Life Detective: NEXT #5

Life Detective: NEXT #5

by Lynn and Dada

Welcome to Life Detective NEXT #5, where Lynn looks primarily at the dominant *future* life (or existing life if they’re alive now) of various people. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

1. The Dalai Lama: “It came to me that he will lead some kind of peace/green-energy community. Specifically, I see him in Arizona (Grand Canyon area…?), and he forms this community where the streets and buildings are based around a sacred geometry shape (imagine an intricate crop circle, but instead of crops it is roads, homes and a wind turbine in the middle). The aerial view is very intricate and beautiful.”

[Is this 3d (3rd density) or 4d earth? And does he have any repercussions for pretending to be the Dalai Lama this lifetime? (Psst, he’s not really the DL. Lynn and I discovered this some time ago.)]

“Great question and I guess I didn’t consider that I need to focus on what density these people will be in. I want to say he will be 4D and I don’t see any repercussions in that life. He feels pretty genuine and does look to work in the greater good (maybe that in itself is the lesson). He has a really humble vibe to him.”

2. Edison: “This is kinda cool. In Edison’s last life, there was a rivalry with Nikola Tesla, but Edison was still ahead of his time [Tesla was a scientist and inventor, Edison was an inventor]. When he comes back, he’s still going to be an inventor. I get he’s going to be an instrumental part in a perpetual motion machine that will really work, and be completely void of friction. He won’t be back till around 2100.”

[3d or 4d?]


3 & 4. Czar Nicholas (left) and his cousin, George V (King of Britain during WWI): “I see them both in the Saudi Arabia/Iraq region… but they aren’t back, yet. Probably the next century. It looks as though there’s even more of a natural resources scuffle over the next 50 years in the Middle East [I didn’t think that possible]. Lots of countries will jockey for position there. All the countries there are trying to keep all these outside countries from stealing everything. Things start to fall apart, politically and economically, lots of turmoil. Then Nick and George come back around 2100, and the cousins look to try for some kind of border harmony, to try and reclaim some resources and control that’s being lost. They’re really good at building and rebuilding countries, so that’s what they do.”

[is this a 3d scuffle?]

“This is definitely a 3D thing.”

5. Leonardo da Vinci: “When he comes back, he’ll be leading some kind of spiritual movement. He’s a very powerful and charismatic spiritual leader. He will help propel people toward enlightenment. He feels very SOURCE-driven, using the power of intent and unity, almost like Buddha. This will start in Africa, and it spreads out from there. I see it happening in the next 20 years. When it comes about, I see media and people who oppose it trying to portray it as a cult, but it’s this powerful, beautiful thing. He’s going to do great things.”

[3d or 4d?]

“He feels 4D as well. A lot of people feel to transition upward with this shift. If you think 3D feels heavy now, just wait… It will feel like you are walking around with lead shoes when this all starts to happen!”

And that’s it. Join us next time… to wear the lead shoes!

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Life Detective: NEXT #4

Life Detective: NEXT #4

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to a rather odd Life Detective NEXT #4. As many of you know, these NEXT viewings are different than the regular Life Detective series, in that Lynn looks primarily at the dominant *future* life (or existing life if they’re alive now) of various people who need no introduction. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Buckle up. Here we go. 

1. Bobby Fischer: “I see a bunch of old-fashioned gears working, like in a grandfather clock. Then i get that he’s going to calculate or figure out a gearing ratio for some type of a new machine that looks to be create power. He’s somehow extracting energy from the atmosphere. I see huge antennas and solar power. It will combine an atmospheric condition with solar power to translate into some kind of power generation. When? I keep seeing 2080 as a number. Not sure if this happens at this time, or if he’s born then. The 2080s feel revolutionary in terms of power. Note that the gears I see don’t have actual teeth; they’re some kind of magnetic solid-state, smooth with a sort of ‘magnetic edge.’”

[A tangential question: Bobby Fischer was in a famous 1972 chess match with Russian Grandmaster Boris Spassky — and both complained about sensing some kind of interference. Was one (or both) of the governments interfering with the match, to influence it?]

“I get some ‘MKUltra-ish’ stuff was going on, as they were trying to influence them to see if they could control the moves. There was something like a gas put into the air that probably made them feel bad, and more vulnerable to psychic attack. I get it was the US doing this, but it had no impact on the match (just made the players feel like they were coming down with the flu).”

2. Pope Francis: “Sometimes when I get an image, I can’t get past it. And in this case… I first got BATMAN! And the phrase, “He’s gonna live in a bat cave.” There might be some comedic thing to it (which happens, sometimes). I don’t know that much about any dark secrets he has — but I see him next as this dark winged creature; it’s huge, like some ginormous bat. I see him as this basic, primitive… being. I then hear, “you can’t judge a being based on its appearance.” It’s NOT necessarily of a lower vibration; not everything that’s ugly is bad. Regardless, he won’t be a human next time — at all.”

[Is he to be a dragon? And is it related to that giant black bat-winged thing I once saw?]

He does look kind of dragon-like. Similar to what you saw and experienced (but it wasn’t him). I don’t think he was this thing before. I know this is REALLY out there. Oddly, this probably came through the way it did, as far as not letting me continue, until I talked it all through. It’s like the universe or something wanted me to reveal this..??” 

[What level being, exactly?]

“4th, though on the lower end.”

[Note: It’s important to note that aetheric (higher vibrational) dragons are GOOD (rainbow dragons, for example); they actually come in all colors, are highly intelligent and fierce — and loyal.]

3. Harry Houdini: “I get that he’s alive right now, in the Bronx, and he has a very humble life. He’s not rich or poor; he’s lower middle class. He doesn’t have a lot, but he’s got what he needs. I see him outside a little light blue house. I see him with marbles and cards… he’s doing card tricks with the marbles for his friends. He’s going to grow up to be a mentalist. His past life is going to follow him (in a good way). He’s drawn to it and his slight of hand is really good. He will be known again.”

4. JFK: “I see him coming back in the 2040s/2050s. I hear, “alien ambassador”! He feels tied to politics. He’ll work for the UN, though not for the US. Next time, I see him born to one of the Scandinavian countries. I see the UN needing this position filled for some time before it ever is, and JFK fills the position perfectly. Soft disclosure happens well before this position is created.” 

5. Edgar Cayce: “I hear something about him having a grandson or great grandson who he’s (in spirit) trying to help and cultivate — one who has even more capability that he had. There’s a lot of fear and intimidation and lack of understanding there in this person, but Cayce is helping them reach their potential… but there’s some kind of karmatic drag going on for the other person that they’re working out. I don’t see Cayce coming back anytime soon.” 

[So, he’s not David Wilcock.]

“No. It’s just a coincidence that they look similar. I don’t see them as one in the same.”

[Sorry, David.]

And that’s it. Join us next time for one thing or another! And if you’re not planning to meditate during this Monday’s eclipse… meditate during this Monday’s eclipse. It’s not the eclipse, but ALL OF US who are making the difference. 
Life Detective: NEXT #3

Life Detective: NEXT #3

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to Life Detective NEXT, special SOURCE edition, where Lynn looks primarily at the NEXT (dominant) future life of various people who need no introduction. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions/comments appear [in brackets]. You’re gonna love this one. Here we go.

1. Bush Sr

“This is interesting. In his next life he’s brought up in a very religious, Christian household. As he gets older, he looks to go to different religious schools, elementary, middle, high school, etc. By the time he leaves high school, religion and spiritual contemplation will be the only thing he knows. He eventually becomes… a monk! His parents and strict upbringing drill into him the deep-rooted importance of being humble and giving, and having empathy and compassion for people. Looks like he has a karma reset in exchange for (re)learning these deep-rooted lessons.” 


2. Henry Kissinger
“This is different, too. I see him being incarnated into an African American man living in South Africa. The image I get is… he’s barefoot and wearing this long white caftan thing, beaded around the neck… he’s standing in front of this group of people and he’s trying to convince them of the importance of… peace! He’s like… an African hippy (!) who’s trying to assemble peace protests! Like a future Woodstock in South Africa! He feels like an integral, leadership part of getting this event together. He’s very anti-war, a pacifist, a very different person than who he is now. But that’s how karma works: you often have to have an opposite lifetime to fully understand what’s really important, in order to ascend. You have to see and experience the good and the bad to give you a full scope, in order to feel the balance necessary for ascension. I see the yin yang symbol as I talk this through.”

3. Dick Cheney
“Wow, another different one. I get this image of a world map. I hone in on the waters around the horn of Africa. I see him as very poor, barefoot, tattered clothes… then i realize that he’s a pirate. But he doesn’t enjoy it. He sees all these very well-to-do, entitled people out there, and since there are no jobs out there for him, he feels he has no choice in his actions, doing this in order to survive. He took from people in his most current life, and he’ll do it again in the next, but this time for survival, desperation; he’ll have no power at all in the next life. He’ll have to live at the whims of others.”

[What does Bush Sr’s *in-between* life look like? How bout for Kissinger and Cheney? Lots of counseling? How is this done for them?]

“It looks like, while in spirit before they are allowed to even come back, they have to somehow “earn” the opportunity. Like they have to sit, observe, understand, etc., before they’re allowed to incarnate again.” 

[‘Defending Your Life: The Cabal Years.’]

4. Princess Diana
“She’s still in spirit. I get that she’s not going to incarnate for a while in order to guide and influence and protect her children and grandchildren. And Kate, I get she really likes Kate. It’s like she’s trying to counteract any negative influences coming from… other members of the monarchy… which is easier for her to do in spirit, to better give her loved ones this positive energy and protection. What’s really cool is that I keep seeing these blue birds. There are two of them and they’re singing. They’re a spirit sign for her loved ones to know and feel that she’s around; all they have to do is look for blue birds, or the chirping sounds they make, all around them. If they see blue birds or hear them, that’s symbolic of Diana.”

5. Carl Jung
“I see him coming back and being a writer. It looks as though he publishes books that are very… mind blowing. He takes these broad subjects and makes then these strange and incredible sideways analogies from them. When you read his ideas, you just say WOW. His words are magical. People love his books and are drawn to them. As a person, he’s incredibly introverted, but when he starts writing, he can impart feelings and depths he could never do verbally.” 

[Is he alive today? Can you get anything on one of the titles? Or where he lives?]

“I don’t think he is alive right now — he’s not back quite yet — but I get when he does he will be born in Europe, and then later travel to Boston, MA. He will be able to observe nature and make mind blowing comparisons. What I saw reminded me of someone I heard recently say that moss under a microscope looks like mini trees, so maybe we are like ants moving about our version of “mini trees” toward something larger. He’ll point out how our reality is really an illusion of our thoughts of ourselves.”

[Reading the all of the above, and seeing the love and perfection worked into the individual threads of our universal weave, all the fear headlines and political separation of today become so meaningless — not to mention totally obliterating people’s fears of judgment, hellfire and brimstone. There is such caring that exists just beyond.]

And that’s it from Lynn and Da-da. Join us next time for another segment. 
Life Detective: NEXT #2

Life Detective: NEXT #2

by Lynn & Da-da

Hi all, and welcome to the new Life Detective segment where Lynn looks primarily at the NEXT (dominant) future life of various people. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions appear [in brackets]. Ok, here we go.

1. Qin Shih Huang, 1st Emperor of China (and Winner of the Mister Crazy Eyes Contest)
“It’s funny how these things sometimes come to me. When I thought of Qin Shih Huang, my mind flashed to this radioshow I’d been listening to a while back, where a radio personality was talking about HRC and her pantsuits, and how they make her look like Kim Jong-Un. Well… Qin Shih Huang CAME BACK as that guy! He’s now Kim Jong-Un! I saw his pantsuit and this past event just popped in my head.” 

2. J.K. Rowling, 1st Empress of Pottermore (being a billionaire becomes her: she’s aging backwards!)
“Who is she going to be in her next life? Hm. This is interesting, I see her coming back as a meek English teacher. She’s still into literature and writing, but she’s very private with it. Writing is just a fantasy for her in the next life, as she’s afraid to put pen to paper, publicly — she’s super humbled in her next life — and she becomes too afraid to take a chance. Where?… I want to say Virginia. A professor at a college. She never has the courage to do anything with her talents in this lifetime.” 

[That’s surprising. Does she currently feel like she doesn’t deserve all the fame?] 

“More like really wanted, and once she got it, she wasn’t sure she wanted what she’d wished for… I get it is harder to be famous (most times) than what you think especially if you really desire to be a private person.”

3. Mohandas Gandhi, 1st Emperor of Non-emperor-ness
“I’ve never seen this before. He’s not going to reincarnate any time soon. He’s staying in spirit, hovering over a region of the earth like a protector. I see a world map pop up, and I hone in on South Africa. I never realized this, but you can have a very strong spiritual force protecting a certain area, just as we’ve seen with certain ETs. Gandhi feels very connected to that part of the world. He’s currently both a protector and a guide for the people of South Africa, instilling peace and a sense of calm wherever it’s needed. Interesting.”

[This region must’ve really made an impression on him when he was younger, starting at age 24, when he was a civil rights activist in South Africa from 1893-1914. It was there that he developed his political acumen, leadership skills, ethics, and peaceful resistance/non-violence philosophy he became famous for.]

4. Sigmund Freud, 1st Emperor of Freudianism
“This is cool. i see that he’s been here twice before, and they were no big deal, but his next life will be a WOW one… 70 years from now. He’s going to make huge breakthroughs in documenting TELEPATHY. He is the breakthrough scientist in understanding this. He will not only know how it works, but how to enhance it between two people who may not actually be telepathic. He’’l show that, once you know how to do it, and practice, its easy. It has something to do with vibration. He’ll use water as a medium. Once one feels it and understands it, the frequency and how it feels, you can replicate it without the water. He’ll make huge strides in this field.” 

[Can you tell what frequency he’s using in the water? Like one of the solfeggio frequencies?] 

“I couldn’t tell, or get an answer to that, but I will say it makes an amazing geometric pattern!! AND it felt familiar, like I’ve seen it in a crop circle, but have no idea when or where I saw it.” 

[I showed Lynn the cymatic “watermarks” of 432 and 528 Hz, but she said it was more elaborate.]

5. Bill Clinton, 1st Emperor of Restraint
“This is weird. Next life, I actually see him as a homeless guy. Looks as though in his next life he has a lot of battles with addiction. He’s born into another charmed life, has a pretty good wealthy life coming… but something happens to him in his teens and 20s and he gets hooked on alcohol and he loses everything. 

[Is it possible for him to understand about the addiction around the time it’s happening and turn his life around so that it’s positive? Or is he “fated” to live that homeless-guy life? That is, do we have timeline choices in mid-stream?] 

“He is fated, unless his free will overcomes the addiction. We do have choices.”

6. Justin Bieber, 1st Emperor of Dork
“Hm. In his next lifetime, it looks like he still has this internal NEED for attention… but it doesn’t happen this time. I see him born as a girl in his next life, one who so desperately wants to be in Hollywood, onstage, etc. I see her move to Vegas… and become a showgirl! And she never becomes more than that. It’s not like she’s slutty; she’s actually a decent dancer, but she never gets that break. Sadly, this next life will be heartbreaking and disappointing.” 

[Tangential question: Does all of the above happen on the new earth… or the old earth? This whole new/old earth thing is confusing. What percentage of people are going to the new earth?] 

“The new/old earth IS confusing. Every time it feels super clear to me… I get confused again. I don’t see it like a specific percentage, but like a gradual migration.”

Well, that’s it from Lynn and Da-da and Justine Bieber. Join us next time for another fascinating future-life puzzle.