Piggyback on Previous Posts (Biden, Kennedy Confession, Lady Sophia, Fake Sun, Flu Outbreak, Missing Planes and Fenn Treasure)

Piggyback on Previous Posts (Biden, Kennedy Confession, Lady Sophia, Fake Sun, Flu Outbreak, Missing Planes and Fenn Treasure)

Q. With regards to your post on Joe Biden, he once lived in Arden, DE, a famous (or infamous) village which is reported by former residents to have a dark, Satanic cult past. Do you see Joe being involved in a cult there? Or is it just a coincidence that he lived there?

Here is official info on the town: 

A. When I tune into Arden, I get a flood of emotions.  I feel the history.  I get a sense of spiritual energy and also dark forces swooning overhead.  I see an image of a yin yang swirling above as if there is constant motion of light chasing dark, and vice versa.  

My impression is that it would be difficult to be there without either being consumed by the light, or taunted by the dark.  

I looking at Joe, and his connection to this place, it looks as though his curiosity with the dark drew him in.  I hear “he was a better observer than a participant,” but was definitely involved in some ritualistic activity.  It isn’t something he is proud of, and doesn’t make it public, but is part of his past (he he still has connections to that area). 

Link to Previous Reading: 

Q.  Hello Lynn, Wiki Leaks came out with a tape of James Files confessing to the Kennedy assassination.  Can you look at this? I think a lot of people would like to know if he’s telling the truth. 

A. I get that James Files did not do this.  This was an organized even from the inside (the CIA) to take down Kennedy because they did not like how he was handling things (he was warned for being too honest with the people), and they, the PTW (Powers That Were) wanted to regain the political power and control.  Kennedy felt to be a wild card and he was becoming difficult to control.

Link to Previous Reading:

Q.  Dear Lynn,  Regarding your answer to a reader who asked a question regarding Carla, the anesthesiologist and Reiki master who calls herself Lady Gaia Sophia and believes she was Mary Magdalene, you mentioned a plasma field that “has a static charge that connects all of them (the many universes) together, forming a sea of universes.” 

At one time, from esoteric reading, personal experiences and a sense of knowingness, I felt that the universe has many planes, likely 12, possibly more, with the fourth plane being the Heaven of the Bible, and the fifth plane, on out, containing souls at differing levels of consciousness, beyond the cycle of reincarnation. When your soul advances to the proper level, you join your original soul group, awaiting the arrival of the others who were created at the same time.

In dreams and when half awake, I’ve felt that I was delightfully floating in what I thought might be the “Ocean of Love and Mercy” I’d read about. Is the Ocean of Love and Mercy the Plasma field you spoke of? If it’s not, could you explain the difference. between the two? Am I wrong to believe there’s such a thing as the Ocean of Love and Mercy? If there’s not one, what was going on when I felt this wonderful floating feeling, away from my conscious awareness? Was that just the astral plane, with my soul hovering over my physical body, energizing itself?

I became confused as I started reading more about various alien cultures, and don’t know how to fit them all into my concept, which I felt so deeply to be true. In the past, I didn’t feel that alien cultures should be something to worry about. I felt as though they were spiritually advancing in the same format that earth beings are. 

Today’s focus seems to be on bringing the earth into the fifth dimension, which confuses me. I thought that the fifth dimension was the entry level into the soul plane. How can the soul plane exist on earth, which is within the physical realm? Can the physical plane be elevated to a soul plane? Are we trying to bring earth back to what the Bible calls the Garden of Eden, before Eve allegedly ‘sullied’ the earth by feeding Adam the Apple of Temptation?

How can I assist in something which confuses me so? Could you enlighten me? I feel that others may be confused, as well. 
Thank you, Lynn! I adore and respect you.

A. You are right that ETs are advancing just as we are.  We are a force of beings with a subconscious desire to ascend (we just don’t always get there, and it may take longer to progress).  

I see the earth transitioning from a 3D plane to a 4D plane.  There are higher densities, but these are reserved more for spiritual beings.  If you astral travel, you can visit those higher densities, but you would not be able to reside there permanently because your earthly body brings you back to the 3D realm. 

The soul plane runs parallel to the 3D plane.  Much like a photoshop program has layers to pictures, our densities have overlapping layers.  Our 3D eyes are tuned (mostly) to the 3D plane, so we cannot see these higher densities, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.  UV rays exist in our 3D world, but we cannot see them.  

In trying to clear this up, the 3D earth is here to stay even after the 4D is created.  You will incarnate into the density that fits your vibration best.  Your evolution during your experience will dictate where your path takes you.

Link to Previous Reading:  https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2018/02/lady-gaia-sophia-wilcock-saunder.html

Q. Hi Lynn, can you do a reading for this “fake sun” video? It’s about sun simulators in the skies. What is it really for?

A. I see these being designed to serve two purposes.  

First, it looks as though these are designed as a defense to the pollution and toxins in the air.  With increased chemtrails, and are shifting climate, these provide artificial light for growing in the event there are smoggy or low light conditions.  

The second thing I see is these serve as a distraction for other events in the sky.  People are drawn in by the oddity of the sun simulators, deflecting from the “real” sister sun (we have an original sun and a sister sun appearing).  I am getting that when you see one of these simulators, look around.  The “sister sun” is slowly showing herself slightly to the west of the “real” sun.

Link to Previous Readings (there are several and I just picked a few):  

Q. Hi Lynn have a question for you , if you can take peek into seeing if this flu outbreak is something that is manufactured by the PTW ?? 


A. I get the flu virus constantly mutates, and the flu shot if really the “best guess” for the direction the flu will take.  When you get a flu shot, it creates a hostile immune response, weakening you and opening you up for a viral attack.

The PTW and big pharma spread fear (this flu is bad, but I get it isn’t as bad as the media is portraying, and people that have a hard time recovering most times have underlying health conditions that aren’t being disclosed) to sell their flu shots.  I hear that staying hydrated is your best defense against viral infections (and stock up on Elderberry syrup).

Link to Previous Reading:  

Q. I remembered in a reading you did a while ago about a missing plane that the people were taken to a jungle type place and offloaded. Could these be the planes? https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11999793 They are in the article. It talks about 2 planes one is heavily guarded. Thank you
A. In looking and the article and link, I agree this is an odd thing to have in a town!  I could not connect it to the MH370 or MH17 though.. They feel like decommissioned planes that they could not dispose of without paying huge fees, so they decided to make them part of the “architecture.”

LInk to Previous Readings (I have done a lot of work on this, so I just linked a few);

Q. Hello Lynn, Have you ever heard of the Fenn Treasure? An art dealer wrote a poem in code, leaving cryptic details to find a treasure, now worth $2MN. He buried it in Yellowstone Park in 2010 and people are still searching for it. Is it still there or has it been found ?

A.  I have heard of this.  I do not get this has been found (yet).  I’ve read for a few clients that are currently on the hunt (and I wish them well)!

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZqnnFPb4shk
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Argentine Submarine

Argentine Submarine

Q.  Thank you, Lynn, for all your insights! You’re the BEST!  My love with you started with a missing Malaysian plane, now we have a missing Argentine submarine. I suppose, it is a similar event. Could you, please, describe if a crew has transformed to other dimension safely, or all have died? Is that area another multidimensional portal? Do satellites and military radars provide true answers to scientists about such ‘missing’ events, or it still remains ‘unexplained’ to modern science? And in a memory of Malaysian plane, can you still see anything about remaining servitors in that timeline?
A.  When I tune into this I snap to an image of this submarine being deep underwater and the GPS started to glitch.  It appears there was a magnetic disruption that interfered with the GPS signal.  When their GPS lost reliability, they tried to surface (that can improve the signal??), but they weren’t able to reach the surface.  

It doesn’t look like one big explosion, but rather a chain reaction of events.  It first started with the electronic glitches (which has a vibe of being man made by a HAARP type device, but doesn’t look to be driven by the US???).  Within moments they realized all their electronic, communication and navigation systems were down.  Then, the oxygen exchange appeared to quit working properly, and the crew eventually lost consciousness and passed way due to the lack of O2 .  

Following the above events, the submarine sank.  It diverted off course by up to 75-100 miles before it met it’s final resting place. I cannot see them being able to “ping” anything as the electrical system fully shut down at the time it went down…

I don’t see a portal being located in this area.  It really looks like an energetic “beam” was directed at this submarine remotely.  Radars and satellites are helpful tools in the first round of searching, but in the event there was a time slip or transference into another reality, radars and satellites provide little assistance as the other dimension vibrates at a different frequency that isn’t seen on our 3D earthly devices. 

The Malaysian plane… I haven’t tuned into this situation for many months, but in quickly looking I cannot see any of the survivors in the holding space, but I do feel the residual emotions of fear and chaos.  I get most of what was forecasted to happen didn’t, and plans constantly had to be revised.  Eventually, when the survivors were no longer needed, they were slowly put to rest.  (I’m so sorry to report this, and my heart goes out to the families.)

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Please take a moment and send love and light to these families during this difficult time. -Lynn 

Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube https://youtu.be/ENFGvXa1BFc

MH370 Pilot… Found ??

MH370 Pilot… Found ??

Q. Did they really find the pilot from MH370? This topic is what lead me to your website 2 years ago and I still cannot shake what happened as there has not been any true closure. I hope this is true so we can know more!!!!!


Thank you for sharing your gift!

A. When I tune into this, I put the intent out there to have several questions answered, but as I focus I cannot see this man connected to the MH370 flight.  I keep hearing and seeing references to him being a fisherman.  It is true that he was found, was in poor health, dehydrated and having memory issues, but it was related to some kind of fishing or boating expedition.  I also get that if you were to search the missing persons reported he would be able to be paired up with one of those images.

