Life Detective #8

Life Detective #8

by Lynn and Da-da
Hi, all. Welcome to Life Detective #8, where Lynn and Da-da look at past and future lives of various people, sharp and blunt. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most dominant past life of the subject come forward, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today, and then who they’ll be in the future. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A
Past Life: This is really weird. I see this person lived in the Middle East in a previous life, about 50 years ago, in the military, high up. No family. Had a big black mustache. He was ruthless. Devoted so much of his life to his army and country, that he had nothing else. Finally, when he lost his life in some Middle Eastern conflict, as he passed over I hear, “Alright, I paid my dues with this rough life; for my next one, I’m calling for a charmed life.” His current life is his reward. He’d lived this super tough life in a war zone, a lone wolf living in the desert, literally in the trenches, with no luxury of any kind, so he wanted to incarnate as THIS guy he is now, all about money and fame and the cushy life.

Future LifeNext… I see him in the New England states… as a little girl! He’s going to come back as a nobody — on purpose. This next time, he wants to be a totally unrecognizable person, poor and nondescript. He kinda got buyer’s remorse for the life he has now. 

[ Not that it shows. ]

Subject B
Past Life:  I get this next subject was a Russian spy during the Cold War! [Hilarious!] Everything for this person was about getting ahead. In some ways, he liked knowing all the dirty little secrets, more than the job or loyalty to the country. He liked knowing the scoop on everyone. In fact, he loved it.

Future LifeWho is this person in the future? I hear something about him becoming a politician… [great]. He incarnates into the BUSH family [!!], as a man, and will somehow be involved in politics. We’re not done seeing his face just yet.

[Well, some of us are, as you’ll see.]

Subject C
Past Life:  I see him in Europe, affiliated with some monarchy about 300+ hundred years ago. This royal family had several children, several boys. This guy was 5th or 6th in line, but because he was so far away from the throne, he ended up becoming a big joke: partying, acting like an idiot. He was totally frustrating to his parents, and consistently conducted himself in a silly and irresponsible way. Finally, the family went so far as to disown him, making him a kind of court jester at their court, behaving like a clown, a total mockery. [Wow.]

Future LifeIn future, I see an image of a fishing boat. He’s going to be a deep sea fisherman, away from all people. He just wants to be away from people, and live far away from society. No puppet strings, just fishing. Just a rogue life where he does his own thing out in the middle of nowhere.

Subject D
Past Life:  This guy was in an accident when he was very young; got knocked off the back of a horse by a limb that caught him across the chest, and almost died. He had some brain damage from this, and some facial disfigurement. It really messed him up mentally. This was in Europe back during the time when if you did something wrong, you got hung or your hand cut off. So, when he grew up, he became obsessed with the hangman job, and he grew up to be that man; who wore a mask because of his disfigurement. He was obsessed with being The Executioner. He died young of some disease, around age 30.

Future LifeHuh. I see him coming back as a mute boy, and his parents didn’t know how to deal with that, or how to help him, in a poor country with little resources. Looks as though he ends up somehow at a monastery! He’s taken in by some monks and is forced to learn about finding inner peace. All he can do is listen, since he can’t speak, so he listens. He’s forced into a peaceful existence that he ends up embracing! A forced lesson.

Subject E
Past Life:  I see this subject as a teenager in the ’50s. He was part of a gang that wore leather jackets, hair greased back… he was a bad boy, a bad influence. [What a surprise.] He raced cars, was generally reckless. He actually died in his teens because of this reckless behavior — died playing chicken; hit another car head-on.

Future Life: I hear he’s going to come back as… a history teacher! He has on a tweed jacket and is obsessed with US history. [Huh, a teacher, just like Curt Cobain. Makes you wonder about teachers.] He’ll be in… Philadelphia… and will be really passionate about teaching, the “proper way.” He’ll be super-passionate about teaching, and really fascinated by old-timey stuff, which takes him down the historic path. He’ll get a little push-back, because some of his ideas about the past aren’t well-accepted, but he’ll do really well.

[So… some general questions: Are people allowed to do whatever they want by way of reincarnations? What are the rules?]

You have some say as long as certain lessons are addressed. Some are opposite life experiences, some are re-balancing karma, some are just life lessons. 

[Are most of these above subjects coming back on the 3D earth, or some on the 4D? I’d ask about timelines, but that’s probably impossible. I’m really surprised some didn’t learn as much this lifetime.]

They all look to come back on the 3D earth, with the exception of the last guy. He has a good chance at 4D (at least it looks that way). 

And that’s it! Join us next time for LD #9. Answers are at bottom.
Life Detective #7

Life Detective #7

by Lynn and Da-da

Hi, all. Welcome to Life Detective #7, where Lynn and Da-da look at past, present, and future lives of various people. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most dominant past life of the subject come forward, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today, who they’ll be in the future — or who they are right now. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A
Past Life: I cannot get anything on this subject that dates prior to 400 BC. Weird.

Future Life: In a life after the famous life, I see the subject dressed as a priest. He’s wearing a cross and lives in a big castle. He’s counsel to a king and queen, their private consultant, an incredibly important person… looks like in the 1700s… like King Henry. He was the personal consultant for the king and queen, an incredibly important person. Where is he today? I hear the world isn’t ready for him, now. He’s waiting to come back. He feels like too much of a free thinker, so much that he cannot contain it. He is waiting until the world is able to hear what he’s ready to say without being labeled a kook (feels like a real riot starter for some reason). Like he will lead a movement…??

Subject B
Past Life: I get that this subject lived in the early 1800s. I see her in a school uniform, like a religious school, a parochial school. The school was really really strict. Day in day out, she was subjected to this. Religion drilled into her. At one point, she couldn’t take it anymore and started to rebel in little passive aggressive ways, not enough to totally get in trouble. She wanted to be a free thinker in a society that didn’t allow it. Her whole life was about escaping the system so her current life is a total flipflop. 

