia and believes she was Mary Magdalene, you mentioned a plasma field that “has a static charge that connects all of them (the many universes) together, forming a sea of universes.” 

At one time, from esoteric reading, personal experiences and a sense of knowingness, I felt that the universe has many planes, likely 12, possibly more, with the fourth plane being the Heaven of the Bible, and the fifth plane, on out, containing souls at differing levels of consciousness, beyond the cycle of reincarnation. When your soul advances to the proper level, you join your original soul group, awaiting the arrival of the others who were created at the same time.

In dreams and when half awake, I’ve felt that I was delightfully floating in what I thought might be the “Ocean of Love and Mercy” I’d read about. Is the Ocean of Love and Mercy the Plasma field you spoke of? If it’s not, could you explain the difference. between the two? Am I wrong to believe there’s such a thing as the Ocean of Love and Mercy? If there’s not one, what was going on when I felt this wonderful floating feeling, away from my conscious awareness? Was that just the astral plane, with my soul hovering over my physical body, energizing itself?

I became confused as I started reading more about various alien cultures, and don’t know how to fit them all into my concept, which I felt so deeply to be true. In the past, I didn’t feel that alien cultures should be something to worry about. I felt as though they were spiritually advancing in the same format that earth beings are. 

Today’s focus seems to be on bringing the earth into the fifth dimension, which confuses me. I thought that the fifth dimension was the entry level into the soul plane. How can the soul plane exist on earth, which is within the physical realm? Can the physical plane be elevated to a soul plane? Are we trying to bring earth back to what the Bible calls the Garden of Eden, before Eve allegedly ‘sullied’ the earth by feeding Adam the Apple of Temptation?

How can I assist in something which confuses me so? Could you enlighten me? I feel that others may be confused, as well. 
Thank you, Lynn! I adore and respect you.

A. You are right that ETs are advancing just as we are.  We are a force of beings with a subconscious desire to ascend (we just don’t always get there, and it may take longer to progress).  

I see the earth transitioning from a 3D plane to a 4D plane.  There are higher densities, but these are reserved more for spiritual beings.  If you astral travel, you can visit those higher densities, but you would not be able to reside there permanently because your earthly body brings you back to the 3D realm. 

The soul plane runs parallel to the 3D plane.  Much like a photoshop program has layers to pictures, our densities have overlapping layers.  Our 3D eyes are tuned (mostly) to the 3D plane, so we cannot see these higher densities, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.  UV rays exist in our 3D world, but we cannot see them.  

In trying to clear this up, the 3D earth is here to stay even after the 4D is created.  You will incarnate into the density that fits your vibration best.  Your evolution during your experience will dictate where your path takes you.

Link to Previous Reading:

Q. Hi Lynn, can you do a reading for this “fake sun” video? It’s about sun simulators in the skies. What is it really for?

A. I see these being designed to serve two purposes.  

First, it looks as though these are designed as a defense to the pollution and toxins in the air.  With increased chemtrails, and are shifting climate, these provide artificial light for growing in the event there are smoggy or low light conditions.  

The second thing I see is these serve as a distraction for other events in the sky.  People are drawn in by the oddity of the sun simulators, deflecting from the “real” sister sun (we have an original sun and a sister sun appearing).  I am getting that when you see one of these simulators, look around.  The “sister sun” is slowly showing herself slightly to the west of the “real” sun.

Link to Previous Readings (there are several and I just picked a few):

Q. Hi Lynn have a question for you , if you can take peek into seeing if this flu outbreak is something that is manufactured by the PTW ??

A. I get the flu virus constantly mutates, and the flu shot if really the “best guess” for the direction the flu will take.  When you get a flu shot, it creates a hostile immune response, weakening you and opening you up for a viral attack.

The PTW and big pharma spread fear (this flu is bad, but I get it isn’t as bad as the media is portraying, and people that have a hard time recovering most times have underlying health conditions that aren’t being disclosed) to sell their flu shots.  I hear that staying hydrated is your best defense against viral infections (and stock up on Elderberry syrup).

Link to Previous Reading:

Q. I remembered in a reading you did a while ago about a missing plane that the people were taken to a jungle type place and offloaded. Could these be the planes? They are in the article. It talks about 2 planes one is heavily guarded. Thank you
A. In looking and the article and link, I agree this is an odd thing to have in a town!  I could not connect it to the MH370 or MH17 though.. They feel like decommissioned planes that they could not dispose of without paying huge fees, so they decided to make them part of the “architecture.”

LInk to Previous Readings (I have done a lot of work on this, so I just linked a few);

Q. Hello Lynn, Have you ever heard of the Fenn Treasure? An art dealer wrote a poem in code, leaving cryptic details to find a treasure, now worth $2MN. He buried it in Yellowstone Park in 2010 and people are still searching for it. Is it still there or has it been found ?

A.  I have heard of this.  I do not get this has been found (yet).  I’ve read for a few clients that are currently on the hunt (and I wish them well)!

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
If you would like to further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

Random Group Posting (Cancer, Quartz Crystal, Saints, Great Recession and Coincidences)

Random Group Posting (Cancer, Quartz Crystal, Saints, Great Recession and Coincidences)

(I thought it would be fun to pull some questions from my email.  I hope to enjoy the range of topics.)
Q. Hello Lynn, Cancer is widespread and debilitating and its genuine cure has been suppressed. This horrible disease appears to be on the rise and some of my friends are sufferers. A dear friend who is experiencing the same among her friends wrote to me recently and asked ‘Why are so many ‘good young people’ getting cancer at this time? 

I spoke of the ‘threat’ of the shiny ones and tall poppies standing out from the crowd, chemtrails, and toxic food additives yet these are super clean-living women, health conscious and in the natural healing professions with extensive self-knowledge. 

I’d be pleased if you could shine a light on what appears to be a rise in cancer and possibly your recommendations for treatment.

A. (As always, I need to disclose I have not studied medicine, and everything I get is from an intuitive perspective.)

When I tune into this, I see a lot of factors go into the rise of cancers.  Living “clean” (food and habits) is a great first line defense against cancers.  The challenge is our bodies are bombarded from every angle.  There is pollution in our air (chemtrails and other pollutants) and our food.  Even when we are “clean” our immune systems are constantly under attack.  

Continuous “waves” are also coming to and through us.  Microwaves, EMF, Wifi, etc are always in motion.  Not only do the environmental toxins (that can become internal through food or even breathing) interfere with healthy cell regeneration, the invisible toxins (in the form of various “waves”) beat down our immune system giving opportunity for cell mutations.  

Our bodies are brilliant and try to constantly self heal by either excreting or encapsulating toxins and free radicals within our fat. When I bodies cannot keep up with the toxins and free radicals, cancer can form. 

In addition to “clean” living, one of the single most things you can do is drink LOTS of water to provide your body a way to flush out what is not serving it well. The second is to address things that cause inflammation, and avoid those things (I see sugar as the main contributor). Every time I focus on the topic of cancer I see dandelions (specifically the yellow flowering part)- I get there is something significant in consuming these in a natural, pure form (and there is some anti-cancer / detox property tied to them).

To admit the root cause (sugars, high fructose corn syrup, chemtrails, “waves,” etc) would mean there are some powerful people (PTW / Powers That Were) that would stand to loose LOTS of money correcting the issue, so it is easier to fix the problem.  Additionally, providing a cure (especially if it is modifications in diet and holistic means) generates less revenue than offering long, enduring treatments.  

[I’ve done a lot readings on the topic, and attached the links to a few.  You may be interested:

Additionally, on a personal note, reading the book, Medical Medium, opened my eyes to a new world on health and healing through food.  I did an intensive reading on it as well and included the link in case you are interested:

Q. Would you do a general reading on Judy at the YouTube channel Quartz Crystal?  At first I resonated with her thoughts on the Matrix, but further information began to feel tedious and a bit excessive filled with pleas for financial contributions.

A.  When I tune into her, I get she has a good message, but something within her feels very off balance.  She initially had a desire to share her knowledge, but her desire for compensation is starting to shift something.  Her donation site states:  

GREETINGS! This is a way for you to say “THANK YOU” with your Gift of Appreciation and should be given with NO EXPECTATION of receiving anything from me. It is a Gift from you!


When I read the above, I felt and saw a lack of gratitude and appreciation for her following. (Looks like her passion turned into her job).  My heart was heavy for those who wanted to support her, but were persuaded not too if they could not afford $25 per month.  A dollar from some may feel like $20 from another (and thanks should be given to all those willing and able to support, even if the support comes in the form of kind words).  

Q. You know, sometimes we find ourselves going down the wrong path and it’s difficult to find an example of light, love and compassion. Because of this, I suggest you to do a reading about Saints.

I am sure a lot of people would like to know more about their lives. I can give you an example.  Paramahansa Yogananda, Amma, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, etc… are people who lived a very earthly life, but were connected to the Light.  If you tune into Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, or any other saint, I would like to know: Who was she? Why did she come to Earth? How she became illuminated? How she lived? What she wanted to teach us?  Thank you. I hope you find this topic interesting.

A.  This is interesting and there is SO much beautiful energy surrounding this topic.  I will focus on Saint Therese of Lisiux as I proceed.  Initially, I am overwhelmed with the image of white light.  It is warm and full of love, like I’m being hugged by it.  

I see this angelic presence emerge from the light, and get this is her.  She was in spirit as a guide prior to her 3D incarnation and understand that many Saints that incarnate into the 3D were once guides in spirit as well.  I am being told that in spirit there are rankings and guides ascend just as people do in the 3D.  Sometimes during the spiritual ascension process, beings need to live a 3D life to continue to progress.  Therese needed to be on earth to help convey the message and reveal the empowering emotion of forgiveness and love (which is the highest vibrational emotion).  That 3D lessen was her mission to be able to ascend further in spirit.

Q. Hi Lynn,   I’ve been reading off/on for a number of years now and always find such interesting correlations between your posts, my view on current events, and my own spiritual journey. Thanks for sharing all you have!

I believe there’s a chance you’ve covered similar questions around the topic but in the middle of my macroeconomic studies I found myself very struck by the significance of the year of The Great Recession.

Was this time relevant as it relates to convergence or divergence from previous timelines? For me personally I have such a significantly different perspective on my life leading up to and since that year, but very specifically on a spiritual and vibrational level. I perceive many people currently and previously in my life so differently and am always drawn back to that time as a sort of crossroads.  Thanks in advance for any attention to the subject and for all that you’re doing!
A. I get in our lives we have things in our path that create triggers for us.  These triggers can evoke emotion, inspire action or expand thoughts. The trigger can be unique for you (more of a personal or private trigger) or create a shift in a group within the collective conscious.  

The Great Recession was a big trigger within the collective.  It opened many eyes to politics and how certain entities control the market.  Prior to this people enjoyed the ease of getting credit, and low interest rates, but when the bubble burst and spiraled into a recession, it opened many eyes to the real manipulation that was taking place.  That eye opening further created other opportunities to uncovered other wrongdoings that were happening. This, then further created a big shift in consciousness that you and others experienced.
Q. Are there any coincidences?  Thank you.
A.  I hear “there are no coincidences, but rather synchronicities.”  Things happen because they need to, whether or not they make sense.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:

If you would like to further support the Blog and YouTube videos, please visit me on Patreon
Happy Monday (Group Posting)

Happy Monday (Group Posting)

Q.  What is this thing that is leading us to your blog? If you maybe have noticed, a lot of people in your blog found you by accident (including myself).
A.  I don’t believe in coincidence, but rather synchronicity. People attract things to their life when they need it.  They may not search for it, want it or even know they need it, but the subconscious is always at work.  You may desire the feeling of community (people embracing alternative ideas can feel alone), or maybe it is challenging old paradigms.  It could even evoke an emotion (good or bad) that stimulates the person.  No two people are the same, and people find things in their path for the ultimate goal of learning and expanding through experience.

Q. . Can your subconscious become your enemy? I know it’s unlikely but if you blame the subconscious mind for every bad thing that happens, would it think that it’s his job to be your enemy and do bad things to you?
A.  Your subconscious is really your best friend.  It will be honest and steer you in the right direction.  It is your pathway to connect to your higher self and helps to open your intuition and create a connection with your spiritual senses (the “clairs“).  When your rational (conscious) mind conflicts with your subconscious mind it can feel like your enemy, but that is more often because the right thing to do isn’t the easiest, and you are fighting it.  

Q. The way life works is, you can’t jump from level 1 to level 10. For example, we are not advanced enough, and we have a lot of things to invent and discover to level up. In order to level we have to spend like 2 years inventing and discovering, but if aliens could contact us, and give us some techniques, we could skip to next level. It doesn’t work that way though. I don’t care what they say, I’m sure there’s not going to be a disclosure until 2020. So first, why do you think life works that way and second do you agree with me?
A. If ETs were to come here and share techniques with us, we would still not be able to skip levels.  You cannot gain experience and truly expand via shortcuts.  Having ETs help you go through various learning levels would be like reading the summary of a book, and saying you know the whole story.  You may know the gist, but you have left a lot out.  The Universe would see this as cheating and it would not be allowed.  IF ETs shared techniques it would be PART of the learning and growing, but in no way would it substitute what you would need to do to expand your own mind, emotion and thoughts.  You have to go through this process yourself because it is your journey.  

I’m not sure I understand the “2 years inventing and discovering,” but in the Universal or Spiritual frame of time, there is no exact years or number if incarnations.  You are ready to ascend to the next level when you are ready, even if it takes 200 earth years, or 23 incarnations.   I hear the phrase “you have to learn to walk before you can run.”

The following are a few questions I have looked at before, but still great questions.  I attached a link to my previous readings in case you would like to review.  I do need to disclose I am not a doctor, and I have not studied medicine.  The following are what I see from an intuitive perspective.: 

Q. Hi Lynn, I was wondering if you’d look into the Divine Healing Codes. They are said to be quantum healing tools working with energy like Reiki. Here’s the link to the blog
A.  I see these being very effective as long as the person is open to the healing, and puts the vibrational intent out there that they they will work.  Your perception will become your reality, so know in your mind that you are being healed as you use these tools to strengthen your intent.

Q. Can you tell me if Anthony William (Medical Medium) is giving accurate information in regard to what causes a lot of the auto immune diseases? Thank you.
A.  I have tuned into him before, and see him as a brilliant man that is very in tune with spirit.  Even though his information may be overwhelming (just take it in small segments), he does look to have and want to share valuable information regarding health and healing.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:
If you would like to support the blog further, please visit me on Patreon:
Q & A for Friday [Group Posting]

Q & A for Friday [Group Posting]

The following are a variety of questions on a variety of subjects.  As a disclaimer I do need to state that I have never studied medicine, and everything I get is from an intuitive perspective.  Love and light-

Q.  Hi Lynn,  Can you do a reading on Sophia by Hanson Robotics? Is she a real A.I. or is it just a show? What are the implications of A.I. Will they get feelings? Could they transcend like human souls?
A.  I do get this is an example of artificial intelligence.  I see she has the ability to function and integrate due to her complex programming and advanced algorithms.   It looks like she is able to express emotion, but she cannot “feel” the emotion.  This emotion part is a “show” used to help the people around her to feel more comfortable while creating a form of acceptance.  

Her level of intelligence combined with emotion aids in the belief that she is real.  If Hanson Robotics can make people feel she is “real,” they will buy into their product (it is psychological).  Hanson Robotics is doing a good job at balancing this out. 

I do not see these robots transcending like humans.  They will only be as good as the programmer and available technology, but doesn’t look connected to any kind of spiritual (or similar) transition or evolution.

Q. Lynn, I am curious about the timing of all the sexual harassment exposure going on in Hollywood. Why now?! Who/what is the force behind exposing them now️ I hope its the Universe – its a feel good time that these subhumans are being exposed daily.
A. I see a couple things going on with this.  It looks as though for some time when someone tried to make change, or opposed the PTW (Powers That Were), a sex scandal would break out.  Some claims were legit (and my heart goes out to those folks!) and others were to ruin credibility and careers.  This proved to be a highly effective tool that some of the PTW put in their toolbox for use at a later date.

Fast forward a few years, with a culture where people are outspoken and protests are constantly (being embellished) and broadcast on most media outlets, people have the courage (and the PTW support it as this serves as a major distraction from incriminating news events) to come forward to expose these acts.  Again, some claims are horrific, needing exposure while others are falsified or exaggerated.  It makes it difficult because some people that come forward need our support, while others are using this as a way to retaliate against regretful (but consensual) sex, attention and other ulterior motives.  This entire topic needs some healing to restore balance.

Q. Can you take a look at what are the factors for so many people fainting on Live TV?
A. When I look at this, I get that in general people are bombarded with all kinds of energy and waves (EMF for example).  These types of transmissions look to be on the rise with the numerous devices, electronics, wireless electronics, etc.  When you combine this with, nerves, stress, anxiety and weather fluctuations, the heart chakra gets overwhelmed.  As this chakra gets flooded, it effects the heart, breathing, and the ability to take in adequate oxygen.  The result is a person passing out (which clears that chakra) and gets things back into balance.

Q. I am wondering if there is a spiritual component or decision made by someone with Alzheimer’s to not know, not be aware, a life-long tendency toward escapism, etc, that manifests based ultimately on their will. If so, then how much of dementia has a physical cause? 
A.  Many ailments that people have are caused because they are predispositioned through their genetic makeup, AND that predisposition gets sparked through an environmental trigger.  Having said that, if someone does have Alzheimer’s in their genetic code, and their life path evolves with patterns of escapism, there is a good probability they will manifest the lessons of their life into physical symptoms.   

Q. Hello Lynn, thank you for all you do. I was watching the news today and saw how they are saying that lots of people are dying due to a ” flu epidemic” and are promoting the flu vaccine.  How true is it that is an epidemic?  Is there an agenda that the PTW (Powers That Were) are promoting by fear, or is it a true reality that people younger than 60 are dying and now a 6 year old due to the flu?

A.  I get that illnesses and outbreaks do occur as a result of viral evolution (and our immune systems needing time to catch up and readjust).  The PTW saw this inevitable outbreak (the virus mutates each year) as an opportunity to spread fear, and be a solution by offering a vaccine.  The vaccine offers the best “guess” for the direction the virus is headed, but isn’t a guarantee.  The vaccine can guarantee to weaken the immune system (at least temporarily) by introducing a foreign object into the body. 

Q. Hi Lynn,  I’ve looked up ancient posts and was surprised nobody ever asked.  Who is Benjamin Fulford? Can we trust his intel?
A. When I tune into him, I see him as an honest and sincere person that was always fascinated with the truth and sharing.  He was a journalist even before he WAS a journalist (so to speak).  Reading and finding interesting information feels like it was a hobby.  As he became more and more connected, he had access to privy information, and started to release it.  

I get he has been threatened, and at times really scared, which had caused him (at times and when confronted) to smooth the edges of an abrasive story, but for the most part shares concepts and news that does have facts supporting it.  

Q. With the Sun evidently cooling as we begin entering a new geographical era (Mini Ice Age), will Ascension energies dissipate at this stage? I know that we’ve been experiencing wave after wave of cosmic or phototonic energy. Are we nearing the end of waves from Source?

A. I cannot see it dissipating for a few more years (at least).  We look to be about 2/3 through the “waves” with the remaining 1/3 drawing out.  I see that some waves will be large, causing a lot of internal shifting, and others will be minor.  Focus on purging negativity and forgiveness to make room for the higher vibes to enter.  Just be patient and bear with it, as the Event looks to have a beautiful ending (spiritual, self-aware, and full of love).

Q. A really different question. I finished reading Marciniak’s books on the Pleiadians. From the first book, they strongly insist that humans rid themselves of TVs because of the extreme mind altering and subjugation techniques used while “broadcasting” TV. I know that you’ve warned people about watching TV, too. The Pleiadians went so far as to point out that those who control TV content can actually make people sick, physically sick, through watching TV via incredibly sophisticated mind and energetic control techniques gained via not-so-friendly ET help. They even said to throw out the TV. Do you read that TV is as dangerous as they do? I’m having trouble making the decision to cart my TV out to the curb for the garbage men.
A.  I do resonate with their view of the TV.  TV programs are for “programming.”  Broadcasting, is just that, “casting” their agendas over a “broad” spectrum of people.  

Having a TV in your home is a personal choice, and I see it two ways.  One, it creates ideas / thoughts you may not have, and subconsciously does “cast” the PTW (reptilian) agenda through “programming.”  

Or, two, you know what it is and essentially block it from touching you, just as you would set protection around yourself before meditating.  You set the rules, and form the boundaries.  Proceed with realizing it is just entertainment.  (It is amazing how differently you “see” things through this set of “eyes.”  The “programs” feel so fake and unreal you will wonder how you believed in the messages in the first place). 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:



Metatron’s Cube

Q. Hi! I figured with the upcoming year, and the shift, it would be fun to talk about Metatron. For the longest time, his symbol (Metatron’s cube) kept popping up and I had a lot of synchronicity going on. I did some digging and it seems like the cube may be related to the new grid / 4D realm. (Interesting note: people have found connections to Tesla’s 3,6, and 9 within the cube). Metatron has also relayed many messages about the upcoming New Age of Aquarius, which lines up with some of your readings. He refers to himself as an archangel. I know the term “angels” has been used to describe an ET because these beings look different and play the part, etc. There are some people who say Metatron is actually Enoch, who was given a new name when he ascended. So… who, or what is Metatron? And his role? Thank you so much for all you do!

A.  When I tune into this I see a being (in spirit) float upward.  This being looks to have an energetic tether to several dimensions, and manifests as a handsome male figure when connected to the 3D realm. I hear the phrase “he has his foot in many worlds, all at the same time.”  

When I ask for clarity, I see him as being another extension from Source that was created (or rather sculpted) to aid and assist in the ascension of humans.  He was first incarnated on Earth near the time the ETs were seeding earth with life.  He lived a long life in 3D form, so long he was able to grow and expand through experience.  When he transitioned into spirit he was chosen by Source to continue the ascension process.  

When I ask, “Is Metatron in fact Enoch?”  I get “they are one in the same.”  When he first transitioned into spirit, he was given the name Enoch as some way to signify he was in “training” (His 3D existence had another name..??).  As he matured and ascended (it comes through like a “promotion”), he was renamed to Metatron as he took his final position as a guide to humans through their ascension.  I also see that many people even have visions or connections to him as they cross over into spirit.

I get Metatron’s Cube is a form of sacred geometry that illustrates energetic flows and how it flows through the molecular structures within humans.  I see this symbol being a powerful tool in healing by promoting a healthy flow of energy to and through a life force.  This symbol can be visualized or drawn to strengthen the healing intent.

And that is all I was able to see.  I’m happy to address questions in the comments.  (I feel like there is more, but this is all that came forward). Love and light- Lynn
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: