Mystery of Language, Ley Lines, Hawaiian God Pele, Kilauea Eruption

Mystery of Language, Ley Lines, Hawaiian God Pele, Kilauea Eruption

Q. Hi Lynn, this is a blog request. Could you do a reading about the energy of English (the language)? Also about Spanish. What is the energy of those languages?
A. English has been so manipulated, that is has been turned into a “spell casting” device.  “Old English” started pure, and the PTW (Powers That Were) got a hold of it, and changed it to their benefit.  The energy used to feel rich and pure, and now it is full of mind tricks.  

To those that don’t see what is happening, our language keeps us weak.  It starts young with children (i.e. learning “spell (casting) words”). We reinforce the PTWs wishes daily through our dialogue (which sounds grammatically incorrect if your say things any other way), telling people to have a good “weak-end” and good “mourning.”  We go to work, and after the “weak” is done we “urn” our paycheck.  We are slaves to the system, working and “urning,” buying and consuming, with retirement ages being further and further into the future (just the way the PTW want it).  When the etymology of our language is studied there are hundreds of examples of how we speak to one another in the course of our day.  

Spanish feels mostly pure (and a little raw), but also direct.  The language, even though it does feel to have a mix of other languages in its’ infancy, feel to be direct and clear at the message.  

[As a side note, when I first read this question and thought on it, I felt upset at our language and what has been done do it.  It is difficult, even with being mindful, to avoid certain words and phrases.  I even make a point to say Have a Happy Friday versus Have a Good “Weakend”, etc.  I have thought and done readings on this before, and I have realized that our intent adds so much to what we say.  If you are saying something with kindness and love, it is given or received with a high vibration.  Be mindful when you can, but more importantly, have positive intent in your message.]    

Q.  Hello Lynn,  When people talk about ley lines and energy lines, they usually include remarks about enlightenment and positive experiences. Are there energy lines that create bad experiences or bad feelings?
A.  I get there are no naturally occurring ley lines or energy lines that are negative.  There are “man made” portals that are negative and hold a negative space, but are directed to the sky, and not Mother Gaia.

Q.  The volcano in Hawaii is supposedly protected by ‘Pele‘, a local god.  Many people have reported bad experiences when they have removed rocks and other souvenirs from the volcano. In 1935 they tried bombing the volcano to stop the flow of lava. It stopped, but it was more likely a coincidence. Several weeks later, several of the pilots died in a training accident.

Does Pele’ exist? Is the volcano protected by a god with consciousness or all these events just a coincidence and a nice story?  Thanks!
A. Things happen because they need to happen.  It could be fate, karma, the universe finding balance, part of a life lesson or a combination of the above.  I get that Pele’ does exist, and he works to protect Mother Gaia.  

The 1935 bombing did stop the flow of lava, but the people that stopped it were later killed. It was as if the volcano erupted, the life path of the pilots were to stop the lava, and they then were led to an early death (to which the agreed to at the time of incarnation).  Their death worked through the god, Pele’.

Q.  Hi Lynn, Looking at the recent example of the Kilauea eruption, curiosity struck me about the hows & whys being attributed to this natural event and maybe others that eventually follow.

On Kauilapele’s Blog, KP posts the likes of Ben Fulford and QAnon and even GaiaPortal which attribute the volcanic eruption to nefarious acts. Others like Tom T Moore, who I glean important information from, irrespective of the fact he has not met up with his extraterrestrial source to date, comments for Mother Earth’s soul/spirit Gaia who said she is merely moving magma to build up the island of Hawaii. It’s interesting because some inituitives say we do not have weather technology sophisticated enough to make targets (I am thinking Pamela Aaralyn) and others say we are well beyond advancement in these areas.

What is going on here in terms of reality?  Are all of these tellings true in some respect based on the readers point of view? What can we learn from these seemingly different readings on the same subject from various communicators? I am betting the number one takeaway is to learn to discern from your own inner truth but I am looking for an answer that leads to more truth telling about this Earth Experiment construct?

Thanks again for your dedication to this blog and the work you are putting out there!  Cheers!

A.  In looking at all this, I will say that everyone sees and understands things differently.  We all have spiritual gifts, and some of those gifts are stronger in one person verses another (one may have strong intuition, while someone else may have clear clairvoyance, etc).  When I tune into a situation, and see, feel, hear, smell or even taste what I get, someone else cannot come in and fully interpret what I get.  Likewise, I cannot fully read someone else’s vision and get the same result.  Most times the truth lies where the readings or messages overlap.  Then, take what overlaps and run it through your own intuitive checks and balances.  If nothing seems to overlap or make sense, then it is up to you to trust your intuitive instinct to determine what really rings true to you.  Your inner self (subconscious) will guide you.

HAARP Rainbow

When I tune into this, I see that Mother Gaia is expelling a build-up of energy. The earth, like any living thing, absorbs energy from the sun.  Energy isn’t created or destroyed, therefore; it is stored in the core of the earth.  After so much buildup, the energy needs released.  This is done via earthquakes, volcanoes of both.  In this situation it was the eruption of Kilauea.  The result will be a buildup of the island, but that is secondary to the main goal of releasing the energy.

It is true that the ability to control and manipulate weather exists.  If the PTW wanted to erupt this volcano, they could (even though when I see them manipulating HAARP, their images manifest as children that don’t fully understand what they are doing, but know enough to be dangerous).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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Mid-Week Mix-Up [Short Answer Group Posting]

Mid-Week Mix-Up [Short Answer Group Posting]

Q.  Is it possible to be physically invincible (nothing from outside your body can harm you and you can still grow old and die) or physically immortal (nothing will ever harm you from within your body and you can live forever)?
A. I do see it as possible to prolong life in our physical 3D world, but eventually all things age on our linear timeline.  You can prolong life by enhancing health (eating pure, promoting mental balance (meditating, prayer, etc) and keeping a positive perception on life (our perception becomes the reality in which we live).  

I do see a darker side to this too.  I get that people that dabble in black magic can extend their life force, but they too aren’t invincible.  I hear that in doing this the phrase “making deals with the devil” are somewhat true.  It is like you are welcoming a karmatic attachment, or taking an advance (that is the phrase I hear) on a future life.  

We as beings, living a human experience, are not invincible; however, we have so much more potential than what we think we have.  Your spirit though, is invincible, and will come back time and time again.

Q.. Are there any alien spaceships on Earth’s ocean floors?

A.  Yes.  I see that there are alien crafts and entrances to underground bases on the ocean floor (specifically the Atlantic).  This domain looks to mainly be controlled by the Reptilian / Archon species.

Q. If a person finds a way to ‘time travel” and tries to change an event in history, would that create a paradox of any sort or would that person simply go to a parallel universe?

A. There are several realities running in parallel timelines.  I get that every variation of every event exists somewhere.  If a person were to go back and relive or participate in making an alternate reality, they would just live in that alternate timeline (and not really know the difference).

Q. When will aliens make themselves known to all of us and come out in public?

A.  To be honest, I get this has been happening for a while now, but our media chooses not to televise it.   I do see other countries taking the leap and confirming their existence, and then the US will follow suit.  I get that there is some conflict with the church or religion, and they will need to ease the minds of their followers before the media will be allowed to disclose their existence.  

The ETs have become impatient, and will be more and more blatant.  They will continue to cloak as needed to defend themselves from attack, but will be more brazen in their appearance.  Disclosure has been meant to happen for a while now, and I see some kind of radical event happening in the next 12 – 18 months.

Q.  Hi Lynn. NASA have made an interesting announcement today about the discovery of a solar system which could most probably hold life:

I feel quite strongly that extra terrestrial life exists and wondered what your thoughts were on this recent discovery

A.I get there are pockets of life all over our Universe.  I also hear that life can take many forms, and be of all shapes and sizes.  I get Orion’s belt is a key to our current life on earth.  I also get a connection to the moons of Jupiter.  It is great that NASA is investigating outward, but somehow Orion and Jupiter feel very significant.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you and happy Wednesday!  Love and light- 

Life Detective: NEXT #3

Life Detective: NEXT #3

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to Life Detective NEXT, special SOURCE edition, where Lynn looks primarily at the NEXT (dominant) future life of various people who need no introduction. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions/comments appear [in brackets]. You’re gonna love this one. Here we go.

1. Bush Sr

“This is interesting. In his next life he’s brought up in a very religious, Christian household. As he gets older, he looks to go to different religious schools, elementary, middle, high school, etc. By the time he leaves high school, religion and spiritual contemplation will be the only thing he knows. He eventually becomes… a monk! His parents and strict upbringing drill into him the deep-rooted importance of being humble and giving, and having empathy and compassion for people. Looks like he has a karma reset in exchange for (re)learning these deep-rooted lessons.” 


2. Henry Kissinger
“This is different, too. I see him being incarnated into an African American man living in South Africa. The image I get is… he’s barefoot and wearing this long white caftan thing, beaded around the neck… he’s standing in front of this group of people and he’s trying to convince them of the importance of… peace! He’s like… an African hippy (!) who’s trying to assemble peace protests! Like a future Woodstock in South Africa! He feels like an integral, leadership part of getting this event together. He’s very anti-war, a pacifist, a very different person than who he is now. But that’s how karma works: you often have to have an opposite lifetime to fully understand what’s really important, in order to ascend. You have to see and experience the good and the bad to give you a full scope, in order to feel the balance necessary for ascension. I see the yin yang symbol as I talk this through.”

3. Dick Cheney
“Wow, another different one. I get this image of a world map. I hone in on the waters around the horn of Africa. I see him as very poor, barefoot, tattered clothes… then i realize that he’s a pirate. But he doesn’t enjoy it. He sees all these very well-to-do, entitled people out there, and since there are no jobs out there for him, he feels he has no choice in his actions, doing this in order to survive. He took from people in his most current life, and he’ll do it again in the next, but this time for survival, desperation; he’ll have no power at all in the next life. He’ll have to live at the whims of others.”

[What does Bush Sr’s *in-between* life look like? How bout for Kissinger and Cheney? Lots of counseling? How is this done for them?]

“It looks like, while in spirit before they are allowed to even come back, they have to somehow “earn” the opportunity. Like they have to sit, observe, understand, etc., before they’re allowed to incarnate again.” 

[‘Defending Your Life: The Cabal Years.’]

4. Princess Diana
“She’s still in spirit. I get that she’s not going to incarnate for a while in order to guide and influence and protect her children and grandchildren. And Kate, I get she really likes Kate. It’s like she’s trying to counteract any negative influences coming from… other members of the monarchy… which is easier for her to do in spirit, to better give her loved ones this positive energy and protection. What’s really cool is that I keep seeing these blue birds. There are two of them and they’re singing. They’re a spirit sign for her loved ones to know and feel that she’s around; all they have to do is look for blue birds, or the chirping sounds they make, all around them. If they see blue birds or hear them, that’s symbolic of Diana.”

5. Carl Jung
“I see him coming back and being a writer. It looks as though he publishes books that are very… mind blowing. He takes these broad subjects and makes then these strange and incredible sideways analogies from them. When you read his ideas, you just say WOW. His words are magical. People love his books and are drawn to them. As a person, he’s incredibly introverted, but when he starts writing, he can impart feelings and depths he could never do verbally.” 

[Is he alive today? Can you get anything on one of the titles? Or where he lives?]

“I don’t think he is alive right now — he’s not back quite yet — but I get when he does he will be born in Europe, and then later travel to Boston, MA. He will be able to observe nature and make mind blowing comparisons. What I saw reminded me of someone I heard recently say that moss under a microscope looks like mini trees, so maybe we are like ants moving about our version of “mini trees” toward something larger. He’ll point out how our reality is really an illusion of our thoughts of ourselves.”

[Reading the all of the above, and seeing the love and perfection worked into the individual threads of our universal weave, all the fear headlines and political separation of today become so meaningless — not to mention totally obliterating people’s fears of judgment, hellfire and brimstone. There is such caring that exists just beyond.]

And that’s it from Lynn and Da-da. Join us next time for another segment. 
Fated or Accidental

Fated or Accidental

Q. Hi Lynn, could you please help me understand a difficult question? 

For those people who died horribly from terrorist attacks such as explosion, beheading, shooting; is there a past life killing karmic tie between the terrorists and the victims? 

Or is it purely accidental because the victims were in the wrong place at the wrong time? If it is purely accidental, why is the universe so unfair that the victims had to die that way?

A.  I see that when we incarnate, we decide what path, type of life and lessons we are to have.  Some of the decision is based on what lessens we need to know to ascend, some is based on residual karma that needs resolved. Every detail isn’t planned, and free will is always able to pull you off your path, but the major influences in our life are already set in motion (unless you allow free will to intervene).  These major influences can be, but aren’t limited to, your birth parents, family, childhood experience (good, bad, or indifferent), major relationships (friends and significant others that were part of your soul pact), children and some some extent, death.  Where it gets confusing is the free will of not only you, but those around you.  Someone else not following their path can effect your life and how your path flows.  Fate and your guides will continue to attempt to put you back on the right path, but it is up to you to follow those nudges.

I’m being shown the following example to illustrate this point.  There is a young woman, about 25 years old.  She is single, no children, and driving down the road.  There is another gentlemen, driving in the opposite direction, that had too much to drink, and even though that voice in his head said to NOT DRIVE, he ignored it (let free will override) and hit the woman head on.  A passerby saw this and rushed to her rescue (her guides put this man in her path to assist her so she could fulfill her life journey.  The actions caused by the other man’s free will needed to be reset.). The woman was critically injured, nearly passed away before 911 could respond,  and the quick response of this man saved her life.  She recovered fully, and grew to have a husband and family (because THAT was her life path she agree to when she incarnated).  Things can get ugly when we don’t follow our gut or intuition, but our guides, higher self and source will constantly help redirect you if you listen.

I don’t see things as accidental or coincidence, but rather synchronicities and Universal messages.  I see these horrific acts as fated to happen, and the comprehension as to why may never be fully understood why we are in our 3D body (because we cannot deny human emotion).  I see the Universe not seeing things as “good and bad,” but things just “are.”  It is like we need to have war to understand peace, without the dark we cannot know what is light.  The goal is always to reset and maintain balance and harmony. 

I was led a little off topic, but something wants me to share this:  We are all here to learn and grow through experience.  Some of us become very connected to our inner and higher selves, allowing a tremendous amount of growth to occur.  For those of us that learn, process and work through some of the major themes set in motion during this life (for example, some people need to work though abandonment or relationship issues), you can change your predetermined fated path.  When you conquer something major, you no longer have to be put in scenarios where you are challenged by that “major” thing.  But, if you do not conquer it, you will see the scenario come up over and over again in a variety of forms until you address it.  You do not have to feel plagued by a challenge, you just need to deal with it in a way that is for your highest and best good.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Spiritual Q & A

Spiritual Q & A

Q. Please describe the cycle of spiritual evolution from highest to lowest.
A. When I tune into this I see a growth upwards rather than regressing, so I need to look at this as evolving to a higher vibration (my mind can’t seem to make sense of it the other direction as the question suggests).  

It is coming to me that this breaks down into four main groups, but there are varying degrees of spiritual evolution within the groups, and there is also a lot of room for overlap.  It is too complicated to get into all the variations, but I can explain the four groups as I see them (in a generalized way). 

The first group looks to be plants. The contain a life force.  Many give in the form of nourishment (even oxygen), but they are static in their location. They feel emotion / vibrations from other sources.  

The next group looks to be shared between animals and humans (and specific animals / humans toggle all over this group).  Humans have the ability to feel emotion and empathy, as well as some animals (I see an image of a dog cocking his head at me as I type this).  Many members of this group can use their intelligence and ability to heal to help others.  The higher end of this group is very introspective and sees actions and consequences.  The higher end also understands the difference between the subconscious and conscious mind, questions things and realizes there is a higher self.  

Many ETs belong to this group.  They aren’t bound to the same limitations as humans because they are able to use skills that are outside of their physical body.  The concept of telepathy and mental connections is a practice they have been utilizing for a long time.  They have tapped into using more portions of their brain. 

One of the highest spiritual forms occurs when we are in spirit.  We don’t have the physical limitations of the 3D world, and have the ability to roam.  We guide, we lose our ego and can work selflessly.  

Q. If all of our incarnations are going on at the same time, but when we die we supposedly go to the spirit world/heaven, can our consciousness actually hang out in heaven for a while without incarnating or is that impossible since we’re always focused on one of our incarnations like right now? Like it was said that we actually all ARE in heaven right now so… Doesn’t our consciousness mean what we’re actually focusing on and and observing? What are we focusing on when we die from one of our incarnations, immediately a different one? I feel like a lot of the information out there is contradicting.
A.  When we incarnate, our conscious mind has a main focus to work on that life that we chose to experience during that time.  I do get that when we sleep we “travel” to other lives and even “check in” with our subconscious.  That is why sleep is so important (allows us to reset or sync up with our lives and subconscious).  

Q. Do we choose to reincarnate in certain countries, or do they pick for us? Also I am curious about genius people (or super smart) how do they reincarnate? Were they also very smart in their previous life?

A.  I get that we chose what we need to learn or “revisit” to release karmatic debt, and the universe guides us in the right direction.  A genius in this life, may be a genius in a future life. or may be quite the opposite if that is what they chose.  

Q. Hi Lynn, Could you do a reading on why some children remember their last past life while most people can’t?

A. I see that to some extent all children remember their past life, but the development of their rational mind (along with environmental influences) fade that memory.  Depending of the timing of the development, the memories can fade much earlier in some than others.  For children that development their rational mind later, they are able to vocalize their memories and / or even draw key facts from their previous life.

Q. What force prevents dead spirits from returning back to earth / physical realm as wandering spirits once they cross a certain boundary? Is this boundary called River Styx?

A. I see that when we pass we have the ability to roam in spirit form.  I also see a brilliant white light, and get that when we are done roaming / guiding / protecting we have the option to go to that light.  When we get close enough to the light, this “vacuum” effect occurs and doesn’t allow us to return back.  I don’t see or hear it called the River Styx, but I also hear that different people refer to things in different ways.  This “light” is where lessons are determined, karma is checked to see what things me be out of balance and the universe helps to decide how / what / when the next incarnation will occur.

Q. If we choose our parents before we are born, how does that explain unique experiences such as psychic tendencies, clairvoyance, remote viewing etc….Are those chosen in advance as well? 
A.  I get that most things are chosen ahead of time.  We all have the option of free will, so we may try to hide from our abilities (we all have them, just in varying degrees), but the universe will put you in situations to encourage your development.  Most everything in life should be viewed as experience (which can feel good or bad) that allows the opportunity for growth.

Q. When you see people in your dreams are they elements of yourself, random actors in your dream or maybe strangers you may meet later in your waking life? Is it possible that you might play a role in their dream at a later time? When you see unknown people in your dreams, are they dreaming the same dream at the same time? 

A. I hear that there are no rules to dreams and dreaming.  Dreams can help you work through issues or enable you to release something pent up in your mind.  They can be healing and helpful.  You can see an image of someone, and that person could be someone you manifested to represent how you feel or what you are working through. People in your dreams can be real, and I hear they may be working through a similar issue, therefore, you share the same dream (the universe likes to be efficient??).

Essentially, your dreams are a gateway to your subconscious.  I get it would be impossible to put limitations or rules on them (and remember everything is possible). 

Q. We often hear that the brain is the greatest computer ever made. Will we ever be able to ‘download’ memories from the brain to learn what someone else has collectively learned over their life, what someone is thinking (hacking someone’s thoughts like you steal their wifi) or what a deceased person was thinking or what they saw moments before they died?

A. I cannot see a time when any form of AI or a computer can read thoughts, BUT I do see that humans will evolve in a spiritual and vibrational way that will allow psychic, telepathic and intuitive abilities to read and understand these concepts.  As we ascend, people will be able to read thoughts (that are in the greater good to be read), but I don’t see a machine doing this.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

More on Karma

More on Karma

Q. I have a question on karma,i have often heard of murder victims who are contacted by a medium after death and they have the message to forgive their murderer,and move on. Is this because in the next life they can see the karma involved between murderer and victim and therefore forgive them? And if that is so, then will the murderer still be “punished” even though he only followed his/her karma?
A. I get that after death people (in spirit) are able to connect to the bigger picture and see that anger and hate only hurt those that are feeling it.  Releasing anger and having forgiveness is one of the highest vibrational feelings one can exhibit.  Holding onto those feelings causes blockages and can also manifest illnesses. In spirit, we are wise to that knowledge. 

People that work against the greater good are dealt with in the form of karma.  They may be resolving past karma or creating karma for a future lesson in a future life. These people are used to create balance in the universe as well.  I hear the phrase ‘the sweet isn’t so sweet without the sour” telling me we must have contrast  of both good and bad to understand and learn.  We all are perfect in our own way and necessary for both our lessons and for those we influence and touch in our lives. 

And that is all i have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

7 Unsolved Mysteries

7 Unsolved Mysteries

Q. Lynn, I came across an interesting article.  Could you do a reading on these 7 unexplained?  Thanks.

The Aluminum Wedge:  What is this?  What was it used for?  It was found 35 feet underground.
A. I do see this wedge as ET related.  I see these rather giant humanoid ETs here on earth and they are using “supersize” tools.  I notice that they swing these tool with ease (as if they are very light weight in comparison to their durability).  I see hammers, axes and something that looks like a baton.  This wedge looks to belong to one of those tools (however the handle was wooden because “wood allows for a better grip??”).  

I also get that these Giants were the ones that bread with humans and created the “Giants” that once lived here on earth.

The Babushka Lady:  Who is this person?  What does he / she know?
A.  This was touched on in a previous Five for Friday reading.  I will copy and paste the excerpt here: 

“Image #6: Your Basic (Fake) Babushka Lady
Big JFK assassination mystery here, by popular demand. This is a still from the infamous Zapruder film — which may or may not have been manipulated — showing what people call “The Babushka Lady” (because no one knows who this person was, and they’re dressed as someone’s grandma with a scarf around their head), apparently filming JFK as he goes by shortly before he’s shot. Most everyone else in the Zapruder film has been identified, save for this one woman (if she is a woman). The film she’s apparently shooting (if that’s what she’s doing) has never been seen. So, who is she? Was she in on the assassination?
What Lynn Saw

“The first thing I get is I don’t think this is a woman. This is some guy who works for the CIA who’s documenting and directing the shooting. I feel like this guy is talking to someone else via radio, talking in this low mumbling voice. Here’s the weird thing, I keep wanting to see a mustache or facial hair… if you could see him from the front. There’s some kind of flowy scarf around the mouth so you can’t see the man’s mustache, or him talking into a walkie talkie. He’s a friend of Bush Sr, who worked for the CIA.”

Cicada3301 Puzzle:  This symbol pops up and no one knows why?  What is it used for?  The puzzle seems next to impossible.
A. I see this as a message to the PTB.  Specific locations are chosen and the symbol is one of change and represents a cycle of events about to happen.  I get when you locate the cicada you know the geographic area, and the puzzle isn’t really a puzzle but rather a message.  Only a small few are meant to know what it means, and the message feels more like information and also a sign of caution.  I get that historically in locations where the cicada has been found some kind of geographic, economic, social or political event has happened.

Dighton Rock: People ponder who carved on the rock and why.  What is this all about?

A.  I see that hundreds of years ago (I want to say 500 years ago) a group of Vikings made their way through some of the rivers and passages and found this location.  They marked this rock as a way of saying “first come first serve” and laying some kind of claim to that area.  I see this location was (at least at one time) rich in minerals and vegetation.  It looks like an illness or disease had this group grounded for some time and their survival depended on them living off the land (which they did) until they were able to return back to the waters.

Green Children: These children appeared in Woolpit one day.  They were green and no one knows who they are or why they were green.
I looked at these children in a previous reading on Mysterious Travelers.  I will quote the text / reading below: 

Two children appeared one day in Woolpit.  They were green in appearance, one of them passed away, and the other survived.  As the survivor ate a larger variety of food, she lost her green appearance. As I tune into them, I seem materialize as if they were walking out from the fog.  They look as though they are coming from one vibrational layer of earth into another (our current human layer).  I then am taken to a cave near Woolpit, and get that within this cave there is a portal that made the transfer from one layer to another layer physically possible.  As I try to see why they didn’t just go back through the portal, I hear that it worked in some kind of “glitchy” way to where it isn’t always open to allow this two-way travel (I see it like on Back to the Future when they could only travel one way, and in this case they traveled laterally, but to a different layer of earth).”

Pollock Twins:  Is this truly an act of incarnation?  Their sisters passed on before they were born and they had very strange similarities (birthmarks, play habits, etc).

A. I do see these twins as incarnations of their sisters.  It looks as though when the older siblings passed, they could not release themselves and go into the light.  When their mother got pregnant, they chose to “jump back in” and finish their human life journey. There was unfinished business and some kind of karma tied to that “business.”  This does look like an example of reincarnation.

The Zodiac Killer:  This was a killer that was never caught.  What can you share?
A. When I focus on this person, I see that he (it was a man) had identity issues.  I keep seeing flashes of Silence of the Lambs, and get that the killer didn’t portray himself to society they way he felt about himself.  There was some kind of identity or personality disorder in play.  As a mental self defense to this psychological “crisis” he detached himself from society and became unable to register or feel the emotion of others.  He got pleasure in harming people and hurting families to feel better about himself. I would best  describe this person as a sociopath (that is the word I hear).  [I am choosing not go to further down this darker path as this person looks to be deceased and of no harm to anyone else anymore.  I will answer questions on him, but I would rather not address the events of the crime.]

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Spirit Guides in Regards to Soul Mates and Karma

Spirit Guides in Regards to Soul Mates and Karma

Q. I guess I was a little surprised and shocked when I learned that spirit guides can pull two people together in a relationship.  I think I have seen and heard of a few occasions where this has happened, or nearly happened.  In the very few cases I saw, I felt that there is a bit of manipulation involved, sometimes a cloak and mirror type of… trickery (there, I said it) involved too, perhaps.  I think spirit guides helping two people come together is okay, if there was some prior arrangement to make this happen (like soul mates wanting to meet, for instance), or if two people were meant for each other (they are a good match and fit well, and the match is for the greater good of both parties, in the very least).  But I was shocked to see incidences where I felt that situations were sometimes not ideal for the women, where the women tended to be trapped in a relationship under the name of patriarchy.  It came to me as women being treated as something disposable, where they were often asked to sacrifice their lives both figuratively (in terms of their original aspirations and goals) and literally (when someone is born with a really rough karmic path, and someone instead gets the blunt end of the energies and events in place of the person). I thought these situations were against some kind of karmic law, using another person against their free will, or tricking them into unideal situations?  Is it just me misinterpreting things, or do these situations really happen, have I only seen isolated incidences; or do these situations happen disproportionately for women often times; if so, is there a dependence on the culture they are in?  Does this happen only when a spirit guide happens to carry a negative or low-level intention, or is there a “convention” among spirit guides that such things are okay (is there a bit of sexism involved this realm too)? … I’m getting that the spiritual realm is really vast and large, so maybe I should try to rephrase my last question a bit… Are there spirit guides who carry the notion of, and take advantage of sexism, that enable them to put women at a disadvantage for someone else that they are primarily involved with?  What kind of mindset should women have in order to fully avoid such unduly situations?
A.  As I think on spirit guides, soul mates and even how fate works, I see a path unwind… I will explain how it is being shown to me.  When we are in the womb I see a main guide being assigned to you.  That main guide will be with you your entire life.  You have other guides come to you at birth, and those guides will come and go depending on what you are learning to help guide you with your experience, but those guides sort of “tap in and out” during your life.  At all times you have a small team, but the team may change as you encounter new experiences.  

In the spirit form (before we are born) you have a group of souls that you most generally (not every, but most times) incarnate with.  There is a predetermination as to who will be a brother, sister, son, daughter, best friend and even soul mate.  Some of your “soul pact” members will be in your life your entire life, some will come and go and others will come and never leave. Fate as to those interactions are also predetermined, and you guides will help you find those people.  

When we are in spirit form we also chose a life path that is in our greater good for the goals and experiences we need to expand, learn and grow.  That life path may be based on lessons we need to learn or karmatic events.  Even though this general plan is outlined, free will can always intervene and change thins.  People (men and women) are born into all types of circumstances.  We often don’t understand in our human form why we would have chosen a path, but there is always an element of learning that is done.  All things need to be experienced (good, bad, high vibrational experiences and low) to round out our development for our spirit / soul.  For example, you cannot know what it is like to be truly generous if you have never experienced the emotion / action of greed.  I even caution people in past life regressions that they may not like who they have been or things they have done as we have been in will be all things.  

There is no sexism with regard to your guides.  That is not an emotion they would recognize.. Their goal is to help you stay on your predetermined path, and create situations so you can learn and grow through experience to enable you soul to fully develop.  If you in your conscious, rational mind decide to go against that path, you can always enlist the action of free will to change your life direction.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Dissolving Karma

Dissolving Karma

Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please tell us what are the most effective ways to dissolve any bad karma from our past lives?  I heard that there are several categories of bad karma (eg. light, medium, heavy, serious), could you tell us how these types work and how to dissolve each type if any?
A. The first thing I get is that you would need to analyze your life and experiences and see what patterns or feelings you have that tend to make you feel you are holding a lower vibration (or holding you back and not letting you be your best self).  Do you repeat unhealthy relationships?  Do you have an illness?  Do you have any vices?  These things don’t necessarily mean you are holding onto some type of karma (could be a past life lesson you haven’t worked out), but will help you to determine if you either have a lesson (or experience) to learn from, or if you have some kind of karma following you that you need to resolve (which in a way is a lesson on its’ own).  I see that karma isn’t a vibration, but work through vibrations (you attract the action with the vibration like fate, and karma works through that action).  Some are more intense than others, depending on how many cycles you have repeated and haven’t resolved the issue.  

Q. How to dissolve it?

A.  It is important to know that there are terms thrown out there like good and bad, which are really arbitrary in the universal perspective.  Karma is truly a focus on balance (I see scales followed by the yin yang sign). We need contrast to truly understand, so what we term as bad is to give us perspective on the good.  Both are essential to learn and grow through all kinds of experience.  I then hear a favorite phrase that “the sweet isn’t so sweet without the sour.”  If everything was our definition of good, then we would not really know what “good” meant or felt like; it would just be a word.  Hearing a word or defining it is not truly experience..

If you have lower vibrational karma tied to you, the best way to rid yourself of it is to address the issue (really address it and have some discussions with your subconscious thoughts and higher self) and release yourself from it.  Acknowledging it is a huge first step.  Many times karma is tied to a lower vibrational emotion (guilt or need to forgive) that needs released.  It isn’t always easy, takes some dedication and many times requires you to change your perception of your surroundings (interpret things as positive stimulus rather than see the negative).  Meditating can also help to gain insight and move these feelings along.  It will be work, but worth it in the growing experience. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-



Q. Good day Lynn! Are people who have similar or identical birth marks connected spiritually in some way i.e. come from the same soul family? Also, I heard birth marks are results of injuries from pass lives, is that the case?
A. I don’t see this as a spiritual connection to each other, but more like a spiritual connection in relationship to past experiences and current lessons based on where their paths are taking them (experienced similar deaths, working through similar karmatic issues).  Similar life paths running parallel, but not necessarily tied to each other.  I do see that birthmarks are related to past life trauma or a past life karma to that individual soul.  

I first get an image of a person that died due to several bee stings, and in this life they had a strawberry birthmark covering covering most of their upper right arm.  They also have a phobia of bees, with no rational reason why (not allergic and have never been stung).  

Then I get the image of a person being chased by dogs or wolves, and they were attacked.  In their current life they they have a birthmark in the shape of a dog.  It is as if the trauma was “stamped” on them and until they rid themselves of it, they will have a similar marking in each next life.

Another person I see died from a bullet wound to the chest, and even though they were not born with a birthmark, they developed one (it came out) when they were in their twenties.  (Then I am told that technically may not be called a “birthmark”, but is a marking relating to a past life).  

The examples keep rolling in my mind of how psychical markings you have now can tell a story of who you are, and even explain some irrational fears. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-