Monday Mix Up

Monday Mix Up

Human body:
Q. Is there a war against the natural feet structure? In the ancient times, people walked barefoot and their toes naturally fanned out. However, the shape of our current shoes restricts the flexation of the feet.
A.  I get that for grounding and spiritual purposes, barefoot is better.  The fanning was the resulted from people trying to keep balance and stabilize themselves.  I hear it isn’t really a war, but it is because of our environment that footwear is needed.  Asphalt and concrete and not kind on the joints and hips for prolonged time.  BUT, if you are feeling off, a barefoot walk in a grassy area can be very therapeutic and balancing as energy wants to circulate through you in a loop (coming in at the crown, exiting the feet, while coming upward through the feet and out through the crown).  

Q. What causes flat feet (i.e., feet with almost no arch)? Is this good or bad?
A. I hear the body is a brilliant thing.  It wants to heal, and compensate for any issues going on, and is constantly evolving.  Most times flat feel result from poor posture, and the feet over-correct (go flat) to increase balance and distribute weight better.  The root of the issue is posture. This isn’t a “bad” or “good” thing, it just is how your body has adapted.  

Q. Why do some races have more aquiline noses, while others have smaller and flatter noses? The same goes with cleft chin and dimples. Is this due to environment or some ET influence?
A.  Our physical appearance results from our genetic code (which ultimately stems from the DNA used by the ETs during our creation).  People sharing common characteristics most often times have a common ET species in their fundamental DNA makeup (from thousands of years ago). 

Q. Is there an ideal time and duration for sleep? Some promote polyphasic sleep, while some recommend sleeping 8 hours straight at night.

A.  I get that dedicating 7 to 9 hours (for most people) to sleep at one time of the day is best.  Even if you wake up 10 times and fall back to sleep, allot a block of time for sleep.  This is the time your subconscious goes to work, and it needs the downtime.  I see disrupting that (especially intentionally) to promote polyphasic sleep takes the body’s natural circadian rhythms off balance.

Q. What causes post-partum depression and what we can do to alleviate it? Thank you.
A. I see it being caused by the emotional and physical trauma of giving birth.  When you are pregnant, you are one with the baby.  You feel him or her move, and they are a part of you.  Once you give birth, that detachment triggers an emotional trauma of something being missing (whether you enjoyed the actually process of pregnancy or not).  Some women adjust back to the pre-pregnancy state quickly, and for others it feels like a long process to the reset (emotionally, hormonally and physically).  

The best thing to alleviate it is to first acknowledge that you feel off.  If you can take a few moments (which can be a challenge as a new mom) to meditate and focus on your solar plexus (the location of your womb, and also a powerhouse of emotions) I see that being very beneficial.  Eating clean and drinking lots of water is also helpful to physically aid your body in getting back into balance.

PTW (Powers That Were):
Q.  Why does it seem like the PTW is concentrated in Europe (e.g., UK, France, Germany), then eventually in the USA too?
A. I get the PTW (Powers That Were) were formed from a branch of the Reptilians called the Archons (in my mind I see them as one of the most scary forms of Reptilians due to their high intelligence and complete absence of empathy) that were sent here by the Reptilian race to get and keep control of humans.  I see this group came together and saw opportunities to take control during early European times (as early banking systems were taking off).  I hear they later became better known as WASPs as the free thinkers could see what was happening (but this occurred way after their agenda started to unfold).  

When America was being colonized, the “WASPs” saw this as an opportunity to further expand their control, and basically influenced a country to unfold into exactly what they wanted.  Materialism and consumerism is at an all time high, which leads to dollars in their pockets.  Then I hear that the “PTW like to stay close to their food bowl, and that is what keeps them close to these areas.”

Q.  Why is pedophilia common in PTW, like Hollywood and monarchies?

A. I get that when people are young, you are attracted (most of the time) to people your own age.  As you get older, your perception of attractiveness changes, and you reset your metrics of preference.  For example, when you are 10 you may have a crush on someone that is also 10, but when you are 25 you change your interest into other 25 year olds (plus or minus a few years) and a 10 year old is clearly a child.  There is a fundamental flaw in their DNA that doesn’t allow them to shift their preferences to someone their age (it is rooted in the Reptilian DNA and surfaces if triggered) and they stay stuck in the younger child mindset.  

Miscellaneous: Q. Can you do a reading about the Denver International Airport? It is a big place with some PTW signs. Is there a hidden purpose of this airport?
A. This is a very odd and mysterious place.  I did do a reading on this a few years ago.  I attached a link to it below, and I’m happy to answer questions in comments (please use this thread though to keep the comments in one place.)

Q. What’s with Hitler’s view that the Aryan race as the master race? Is there something about the ET ancestors of this race? Or this was just the “winners” who rewrite history by twisting his stand against the Jewish powers?

A.  Hitler did have an ET connection, and interpreted one of the communications to be that Aryans descended from the Pleiades star system, so to honor them and keep the Aryans pure, they should only breed with other Aryans.   He did believe that to be an Aryan was an honor, and felt it was a superior race.  He also felt it was important to unite the Aryans to combat the upcoming Reptilians (PTW), and the Aryans were the only ones capable of doing so.  I cannot connect to anything from Source saying one race is a master over another, we are all beings, and are all given gifts.  It truly is what you do with those gifts.  This thought was Hitler’s perception based on his communication, but it was not necessarily a fact.  

Q. Is the recent cold weather outbreak across the eastern United States natural or geo-engineered? If geo-engineered, what is the motive behind making eastern United States so cold?
A.  This actually feels natural and the extreme cold looks to be due to the earth wobble being off (true north looks to be shifting again..??)

Q. Bitcoin is becoming more popular as of 2018, and more people are now enticed to invest. Can you have an updated reading on this?
A. I do see Bitcoin and other block chain technology taking off during 2018, but it looks like the bubble will burst and ultimately a similar currency backed by tangible assets will emerge and take over.  This newer currency will be able to track transactions (transaction tax?), whereas the current setup doesn’t feel to be as invading on privacy.  Watch for trends, and if the market seems to skyrocket (the pump before the dump), consider pulling out.  Pay special attention to this during the mid part of 2018. Listen to your intuition.

Q.  What is the future trend of the world languages? Will English become dead like Latin, but develop into several new languages? Will Arabic eventually dominate Europe and become the common language there?

A. I don’t see English dying out completely, but as the PTW weaken (they sculpted the English language), it will lose it’s dominance.  Then I hear the phrase that “He who controls the money, controls the language” and then see China the the Middle Eastern countries light up.  In fact, I don’t see any language completely eliminated, but the Chinese, Arab, etc languages will become important for business (and be emphasized as an important language to learn).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you  Happy Monday!  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:

5D, 3D and Self Healing

5D, 3D and Self Healing

Q. I am fascinated by a concept I encountered last night while re-reading a book. The author says that Terrans, 5D humans, live for 1,500-2,500 3D years. Due to the way 5D manifestation occurs, and the ability of 5D Terrans to self-heal, they enjoy good health and long life. It was implied that 3D humans also have inscribed within us the genetic ability to self-heal, but not as fully as in 5D. Do you see this? If true, how can we access this more directly? How much can 3D humans use this DNA structure given our denser, slower physical manifesting? I would suspect that, if true, the best approach, as you often say, is do things that cause no harm first such as using foods, herbs, energetic healing, therapies using sound, light, and frequency, etc., to provide an opportunity for the body to heal itself. Has this ability been hidden from humans? If people haven’t seen the new show, The Healer, the young man heals by direct energy (the good kind!) while consulting with a doctor when possible/practical.

A.  I do see that 3D humans have the ability to heal themselves.  We always have had this ability (and always will).  Ancient people had this knowledge and embraced it.  As time progressed and the PTW (Powers That Were) emerged, any system that could be designed to extract money from people was, with health and financial organizations at the front of the line. 

As western society developed, much of the knowledge was forgotten then later suppressed (by design through the PTW).  People were encouraged to look outward for healing rather than trust in their own abilities  Life can be fragile, and the fear of an illness is quite scary; therefore, there was an opportunity to make money from offering a promise of healing.  A shift occurred making people beLIEve they needed the western medicines (and they were superior) rather than heal themselves through their own intent, visualizations, energy work and homeopathic means found in their environment.  

Many of the natural, energetic and homeopathic healings survived in middle eastern (Chinese) societies because the PTW main focus was the newer western world (they felt more vulnerable).  There is a time and place for western medicines (they can and do help people), but many people are feeling that these methods are failing them, are too costly or cause harm and want something else.  That “something else” is the older wisdom that has passed on from century to century, and with guidance people realize they do have the power to heal.  

The single best way to access the knowledge (that is within our collective subconscious) is to put the intent out there that you are healing yourself.  Be clear, direct and confident that you are healing (as if it was a fact or command).  See it, feel it and know it is happening.  I get that everything else (food, acupuncture, massage, energy work) are great amplifiers for this intent, but fundamentally you need to be open to the healing and know that it will happen.  Your body wants to heal itself, you just have to be open and allow it.

As I close this reading I hear “Understand that the information isn’t hidden from us, but rather hidden within us.  You just have to allow it to come forward.”

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:

Blog Entry #1000.. A Look at 2018!

Blog Entry #1000.. A Look at 2018!

As I do my 1000th blog posting and approach nearly 5 million views, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, guiding, supporting and teaching me along the way.  I am truly humbled by how this blog has grown and the beautiful people that have crossed my path.  Love and Gratitude, Lynn 


With 2017 coming to an end, I wanted to look toward the future to “see” what we have coming our way.  I broke this down by categories to better focus… 

Politics and Media
I see more “fake” news (or rather news that is insignificant, embellished, or not indicative to REAL issues of the world) being used as a tool to keep people divided, and a way to create havoc for Trump.  As I see it, Trump truly is one of the biggest obstacles of the PTW (Powers That Were) because he is viewed as a wild card.  Trump knows what the PTW want (through connections and also personal requests / favors from them), but has too much ego to allow it to happen (because he cannot be bought and enjoys the power struggle).

I get Trump will make an unexpected ally.  Something is in the works now, but I cannot see how this will unfold.  It does look to be in the middle east, but I can say it doesn’t look to be China or Russia, but he is brokering a deal with another country that is ready to fight and expose the PTW as well.  I hear “this is best played as the long game, so it will require a certain element of patience.”

Some type of peace is also being worked on with China and Russia (even though it doesn’t appear to come full circle in 2018).  Trump realizes that part of the issue these countries have with us is they feel the US hasn’t played fairly in many world affairs, and they are also bitter at the US control of the dollar.  Trump has to level the playing field, and create a sense of fairness, but this is a long process (so long I cannot see the finality of it, or if it is even possible).  There is also an ulterior motive for Trump to make peace as Russia and China are aggressively working to squash the dollar, implement a gold backed currency, and establish new guidelines in which to purchase goods (including influence of oil trade).  The demise of the dollar would hurt the US in a major way, and Trump also doesn’t want this type of event tied to his presidency.

False Flags / Events / Changes- US Based 

I see something that has a similar appearance to small pox looks to come forward during the first quarter of 2018.  This promotes fear and allows an opportunity for big pharma to make money off immunizations.  Just be cautious and listen to your gut as I don’t see this as the epidemic that they portray..

I hear the phrase “Atlanta burning” and get there will be something in that area (fire, explosion, ??).  It feels politically driven, both locally and federal.  There may even be a “drill” there to see how people will react.  2018 looks full of “how will people react” events while the PTW see what people really are willing to put up with.

As we approach the middle of 2018, it looks like the central part of the country suffers periods of droughts.  The Mississippi River feels very low and concerning, and I don’t see that changing.  It looks like larger trade and travel ships will start to reroute or find alternative means of travel.  Consequently, the cost of goods will start to rise (especially in this area).  At first this situation is downplayed, and doesn’t receive much media, but the problem looks to get worse and worse and will start to become a news story..

To the east of the Mississippi River I see a rather large sink hole emerge (Tennessee area??).  There is an illusion that this baffles scientists, but the reality is that the earth is expanding, plates are shifting, and a gap is being created (only a few inches, but makes a huge difference because the water of the Mississippi is entering the crack and eroding the earth from the inside out in this specific area).

Yellowstone looks to encounter several small earthquakes, but not “the big one.”  There really is some guiding intervention working overtime to dissipate the energy stored there.  I get there will be several UFO sightings in the area, even more than before, while “they” help to balance this area of the world.

International Affairs
When I zoom out on a map, I see the northern region of Australia light up, and also England and Germany.  These look like targets for “ISIS” attacks, with an agenda to get them to join the PTW to fight against Saudi Arabia to gain controlling interest of their (the Saudi’s) oil (there is fear by the PTW that trade will be gold based, which they do not want so if they control the oil they won’t have to worry about how to pay for it).

With the world changing, the PTW needs a physical presence in Afghanistan to control the poppies (i.e. opium) and Saudi Arabia for the oil.  That region of the world feels very active during 2018.  Oddly, this won’t be the top stories in the news though, as propaganda surrounding North Korea and China seem to serve as the smoke screen for the dirty dealings in both Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.

Russia feels somewhat quiet, but still holds a presence.  Toward the end of the year they emerge again, but for the short term they feel to be watching to see what happens with the rest of the world (while they ramp up their own defenses).

North Korea feels to get very agitated with the constant monitoring of how they are governing their country.  It does escalate, and some kind of confrontation occurs toward the middle of the year (looks like a balloon bursting).  I cannot see it being nuclear, even though the threat and fear of it will be out there, but there is weaponry involved.  It looks like there will be a man made weather event used to weaken them (NK), followed by a smaller battle.

PTW (Powers That Were!)
They feel more vulnerable than they have in decades.  They see that people are waking up and demand truth.  Slowly things are being exposed in undeniable ways (such as the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination).  Most of their agendas require people to beLIEve their lies, and there is an inner subconscious that is restless.

Their goal will be to continue to conquer through division.  People are emotional beings, and the PTW prey upon that.  There will continue to be social unrest, BUT far more people are going to disengage and realize this state of living in constant anger, being offended or feeling oppressed because you are told to feel this way isn’t healthy.  When the PTW loses the power to make us “feel” a certain way, they will truly lose control.  We are headed in that positive direction as we get further and further into 2018.

I also get that the PTW are slowly being dismantled as they get weaker and things are falling apart.  I hear they are SLOWLY being brought to justice, but it will be handled quietly.  Part of their plea deals is that things need to be taken care of out of the public eye (when you see an over the top new story, most likely a new PTW member has been taken down and the media is providing a cover as this isn’t “illegal”).  If you feel something strike your “spidey sense” as off, that is because it is.  For example, I don’t get that Hillary or McCain have been arrested,  but some kind of negotiation is happening (note the picture to the right) and they have been told not to leave the country (queue the body doubles, they will be working overtime in 2018). 


There will be some subtle disclosure happen in 2018.  What I mean by this is it looks like someone reputable (ex-military out of Florida???) will come forward as a whistle-blower. ???  I get this man is retired, and feels as though he spent his whole life keeping secrets, and he doesn’t want his life to end still holding onto them.  He will reveal different things he witnessed and confirm what many people know to be true.  The PTW will work overtime to discredit him, but he doesn’t look to scare easily.  I see this man’s statement as being what many people want.

Economy / Cryptos / Gold / Silver
When I focus on the economy, I see a house made of cards.  This feels like symbolism as to how fragile the system really is.  One slight move, one misstep, and the whole thing will come crumbling down.  We are at a point where things have to be strategically handled to keep the false inflation going, and prevent a collapse.  

The dollar is fighting to stay alive, but is growing more and more devalued through inflation.  Quantitative easing will still periodically be done to offset this and prolong the life of the dollar (I’m not a finance major, but it comes through to me as a way to print more money while shifting debt elsewhere.  I hear the phrase “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.”).  

Meanwhile, other countries can see what is happening, and are concerned and want to get trade established in terms of gold or gold backed currency.  They (other competing countries) are worried that if / when the dollar collapses, they will be left holding worthless currency, so they want to unload as many “dollars” as possible in exchange for something tangible.  If this newer currency (not solely crypto or block chain based) hasn’t been released yet, it is very close and looks to emerge in 2018.  This currency will be the competition for the dollar, and its’ creation feels to be intentionally kept out of mainstream media during it’s infancy until it takes hold and gains momentum. The PTW look to feverishly convert assets over to diversify their wealth, and also plot how to get control of it, and manipulate events to try to do so (and look to fail).   

When this newer currency gains popularity, the US will want to fight it because it competes with the dollar AND because the controlling country (I want to say China) is not the US, the US doesn’t have a system in place to trace the purchases and selling (many tax dollars will be avoided).  I see this being a huge issue for 2018, and look at this topic to finally make the media around August ???

Many people are worried about cryptos and Bitcoin.  During the beginning part of 2018 they look to hold their value until the newer, backed block chain “type” of currency takes hold.  Once the newer one is in place, people look to sell their Bitcoins, dropping the value (the supply vs demand shifts).  Just be mindful of the news and watch for trends as you monitor your portfolio.

Around this time, gold and silver markets try to begin resetting to the “true” value, but it takes some time because of the extended periods of being suppressed.  The stock market looks to peak abnormally high in the final moments, the PTW sell off stocks, and then the market will dip as the precious metal starts to peak (sort of like a teeter totter).  Listen to your intuition, and pay attention to trends during the middle part of the year..

The Event / Spiritual / Collective Consciousness
We are in the middle of it!  I see the Event as the birth of a 4D Earth in conjunction with upgrading those that are ready to ascend so they can inhabit this newer realm.  The upgrade involves a synchronicity between the physical self and elevated spiritual self (our 3D self cannot handle sustained vibrations of a 4D reality, so we have to advance slowly as to not fry our systems).  The Event doesn’t look to fully complete by the end of 2018 or early 2019, but we are in the final stages. 

You will continue to experience symptoms of this “upgrade.”  You may have moments of fatigue for no reason, or even restless sleep when you are tired.  You may also develop sensitivities to food, sounds or even light as your clairs enhance (but please also listen to your intuition and if you need medical attention, seek it out as these symptoms could be something else).  Pay attention to yourself, and now is a great time to start to meditate, even if for only a few moments a day.  2018 also looks to be the year of purging emotional traumas and negativity.     

The collective consciousness is elevating.  We are living an amazing time where shifts are occurring.  You may feel alone during the process, but there are many feeling the same way.  Everyone has to awaken on their own time frame, and we will all meet together at the destination.  As I close, I am reminded of the quote by Pierre Teilhard de Cardin, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”  You are much stronger than you realize, especially when we work in the collective.

And that is all I have for this reading.  I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!  I will have limited internet access for the next few days (and will try to check in from time to time), but will be back in 2018!  Love and light, Lynn
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:

Pox by Deborah Hayden

Pox by Deborah Hayden

Q. Hello Lynn,  I recommend a book called “Pox,” by Deborah Hayden.  Europeans regard it as a definitive book.  Pox refers to syphilis, which apparently Columbus brought back from the Dominican republic, and it rapidly spread through Europe.  Natives seemed to be immune to it.  Many famous people had it – Lincoln among others.  Hitler thought he got it from a Jewish German prostitute – this prostitute being a rite of passage for young men at that time.  The Pox truly ravaged Europe.  Mercury and arsenic were some of the “treatments.”  Would just like you to look at the book!  Good read.  Best regards,

A.  (I didn’t get an opportunity to read the full book, but I did review a synopsis before tuning in to the subject.  The topic was so interesting, I wanted to share it along with what I was able to see.)

The “pox” outbreak feels like it was rampant throughout early history.  It looks like it didn’t just “happen” to the above mentioned high profile people in history, it spread intensely through elite “Illuminati” and secret societies.  

Seeking medical treatment was also a challenge due to the shame tied to this sexually transmitted disease, and it was know that prostitution was one of the biggest spreaders of this illness.  Many people were in denial during the infancy of the infection, and finding a very discrete doctor was also a fear because these high profile people cared about their image (they wanted to remain powerful).  It was also tough to realize that there was no cure, just management of the symptoms.  

I get at one time a purging of prostitutes occurred (this was even before the Holocaust).  The “elites” didn’t want to forgo the “use” of prostitution, and this was their solution to “clean things up.”  Pox wasn’t selective about attacking the rich or poor, as prostitution had few boundaries for clients with money (regardless if it was their last dollar, of if they had a million).  I keep getting references to DaVinci, and my impression is that this murder / purging spree occurred during the later part of his life (and he may have incorporated this event into his art).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, 
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:

Homeopathy and Western Medicine

Homeopathy and Western Medicine

(The following is a question that I think most people can relate to at some point in their life, including myself…It felt important, and I wanted to address it.. Please keep in mind I am not a doctor, and everything I get comes from an intuitive perspective.  Listen to your intuition as well as you encounter these dilemmas in life with your loved ones, or yourself.  Love and light, Lynn)

Q. I try to be as natural as I can in terms of healing.  There have been times when I have needed to submit and take traditional medicine due to an illness (auto-immune issues).  I get torn between healing through homeopathic means and feeling the need at times to take big pharma drugs.  I hope my question / concern comes off clear.  I have real internal battles with this.  How does the Universe see this?
A.  When I tune into this I get the goal of the Universe is to work in balance.  It isn’t a (homeopathic) good versus (western medicine) bad, or light versus dark, the focus of the Universe is how things harmonize and balance with each other.  An underlying driving force to help you find balance in a situation you feel conflicted in is the intent you put on your “tool” to heal regardless of it being homeopathic or western medicine.  

It is true that homeopathy is more gentle on the body, working with natural vibrations, but it can take time and require patience to work.  In certain situations that you feel you don’t have time (like when something is aggressive, you can’t coordinate the right homeopathy, or an infection is severe) there may be a time and place that western medicine is necessary for best health and healing.  

Back to the intent…  When your goal is to be homeopathic, and you find yourself directed toward western medicine, don’t allow it to affect you negatively, but rather focus on the positive intent you can tie to it.  For example, when you take a medicine, think to yourself “thank you for this tool and allow it to heal” rather than thinking “I’m sick or ill.”  Don’t use the medicine as a reminder of illness, but rather visualize the wellness that is to come.  

Overall, I feel the grander message of the Universe is to take care of yourself, and use your environment to heal when you can.  If you come across a situation that you cannot seem to remedy, and feel like western medicine may be the best choice, don’t beat yourself up.  Use positive intent with your medicine (create a harmony) as your work toward a better balance of health and well-being.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

More on Medical (Group Post)

More on Medical (Group Post)

As I approach this post on various medical issues, I do need to disclose that I have not been trained in medicine and I am not a doctor… I hope you find some insight, and if you have something to add, please feel free to do so in the comments.  We all learn from each other.  🙂

Q. It seems that most diets don’t actually work long term. As soon as you quit them, you gain the weight back. What is the actual best way to eat that will retain your natural, healthy body weight?
A.  Diets work short term because you are modifying your intake and being mindful of your choices.  When you quit the “diet” you are essentially not being as mindful and attentive to your intake.  Keeping weight off requires a change in lifestyle (could be clean eating, increase physical activity, determine if there are emotional connections to your eating, etc).  Then, I hear the phrase “if you always do what you always did, you will always have what you had.”  

It is also important to realize that people are unique, and a way of eating for one, may not work for another.  For example, a person that is diabetic or ADHD may do better on a Paleo based diet, and others feel better eating vegan.  Do research and experiment until you experience what makes you feel your best self.  

(This really is individual, and I am happy to schedule a reading or refer you to someone to help you gain some insight.)    

Q.  Is drinking one cup of coffee without creme every day beneficial? A side question: Long term wise, is it better health wise to drink one cup of coffee without creme every day or to not drink it at all?

A.  I hear “in moderation most times a cup of coffee is fine.”  Coffee is a stimulant, and also contains caffeine, so be sure to drink lots of water to flush out anything the body cannot use.  If you notice you are having health issues (upset stomach, or acidic pH induced issues) refrain from the coffee until the body heals itself.

Long term, as long as you are not having health issues, I cannot see where a cup (not a pot) of coffee a day is harmful. 

Q. Is drinking one glass of red wine every day beneficial? A side question: Long term wise, is it better health wise to drink one glass of red wine every day or to not drink it at all?
A.  I get the darker the wine the better as it is rich in antioxidants.  A glass of wine also has a thinning effect on the blood and makes the circulatory system feel to operate more efficiently.  Many people with cardiovascular issues have inflammation, and even though the red wine doesn’t calm down the inflammation, it does allow the heart of pump with less stress (because the blood is thinned). 

I cannot see any long term effects as long as it is limited or combined with other medications (such as coumadin). 

Q. Hey Lynn,  Can you look into C60? Its a type of carbon used as a lubricant in factories. They tested it on rats to see how dangerous it is and the rats got really healthy and lived way longer than they normally do. A lot of people are experimenting with it to good results and it seems to remove toxins, slow aging, and help the body heal itself in the process. Not legal for human testing yet, but a lot being done with animals and many humans are taking it and reporting results online. Can you see what health benefits it has and if there any side effects to humans using it? Thank you.

A.  I did a reading on Carbon 60 several weeks ago.  It did feel healthy if used in moderation.  Please see the following link to my previous reading.

Q. Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest surviving plants with few known ancestors it has shown the ability to survive extreme radiation. It has a lot of known health benefits. Could you please look at the plant’s history, reasons for it to withstand radiation and potential health benefits. Thank you.

A.  I too see this as a very ancient tree, coming into existence shortly after humans were created.  I hear that “everything we need to heal ourselves can be found in our environment.”  This plant was put here to help serve that purpose.  I hear that it survives because “source” commands it due to it’s valuable health properties (and there really isn’t anything else like it).  It is potent, and should only be taken in small doses over short periods of time, but can have profound effects regarding “re-syncing” the mind and body (crown and heart chakra ??).  It looks to have profound effects on the functions of the mind and the heart..??

Q. Hi Lynn – love your insights and appreciate all that you do. With gratitude, respect, and awe for the time you set aside to truly assist us all in our ascension by sharing with us what it is you see from behind the veil.

My question today is about UT – urine therapy. What are your thoughts on this. I know it’s been around for centuries and is still practiced today all over the world…and am fascinated by the whole concept. I know it’s clean, contains stem cells, vitamins, nutrients, and so much more, and is considered to be the ‘fountain of youth’ hence the image of the little boy urinating in a pond….seen in statues all over the world. 

I’ve been following a few people online who do this and are super healthy, vital, youthful, etc. (Changa Charanga) Their hair turns back from grey to its original color, their skin – back to how it was in their teens, and internal organs – amazingly healthy. One of the men had cancer and was in a very bad way and chose to start ‘looping’ – drinking all of his urine (even polluted urine from chemotherapy at the start). He did this for 6 weeks then went back to the doctors who couldn’t believe that his cancer was gone.

I’m slowly getting over the ‘icky factor’ myself in terms of drinking it…but have started at least to ‘age’ it….apparently it increases the stem cells radically…and is more potent in terms of its healing potential. Still not sure how I’m going to drink it, even knowing the facts, but slowly getting there. I do wash my hair with it and there’s no odor or weirdness around that….it does feel pretty natural. 

Have been wanting to put this out there for a while. Heard that in some states in the US – people can be fined if they drink their own urine! Makes me realize how potent it actually is! 🙂 

Would love your input when you have a moment, thank you so much again and Happy Holidays! 
A.  When I tune into this, I get that the main purpose of urine is to eliminate free radicals and toxins from the body.  Capturing it and reintroducing it into yourself puts those elements back into your system.  There are some beneficial elements, such as vitamins and nutrients that pass before they were absorbed, but they are also combined with toxic elements too.  By drinking your urine you do give your body a chance to absorb those missed vitamins and nutrients, but the urine excreted becomes even more potent with toxins each cycle (and by consuming it you are providing an opportunity for your body to absorb the toxins along with the “good stuff.”)

I do get that people have healed themselves by drinking urine, but the healing was more about the intent and visualization of health and healing than the urine itself.  (You are all strong enough to manifest healing, you just need to believe you can.)

Externally, I see no harm to using urine.  In fact, I see the pH being good for creating shine on your hair (I get it is similar to apple cider vinegar???)

Most importantly, do what resonates as being beneficial to you.  If you do chose to experiment, I get that pale urine is better to start with versus dark  If you start to feel bad, stop and drink a lot of water to flush out the toxins (passing pale urine is a good indicator that you are flushed out and have proper hydration).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Russian Radiation?

Russian Radiation?

Q.  This Russian Radiation News.. Is there anything to it?  How strong is it really and where did it come from?  

(See the following excerpt..) 

High levels of radiation were found near a nuclear facility, which the facility itself is denying it caused. Russia’s nuclear agency is denying reports of high ruthenium-106, so Greenpeace is calling for investigation into what’s actually going on.

The initial report of high radiation was reported by Rosgidromet, the weather monitoring service.

The highest levels of radiation were found in Argayash in the south Urals, 20 miles from Mayak, a facility that reprocesses spent nuclear fuel.

The facility said in a statement:  “The contamination of the atmosphere with ruthenium-106 isotope registered by Rosgidromet is not linked to the activity of Mayak. The measurements which Rosgidromet has released suggest that the dose people might have received is 20,000 times less than the allowed annual dose and presents no threat at all to health.”

Please let me know what is going on there?  Thanks.

A. As I tune into this, the first thing I hear is “the common theme in the world is to do more with less.”  It looks as though there were issues within a nuclear plant located “up wind” and the result was a toxic smoke screen.  I didn’t hear a name, but the highlighted area on the above pic indicating Mayak feels correct.

Specifically, I see that within these plants there are very intelligent engineers working overtime trying to keep things running.  They look to be asking for budget money to implement efficiencies so they can safely “do more with less” however, the requests look to be denied.  If an alarm goes off, most times there is a button to hit that clears the alarm, but the root cause is never fixed (I see a cartoonish “red button” being hit which feels symbolic of the situation).  These people look to work in “fire fighter” mode most of the time…. 

It looks like over a period of a few weeks this “alarm” went off and was silenced, and waste that was to be filtered and removed for disposal (??) was burned (??).  This sent toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, and when they combined with the dust particles a lower level (heavy feeling) cloud was created.  

This is definitely a toxic situation, but with some mindfulness it is possible to purge most of it from your system.  This may sound odd, but I am seeing that they lower you are to the ground the better.  For example, if possible, sleep on your first floor.  Even though radiation eventually falls to the ground, it does’t feel as potent as it does in the air.  Also, as it hangs in the atmosphere it slowly dilutes as it scatters.  

Also, do what you can to keep your immune system in balance.  I specifically see vitamin B12, vitamin C, CoQ10 and lemon essential oil (I need to disclose I am not trained in medicine, but this is what I see intuitively).  Being alkaline and drinking lots of filtered water (8 to 10 glasses at least) is a huge benefit.  Please don’t allow this to feed fears as it is possible to excrete most of this toxin with some effort.

Everyone, I do ask if you have a moment to please send some healing thoughts to this area of the world….

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Recovery from Within: When Traditional Medicine is Not an Option

Recovery from Within: When Traditional Medicine is Not an Option

[The following article was submitted to me by Constance Ray. It is a great read with some positive insight. Thank you for your submission, Constance!]

Modern medicine is primarily the practice of eliminating symptoms. While this can certainly bring comfort, it doesn’t address the core of diseases that originate from the mind. Chemotherapy can reverse cancer, insulin can stabilize blood glucose levels, but addiction recovery isn’t about treating symptoms. It’s about healing the whole person to eliminate the desire for chemical stimulation.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicine is essentially the practice of utilizing natural remedies to treat an illness. Homeopathic therapies have been around since the days of Hippocrates and was federally recognized under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, according to Sandra M. Chase, M.D. of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
The primary objective of homeopathic and holistic treatments is to safely stimulate a person’s own healing powers.
Homeopathic medicine may be used to treat many issues related to substance abuse during recovery. For example, insomnia, an unfortunate but all too common side effect of withdrawal, may be overcome by the consumption of chamomile or lavender tea. Both of these substances are derived from flowers, are not associated with negative side effects, and are widely reported to induce deep and restful slumber.
Heal the body, heal the mind
Exercise and meditation are perhaps two of the most useful tools in addiction recovery. But why? Drug use alters the way the brain works and changes how it performs specific functions. Neurotransmitters, which essentially act as the brain’s messengers, are damaged with long-term drug use. By disrupting this communication system, the brain learns to look forward to the unnaturally high levels of pleasure derived from drug use. This is one of the reasons that drugs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, are more addictive than other rewards, such as sex, food, and laughter.
Exercise releases a number of chemicals, including dopamine, which, like illicit substances, triggers the reward center of the brain. Stimulating dopamine production will help curb cravings. Your brain will, in turn, begin to look forward to the feeling it gets after a good run, jog, or swim. Serotonin is another chemical produced by the brain that has a positive effect on neurotransmitters. The National Library of Medicine explains that a positive mood can actually increase serotonin production. The most effective ways to boost serotonin are through meditation, exposure to sunshine, and exercise. Once the brain is balanced, addiction disorders are easier to manage.
Alternative treatments, such as exercise and meditation, are used every day in drug and alcohol treatment centers throughout the country. You can find out more about these alternative recovery methods at
A new commitment each day
Overcoming a substance abuse disorder is a challenge that takes time. It is a process unique to each individual and therefore there is no cookie-cutter treatment that works for everyone. However, one thing is certain and that is replacing negative habits with healthy ones will go a long way toward recovery. This is achieved by evaluating ourselves each morning and making a conscious decision to get and stay healthy from the inside out. Establishing a long-term help routine begins one change at a time. An addict might, for instance, swap an after-dinner drink for an evening walk with his or her family.
Food plays a role in whole health, as well, so it’s important that diet is not neglected throughout the recovery process. The body has amazing healing powers but must be fueled properly to work efficiently and effectively. Vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates are essential. Not only will the right foods help the body detox but will also reduce systemic inflammation triggered by long-term nutrition neglect. Dr. Joshua Axe, a chiropractor, clinical nutritionist, and certified doctor of natural medicine, recently penned an article titled The Healing Foods Diet that offers more information about specific foods and the power of proper nutrition.

Recovery from any disease is not easy. But, by focusing on homeopathic and holistic outlets, addicts may overcome their inner demons and began anew each day with a positive outlook, healthy body, and happy mind.
Random Friday Read

Random Friday Read

Q. Was Napoleon Bonaparte a secret clairvoyant? Are leaders of his caliber usually psychic? Basically, I want to know if he psychic.
A.  I see that all of us have intuitive abilities, the key is to tap into them and learn to trust in those abilities.  Those abilities can be clairvoyance, or manifest in other “clairs.”  

I get most leaders have a strong “gut instinct” or intuition, (Clairsentience) and have the confidence to trust in that instinct.  Napoleon looks to fall into that category of using confidence and clairsentience to guide him on his path to many victories. 

Q. Hello.  Could you please look into this story:
Twitter user Adam Ellis reports an encounter with a ghostly entity called David, which appears as a wounded child.  Is this true, could he be in danger or is just to attract people to his timeline?
A.  I do get there is some truth to this, and this poor being needs help.  It looks as though Adam (in a sleep state) became vulnerable and connected to this being.  Desperate for help, “David” used this opportunity to seek help.  I get the best thing that could happen (the greater good for all involved) would be to send love and healing to this “being” and help guide him on his path elsewhere.  “David” feel stuck, and needs to move on.  I also hear that rather than make this a public event, he needs to clear this being asap.  The longer “David” is stuck and stays there, the more menacing he will become.

Q. Hi Lynn, can you please do a reading on Ayahuasca? The ancient amazonian medicinal brew. I recent had an experience with it and believe it has valuable healing qualities.
A. This looks to be a mind expanding tool and can be very intense.  It allows you to connect with your higher self, and the source consciousness.  You will see, feel and experience things that are difficult to see in our 3D world (much like hallucinations).  i do hear caution about doing this, and make sure you have a trusted source as the experience can evoke an overwhelming feeling and you do not know how you will react.  I also get that you shouldn’t do this too often as it can “fry” your 3D neurological system.  

Q. There has been / is a lot of discussion on the webbot forum about drunkin raisins for help with cleansing and uric acid.  Now mind you almost everybody says not much is needed and it is not used to get drunk.  They say golden raisins and pitted cherries are best, then soaked in GIN for less than a day.  Not many are needed,  less than 10 per day or even per week to help.  Could you do a reading on this and tell us what recipe you would say is best, if at all?

A.  As I start I do need to mention that I am not a doctor, and have not studied medicine.  This is purely from an intuitive perspective. 

I get that the chemical reaction between (looks like) dark purple, seedless grapes (I didn’t see raisins or cherries????) and gin create a detoxing effect.  It looks like you put these grapes in gin, and let them soak overnight in the refrigerator in a sealed container.  You only need 10 to 12 one or two times per week.  After eating these, drink a lot of water to give the acid and toxins a way to purge and prevent them from being displaced.  I hear these can be effective for gout and inflamed joints.

Q Are organic foods really organic?  What does that mean?  
A.  I get that unless you grow the food yourself, or have a trusted source, it is all contaminated to some degree.  Labeling something as “organic” doesn’t mean it is 100% free from additives or toxins.  It merely means it is “mostly” pure and clean. 

Between air pollution, pollution in our waters, run off and intentional administering of chemicals, it is near impossible to have purely organic food in the way the label “organic” implies.  “Organic” is also a good marketing label as it evokes an emotion that you are doing something good for yourself and your family (which compared to many foods, it is better than the alternative, even though still deceiving).  

One way to mitigate this is to briefly thank the food, and ask it to nourish you body, purging all else.  Ask your body to please accept the food put into body as fuel for health and healing, and allow all else to pass. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

[As a side note I looked up the definition of “organic” after I did this reading out of my own curiosity.  You may find this interesting. Here is the link where I obtained the following definition, and it breaks this down much more.  I found this VERY interesting!

“USDA Organic” or “Certified Organic” seal on your food, the item must have an ingredients list and the contents should be 95% or more certified organic, meaning free of synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and must not be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering, according to the USDA. The remaining 5% may only be foods or processed with additives on an approved list.]

Random Read for Friday (released one day early :-)

Random Read for Friday (released one day early :-)

Q. Lynn, For the past few months there have been so many news reports of small children being trafficked for prostitution. I know this hard to look at, but I have a twist on it. My question is, what would be some unexpected solutions we could do that would help children everywhere to be safe? Thank you!
A. I get the first thing is awareness.  Many people think the problem isn’t as bad as it is, or that it wouldn’t happen in their area, but the truth it that it could happen anywhere.  Admitting this and working together to spot unusual behaviors (like strangers taking pictures of other people’s children) is a step in the right direction.  I see it like a neighborhood watch, but on a much grander scale.

Also, teach children not to fear the world, but really trust instincts.  Most times (even with adults) we get in compromising positions because we don’t want to be rude, and go against what our gut tells us.  Your gut won’t steer you wrong, and even children need to pay attention to what feels off.  

Lastly, I get the the people that run these rings do it for profit and deep down would be ashamed it it was exposed.  As people are discovered, they need to be publicly announced (much like registered sex offenders have to file where they live).  I get there are huge egos tied to these rings, and as they are found out, the realistic fear of public embarrassment would deter some of this activity.

Q. Were Neanderthals bred out rather than died out? Meaning were they mated into the human species to form another species?

A. I get there was some evolution of the human species, but they didn’t completely evolve from Neanderthals.  I see that Neanderthals existed, and an update was done to their DNA via ET Geneticists which created the human species.  The “new and improved” species later evolved into what it is today.  Neanderthals were important, and sort of a test, and then their DNA was enhanced to create an evolved version of humans.

Q. Hi Lynn, I read that octopus were of no DNA match to any other creature on this planet. Who made them? Where are they from? And why are they here? Are they psychic?

A.  I hear the phrase “they are the brain of the ocean” and are much more complex than what most people think.  They have existed for thousands of years, and get they came from a meteor (what it looks like).  The meteor was seeded with the DNA or life force when it landed in the water.  I get the very first octopuses had a radio active or electrical element that made them like beacons for experiments. They also had a telepathic ability, but it looks as though that ability has dulled down over the centuries (due to non use and also toxin buildup). 

Q. Are the arms of the T-Rex accurate to it’s body or do they belong to another dinosaur? I vaguely remember reading something that said the arms of the T-Rex were incorrect and that they actually had longer arms. Many thanks!

A.  When I tune into the T-Rex I get the arms are incorrect. I cannot see that the shorter arms belong to another dinosaur, but I do get the T-Rex had longer arms.  I also hear that if the arms were as currently shown, they would be useless.  He could not properly use them for defense, to eat, or other simple functions.  I hear the ratio of the arms to the body size and position of the should is off. 

Q. Hello, in ancient Greece there was a succession of women who were the Oracle of Delphi. Who / what were they? Were they really prophets? They supposedly gave prophecies in a vapor induced trance. What was this vapor?

A. I get these were highly intuitively women that came forward to share their gifts.  I see that as a new one was chosen, she would have some kind of prophetic dream as a sign that she was to be the next in succession.  Once her position was held, she looks to live in a semi-sequestered location, free of distractions so she can be at one with her thoughts, and her gifts could continue to develop.  I see this “vapor” being some version of a DMT substance that was naturally occurring in the area (some kind of plant, fungus, mold, etc). The “vapor” wasn’t required to be intuitive (she was chosen though this dream process), but it enhanced what was already there.

Q. Everyone is talking about Taylor Swift’s new video. The references to snakes/reptilian is pretty obvious and there’s lyrics talking about Swift being dead. It’s very odd. Immediately, my mind went to your posts about celebrities being cloned, etc.

A. I get this is her way of saying goodbye to the innocent Taylor because the PTW (Powers That Were) have gotten a hold of her.  She is being forced to follow the agenda, and she lost her autonomy.  She has to do what she is told or suffer the consequence.  The cloning is a real threat, and she is well aware of that.  The snakes and reptiles with the words “Look what you made me do” is in direct reference to what is to come of her, her career and messages in her music.  From this point forward she will be a different Taylor.

Q. Hi Lynn, can you do a reading on Joel Olsteen and his wife Victoria from the Lakewood ministries. I saw a photo of her and something about her didn’t look right and I felt a bit creepy. I really like listening to what they have to say because it is different from other religious preaching. Many people don’t like him because he was appointed to his position by his mother and never attended a Bible college or seminary. Some are wondering if Joel Olsteen is the false prophet. What is your take on these people. Lynn, much thanks – always.

A.  When I tune into Joel and his wife, they have a good vibe.  They feel to be genuine people, and take a different approach to the church.  Joel feels to encourage people to look both outward AND inward (much like The Law of Attraction) versus an absolute faith where things cannot be controlled and are left to chance.  I get they are scrutinized because of their differences, but they seem to have balance and take on the criticisms.  I cannot seem to connect to a creepy emotion tied to Victoria. 

Q. On a positive note, how can each of us more dramatically improve the energies around us? I’m personally focusing some time – irregularly, of course – to “pulling” energy into myself and sending it to Mother Earth. Occasionally, I try to radiate it around me, filling up the transport (bus, train, airplane) in which I’m riding, or the building in which I’m located at the moment. And I’ve also occasionally put up a “protective bubble” around me and others with me. Seeking to understand here: is all this effective? And what would be more effective?

A. This is effective, and a beautiful thing that you are doing.  The most important thing you can do is have positive intent behind your actions and hold that intent through the mental process of raising vibrations.  I also get that visualizing a color, and tying the positive energy to that color can enhances the flow (imagine the room, car, bus, etc filled full of that color).

Q. Lynn, have you heard about Carbon 60 Olive Oil? It is supposed to be the fountain of youth. Does Carbon 60 Olive Oil really work? Are there any cautions to taking it? Thanks, Lynn

A.  [I do need to put a disclaimer that I have not studied medicine, and this is from an intuitive perspective.]  
The first thing I hear is “Too much of even a good thing can be a bad thing.”  I get in moderation this can be an effective supplement to your food to aid in the detox process.  The one caution I do get is that it can be a little irritating to the intestines (because of the excreting of toxins), so be gentle with it to see what you are able to tolerate.
(If anyone has tried this, please share your experience in remarks.)

In closing, one thing I wanted to mention is that it was brought to my attention after the reading on Censorship that Google and YouTube are manipulating stats and deranking websites that don’t support “the agenda,” including mine.  Please bookmark and share this site for future reference. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light-