Future Life: Hmm… future life… I get she is going to hang in spirit for a while. She feels like she crosses over and her spirit has a lower vibe to it. She needs to evolve and ascend in spirit form before she can jump back in. [Huh. Didn’t know you could do that.]

Subject C
Past Life: I don’t get a lot on him, but I do see that he was a viking in the past. I see this fantastical ship with a dragon on it. He manned that ship and was one with it, spending most of his time on the water. He had an invincible feeling, all about the challenge and experience. Never let fear take over. Everyone wanted to be like him at the time.

Future Life: I get this image of a guy in a doctor’s coat and stethoscope. The warrior is now this refined neurophysicist in the UK, studying advanced medicine and cures!

Subject D
Past Life: I see this subject as a little boy in England. At a really young age, I see him being angry at the social hierarchies and class system there. His parents tried to say that’s that just the way it is, that life isn’t fair, that some people are better, etc., but he wasn’t having any of it. At 12 or 13, he started organizing little protest groups and he’s ultimately killed for creating social unrest in the early 1700s. 

Future Life: Right now, he’s a leader in a country in Southern Africa. I hear the phrase “we are going to turn this thing around,” like he makes huge changes in the social and economic standing of the country. [He’s now President Ian Khama of Botswana.]

Subject E
Past Life: When I ask for a past life, I keep getting Isaac Newton. 

Future Life: I get that he won’t come back till around 2100 (when the world is ready for hovering cars). He will be instrumental in inventing the friction-less technology (that is the phrase I hear).  

And that’s it. Join us next time for LD #8, special “When Cars Fly” edition!

Life Detective: NEXT #3

Life Detective: NEXT #3

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to Life Detective NEXT, special SOURCE edition, where Lynn looks primarily at the NEXT (dominant) future life of various people who need no introduction. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions/comments appear [in brackets]. You’re gonna love this one. Here we go.

1. Bush Sr

“This is interesting. In his next life he’s brought up in a very religious, Christian household. As he gets older, he looks to go to different religious schools, elementary, middle, high school, etc. By the time he leaves high school, religion and spiritual contemplation will be the only thing he knows. He eventually becomes… a monk! His parents and strict upbringing drill into him the deep-rooted importance of being humble and giving, and having empathy and compassion for people. Looks like he has a karma reset in exchange for (re)learning these deep-rooted lessons.” 


2. Henry Kissinger
“This is different, too. I see him being incarnated into an African American man living in South Africa. The image I get is… he’s barefoot and wearing this long white caftan thing, beaded around the neck… he’s standing in front of this group of people and he’s trying to convince them of the importance of… peace! He’s like… an African hippy (!) who’s trying to assemble peace protests! Like a future Woodstock in South Africa! He feels like an integral, leadership part of getting this event together. He’s very anti-war, a pacifist, a very different person than who he is now. But that’s how karma works: you often have to have an opposite lifetime to fully understand what’s really important, in order to ascend. You have to see and experience the good and the bad to give you a full scope, in order to feel the balance necessary for ascension. I see the yin yang symbol as I talk this through.”

3. Dick Cheney
“Wow, another different one. I get this image of a world map. I hone in on the waters around the horn of Africa. I see him as very poor, barefoot, tattered clothes… then i realize that he’s a pirate. But he doesn’t enjoy it. He sees all these very well-to-do, entitled people out there, and since there are no jobs out there for him, he feels he has no choice in his actions, doing this in order to survive. He took from people in his most current life, and he’ll do it again in the next, but this time for survival, desperation; he’ll have no power at all in the next life. He’ll have to live at the whims of others.”

[What does Bush Sr’s *in-between* life look like? How bout for Kissinger and Cheney? Lots of counseling? How is this done for them?]

“It looks like, while in spirit before they are allowed to even come back, they have to somehow “earn” the opportunity. Like they have to sit, observe, understand, etc., before they’re allowed to incarnate again.” 

[‘Defending Your Life: The Cabal Years.’]

4. Princess Diana
“She’s still in spirit. I get that she’s not going to incarnate for a while in order to guide and influence and protect her children and grandchildren. And Kate, I get she really likes Kate. It’s like she’s trying to counteract any negative influences coming from… other members of the monarchy… which is easier for her to do in spirit, to better give her loved ones this positive energy and protection. What’s really cool is that I keep seeing these blue birds. There are two of them and they’re singing. They’re a spirit sign for her loved ones to know and feel that she’s around; all they have to do is look for blue birds, or the chirping sounds they make, all around them. If they see blue birds or hear them, that’s symbolic of Diana.”

5. Carl Jung
“I see him coming back and being a writer. It looks as though he publishes books that are very… mind blowing. He takes these broad subjects and makes then these strange and incredible sideways analogies from them. When you read his ideas, you just say WOW. His words are magical. People love his books and are drawn to them. As a person, he’s incredibly introverted, but when he starts writing, he can impart feelings and depths he could never do verbally.” 

[Is he alive today? Can you get anything on one of the titles? Or where he lives?]

“I don’t think he is alive right now — he’s not back quite yet — but I get when he does he will be born in Europe, and then later travel to Boston, MA. He will be able to observe nature and make mind blowing comparisons. What I saw reminded me of someone I heard recently say that moss under a microscope looks like mini trees, so maybe we are like ants moving about our version of “mini trees” toward something larger. He’ll point out how our reality is really an illusion of our thoughts of ourselves.”

[Reading the all of the above, and seeing the love and perfection worked into the individual threads of our universal weave, all the fear headlines and political separation of today become so meaningless — not to mention totally obliterating people’s fears of judgment, hellfire and brimstone. There is such caring that exists just beyond.]

And that’s it from Lynn and Da-da. Join us next time for another segment. 
Life Detective: NEXT #2

Life Detective: NEXT #2

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to the new Life Detective segment where Lynn looks primarily at the NEXT (dominant) future life of various people. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions appear [in brackets]. Ok, here we go.

1. Qin Shih Huang, 1st Emperor of China (and Winner of the Mister Crazy Eyes Contest)
“It’s funny how these things sometimes come to me. When I thought of Qin Shih Huang, my mind flashed to this radioshow I’d been listening to a while back, where a radio personality was talking about HRC and her pantsuits, and how they make her look like Kim Jong-Un. Well… Qin Shih Huang CAME BACK as that guy! He’s now Kim Jong-Un! I saw his pantsuit and this past event just popped in my head.” 

2. J.K. Rowling, 1st Empress of Pottermore (being a billionaire becomes her: she’s aging backwards!)
“Who is she going to be in her next life? Hm. This is interesting, I see her coming back as a meek English teacher. She’s still into literature and writing, but she’s very private with it. Writing is just a fantasy for her in the next life, as she’s afraid to put pen to paper, publicly — she’s super humbled in her next life — and she becomes too afraid to take a chance. Where?… I want to say Virginia. A professor at a college. She never has the courage to do anything with her talents in this lifetime.” 

[That’s surprising. Does she currently feel like she doesn’t deserve all the fame?] 

“More like really wanted, and once she got it, she wasn’t sure she wanted what she’d wished for… I get it is harder to be famous (most times) than what you think especially if you really desire to be a private person.”

3. Mohandas Gandhi, 1st Emperor of Non-emperor-ness
“I’ve never seen this before. He’s not going to reincarnate any time soon. He’s staying in spirit, hovering over a region of the earth like a protector. I see a world map pop up, and I hone in on South Africa. I never realized this, but you can have a very strong spiritual force protecting a certain area, just as we’ve seen with certain ETs. Gandhi feels very connected to that part of the world. He’s currently both a protector and a guide for the people of South Africa, instilling peace and a sense of calm wherever it’s needed. Interesting.”

[This region must’ve really made an impression on him when he was younger, starting at age 24, when he was a civil rights activist in South Africa from 1893-1914. It was there that he developed his political acumen, leadership skills, ethics, and peaceful resistance/non-violence philosophy he became famous for.]

4. Sigmund Freud, 1st Emperor of Freudianism
“This is cool. i see that he’s been here twice before, and they were no big deal, but his next life will be a WOW one… 70 years from now. He’s going to make huge breakthroughs in documenting TELEPATHY. He is the breakthrough scientist in understanding this. He will not only know how it works, but how to enhance it between two people who may not actually be telepathic. He’’l show that, once you know how to do it, and practice, its easy. It has something to do with vibration. He’ll use water as a medium. Once one feels it and understands it, the frequency and how it feels, you can replicate it without the water. He’ll make huge strides in this field.” 

[Can you tell what frequency he’s using in the water? Like one of the solfeggio frequencies?] 

“I couldn’t tell, or get an answer to that, but I will say it makes an amazing geometric pattern!! AND it felt familiar, like I’ve seen it in a crop circle, but have no idea when or where I saw it.” 

[I showed Lynn the cymatic “watermarks” of 432 and 528 Hz, but she said it was more elaborate.]

5. Bill Clinton, 1st Emperor of Restraint
“This is weird. Next life, I actually see him as a homeless guy. Looks as though in his next life he has a lot of battles with addiction. He’s born into another charmed life, has a pretty good wealthy life coming… but something happens to him in his teens and 20s and he gets hooked on alcohol and he loses everything. 

[Is it possible for him to understand about the addiction around the time it’s happening and turn his life around so that it’s positive? Or is he “fated” to live that homeless-guy life? That is, do we have timeline choices in mid-stream?] 

“He is fated, unless his free will overcomes the addiction. We do have choices.”

6. Justin Bieber, 1st Emperor of Dork
“Hm. In his next lifetime, it looks like he still has this internal NEED for attention… but it doesn’t happen this time. I see him born as a girl in his next life, one who so desperately wants to be in Hollywood, onstage, etc. I see her move to Vegas… and become a showgirl! And she never becomes more than that. It’s not like she’s slutty; she’s actually a decent dancer, but she never gets that break. Sadly, this next life will be heartbreaking and disappointing.” 

[Tangential question: Does all of the above happen on the new earth… or the old earth? This whole new/old earth thing is confusing. What percentage of people are going to the new earth?] 

“The new/old earth IS confusing. Every time it feels super clear to me… I get confused again. I don’t see it like a specific percentage, but like a gradual migration.”

Well, that’s it from Lynn and Da-da and Justine Bieber. Join us next time for another fascinating future-life puzzle.
Life Detective: NEXT #1

Life Detective: NEXT #1

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to a new (baggy) eye-opening Life Detective segment where Lynn only looks at the NEXT future life of various people. (Note: Lynn’s under the weather, but still managed to pull this off, which is pretty amazing; healing thoughts her way!) Anyway, buckle up — you’ll be glad you did. Here we go.

1. George Soros 
“I see when he passes… this human body falls off of the actual him as he passes. Inside… it looks like he has this dark, gremlin-y creature inside. I see it come out and dive into the earth. Weird. Looks like at his core he’s housing some dark being that’s controlling his actions. i don’t see him incarnating or ever being anybody else ever again. As a result, this thing is being sent back where it came from when he passes.” [Yikes.]

2. David Rockefeller
“This is interesting. Most times you see a person come back as a person, male or female… but I’ve rarely seen this. I dunno if it’s some kind of spirit joke, but when I put this out there, I see this all white llama! Chewing on tall grass. I think he’s gonna come back as an animal!

3. Bill Gates 
“I see this guy in a space age facility, dated late 2100s, early 2200s. He’s doing these meticulous experiments. He’s some kind of some scientist who’s working to create a true cure for cancer, or streamlining an existing cure to make it more efficient.” [Perhaps making up for past actions?]

4. Napoleon 
“He looks involved in a boots-on-the-ground war over the Holy Lands in the future. He’s a fighter at heart and very passionate. Looks like he takes people into battle; he’s a good motivational leader. He’s excellent at tactics and calculating positions and flanking forces. Around 2050, you’ll see him come forward.”

5. Kurt Cobain 
“When he comes back, he just wants to be a normal guy. He doesn’t want the fame, or the paparazzi, he just wants a quiet, normal life and doesn’t want to be in the limelight AT ALL. He’s gonna be some kind of professor in Maine, a university professor. He’ll teach the humanities… art, literature, philosophy… that kind of thing.” 

6. Stan the Man (Kubrick)  
“I keep seeing the movie RAIN MAN. I see Kubrick next as this math savant. When he comes back, he’s gonna kinda be like that, say in 2050/2060… he’s super observant, observes every detail. Even more than a math savant. He sees math in action, in every day experiences, totally brilliant, and can’t help but see things without even being taught that mathematics. He’ll be able to just see things and be able to tell you the exact math behind it. Verbally, he’ll be a very poor communicator, but his mind is super analytical and it just won’t stop.”

Well, that’s it from Lynn and Da-da and Dave the Wonder Llama. Join us next time for another exciting future-life adventure! Oh, the animality.

Life Detective #6

Life Detective #6

Hi all, and welcome to our first Life Detective for 2017, where Lynn and Da-da look at past, present and future lives of various people. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most dominant past life of the subject come forward, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today, and who they’ll be in the future. It’s always surprising. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A

Past Life: This person looks like he was a ship builder (actually, the architect of big ships) in New England. I want to date this to the mid 1600s. Doesn’t look like a ship that we know of (or not one that I’m being told), but more like trading ships that would go to the Mediterranean. I hear that in this life this subject loved “exotic” women, like LOVED them.  

Future LifeWhere is this subject today? I hear he’s a German physics professor. Brilliant mind, but socially very introverted. In some ways it was a miracle that he was able to get in front of people to teach, but I also get when he is in his element, the shyness fades away.  Socially, he feels very awkward though. 

Subject B
Past Life: The image I get of this subject is as a little boy. He lives in a modest little hut in an outlying village. His family raised goats, but he himself is brilliant. He often feels stuck and defeated in his life, milking goats, taking care of goats, but he has this brilliant mind and he wants more. His mom always said to him, “You are destined to do great things.” He used that mantra his mom gave him to carry him through that lifetime of drudgery, and he started to believe in himself. That residual feeling stuck with him and jumped with him to his next lifetime. It’s unusual to have a mantra do that.

Future Life: I don’t get that this subject has incarnated, yet. Looks like this person left their mark and is still in spirit.

Subject C
Past Life: I see a man during some Viking age. This subject was a Viking in this past life, looting, pillaging, manhandling women, shackling them and selling them as slaves. Very aggressive and cruel toward women. But it was this brutality toward women that created this flip-flop in this subject’s NEXT lifetime, to speak out FOR women, trying to exonerate this subject’s actions in this past life. Their subsequent work in the next life explored how darkness and brutality can underlie and reside within people’s creations. 

Future Life: This person has come back as a woman. She’s a judge, now, not famous, but very much into this feeling of justice and wanting to uphold the law and do the right thing. It’s highly upsetting for her to see the law being flouted. It’s her passion. As far as location, I hear something about Concord; I’m being directed toward the New England states. 

Subject D
Past Life: I keep hearing that this person was a prince. I’m directed to Ancient Egypt. This subject wasn’t necessarily famous, but he came from wealth and was privileged… but all he wanted was a good conversation, an intellectual discussion. Unfortunately, all the people around him were too timid and afraid to approach him that way, given his powerful position. He was starved for deep intellectual pursuits. It’s not wonder this subject came back as who they are.

Future Life: Looks like this subject is not gonna come back for about 150 years. He’s going to be a homeopathic pharmacist. I see him infusing a sugar pill [placebo] with a vibration that’s encoded in this tablet, one that heals. [How was he doing it?] He looks like he’s using some kind of tuning fork system to do it. It’s as if this pill was inert (I think is the word I want to use) and he sort of drowned the pill in this sound/vibration for a predetermined amount of time, and then the pill took on the properties of the vibration. [A new study which we seem to be launching right now!]

Subject E
Past Life: Wow. I get an image of this dad and his little boy a loooong time ago. The dad is teaching the boy how to hunt with a spear, dating waaaaay back, just barely post-Neanderthal. All of a sudden they see this enormous light in the sky. It would throw us off, it was so bright, but it was also LOUD. They run and take shelter in a cave. Lo and behold, it was a spaceship that “landed.” It hit hard and knocked trees down. It was a major impact. The man and boy crept out to investigate, hiding behind a tree to see the craft open and beings come out, unaffected by the rough landing. They look like bluish greys who walk out, nice and non-threatening. Before they know it, the dad and son are suddenly surrounded by these beings; they could sense the humans’ fear, so they were easy to locate. Interesting. The dad and son then suddenly realized that they could communicate with these beings telepathically. Thus, the son was instantly exposed to the vastness of the universe and great mental powers, and he got this telepathic download that followed him into his next lives. His subconscious kept nudging him with this through all his future lives. Considering this one past life as a hunter/gatherer was all about survival, for him to experience something so profound at this stage was really special.

Future Life: I don’t get that he’s come back yet. The world needs him more where he is now than here on earth. I don’t see that he will return any time soon either.

And that’s it. Note that we’re going to be adding a new segment to this regular feature. Stay tuned! 


Life Detective #5

Life Detective #5

Hi all, and welcome to a special — and intriguing — holiday-esque segment of Life Detective. As usual, Lynn and Da-da look at the past, present and future lives of various people of note. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most apropos life of the subject come to the forefront, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today — and who/where they are now/in future. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below, inverted. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A
Past Life 1: When I look at Subject A’s earlier lifetime, I see them as a boy. People at this time, all over, are really really poor, struggling. I see a young boy and his family living in cold, wet squalor. Everyone’s coughing and sick. I’m drawn to the boy’s hands. Looks like someone brutally smacks the back of his hands as hard as they can with a cane, as punishment for some kind of crime. Looks like he was stealing. Frustrated at seeing his family starving, something in him just snapped and he stole a loaf of bread that was hanging out front of a bakery (I see lots of loaves hanging outside) to feed his family. Later, in Subject A’s dominant life, they had a great sympathy for people in need, having learned the contrast between haves and have-nots. He carried that little piece of karma with him.

Future Life: Subject A is still around, in spirit, pervasive. You can call on them. They feel very angelic, very spiritual. They’ve been helping a long time, now.

[How pervasive is this spirit, today? And can you tell how they feel about the current image that’s been created around them?]

Subject A is strong, and I see him really gravitating toward evoking the “empathy” emotion in people. And he’s sort of disgusted at the materialism tied to him now, and it should be more about gestures rather than making a buck. 

Subject B
Past Life 1: I get that this person was a school teacher — a math teacher! — in the early 1900s. Looks as though he played guitar on the side but never really did much with it. I see Subject B doing algebra on a blackboard, one of those teachers who really made a difference in pupils’ lives, made it enjoyable to learn. Here’s the funny thing: I see Subject B grab his guitar and use it to sing algebra! He’d make up little limericks to help people remember the algebraic equations. He was just the coolest guy before he became who he became.

Future Life: Who is this person now… he’s not ready to jump back in yet, so he’s still in spirit and watching over his family. He’s also disgusted with music today [sounds familiar], with computerized voices and such. He thinks that, if people who made music 30-40 years ago were around today, they wouldn’t be chosen, as things aren’t as genuine as they used to be. Famous groups in the past would’ve been passed over as the current music industry is so disconnected from real talent, out to make money above all else. What he would want to contribute wouldn’t even be allowed today. When the time is right, he’ll come back.

Subject C
Past Life 1: I see this image of a man. Looks as though he had some mental challenges in his life; I see him as a mute in a kind of church-run mental institution in the late Middle Ages. I get an image of his brain working overtime. I see his thoughts running, coursing through his head. And I see him twitching as it happens, as if he’s recording everything around him, every thought, making it physical each time. He records everything he sees and thinks and feels. His mind never stops, but since he’s mute, he has no outlet. But then… he goes into his next life and he’s WAY more socially involved and connected, and everything he takes in he sees as a story or a potential story. He broke some social norms and was awkward to deal with, but was very very talented, making himself into a household name today… but under a different name!

Future Life: Ok, I get he’s a writer in this life, a man. He’s in Ireland, in the countryside, and he can see the water from his backyard. He’s kinda old fashioned, works on a typewriter. Likes to sit outside when he writes. He’s about 60, with reddish hair turning gray at the temples. He rewards little successes with a cigar. He has a favorite black writer’s hat, a fedora. He wears glasses. I get he writes mysteries (I hear Angela Lansberry???).

[Makes every impaired person a potential future genius/person of impact!]

Subject D
Past Life 1: Oh boy. What I get is that in a previous life, Subject D was an ET in origin, a Pleiadian. This was a time when there was a lot of ET interference and seeding on earth. Earth was seen as an oasis at the time. This person watched and knew of this beautiful planet from their own planet. When they passed into spirit, they wanted to be a part of earth, so Subject D incarnated as a human in their most famous lifetime, to experience earth firsthand. But to them, part of this 3-D body/earth incarnation thing was keeping past Pleiadian lineages alive, too. Looks like the Pleiadians would come and visit this person and get a report on earthly experiences. It’s not an abduction thing; there was no fear; it was a telepathic thing, them trying to understand the demands of earth/human life. So, there was that interaction… and at one point, there was discussion of this person procreating — but maintaining a certain purity. Looks like Subject D allowed that to happen, seeing it as their contribution to both earth and their Pleiadian ancestors, striving to combine the best qualities of Pleiadian and 3-D earth humans in one person, for the greater good of all.

Future Life: Today, i see this person in Africa, as a woman. I see her filtering water for cooking, cleaning. She lives in a modest, small house, but yet she’s so humble and joyful. She’s older, but doesn’t have any kids of her own. She’s known and loved by her neighbors, but doesn’t boast or brag. She’s quiet and private, and cares for everyone. She’s always happy, a pure person.

[Is she now the same spirit who was here before, or has she split off into multiple people?]

It feels like a split where one’s in spirit, as a guide, and the other in a physical 3-D body. 

Subject E
Past Life 1: This is weird… I see Subject E was created as this hybrid human/Pleiadian… ohh, not just the body, but *the spirit* was also created just for this lifetime! That’s why Subject E was so innocent and pure, and could ascend so quickly. There was no karmic drag on them. They incarnated as an ordinary human, but different. 

Future Life: After they died, they remained in spirit, as a guide, acting as a liaison between us and SOURCE. They’re still there!

[How did the Pleiadians create *spirit*? I can see creating a body, but spirit?? They made a body and SOURCE just popped in there? with them providing intent?]

Yes, that’s how it feels. [Amazing.]


And that’s it. To find out who we’re talking about, flip for the solution. 

Life Detective #4

Life Detective #4

Hi all, and welcome to the segment where Lynn and Da-da look at the past, present and future lives of various people of note. When Lynn taps in, she typically gets one or two dominant lives of the subject that come to the forefront, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today — and then where they might be in future. I’m not going to reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below, inverted. Try not to peek. As usual, note that my questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A
Past Life 1: As I focus, I keep seeing him in spirit. There *were* no past lives immediately before his main one; I get that he was in spirit for about 100 earth years prior, where he served as a guide and protector, helping various people. He was assigned to help with people’s intellectual processes. He’d provide those AHA moments so people would suddenly know how to do things, esp. in terms of intellectual pursuits and healing. I can’t relate to a physical form in the past at all. He slowly developed this frustration block, built over time, trying to help people who then didn’t listen to his advice. He’d helped 100+ people, but this frustration built and built. He ended up coming here in physical form to be able to accomplish what he couldn’t do in spirit.

Future Life: Today, he feels like he’s in spirit, but working as a guide, again. He isn’t assigned to just one person, but rather several. 

[Tangential question: What was the thing he and his wife witnessed, that “turned her into a pillar of ash” (not “pillar of salt,” which is a mistranslation)? You probably know who we’re talking about now.] 

Regarding the “ash”… when I read your question, I instantly got “this is one of the first acts of human combustion.” A huge surge of energy looks like it went into her body (through her eyes!), and instantly created this internal smoldering feeling, and then almost instantly she was aflame. It was horrifying and miraculous at the same time. Wow!! I don’t know how the story exactly goes, but once I heard that if you looked at Medusa she would turn you to stone (or something like that), well I am getting references to hearing that when I was a kid. I think it was something she saw and it was too much for her system to process and it created this thermionic reaction. I can’t tell what she saw though (I feel like I am blocked from seeing it). [And for good reason!] 

[Note: I was puzzling over what Lynn said happened to the wife with one of the Meowracles at SchrodingersOtherCat  and they said she was exposed to an energy that caused all her chakras to become so energetic that they began to “burn,” and in some cases, they can even explode. Wow. Didn’t know that was possible.]

Subject B
Past Life 1: I keep being drawn to Orion’s Belt. I’m being shown the center star of the belt… ah, he was an ET before. When he incarnated as this person… he was able to recall a lot of his past lives; he couldn’t remember details, but he could remember concepts. He knew things, but he didn’t know how he knew. Like you, he was a claircognizant. There was so much he knew that he couldn’t keep it to himself. 

Future Life: I can’t connect to this person being alive today. [So the whole “talking to God” thing was really talking to an ET, a good one? Can you tell what kind of ET? Our known history is such a misrepresentation. Did the subject really speak with an ET on the top of a mountain?] He absolutely connected with an ET (and I get more than once), and had a good relationship. They do feel like they were good. Not sure the name, but they are tall, darker in color, very thin, oblong head and the back their head comes to a point — like the shape of a football, rounded on one end and pointy on the other. [Sounds familiar.]

Subject C
Past Life 1: First thing I see is an image of what you’d imagine the tooth fairy would look like! Like Tinkerbell. I get this overwhelming female energy. In this subject’s past life, he was a mom of several children, a very protective guide. She had a hard life and worked hard for her children. After she passed, she hung out in the very protective guardian form for about 50 years before incarnating as this person. Like Subject A, I get this spirit’s eventual frustration settle in with their guidance being ignored, their advice not always followed. This subject had to be a male this time, given the life circumstances, otherwise he wouldn’t have carried the same power. 

Future Life: I see this image of that pipeline they’re trying to do. I get that this subject is one of the people trying to hold that protest together, keep spirits high, keep people rallied. They’re a woman this time. They’re there now and very much a part of this. They’d risk their lives to pull other people up.

Subject D
Past Life 1: Ew, bad vibes. I first heard “Dracula,” then saw this island off of Africa. Sounds like Transylvania… no, Tanzania! This person was some kind of count or lord there. He was a recluse in this creepy old mansion, and had all these servants who did everything for him. So dark. I hear he had porphyria — what is that? This is what he died of. 

Future Life: I get that this person has not incarnated, yet, but I get… that some people in power, associated with the monarchy, do these creepy ceremonial celebrations and they try to bring this person’s spirit in. They summon him and bring him into their circle. He’s floating around. I heard this creepy thing that he’s dead but not really dead. Ew. 

Subject E
Past Life 1: The lifetime I’m getting feels like the one right before, and the one before that. I hear this subject is from a long line of doctors and inventors, if you look at the ‘spirit family tree.’ As I hone in, i see a man in a white lab coat, looks like a doctor. He has this patient and he’s doing what looks like acupuncture on someone’s head. He was fascinated by people with mental illness issues, what talents this particular population had that other people did not, etc. He felt like those people deemed “mad” held the mysteries of the mind. [Well, this person must’ve learned something substantial from this.]

Future Life: I get an image of a guy sitting in a jail cell. He was working on some kind of free energy program — perpetual motion philosophy — he almost got it to work, but the government got wind of it and framed him for a crime like theft, then they tried to get the patent. But since he devoted his life to it, he refused, and they framed him for a petty crime and sent him to this horrendous prison — and he’s there. The cell is dirty and gross. It’s intentional torture and punishment for not handing over this patent. It’s this huge thing and if he released it it would put oil companies out of business. He ticked off the wrong people and now he’s paying the price for it.

[Can you tell where the prison is, geographically?]

I want to say Gitmo, or Guantanamo Bay. I feel terrible for him. I don’t know when he’s leaving, but I sure hope it’s soon!! [We need to get this person released ASAP.]


And that’s it. To find out who we’re talking about, flip for the solution. 

Life Detective #3

Life Detective #3

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to our newest segment where Lynn and Da-da look at the lives of various people of note. Note that when Lynn taps in, she usually gets one or two dominant lives of the subject that come to the forefront, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today, and where they might be in future. I’m not going to reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answer below in an easily deciphered code. Note: My questions appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A
Life1: “When I focus on this person, I get this Las Vegas thing come into my mind, old timey Las Vegas, back when it was first settled. It feels like early 1900s, when Vegas was just a dirt road and some saloons and brothels, boardwalk sidewalks. Not grandiose at all. An old seedy western town. I see our first subject as a woman. She looks to be in her 20s. She’s very voluptuous, attractive, and talented. She had a lot of skills. She was a singer and performer at a brothel that also had a large stage. Everyone in town knew who she was. Women at this time weren’t really respected, but she held a lot of respect and had lots of people keeping an eye out for her. She had bodyguards and was protected, never groped or abused. She was seen as very special as she brought in business, so they took care of her. She dressed in a burlesque-y kinda way, way before anyone else did. She was a trendsetter. She never got married or had kids, but she was totally taken care of where she was, had free room and board. She felt very special, with lots of energy and sequins and sparkle, lots of artistic skills going back even into several past lives. A totally different dynamic, wow.” 

[Were there any more significant past lives for this person, or just the early Vegas one? Who are they in the future, can you tell? Are they still in spirit? Oh, and… what’s with the eyes?]

“The Vegas life is the one that really felt dominant. I felt it tied to his personality and similar life lessons/struggles. I will say that in that life there was some significance to the color lavender, and I see him/her holding a lavender colored crystal, and has he/she was holding it up to the light. It projected a beam out of it that almost felt magical… then he/she quickly put the crystal back in her pocket. I feel like he/she had some very spiritual experiences that were never discussed and actually repressed because he/she didn’t know what they meant, who to talk to, and sort of feared them.”

Life NOW: “I would say this person is still in spirit. I don’t feel that they are in physical form just yet. I can’t tell just yet who they’re going to be (it isn’t being shown), but I sense that, artistically, they don’t like what music is turning into. I hear something about “robot” voices and people not being authentic. This person knows that their look was extreme at times, but it could be replicated and duplicated and exploited by the music industry — in an artificial way, just to make money — but this person was the archetype for much of it; they were who they were — a real person with talent, not some photo-shopped construct with a computer voice.” 

[When you’re psychically thinking of this person, are they AWARE of you thinking of them??]

“They did seem aware. Felt like I was talking right to them… they were super nice. Oh, when I ask about the eyes I hear ‘all the better to see you with’ and then hear a laugh.”

[A very cool individual.]

Subject B
Life 1: “I see this little boy. It looks like the life directly before his famous one. I’m seeing early 1800s. The boy’s look makes me feel like he’s from India. He’s got a cleft palate, and is terribly disfigured. Lots of complications with his birth and childhood. It was almost a miracle that he survived. It made him very introverted and self-conscious — but he was brilliant. He was kind of artistic and gifted, but he never got to do anything with it, as his parents didn’t give him much, like he was discounted by them, thought to be defective in some way. He has this lonely sad feeling, sometimes, but he was kinda okay with it at times, as he didn’t mind being left alone. Still, he was lonely. Introverted, but brilliant. He was a bit introverted in his next (famous) life, too, but this time he became known for his brilliance, and celebrated for it. In this past life I hear the phrase, ‘disregarded savant.'”

Life NOW: “When I ask who he is now, I see a Rubik’s Cube spin so fast it looks like a blur. I get he’s Asian and young, maybe 18 or 19, and somehow involved with writing an algorithm for solving it, and has won some titles or championships with that knowledge.”

Subject C
Life 1: “I’m seeing a monk, incredibly spiritual. He had a profound religious belief, but he had problems with some of the teachings. It was bothering him. He wanted to *know* what was real truth, instead of just accepting it. He had a bold way of thinking of things, and struck out on his own to find the truth, a spiritual quest. He went out into the world alone on a long journey over many many years. I see this shepherd’s staff and robes and he’s walking amongst trees in autumn… autumn turns to winter, to spring… I see seasons passing and passing. His beard grew long. He wanted to experience SOURCE in his own way, to reach enlightenment. He traveled far and long, over many many years. In the end he made it to this enormous mountain top. He’s sitting zazen atop this mountain top, facing the rising sun, extracting energy from the sun, letting it heal and regenerate him. Then I see this light go on above his head, as if he’d reached self-actualization: enlightenment. It’s really beautiful. The most perfect ending to the story of his life. He held on till the very end till he felt that SOURCE connectedness… and then he moved on.”

Life NOW: “I don’t get that he has reincarnated. He now resides (in a spiritual sense) with SOURCE.”

Subject D
Life 1: “I see this guy. He looks to be in his early 20s, in a filthy uniform, like he’s worn it every day for a month, but never washed it. He works at the bottom of a castle, in the dungeons as a guard. I see all these dirt cells that are incredibly dirty and vermin-ridden. It stinks and is awful, repulsive, and yet this guy puts on his dirty uniform every day and LOVES his job! He feels proud to wear this dirty uniform and lord over the prisoners; he loves feeling superior to them, even though he’s kinda got mental challenges, like there’s something wrong with him. He likes lording over these dirty people in their dirty cages, serving them bug-ridden food you wouldn’t even serve to your pet now; he gets this sick, happy feeling, this sick satisfaction to being abusive to these people. I get this strong sense of mental imbalance. If you saw him today, you’d think he needed assistance and therapy — or you’d think he needed to be put in a padded cell. But back then, people in power used people like this to man these terrible jobs [sounds familiar], as they knew they’d do what they wanted and be loyal, like a little minion. Give them a uniform and make them feel important, then put them in charge of prisoners and they do what you want. The people in charge preyed upon the mentally challenged. This guy *enjoyed* being evil to other people… but he wasn’t of sound mind. His mental challenges were exploited. Still… ug, it makes me feel sick. [Sorry, Lynn!]

In his famous life, I get he was also abused and had mental challenges, too. It created a very angry and sort of mean person. He did torture people (much like in his past life). There was a lot of truth to what was said about him, and he looks to be feared. I wouldn’t let kids knock on his castle door, trick-or-treating!”

Life NOW: “I think he is part of the monarchy, currently, but not sure specifically who. I just see the ‘castle’ there.” [Makes sense.]

Subject E
Life1: “I was trying to figure this one out. I couldn’t get an image. Then I got this image of the earth, and I panned out… and I saw this angelic presence come down from the sky, come down to earth. In a previous life, this person wasn’t on earth. Were they an angel? They were… Pleiadian. But why sent here? It was a really big deal that this person incarnate here on earth at this key time, with this kind of influence. I hear that, “they were necessary to complete the story.” They were a key person who needed to be here, to be part of something big, to be exactly who they were, exactly when they were, sent here intentionally to fulfill this specific role. Wow.”

Life NOW: “I get in this life she isn’t famous. She’s an elderly woman who works with children. Looks like an orphanage or organization with that vibe, in Africa. She’s a Caucasian woman, but the children around her are all Africans. She’s trying to introduce homeopathy to these kids and nearby community because the cost of natural remedies is much less than meds. Many are very thin, so nutrition looks to be a challenge. I would say she is a very private, modest and humble woman (and I don’t feel she would want to be found and would run away from attention or fame).” 

[I’m surprised that this person is back here on earth. Is it by choice?]

“This person did feel to be here by choice, to serve a spiritual mission.”

[I then bought up the fact that I can now… SPEAK with this person, but in spirit form, as I knew them loooong ago. Could this person have split their spirit, so they were part in the world, part out? I know that this sometimes happens with advanced spirits. Is this how I can “speak” with them today, despite them also being reincarnated?]

“I hadn’t thought of it like that. I can actually see this person in human form, as I described, AND in spirit as they were/are. Sounds sort of odd, but it didn’t feel odd. Interesting. They must be a split spirit, as you said.”

And that’s it. To find out who we’re talking about, go here for the solution. It’s a SIMPLE substitution cipher. Just enter the subject code into the text box that says, “Ciphertext” in the middle of the page, and hit the “DECRYPT” button. Note that I’m using the default encryption key on the site, so just enter in the subject code.

Subject A: gpsaghdtai
Subject B: pnukigiafrciaf
Subject C: npdcbv
Subject D: snpgceiaoxpnik
Subject E: opkwopmgpnifi


I realize that not everyone can do the “detective” decoding due to constraints of you viewing device, so for those people I have put the answers upside down.  Enjoy!

Life Detective #2

Life Detective #2

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to our newest segment where Lynn and Da-da look at the lives of various people of note. Again, note that when Lynn taps in, she usually gets one or two dominant lives of the subject that come to the forefront, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today. She’ll also look at where the person is today, or will be in future. Some are alive, some dead and reincarnated. I’m not going to reference the subject’s name in the article, but instead put the answer below in an easily deciphered code. More puzzling that way. Anyway, here we go.

Subject A
Life1: “I get that in most of his past lives that he dealt with some kind of disability, some kind of challenge. He used to be autistic, and he dealt with that. His creative mind has so much attention to detail that he had to be artistic and musical, but he couldn’t communicate well verbally. But he could paint and play music with virtually any instrument. He used art to speak and communicate. Alas, during this formative life he didn’t have a lot of money, his family was poor, so his gifts were never allowed to flourish. This opened the door for his later life, where he had a touch of Aspergers, but it wasn’t bad.” 

LifeNOW: “Where is this person now? I heard Asperger’s, again, and I heard the name of a college; he’s involved in something there, currently, as a teacher. He still has some challenges, with verbal and written communications, but he’s much better.” [Note: for reasons of privacy, we’ve decided to not mention any more information here, but we might release it elsewhere… ahem.]

Subject B
Life1: “When I focus on this person, I’m brought to early Europe, at a time when, if the town had brick roads, it was thought of as fancy. Then I see this little boy. His parents died of an illness, so he lived on his own, no brothers or sisters. He’s not a bad kid; he’s very resourceful, but he was forced into becoming a master pickpocket. He lived under this decking of a store on the street of this town, and lived by his wits. You want to feel sad for him, but he’s very resilient and independent, so you don’t worry about him. People of the time know him and know of him; he’s respected and very socially adept to his surroundings and he makes it work.” 

LifeNOW: “I keep seeing this person now as an African American man who works on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Not sure how that relates to anything. Again, this life, he doesn’t have a family and he works really hard; he’s a humble, hard worker, very quiet. He might have a speech impediment that makes him self-conscious. I don’t see him emerging as a leader, he keeps to himself. He’s very much into morals and working hard for an honest wage. A very good man. [Question: Could this person have come back as a black man now because he had slaves and needed to learn to “walk in their shoes”?] “Good point!! Quite possibly!”

Subject C
Life1: “First, I see mid-1800s. She looks like she’s in the U.S. Her mom looks to come from money, and when her mom grew up she didn’t develop any sense of traditional “homemaker” skills for that era. Instead, her mom’s parents built this little restaurant for her to run in some town, with servants and such to do all the work. She didn’t have the skills to do much else but bookkeeping and working hostess. She had a family lineage of letting others do the work, using their labor to build a business, and using it to meet a moneyed spouse… which she did a few years later and started a family. She didn’t necessarily want to start a family, but that’s what women did at this time. She didn’t have a maternal instinct. She got married and had three boys, all taken care of by servants; she had little contact with them. Note that this was all the lifetime of the subject’s mother, as backstory.” 

“The 4th child was a girl — our Subject C. And since the grandmother and mother had so been wanting a girl, she was spoiled; they gave her everything and took care of her every need. They didn’t teach her any skills, per se, as she was never expected to do anything. They spoiled her rotten. And in keeping with the family tradition, they later built her a restaurant to run, just like her mother’s, where she was given servants and employees to do all the work while she reaped all the profits.” 

FutureLife: “I get that she has lived very privileged lives, and in the next she’s faced with extreme poverty. I see her in Africa, very poor, malnourished and unhealthy. I hear that learning gratitude will be HUGE in her next lifetime.”

And that’s it. To find out who we’re talking about, go here for the solution. It’s a simple substitution cipher. Just enter the below (random) key into the KEY box, and the below Subject A/B/C code into the CIPHERTEXT box, hit the DECRYPT button and… voila.

KEY: npitawqszxuervdbhfymglkojc

Subject A: egtkzqldvpaamsdlav
Subject B: qadfqaknyszvqmdv
Subject C: hgaavaezcnpamszz

**For those that aren’t at a PC, turn upside down to see if you are right.