A Few Thoughts for Monday

A Few Thoughts for Monday

Q. Hello Lynn, I am curious…  When someone is viewing an event on another timeline, they often comment that someone ‘saw them’ and reacted with surprise. Were they seen because the person in the other timeline had a sixth sense and was able to perceive them? Or were they able to be seen by anyone; like a ghost? 
A.   There are beings in every dimension, and every timeline.  Since time runs in a loop in the spirit planes (versus linearly as it does here on earth) there are beings experiencing that time line as well as beings that toggle between timelines (which is the basis of the Mandela Effect).  Anyone looking at an alternate timeline can be seen or sensed just as they can see other people. The “surprise” factor comes from realizing that you are seeing or sensing someone that has tapped into a different timeline.

Link to previous readings on the Mandela Effect:

Q.  Is there a single Heaven for the Universe or is there a different Heaven for each Planet or Galaxy? How come people that visit the ‘Other Side’ see other people and sometimes pets; but they never return saying that they saw dinosaurs and aliens?

A.  I see the progression on the other side happening in phases.  All beings do go to one spiritual “plane,” and they progress or ascend through that plane until they decide to reincarnate.  People that have a NDE (Near Death Experience) travel to lowest spiritual plane (think of it as the “welcoming” point).  They may see white light, have familiar people nearby, experience the earth from above, but don’t submerge themselves so deep in that state of existence that they are able to progress.  IF they stayed in spirit, they would gradually advance and ascend within the plane to the vibration that houses those beings, but they are pulled back or encouraged to go back before they get that type of advancement.  

Q. There are some special qualities about buildings designed to Sacred Geometry and the Fibonacci Numbers. Are there any foods in Nature that have the same design as Sacred Geometry and might have additional benefits beyond nutrition?  Thanks for your blog Lynn! 
A.  When I focus on this, I get that everything in nature is based upon sacred geometry.  We can either see it visually, or under a microscope, but regardless, it is there.  The tough thing in to determine what it is that you need (or need to eliminate) that is causing your body distress.  The first thing I heard (rather clear) when I read this question was the quote by Hippocrates “Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.”  To go beyond nutrition (which I see as health, healing and spiritual development), you should focus on natural elements found in our environments.  

The single most beneficial thing I see is water, and I hear the phrase “living water.”  It appears that water infused with a certain vibration whether done with music, herbs, oils, flowers, fruits or vegetables can be very beneficial depending on your health and spiritual goals.  This “living water” looks to help you to feel better, detox, promote cell regeneration and decalcify the pineal gland.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/lDz2e6XnqFo
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

New Age Spirituality and Paul Simon / John of God

New Age Spirituality and Paul Simon / John of God

Q. Hi Lynn,  


There are so many testimonial videos on YouTube (in the link above) of people “converting” from New Age Spirituality to Christianity, and many of those people claim things such as Yoga is demonic, Spirit Guides are demons, and New Age movement in general is demonic. Also, some people claim that the New Age movement is a NWO / Illuminati deception. What do you see is going on with the New Age movement and is there is any deception involved in it? 

Thank you. I will really appreciate it. Seeing a bunch of those videos got me kind of confused about the New Age movement now.
A.  When I tune into this, the first thing I hear (really clear and loud) is that this is complete propaganda because spirituality threatens some forms of religion, specifically the church.  It is possible to have a beautiful balance and harmony between religion and spirituality, but a religion or church that wants to have complete control doesn’t want to compete.  

Some religions use fear as a way to control.  There are people that are scared of the after life, and one of the best ways the get control is to evoke fear, especially fear of the unknown.  We are to have an all forgiving God (or Source, Universe, Consciousness, etc) which is true, but some churches make you fear Him if you do something he doesn’t approve of.  They want you to think all you need is faith, and you are helpless to the results.  

Spirituality puts the control and empowerment back onto you.  You have the power to create and manifest your destiny.  Not all things will make sense, but the Universe knows what needs to happen for you to learn, grow and expand.  

Yoga is NOT demonic.  It is relaxing, balancing and helps you to connect to your higher self.  Your Guides are beautiful spiritual beings sent here to help you on your path, and have nothing but love for you..  

Lastly, many times the PTW (Powers That Were), speak in terms to confuse people.  The accusations they are saying are untrue and are purposely trying to to take the empowerment from people.  Spirituality is one of the best practices to create harmony within yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and psychically (which does not fit the agenda plan of the PTW).  The PTW ultimately want to suppress our gifts from the Universe because they fear what will happen if we become too strong, or understand how to use our gifts to overcome evil.

Q. Thank you for all you do!

Back in 2014 Paul Simon went to the Casa, the house of John of God in Brazil. During his second visit, the medium asked him to sing one song to all present! Somebody handed him over a guitar and he played one tune. What happened that made people tremble and faint while he moved around in the room singing to the healthy and ill?
(here’s the link to the story: https://sojo.net/articles/paul-simons-spiritual-surgery

A.  I get there was an amazing alignment of events that led to this reaction.  People went to the Casa with the hope and prayer of healing (they set their intent, just like in a meditation or spiritual healing).  Being there, in the presence of everything, it feels energetically very overwhelming.  John of God (or Source) also has a large presence.  

As it came time for Paul Simon to heal, he felt as though his troubles were not as great as those around him, and in that humbling moment voices came to him  and told him that foregoing his healing doesn’t take away from someones else’s healing or pain (healing and health is abundant).  He was then asked to sing.  

I see he sung from his heart with such conviction and love, that those around seeking help were overwhelmed and could feel the vibration of “love” coming from him.  It was genuine and pure.  Many did physically react, it looks like it was an involuntary reaction from their subconscious.  It was truly a beautiful moment. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you  Love and light-
Link to PyschicFocus reading on YouTube: https://youtu.be/m8dzpMMOou0
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.  
Random Sampling Short Answer (Menstruation, Moon, Animal Sacrifice, Cathars and Missing Doctors)

Random Sampling Short Answer (Menstruation, Moon, Animal Sacrifice, Cathars and Missing Doctors)

Q. Recently someone on Facebook I usually trust and agree with posted that menstruation is not natural and that the moon isn’t either.  Can you see what you can get on this? I am baffled and intrigued!

Menstruation: https://www.facebook.com/yadaawakening/videos/1926678307574189/?hc_ref=ARTSTRE0pXNDaD4yNzTeahwOPyjM_N0zkIRLjtawjiUF7qis-J2zfJRT_RLn1yYEkKg
A.  I hear “he is half right.”  When a woman of childbearing age releases an egg that isn’t fertilized, the body sheds the lining of her uterus (ie menstruation).  The process repeats, providing a fresh buildup every month until she has a fertilized egg implant in the uterine lining.  I hear the process is “out with the old lining, and in with the new” keeping the healthiest, freshest lining available and awaiting implantation.  Our bodies are brilliant, and menstruation serves as a natural cleansing of her womb. I get that menstrual cycles are not only natural, but a necessary part of a woman’s reproductive system.

Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkSX68ZXUgg&app=desktop
A. I have tuned into the mysteries of the moon before (I included links).  Something with the moon isn’t natural.  It looks as though it was brought here with some ET guidance.  In previous readings I saw a collision with earth, and felt the debris from the collision (specifically the Pacific Ocean area) broke off to create the moon, but when I dig deeper into that image, I realize it is symbolic of the time frame of when the moon was brought here and in reality the debris from that “explosion” created the Van Allen Belt (not the moon).  These events look to happen at a relatively close time.  (Two different events, creating two different things, occurring within a close time frame)

When I focus on the moon, it looks to have entry and exit points as if there are several ET bases within it.  I always get references to the “Death Star” in Star Wars when I focus on the moon, and to some extend see that is how it was brought here (driven??).  It is as if there is a central control area inside the moon with other branches that serve as bases (this is confusing for me too).  The moon has been in our atmosphere for thousands of years, and at one time was actually closer, but fluctuation in the earth’s gravitational field has allowed it to distance itself somewhat.  

Link to previous moon readings:

Q. Among animal activists there is a belief that it is not good to give black animals up for adoption during the Halloween season since occultist like to sacrifice them.  Is there any truth to that belief?  If it is true, does sacrificing animals really have any real power to the practitioners of such things?

A.  I do see some truth to this, but get that these dark ceremonies not only happen during Halloween, but also during full moons.  I hear the best thing a breeder can do is to try to vet the potential buyer.  Use your intuition and feel if they will be a good fit.  Ask questions!

Just like focusing your intent on light and positivity, the same works when looking toward the dark.  Honestly, the color of the animal doesn’t matter, it is the intent of sacrificing a life force in exchange for some kind of lower vibe trade (power, influence, money, control) that is the driving force behind these groups.  To some extend it is effective, because the Law of Attraction works for good the same as evil (what you put out you draw back unto yourself).  

I am left with remembering regardless of how dark something is, it cannot remain dark in the presence of light.  As we continue to focus our collective on light and healing, it will slowly illuminate the dark. 

I then hear the following quote “The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”- Edmund Burke  It may not be instant, but it will happen and the PTW (Powers That Were know it).  Every positive thought and kind thing you do raises the collective, and that is doing something!

Q. Were the Cathars right in claiming this was the realm of the Demiurge, and if so; what makes this place so important? I may be too obnoxious to declare myself a Cathar since they were supposed to be nice, but I don’t see anything I disagree with. Me thinks the world would be a far nicer place if the ALBIGENSIAN CRUSADE didn’t happen.


A. This place, earth, is important because it is all about discovery in the lowest sense, the 3D.  In higher realms the focus is more on spirituality and already knowing, but here is is where we figure it out and begin to understand it.  It is about being open to possibilities.  It is like the kindergarten to self analysis and early steps to ascension that prepare us for higher vibrations and realms.  .  It is so important that even more advanced beings incarnate here at times to either help be a guide, reinforce a lesson within themselves or expand upon something that can only be experienced here.  Our earth, even though challenging, is important for spiritual growth

Q. I hope all is well.  I saw this today.  Might be worth posting. A prominent Atlanta doctor and whistleblower went missing.  



Also, a guy named Steve Quayle started to compile a list of all the doctors and healers that have gone missing recently. You may find this interesting:

A. This is sad, and happening more and more often.  The PTW (Powers That Were) are scared.  Big Pharma is worried that they will lose money through the insights and knowledge being shared by these doctors, and want to keep them quiet.  Not only are these people coming up “missing” or having “accidents,” it is meant to send a message to any others that are thinking of becoming outspoken.  

Please send some love, light and STRENGTH to these people.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light- Lynn 
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/jmK8BNym2X8
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.


Metatron’s Cube

Q. Hi! I figured with the upcoming year, and the shift, it would be fun to talk about Metatron. For the longest time, his symbol (Metatron’s cube) kept popping up and I had a lot of synchronicity going on. I did some digging and it seems like the cube may be related to the new grid / 4D realm. (Interesting note: people have found connections to Tesla’s 3,6, and 9 within the cube). Metatron has also relayed many messages about the upcoming New Age of Aquarius, which lines up with some of your readings. He refers to himself as an archangel. I know the term “angels” has been used to describe an ET because these beings look different and play the part, etc. There are some people who say Metatron is actually Enoch, who was given a new name when he ascended. So… who, or what is Metatron? And his role? Thank you so much for all you do!



A.  When I tune into this I see a being (in spirit) float upward.  This being looks to have an energetic tether to several dimensions, and manifests as a handsome male figure when connected to the 3D realm. I hear the phrase “he has his foot in many worlds, all at the same time.”  

When I ask for clarity, I see him as being another extension from Source that was created (or rather sculpted) to aid and assist in the ascension of humans.  He was first incarnated on Earth near the time the ETs were seeding earth with life.  He lived a long life in 3D form, so long he was able to grow and expand through experience.  When he transitioned into spirit he was chosen by Source to continue the ascension process.  

When I ask, “Is Metatron in fact Enoch?”  I get “they are one in the same.”  When he first transitioned into spirit, he was given the name Enoch as some way to signify he was in “training” (His 3D existence had another name..??).  As he matured and ascended (it comes through like a “promotion”), he was renamed to Metatron as he took his final position as a guide to humans through their ascension.  I also see that many people even have visions or connections to him as they cross over into spirit.

I get Metatron’s Cube is a form of sacred geometry that illustrates energetic flows and how it flows through the molecular structures within humans.  I see this symbol being a powerful tool in healing by promoting a healthy flow of energy to and through a life force.  This symbol can be visualized or drawn to strengthen the healing intent.

And that is all I was able to see.  I’m happy to address questions in the comments.  (I feel like there is more, but this is all that came forward). Love and light- Lynn
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/kwyylAPYC_I

The Bible

The Bible

[As I go into this, I know this can be a sensitive topic.  In no way is this a disrespect to any belief system.  Please proceed with an open mind.  I truly do have love for all of you.]

Q. I do have a question that is bothering me for a long time ….if you can please help?  Is The Bible written as a blue print for the human race?
A.  I hear that it isn’t so much a blue print, but rather it provides the Christian perspective as to how you should live your life through stories and lessons.  By implementing the practices, good and bad, a harmonious society would be created, and the reward would be a place in Heaven.  

I also get that many things that start as something good can be turned into something else.  If you take the messages in the Bible in the purest form, there is a lot of good information.  Anything that extends beyond that (fear of a fiery hell or the concept of “all forgiving beings” that damn people to eternity for doing, or not doing certain things) are scare tactics used by some humans to encourage people to believe in a specific faith (and was exacerbated by the need / desire of wanting people to donate to their church and by early establishing PTW / Powers That Were).  

Q. So in the Bible it is written about the HARVEST OF SOULS.  In the end times and after that, the humans that are not ”ready to ascend to the 4D existence” or the humans who want to stay behind for some or other reason will go through horrific stages and all kinds of horrific experiences, namely the 7 years of tribulation etc etc etc by the (PTW)

What I cannot comprehend is the fact that so many humans do not have information available to them, like me now, that can gather this knowledge and try to learn.  How can the other GOOD PEOPLE OF THE EARTH like small children BE PUT THROUGH ALL THESE HARD TIMES? WHY?

A.  First, I get to take a deep breath and relax.  Information comes to people in all different ways.  If you are open and seeking it, it will find you.  Everyone is ready at different times, so it isn’t something that can be forced (and can be frustrating for those that “know” and want to share it).  There is no magic website or book someone can read, but it is something within you that starts to wake up.  

As you wake up, things will be put in your path.  You will have opportunities presented, and it is your job at that point to take advantage of those situations.  It is also important to know that if you don’t take a chance when you have one, another will be put in it’s place (if you truly are ready).  Just like in the Law of Attraction, “what you seek you will find.”  Don’t obsess that if your opportunity passes it is lost forever, things return to you (if you want them too).  

Another way to help the ascension process is to determine patterns in your life (relationships, money, motivation, etc) that cause distress, and take action to break the cycle.  This is one of the biggest ways to promote personal growth, which leads to a bigger expansion of experience (and prevents you from re-living another life with the same or similar obstacles).  

There will be beings that chose not to ascend, or want to stay in the 3D.  I am reminded that it is important to realize these “good people” as you described aren’t being punished.  The Universe doesn’t see good or bad, it just “is.”  Everything is in balance, and most times balance requires a contrast of some kind. When these beings are ready, mentally, physically and emotionally, to graduate to the next level, they will.

Q. People who are busy waking up also try to DE-THRONE the PTW, but if all these horrific experiences for humans are written in the blue-print of the Bible, what can we actually do to try and change or avoid it for the better? I DO NOT THINK IT CAN BE CHANGED. It looks like IT WILL BE UNFOLDING whether we want it to or not? 

A.  Nothing is an absolute rule.  The Bible shouldn’t be viewed as a book of fear, but rather a perspective on life (a “guidebook” of sorts).  (Some) Humans turned it into a tool of fear, but that was not the intention of the Bible in it’s infancy.  There are some things that are destined fate, and also an element of free will.  There are also events and situations that occur in cycles, that is why it is always said “history repeats itself.”  We are in a cleansing mode and the Reptilian race (the PTW) are at the end of their cycle, and are fated to lose control by the people and situations that the Universe has aligned.  Through their (the PTW) own free will, they are putting up a fight, but ultimately they are just prolonging the inevitable.  2018 will be a big year.  Lots of power struggles and shifting are coming…

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/F-jDec8hGRI

Biblical Impressions

Biblical Impressions

Q. The Bible is full of parables and stories. One of them suggests that the Apostle Thomas (Doubting Thomas) did not believe that Jesus had resurrected even though the other Disciples had witnessed Jesus after his crucifixion. Thomas encountered Jesus on a road and insisted on seeing his wounds and touching him. Did that actually happen? Did he encounter Jesus and touch him after the Resurrection or was that a story designed to explain Faith?
A. When I tune into this I get that Thomas did see Jesus in an apparition state.  I get this apparition was very real, not foggy or hazy, but a very clear apparition.  So clear that he appeared to be in from of him.  I see Thomas wanting to touch him, and even reaching his hands out, but then realizing that he couldn’t “touch” him even if he wanted.  He could immediate see that his hand would pass through him because even though he was there, he was there in a spiritual form.  The meeting feels powerful, and in a different way strengthens the belief in faith (and understanding there is more to our world that what we see and touch).

Q. Did Leonardo DaVinci encode as many secrets in the Last Supper as we attribute to him?  Or, are they just a coincidence? Why did he put Mary Magdalene in the painting and not Judas, one of his disciples?A If they were deliberate, where did he get the inspiration and the hidden knowledge that we don’t even know about today? 
A.  I get DaVinci did encode secrets into his art.  I get that Mary Magdalene was important because of the union and offspring between Jesus and herself.  This lineage was very powerful and significant to the spiritual development of humans (I get it elevated some kind of subconscious ability).  I hear that Mary and Jesus are placed in the center, and it is intentional that their posture forms an “M” for married (??).  I then hear that DaVinci talked to “star people” in his mind, and they shared both history and knowledge with him. He used this knowledge as inspiration and shared it in the only way he knew how.  He knew if he was vocal, he would be judged and labeled, but he could put clues in his art knowing that those that those that were meant to find them would..

Q. Have you ever viewed Revelations and the 7 trumpets that are suppose to be blown? A lot of people try to attribute current events to each trumpet, but I am sure that has been done for generations. It does seem like we are getting closer to the Apocalypse. Have any of the trumpets ‘been blown’ yet? Is the description of each one a literal description or were they analogies to describe something that John did not understand 2000 years ago? 

A.  I do get people have been looking for signs of the apocalypse for decades.  I hear that no trumpets have been blown, and when one is blown there will be no doubt or speculation.  I also get that there was some interpretation of the messages because for the time there weren’t words to describe what literally looks to happen (how would you describe the Internet to someone 500 years ago?), but it will still be very blatant.

I also hear that it is important to realize that just because these events were foretold, it doesn’t mean they will all happen.  It is possible they will occur on another timeline that we do not experience.  Freewill and the collective consciousness can shift all of these events.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Muslim Religion

Muslim Religion

[I know this can be a sensitive subject, but I know it is also an important topic.  I have received many requests for my insight, so I wanted to approach this as objectively as possible.]

Q. I would like Lynn to look at this. I’ve written pretty frankly before about the modern surge of orthodox Islam globally, and how it has infiltrated Europe and seems unstoppable, even though many are now no longer afraid to speak out about their concerns. It’s rigid, domineering tendencies are getting worse, not better. I have wondered what the awakening energies are doing to the hearts and minds of those trapped in these self-segregating communities, obediently living according to a 7th century mindset, as if the Enlightenment never happened. Is there going to be a mass awakening in Islam too? I feel at some point it is inevitable, as what children are indoctrinated with goes against everything they meet in everyday life. The current trends can’t go on much longer without something having to give. There seem to be so many who have cognitive dissonance about the dogma versus the reality, defensiveness about that worldview that obviously doesn’t work. I read another psychic’s prediction that millions of Muslims will start abandoning the faith (along with the many others awakening, already mentioned)

What do you see about the direct of the Muslim world, Lynn? 

A.  When I focus on this, I see an image of spiderwebs all over the word.  I get this is symbolic of how the religion reaches out (like figures), with the centralized portion of the “web” being where the religion holds the most strength.  The edges look to weaken, and fizzle out due to the continued influence of other cultures and religions.  Muslims keep the belief system strong in the central hubs (because they block the influences of the outside world), but as people branch out, their minds open and become curious about other ideas.  

Q. How would that awakening play out, and how would it change the countries and geopolitics? 

A.  Three things look to emerge.  I see some people keeping their faith while assimilating and respecting the ideals around them.  They keep and practice their belief in private.  

Some people leave their faith to adopt other belief systems.  If someone decides to leave the belief, they look to be shunned and sort of bullied physically and / or passive aggressively (I actually feel fear for these people).  It looks easier to covert TO their belief system rather then leave it peacefully.

Others are very deep in their belief and fulfill the practice to the best of their ability regardless of who or what is happening.  This is strongest in the center of the “hubs” or “spiderwebs.”  

I see centralized pockets of Muslims that refuse to assimilate (or form a mutual respect with other people of varying beliefs) forming their own community.  They look to pull back more and more until some kind of segregation forms.  It looks to create a lot of havoc within the countries, which in turn creates a lot of social unrest.

Q. Will it start to wither in the same way as Christian denominations have, or will the Islamic groups try to ‘take’ the Vatican somehow? 

A.  I do not see any kind of “take over,:  I would not say it withers away, the religion very much stays alive, but it looks to regroup back to their central “hubs.”

Q. Are things going to become even more rigid and jihad-ish, to try and control anyone who want to be free? I don’t mean terrorism here, just the breed-and-dominate enclave pattern that is causing such alarm in Europe? Inside the Islamic enclaves the pressure to conform is immense. In the eighties the people who I knew from Muslim families were so free and agnostic. I’ve been very depressed at the Saudification that has happened since then.

A. The centralized locations of this belief system look to have very rigid guidelines pertaining to how people need to live, and there are punishments if you go against that belief.  The punishments can be very harsh (physically and emotionally).  There is a subtle influence of fear because as the religion is put to the test (both with scrutiny and also influences that draw people away) and people are leaving, there is a fear of their religion losing 

And that is all I have for this reading.  I will say that I did find this reading a bit challenging (my emotions and empathic side kept trying to override).  Lots of feelings came through during this.  I’m happy to answer questions in comments on things I didn’t “see” clearly the first time.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Follow Up:

Since this was a challenging reading, I wanted to address some questions from the comments (as a way to direct intent) and post them as an update:

What do you see will be the religion of the future? Will Christianity remain the same or will it change it’s doctrines as a result of ET contact, for example?
A. I don’t see any one dominant religion.  There will be pockets of various religions everywhere.  I see some (not all) of the intensity of belief changing as people awaken more (and all forms of churches struggle with keeping attendance up).

Do you see a civil war in Europe occurring between muslims and westerners? Do you see the giant hordes of muslims ever returning their native countries?
A.  I do see a lot of civil unrest for the next several decades until people sort of “submit” to their own areas of town.  There looks to be a lot of meshing, but the fundamental beliefs are too broad to get along.  I do not see them going back to their native countries.

Lynn, will Christianity take over China as well in the future?
A. I don’t see Christianity taking over China.  I cannot see it spreading to more areas than it already resides in..

Lynn someone on facebook in regards to Sharia Law etc just exposed this site and I am sickened – what on earth is happening to this world??? https://plus.google.com/communities/108431293520553382985
A.  These are sad and very concerning times (I just feel very emotional and fretful when I focus on this!)

Lynn, can you elaborate on this⁉️ Why/how was it challenging⁉️ What kind of feelings⁉️ Sadness, happiness, hopefulness⁉️ Can you expand⁉️
A.  When I tune into a topic, sometimes emotions surrounding the topic are what I tap into first.  I felt very uneasy, and worried (maybe because I am a woman, mom, etc).  As I tune into this, it feels very concerning to me where I feel like I need to be on some kind of lookout for harm in order to avoid it. (and by harm I mean harm from other people)

This should be gone what we move to 5D, right?

A. Yes!

Random Collection of Concerning Events [Group Post]

Random Collection of Concerning Events [Group Post]

Q. When I first discovered your site, and upon reading archived blogs, you saw the U.S. ultimately becoming more localized within smaller communities where bartering and trading would be the more likely the way we conducted commerce. We would become more close-knit communities and dependent upon our neighbors. Do you have any further insight or inkling concerning a time period for this “readjustment” to our society?
A.  I did see a timeline shift at the moment free will (and some intervention) occurred and Trump was put into office.  I always saw that if Hillary won we would end up in a global war over oil.  We would be told the motive for war was due to other events tied to fear, but the true root cause was gaining control of the oil and oil producing countries.  The US would have boots on the ground in all the oil producing countries because oil would become the new “black gold” once the dollar failed (and it would as the spending and budget would continue to spiral out of control under that administration).

Trump in office will lead to a different type of turmoil.  Those opposing Trump (and the instigating PTW / Powers That Were) look to create social unrest until there is a total divide of the population.  The PTW will see that Trump has a difficult time doing anything as a punishment for winning.  I would not use the term “Civil War,” but the energy and emotion feels like that within the country.  I see this peaking within the next two years, and it looks like an opposition will rise and try to take control (it does look like they fail though).  It is during this time period when people will begin to feel uncertain and regress (which the PTW love because they can tie this event to Trump even though they are the cause).  The social uncertainty looks to effect the stock market, and people turn more to bartering and trade while they go through this time.  Things look to bounce back, but there is approximately a 6 to 9 month adjustment period.

Q. 501 missing children from Washington DC in the first 3 months of this year. Is there something shady going on?
A.  When I focus on this, I see that in some instances these are run-away kids looking for a different life.  I also see that some of these kids are in the middle of custody battles, and the reports are parents and families battling it out.  There is also a larger issue that is being suppressed, and that is human trafficking.  I get that these human traffickers prey on lower income kids, luring them away for a promise of a better life, only to sell them to a life a slavery (in one form or another).  I see this being a big problem that really needs public attention.  Please take a minute to send some love and healing light to these children…

Q. The Vault 7 Wikileaks revelations today were startling, and it is believable (I have a post-it over my webcams and have for years). But with all of the fakery going on it’s hard for me not to think I’m being played in some way. Can you please comment on the authenticity of the documents released and also say whether or not they were selectively released (I.e. holding some things back and only releasing docs that paint a particular story)? It would also be helpful to know who is behind the leaks; is it truly a rogue hacker or someone in the deep state playing games with us again?
A. This looks like a hybrid of truth (the surveillance is real), and some bigger agenda.  These things are being released in a particular order because the ultimate goal is to shed truth to the people, but inflame them in the end.  The goal is to have the population so mad  that they “forget” the initial violation of privacy by saying this technology is how Russia became involved in the recent US election.  I hear it is a classic “release truth, inflame people, then deflect, deflect, deflect to where the initial issue is forgotten.” This doesn’t feel like a “true” Wikileak in that someone outside the Wikileak organization looks to be involved with the release of this information (I want to say “CIA involvement.” ???)

Q. I made a request a while back asking about a vision that I saw.  It was the Vatican imploding on in its’ own footprint. In my mind’s eye, I saw great marble structure crumbling. Any thoughts?
A.  I see this as a symbol of the current church and the strength of the church.  As many people awaken and adopt spirituality and other beliefs aside from structured religion, the church loses more and more power.  A society that looks inward for answers isn’t as fearful as one that puts all faith on something or someone else.  Having a belief system of any kind can make you feel more connected to a greater whole, as long as that system doesn’t prevent you from also believing in your own strength and power.  As the progression of awakening occurs, the control of the church feels less and less.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Biblical Talk..

Biblical Talk..

Q. I thought it may be interesting to ask you for your “take” on a few questions regarding the stories in the Bible… 

In Revelations; the beast having different heads, the birth taking place in the skies and the lady going into hiding, etc. How much of that is fabricated and how much is real? Many Christians believe it’s filled with metaphors. For example, the beast with different heads must represent something else (a person, not an actual beast)…. but I came across so many intel about Archons, Dracoians, and even animal-like ETs. Now, when I look at the chapters of Revelations my mind wants to make everything literal.. kinda like a sci-fi story coming to life. 

Speaking of the Archons, people claim no one knows where they came from, just that they started interfering and starting wars. Did they have anything to do with Lucifer and his downfall? You had mentioned that Lucifer was a prince of a star, etc. 

In the book of Enoch, The Watchers were condemned by God (or the other ETs) for their actions and their leader was thrown into a pit and chained. The chapter listed some other punishments. If this part is true, then how were they able to help Noah with the Ark and spread their DNA (there was a post on here about thousands of watchers being here on Earth at this present moment.) While we are on this subject, do you know where they came from as well? 

Thank you so much for all of your insights! I love reading them weekly!

A. Let me start by breaking these down so I can organize my thoughts: 

The Beast of Revelations: I see this as symbolic, meaning the “beast” is an entity that can take many faces.  I then get an image of an  Archon or Reptilian that has the power to shapeshift into various looking beings (some to gain trust, insight or even power).  Once that being is trapped, they lose the control to shapeshift, and they sort of “snap back” to their true self (i.e, a “beast”).  I also see that there is more than one beast out there, but they feel as though they are losing power, and they are very aware of their situation. [I then get strange images of England, the Monarchy and even Buckingham Palace???]

Archons: I see Archons being the highest form of Reptilians.  I get it was Archon DNA that created the Reptilians.  Archons look to be low vibrationally, and feel ruthless.  I hear they have a purity to their DNA, and that is important to them to retain their level of power.  They never breed outside of their race. I also see they have a floating base on the far side of the moon, whereas their Reptilian ancestors are “grounded” to the earth.  Reptilians feel more like the servants to help the Archons meet their goals. 

Regarding Lucifer, I get that ETs in general were not to influence and interfere with humans.  Archons couldn’t resist, and saw humans and earth as an opportunity.  Lucifer got blinded by the “Jedi mind tricks” (is the phrase I hear), and was taken down a path that the Source Consciousness did not approve.  Lucifer felt as if he was doing good, and was torn between what he was told, what he felt and how he was influenced. 

Noah and the Watchers:  I get that Watchers are ETs that came to earth to watch over humans. At one time they watched from afar giving indirect influences and guidance to propel life while maintaining a healthy balance.  Then they got too involved, and a sense of ego came over them because they had the ability to control and manipulate with such ease. They began to feel that they knew better, and were superior, and decided to leave their post and come to earth.  They abandoned their duties in exchange for the ability to power and manipulate.  In many ways they did feel they were doing a good thing, and humans needed their direction.

I do see a bulk of them being captured, but many escaped.  I see many of them being able to change their vibration and shift from one reality to another.  This allowed many to live, and carry on their mission.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Life Detective #5

Life Detective #5

Hi all, and welcome to a special — and intriguing — holiday-esque segment of Life Detective. As usual, Lynn and Da-da look at the past, present and future lives of various people of note. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most apropos life of the subject come to the forefront, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today — and who/where they are now/in future. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below, inverted. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A
Past Life 1: When I look at Subject A’s earlier lifetime, I see them as a boy. People at this time, all over, are really really poor, struggling. I see a young boy and his family living in cold, wet squalor. Everyone’s coughing and sick. I’m drawn to the boy’s hands. Looks like someone brutally smacks the back of his hands as hard as they can with a cane, as punishment for some kind of crime. Looks like he was stealing. Frustrated at seeing his family starving, something in him just snapped and he stole a loaf of bread that was hanging out front of a bakery (I see lots of loaves hanging outside) to feed his family. Later, in Subject A’s dominant life, they had a great sympathy for people in need, having learned the contrast between haves and have-nots. He carried that little piece of karma with him.

Future Life: Subject A is still around, in spirit, pervasive. You can call on them. They feel very angelic, very spiritual. They’ve been helping a long time, now.

[How pervasive is this spirit, today? And can you tell how they feel about the current image that’s been created around them?]

Subject A is strong, and I see him really gravitating toward evoking the “empathy” emotion in people. And he’s sort of disgusted at the materialism tied to him now, and it should be more about gestures rather than making a buck. 

Subject B
Past Life 1: I get that this person was a school teacher — a math teacher! — in the early 1900s. Looks as though he played guitar on the side but never really did much with it. I see Subject B doing algebra on a blackboard, one of those teachers who really made a difference in pupils’ lives, made it enjoyable to learn. Here’s the funny thing: I see Subject B grab his guitar and use it to sing algebra! He’d make up little limericks to help people remember the algebraic equations. He was just the coolest guy before he became who he became.

Future Life: Who is this person now… he’s not ready to jump back in yet, so he’s still in spirit and watching over his family. He’s also disgusted with music today [sounds familiar], with computerized voices and such. He thinks that, if people who made music 30-40 years ago were around today, they wouldn’t be chosen, as things aren’t as genuine as they used to be. Famous groups in the past would’ve been passed over as the current music industry is so disconnected from real talent, out to make money above all else. What he would want to contribute wouldn’t even be allowed today. When the time is right, he’ll come back.

Subject C
Past Life 1: I see this image of a man. Looks as though he had some mental challenges in his life; I see him as a mute in a kind of church-run mental institution in the late Middle Ages. I get an image of his brain working overtime. I see his thoughts running, coursing through his head. And I see him twitching as it happens, as if he’s recording everything around him, every thought, making it physical each time. He records everything he sees and thinks and feels. His mind never stops, but since he’s mute, he has no outlet. But then… he goes into his next life and he’s WAY more socially involved and connected, and everything he takes in he sees as a story or a potential story. He broke some social norms and was awkward to deal with, but was very very talented, making himself into a household name today… but under a different name!

Future Life: Ok, I get he’s a writer in this life, a man. He’s in Ireland, in the countryside, and he can see the water from his backyard. He’s kinda old fashioned, works on a typewriter. Likes to sit outside when he writes. He’s about 60, with reddish hair turning gray at the temples. He rewards little successes with a cigar. He has a favorite black writer’s hat, a fedora. He wears glasses. I get he writes mysteries (I hear Angela Lansberry???).

[Makes every impaired person a potential future genius/person of impact!]

Subject D
Past Life 1: Oh boy. What I get is that in a previous life, Subject D was an ET in origin, a Pleiadian. This was a time when there was a lot of ET interference and seeding on earth. Earth was seen as an oasis at the time. This person watched and knew of this beautiful planet from their own planet. When they passed into spirit, they wanted to be a part of earth, so Subject D incarnated as a human in their most famous lifetime, to experience earth firsthand. But to them, part of this 3-D body/earth incarnation thing was keeping past Pleiadian lineages alive, too. Looks like the Pleiadians would come and visit this person and get a report on earthly experiences. It’s not an abduction thing; there was no fear; it was a telepathic thing, them trying to understand the demands of earth/human life. So, there was that interaction… and at one point, there was discussion of this person procreating — but maintaining a certain purity. Looks like Subject D allowed that to happen, seeing it as their contribution to both earth and their Pleiadian ancestors, striving to combine the best qualities of Pleiadian and 3-D earth humans in one person, for the greater good of all.

Future Life: Today, i see this person in Africa, as a woman. I see her filtering water for cooking, cleaning. She lives in a modest, small house, but yet she’s so humble and joyful. She’s older, but doesn’t have any kids of her own. She’s known and loved by her neighbors, but doesn’t boast or brag. She’s quiet and private, and cares for everyone. She’s always happy, a pure person.

[Is she now the same spirit who was here before, or has she split off into multiple people?]

It feels like a split where one’s in spirit, as a guide, and the other in a physical 3-D body. 

Subject E
Past Life 1: This is weird… I see Subject E was created as this hybrid human/Pleiadian… ohh, not just the body, but *the spirit* was also created just for this lifetime! That’s why Subject E was so innocent and pure, and could ascend so quickly. There was no karmic drag on them. They incarnated as an ordinary human, but different. 

Future Life: After they died, they remained in spirit, as a guide, acting as a liaison between us and SOURCE. They’re still there!

[How did the Pleiadians create *spirit*? I can see creating a body, but spirit?? They made a body and SOURCE just popped in there? with them providing intent?]

Yes, that’s how it feels. [Amazing.]


And that’s it. To find out who we’re talking about, flip for the solution.