When i think more about the MH370 to see where the energy is directing me, I get that “the energy tied to this flight has evaporated and shifted elsewhere.”  When I ask for clarification (what does that even mean??) I get that when the MH370 was misdirected, taken over, camouflaged to look like the MH17 and then later shot down, the energy force tied to the tangible plane was released.  The residual memory of the event is recorded (I hear akashic records??), but the plane itself has been destroyed.  

The passengers that have crossed over into spirit used to look like they were pooled together.  When I would tune into the event, I would see many of them together.  Now, they look as though they have dispersed and gone back to family, friends and places significant to them during their life.  The energy surrounding the event is still there, but the intensity has faded as if it was diluted.. (?)

Q. Why was this story even created? 

A. I get it was to bring life back to this story.  It was a huge mystery covered by all types of media, and by drawing attention to it (even if it is false) attracts people.  There are many unanswered questions, people still want closure, and people don’t want this to go unforgotten.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

MH370 and MH17 Updates…

MH370 and MH17 Updates…

I have had a lot of requests to do an update on the planes and passengers, so I thought I would tune into this topic today…

Q. Where do you see these planes?
A.  I still see that the MH370 was flown to a secret location (around the Great Cocos area) and remained there while the Chinese (and their allied governments) extracted important intellectual information from some key passengers and implemented the intel onto the MH370.  To test this intel (which I keep seeing images of cloaking or hiding technology that is so sophisticated that it feels like something that would be related to ET technology) they camouflaged the plane to look like the MH17, and flew it out to do a “swap” with the real MH17.  The “real” MH17 was brought back to the secret location at the Great Cocos Island.

After the swap, at the airport I see the pilots and passengers oblivious to what happened and thought they were boarding the MH17. Once in the air I see the old MH370 (disguised as MH17) being taken over by another party on the ground and it looks to be control remotely (I see an image of a toy plane being driven by a remote control).  The pilots were not aware of what was happening or how this plane was being controlled, or that they were even flying over a war zone (I get the instrument panel was malfunctioning so the readings were not accurate- for example, the direction may say northwest, but in they were heading north).  I also get the black box will never be publicly furnished (and in some cases privately released) because there is evidence of the confusion and talk of this plane not flying right- something secret about the analysis of this box is happening.

The US got some kind of “chatter” (I see chattering teeth) of this MH17 (the old MH370) stating that this cloaking technology was onboard this flight and is being tested.  I also get the US was looking for this plane frantically (I see an image of people scurrying about, but not knowing where they were going as if complete chaos was about to break out). Then the plane was spotted and the Ukraine shot it down with the US support in order to keep this intel out of the Chinese hands.

I see the original plan was to take the modified MH370 and keep it for massive transport.  They would replicate the technology and use that for their own defense.  The MH17 would be destroyed and “strategic pieces” would be sprinkled in the Ocean and played off to look like the MH370 “false crash.”  This would give families closure and also end this story.  When the plan failed, I see a huge amount of scrambling occurring.

As of now I see the MH370 (painted to look like MH17) as shot down over the Ukraine.  The REAL MH17 is being housed in a hanger, and the Chinese are trying to frantically replicate this new technology (and fix what didn’t work before).  I get the error in the way it worked was you can hide from above, but on a flat plane they can be seen.  They are trying to see how to hide on that horizontal plane.

I get (and I don’t have an exact date) that the real MH17 is going to reappear and I feel a certain “shock” factor to it.  It feels sudden and abrupt.  I also get it will not look like the MH17 (or even any commercial plane) as if there is some pictorial on it or something odd with the paint job.  There is an illusion factor to it..  I get a certain amount of eye opening events will be tied to it, but yet people are in denial too????

Q. Where are the passengers to the MH370?  Are they OK?
A.   [This part of the reading comes from me with very heavy heart.]  I see that many of the passengers have passed away that were on this flight.  I have tuned into this over that past few weeks, and every image is the same- I see Hitler when he mass killed the Jewish people with gas, and my most recent image was a scene on a show where many people were put in a room and the oxygen was cut off, creating them to fall asleep and not wake up.  I will say in every image the passing felt peaceful, and the passengers were unaware, it looks as if they drifted to sleep and passed away.  I do not see pain or torture in any way.

The bodies were taken and I see them being put in the cargo area of the MH370 (painted to look like MH17).  I see when the modified MH370 was shot down over the Ukraine, both the deceased MH370 passengers and the MH17 passengers were killed.

Q. Why move these bodies?  Why not bury them there?
A. I get that there was a ship located at their destination and the plan was to take these bodies on the ship and put them at sea in a location where they would most likely wash onshore or be found.  They allowed the bodies to age post mortem to give the illusion that they were at sea for a while. When the plan failed, the bodies went down with the plane.

Q. Where are the survivors of the MH370?
 A.  I get the people that have proved to be useful are still being held at this secret base around Great Cocos.  They feel like prisoners, but have some free range (trapped in a large building, but free of handcuffs or shackles).  They look to be clean, fed well and hydrated- they are keeping them very mentally sharp.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Narrated reading to be posted on YouTube.

Links to previous readings on MH370 and MH17: