Life Detective #1

Life Detective #1

by Lynn & Da-da
Hi all, and welcome to a new segment where Lynn and Da-da look at the lives of various people in an attempt to humanize and understand what makes them do what they do… and maybe a little glimpse into who’ll they’ll be next time. (Just so you know, Lynn’s going to be a supermodel next life — again — and Da-da’s going to be a sea sponge. Damn.) 
Note that when Lynn taps in to each person, she usually gets one or two dominant lives of people that come to the forefront, showing what’s most relevant to who they are today. I’m not going to say who the person is in the article, but I’ll put the answer below in an easily deciphered code. Note that the lives listed will be in the order they came to Lynn, not chronologically. 
Here we go.
Subject A
Life 1: I see this person as a woman in the 1800s, wooden cabins, poor insulation, hand-pumped water. Looks like she’s a teenager. She has three or four brothers, so she has to do a lot of household chores, while the boys work in the field and on the farm. She secretly resents it. She hates it. She wants to do what her brothers are doing. But back then she was in a role and that was that. Not a happy person. Never a smile. Did everything begrudgingly. No one really talked to each other in the family. They were very stoic, quiet. Conversations were all task-based. As she got older, close to 15-ish, it looks like her mom passed away, so she stayed and took care of the family. Later, when she got married, she moved her family into the same house, where she did the same job. An angry and dysfunctional life.
Life 2: I see this person as a woman, again. She’s young. 16-17, really thin. Looks like she’s in a wooden cage dragged by horses, taking her to a Roman gladiatorial arena. She looks like a slave who’d escaped but was recaptured. Looks like they traded slaves in the city. She was bought and forced — again — to do household stuff. The landowners treated her poorly. She had to sleep with other slaves in a barn, and they kept her alive and fed in exchange for the labor. Again, I see her not having a voice, or any power or control.
Life 3: Now, I see this person yet again as a woman in the early 1900s. I see her as a tall and beautiful brunette in a bright red dress. She’s very fashionable, wearing a form-fitting dress. She’s very cutting edge in her fashion choices. She wants all attention on her. Her family is very well-to-do. She’s a debutante and used to getting what she wants when she wants it. Now I see this handsome Clark Kent-looking guy coming into her life, very handsome, but… she paid someone to poison his drink and kill him. Now she’s walking around with this smug, entitled, evil look on her face about it. A personality trait of who she was during that time.
Future Life: This person isn’t going to incarnate on earth next time around, but will be elsewhere. I see the next life as being lower-level ET-based. I see a typical gray male ET, starting at a lower vibrational level to work their way up.
Subject B
Life 1: I see this person as a man in Europe this time, when Christianity was really hot and heavy, transitioning from pagan to Christian. I see a big pile of boulders. He’s standing on the rocks and he’s got all these followers; he’s preaching to the crowd about religion, and then he claims that he can heal people. But what he doesn’t mention is that he’s planted people in the audience to pretend to be healed. [Jeez, this scam goes way back.] Then he passes the hat around. An early church swindler.

Life 2: Next… we’re still in Europe. This person is a boy, 7-8 years old. He’s with his dad and they tend to the farm and gardens in order to sustain this enormous castle. He’s a peasant. This castle has huge walls, but he and his dad work outside the walls. He’s got a sickle and is whacking the grass down for the castle livestock. He stops for a second and looks at the castle and wonders what life would be like inside the castle. He has this infatuation with castles and being rich. He had all these pie in the sky dreams of living in the castle; he got that dream in his head and could not let it go. He never made it inside those castle walls in this life.

Life3: Next image, I see one of those felt gambling tables. I see this person as a man again, in New York in the 1900s when jobs were tight. He’s got dark hair and is smoking a huge cigar, playing poker at the table. He’s the organizer. Factories were nearby. He’s a mobster who runs a gambling ring, loansharking, protection, etc. and he had his territory. He looks like a stereotypical, notorious gangster. He took over from his dad’s gang.
FutureLife: I hear that, in this person’s next life, he’s going to be humbled… then I hear this chuckle. He’ll be on earth in a 3-D body.
And that’s it. Go here for the solution. It’s a simple substitution cipher. Enter the key into the KEY box (the below key is the site’s default) and the below Subject A/B code into the CIPHERTEXT box. Voila.
key: phqgiumeaylnofdxjkrcvstzwb
Subject A: eannpkwqnafcdf
Subject B: gdfpngckvox
If anyone has any trouble obtaining the names, let Lynn know.