Random Read for the Weekend

Random Read for the Weekend

Q. Hi Lynn, I wanted to know if you could focus on this case as it is one of the most amazing stories I’ve come across in a while. In 1994 at the Ariel school in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, Africa, more than 60 school children witnessed a UFO land in their playground field. They say they witnessed several ET’s exit the craft and communicate with them telepathically. Here’s the video link for a documentary trailer. 


I would like to know who were the ET’s that day and why did they decide to reveal themselves? Have they ever come back?

A.  When I tune into this, I get the ship was around in a cloaked state for several days before it showed itself.  I get you could see it like a mirage in the desert if you looked at it just right, but the majority of the time it stayed hidden.  I hear that the ship was on a “rescue mission.” 

This area of the world looks to have a lot of struggle (politically, economically, etc???).  I also see that there is a large amount of youth as part of the demographic (??).  The combination of the youth (newer souls) and struggle (negativity) created some kind of beacon that attracted the ETs their direction (need help, vulnerable..).  

As the UFO and ETs emerged they planned to take some of the children, however, the children resisted.  The children were curious, skeptical and didn’t want to go.  Then, I hear the ETs “set the snooze alarm” and will be back to check in on how these kids are doing.  This truly felt like some kind of rescue mission.

I ask, Who are these ETs? and I get they are a relative of the Greys (a branch of them).  They feel gentler and kinder (still lack a lot of emotion, but recognize humans have it).  I also see they are trying to make a hybrid community that is part human DNA and part ET, but want it created out of desire and not out of forcefulness.  

Q. Hi Lynn,  
Do demons exist? If so, what are they?  Thanks.

A.  Very strong low vibrational beings do exist.  They are connected to the reptilian DNA line.  They have chosen not to ascend, but rather incarnate over and over in this low vibe zone to essentially master all of the lower level functions.  I then hear that they reside on the dark side of the yin yang (?).

A phrase comes to me as I tap into this, and that is “Even in the darkest of dark it can’t stay dark in the presence of light.  Be the light and nothing dark can’t touch you.”

Q.  Euphoria from CONTROL… But why?!  
When you and other intuitives say the reason that the PTW disrupt everyone’s lives with disasters, false flags, and all the negativity is to keep us fighting, divided and controlled , WHY would they not want to just live happy peaceful lives in a much more heavenly type earth without all this power? Meaning why would a person want so much control or to control the whole world?  Why does power and even killing feel euphoric to them? Is it in their DNA, if so WHO put it in the DNA and why would THAT entity feel pleasure from power and negativity? If it’s because of contracts why would source/love create those contracts? Isn’t the original state of everything “love”? Is it source that wants to experience all of this negativity or is it each individual soul ?

Every person I talk to says I just want to be happy, I would rather be happy then have power, and hurting others definitely wouldn’t make them happy. What is wrong with those individuals in the PTW? They seem backwards.

A.  The PTW (Powers That Were) feel and live in the illusion of happiness through their power and control.  Being a bully, manipulating people into what they want, feeling control and having influence releases a dopamine response creating a euphoric feeling.  This “feeling” creates a false sense of happiness.  To them that “false happiness” is all they need and disregard the true, fulfilling, spiritual and genuine feeling of bliss.

Q.  Hello Lynn.  
Could you do a reading on what is happening in Catalonia? I would like to know what are the roots of the conflict between Catalonia and Spain, and what do we have to do heal this conflict.  Thank you.

A.  The path to Catalonia breaking from Spain does look to be successful, but Spain is going to put up a fight using any legal means possible to try to block it.  It looks like Catalonia would be a successful, and economically prosperous country once they gain their independence.  Spain feels as though it drags Catalonia down (I see it like an image of an anchor on a ship). There feels like an unequal balance here (I see an image of scales tipping). 

Spain ultimately wants Catalonia to give up the fight, and I see this coming back like a cyclical pattern until it gets resolved.  It appears that the people will need to fight through the challenges (and i know it is easier said than done as some of the peaceful protests have ended not so peaceful).  Working as a collective and putting intent to have this resolved smoothly is the best mental place to reside.  I also hear that a lot can change in a little time, so what feels to last forever can really be just a blip in time.   

Q. Recently, there have been reports of Canadian and American diplomats in Cuba being assaulted with microwaves or sound waves. Many have become ill. The Cubans deny they are responsible. Who is responsible and what is happening to them? Why are they being assaulted?  
Thanks for your blog Lynn.

A.  The Cubans do feel like they are behind these attacks (being instigated and funded by Russia).  It has to do with some feelings of implied treatment (or lack thereof).  This looks to be a vibrational attack (dealing with a certain hertz) that is funneled and directed toward the victim.  It attacks the neurological system, causing irritation that results in inflammation and then manifests into other symptoms.  It looks like it is completely reversible, but the person needs removed from the situation.

Q. Hi and thanks for this reading: With what happened in Las Vegas, which is very sad, the following link in will give you an idea of what is also going on Puerto Rico… https://www.facebook.com/india.colon/videos/1620297788028440/ 
I mean this also is US territory but apparently nobody cares about whats really going on there! Worth a reading Lynn?
A. When I tune into this, the first thing I get is the phrase “they want them to pledge allegiance.”  As I take a moment to determine what that means, it appears that some investors (has a PTW vibe or association) are pushing for Puerto Rico to make some kind of deal (even more than they already have) with the US (or other investors) in exchange for aid and rebuilding.  It also feels like the weather manipulation was intentional to put Puerto Rico (which is a beautiful country was vast tourism) in a vulnerable position.  I see the territory being eventually absorbed as a new state (hence pledging allegiance to the flag) with numerous investment opportunities, or being purchased and absorbed by another well established country.  

The US looks to realize this is on the horizon, and is wanting to halt it’s efforts of assistance until the “agreement” is established and the true ownership of the country is validated (because the new owner or absorbing country will be the ones responsible for the structural and economic rebuilding).  The US doesn’t want to do the rebuild only to have Puerto Rico side with someone else. Puerto Rico feels to be in a very sad and hopeless situation, and could use all the healing and positive energy you can send.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell

Q. Hi Lynn, All the major religions like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism talked about heaven and hell so I don’t think these are entirely unfounded. Could you do a more detailed reading on these concepts when related to the various spiritual planes in Michael Newton’s bookHow do the various beings in the lower realm (hell) compare and contrast with the beings in the higher realms (heaven) in terms of food (are hell beings always hungry for lack of food), work (do they need to work), sleep and sex requirements.
A.  I see that in Universal terms, there is no “heaven” or “hell,” but these are terms that humans use to make sense of the different vibrational levels (or spiritual planes) that house these beings.  I see the term “hell” being the dimensional level (or spiritual plane) that houses the lower vibrational beings.  These beings have a disconnected feel, as if something is incomplete.  They are developmentally missing a component that prevents them from progressing to the next level.  They look like they need to work on establishing a karmatic balance, or a certain amount of introspective understanding to graduate to the next level.  These lower vibrational beings don’t need food (however, they need to energetically feed), they need to work on themselves (in a spiritual way) and they do not have sex (until they reach the 3D level). 

The term “heaven” looks to be the term describing the spiritual planes above the 3D level.  “Heaven” looks like a lump sum of several dimensions, 4D being the lowest level. The skill sets are more advanced with the higher spiritual planes.  I see that these higher levels feed energetically, but not off of people.  They extract nutrition from the sun and also the source consciousness. The work in these spiritual planes is serving others to aid in their ascension, and as they assist other beings, they too aid in their own ascension (I hear the phrase, “it is like how they say an angel earns their wings.”)  These higher levels focus on telepathic and psychic communication to communicate with the lower (3D) beings.

Q. What is the main purpose to reincarnate for the lower realm spiritual beings? Is it so that their soul could evolve so that they could live in happier, higher spiritual realms? 
A. Until a soul spiritually develops, it cannot reside comfortably in a higher vibrational realm.  We reincarnate until we are capable of making that next step up.  Every reincarnation is an opportunity to learn, grow and advance through experiences. 

Q. Is this analogy similar to a poor person (on physical earth) working hard so that he can be richer and live in a more comfortable house?
A. On a 3D level, I see this more like a person that had very little opportunity growing up and was challenged in their ability to learn.  They wanted to become a nuclear engineer, challenged learning style, realizing their dreams would be difficult.  If you just put that person into that job, they couldn’t understand the concepts, the language, it would be very overwhelming and they would feel lost.  So this person decided to work hard to achieve their dreams.  They found a tutor, did extra work, joined a study group and got a job cleaning the labs to learn about terms and equipment.  They took time to slowly understand the material and gain knowledge knowing they would reach their goal. 

This person could not have just been put in that role and succeed.  It would have been too much.  Taking time, learning and growing, allowed them the opportunity to reach their goal.  The advancement of dimensions is more about being able to physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually handle the vibration in the higher realm.

Q. When a person has evolved into a higher realm, is there any possibility that he can drop back down into a lower realm if he made mistakes (eg. killing people) on earth?
A.  Once a person moves to a higher realm, they don’t typically move down (unless THEY request it).  The karma and experiences that need to be addressed (even murder) are dealt with before a person moves upward (so there is no need to move downward). 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Life Detective #6

Life Detective #6

Hi all, and welcome to our first Life Detective for 2017, where Lynn and Da-da look at past, present and future lives of various people. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most dominant past life of the subject come forward, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today, and who they’ll be in the future. It’s always surprising. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A

Past Life: This person looks like he was a ship builder (actually, the architect of big ships) in New England. I want to date this to the mid 1600s. Doesn’t look like a ship that we know of (or not one that I’m being told), but more like trading ships that would go to the Mediterranean. I hear that in this life this subject loved “exotic” women, like LOVED them.  

Future LifeWhere is this subject today? I hear he’s a German physics professor. Brilliant mind, but socially very introverted. In some ways it was a miracle that he was able to get in front of people to teach, but I also get when he is in his element, the shyness fades away.  Socially, he feels very awkward though. 

Subject B
Past Life: The image I get of this subject is as a little boy. He lives in a modest little hut in an outlying village. His family raised goats, but he himself is brilliant. He often feels stuck and defeated in his life, milking goats, taking care of goats, but he has this brilliant mind and he wants more. His mom always said to him, “You are destined to do great things.” He used that mantra his mom gave him to carry him through that lifetime of drudgery, and he started to believe in himself. That residual feeling stuck with him and jumped with him to his next lifetime. It’s unusual to have a mantra do that.

Future Life: I don’t get that this subject has incarnated, yet. Looks like this person left their mark and is still in spirit.

Subject C
Past Life: I see a man during some Viking age. This subject was a Viking in this past life, looting, pillaging, manhandling women, shackling them and selling them as slaves. Very aggressive and cruel toward women. But it was this brutality toward women that created this flip-flop in this subject’s NEXT lifetime, to speak out FOR women, trying to exonerate this subject’s actions in this past life. Their subsequent work in the next life explored how darkness and brutality can underlie and reside within people’s creations. 

Future Life: This person has come back as a woman. She’s a judge, now, not famous, but very much into this feeling of justice and wanting to uphold the law and do the right thing. It’s highly upsetting for her to see the law being flouted. It’s her passion. As far as location, I hear something about Concord; I’m being directed toward the New England states. 

Subject D
Past Life: I keep hearing that this person was a prince. I’m directed to Ancient Egypt. This subject wasn’t necessarily famous, but he came from wealth and was privileged… but all he wanted was a good conversation, an intellectual discussion. Unfortunately, all the people around him were too timid and afraid to approach him that way, given his powerful position. He was starved for deep intellectual pursuits. It’s not wonder this subject came back as who they are.

Future Life: Looks like this subject is not gonna come back for about 150 years. He’s going to be a homeopathic pharmacist. I see him infusing a sugar pill [placebo] with a vibration that’s encoded in this tablet, one that heals. [How was he doing it?] He looks like he’s using some kind of tuning fork system to do it. It’s as if this pill was inert (I think is the word I want to use) and he sort of drowned the pill in this sound/vibration for a predetermined amount of time, and then the pill took on the properties of the vibration. [A new study which we seem to be launching right now!]

Subject E
Past Life: Wow. I get an image of this dad and his little boy a loooong time ago. The dad is teaching the boy how to hunt with a spear, dating waaaaay back, just barely post-Neanderthal. All of a sudden they see this enormous light in the sky. It would throw us off, it was so bright, but it was also LOUD. They run and take shelter in a cave. Lo and behold, it was a spaceship that “landed.” It hit hard and knocked trees down. It was a major impact. The man and boy crept out to investigate, hiding behind a tree to see the craft open and beings come out, unaffected by the rough landing. They look like bluish greys who walk out, nice and non-threatening. Before they know it, the dad and son are suddenly surrounded by these beings; they could sense the humans’ fear, so they were easy to locate. Interesting. The dad and son then suddenly realized that they could communicate with these beings telepathically. Thus, the son was instantly exposed to the vastness of the universe and great mental powers, and he got this telepathic download that followed him into his next lives. His subconscious kept nudging him with this through all his future lives. Considering this one past life as a hunter/gatherer was all about survival, for him to experience something so profound at this stage was really special.

Future Life: I don’t get that he’s come back yet. The world needs him more where he is now than here on earth. I don’t see that he will return any time soon either.

And that’s it. Note that we’re going to be adding a new segment to this regular feature. Stay tuned! 


A Few Random Topics….

A Few Random Topics….

Hello Lynn, I love reading your posts. Thank you for what you do. I have a couple topics for you and was wondering of you could look into them for me. 

Q. At the Serapeum of Saqqara there are these huge Granite coffer stones weighing tons that were cut with extreme precision. They are very old and could not have been made without precision tools. The Egyptian pharaohs discovered them and re-purposed them. What was the true purpose of these massive granite blocks? 
A.  I get that this location has always been energetically intense due to the earth’s natural ley lines.  I see that an ancient civilization lived there at one time (before Egypt was even Egypt), and ETs would often visit them.  The energy there was a beacon for the ETs to find them over and over.  I see that the granite blocks were constructed to create some kind of “grid.”  Then, I see an image of someone using crystals to grid their home (to clue me in).   (Note: Please don’t do this on your own until you have fully researched the proper way to do it as this is very powerful).  It looks like the ETs gave them knowledge on gridding their space, taught them the power behind it, and assisted them in crafting a grid from these granite blocks. 

Q. The stone Moldavite is supposed to have strong psychic energy and can open a persons 3rd eye if they are holding it. People wearing it have gotten headaches. Could you please provide some insight into this green stone?
A. I get this stone has intense magnetic properties.  It isn’t magnetic is the way of a north / south pole, but magnetic in that it can change energetic fields (flip them around).  I also hear that it isn’t from this solar system, making it a tangible form of something from where a portion of people have DNA connections.  I get an image of Orion’s belt, so it looks as though this originated from one or all three of the star systems there (??).   If someone with a DNA connection (a link to an ET race from one of those star systems) comes into contact with this crystal it can have PROFOUND effects in waking intuitive / psychic abilities.  The energetic properties of the stone create a physical connection that awakens the subconscious on a very deep level.

Q. My daughter, Sarah, is 11 and she and her friends have been talking about getting a Ouija board. She wants to buy it. I don’t like the idea of her playing around with one and definitely don’t want one in my home. 

I’ve heard they can attract negative spirits and I definitely don’t want one attaching itself to her. How do you feel about Ouija boards? Can they attract negative spirits or if you set the intention, can you attract positive ones? OR are all the stories, about Ouija boards, just stories, not real and they are harmless?

A. Even though these are marketed as a toy, they are NOT toys.  If someone were to approach using one without setting proper protection, a negative entity could present itself.  On the other side spirits just want to be heard, and if they find a way to reach through to this side, they will do so.   Protection and clear positive intent would need to be set by everyone involved in the process.  With the proper guidance these boards are very useful and be a positive experience, but they should be taken very seriously and respected for what they are.

Q. When someone reincarnates, do they have the same soul and Guardian Angels that they had in the previous lifetimes?
A. I do get that when a person incarnates they do have the same soul, but sometimes souls (for lack of a better term) split off and create a “twin” soul that carries residual subconscious memories and karma. The birth of a new soul can come from the Source consciousness (rare), but most times it is a “splitting” effect that can lead to a new soul. 

We do not always have the same Guardian Angel.  They are assigned based on what lesson or challenge you are meant to learn during that specific lifetime.  I see we are born with one guide / Angel that stays with us from birth to death, and other guides / Angels come and go as life changes and different obstacles / experiences are in our path.  I get each guide / Angel is a specialist (so to speak) in an area of your life, and together they create a very powerful spiritual team.

Q. What exactly is a Soul? Is it a life form from Heaven or is it an energy source for the body like electricity or gas for a car? 

A. When I focus on a soul, I see this image of an intense, bright, yellow and white light.  It is so brilliant that you cannot even look at it for more than a few seconds.  My impression is that it is the energy radiating out from the Source Consciousness / God / Universal Consciousness.  The actual source of the light is too much to be seen, but the energy surrounding it takes the appearance of this bright light. Circling this bright light is hundreds if not thousands of people and animals.  As I watch a beam of light shines out from this Source Consciousness (sort of like a laser beam) and touches each being in the chest (heart chakra area), and at that moment their heart starts to beat and they take a breath (basically come to life).

I am being shown how a soul is the spark that starts life.  Without a soul, we are just matter.  A soul is the electrical spark that makes the heart beat and keeps the electrical rhythms in sync.

I then see that our souls are how we are all connected to one another.  This life force, whether new (split from another soul or born from the Source) or continued on from a past incarnation, is tethered to the Source Consciousness.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Spirits and the Afterlife

Spirits and the Afterlife

Q. If we have multiple lifetimes and multiple DIFFERENT parents, then when we go “Home”, which set of parents do we see again? They always say that we’ll see our loved ones again, but if that’s the case, then we’d be meeting probably hundreds of thousands of loved ones… is that correct? Same goes for all our pets…
A. I see that when a person is close to the end of life they sort of go between our plane and the spiritual plane.  As they toggle back and forth they will see images of people, pets, locations, events, etc. that they experienced in this current life journey.  These images soothe the transition because it can be hard for the body to ultimately release the spirit (that final separation).    

I also see the transition from the current life to after life going through phases.  At the moment of release the familiar spirit guiding the transition will take on the appearance of who the person knew during this current lifetime.  After the transition has occurred, and the body has detached, the person going “home” is now is spirit form too.  There is a slight learning curve in this freeing feeling (I heard to imagine you are astral projecting x100). The spirit is now able to connect with the familiar spirit group to prepare for the next incarnation, hang around the 3D world, guide or protect.  In spirit, they don’t connect as seeing each other as “mom, dad, etc”, but rather a magnetic connection full of love and belonging.  Spirits don’t take on defined roles, those are rules that humans define and project onto one another for the conscious mind.

I also need to explain that when we are in the spiritual plane we connect back to certain spirits that we most times incarnate with. I always hear this group of spirits being called a “soul pact.”  This grouping of spirits can manifest/incarnate in the 3D world as parents, siblings, children, friends, pets, etc.  You may share the same birthmark or mannerisms from life to life, but you (personally) will rarely fill the same role (or appearance) because each lifetime presents new experiences in order to expand, learn and grow.

Having said that, rather than saying that you have had thousands of parents, siblings, etc,, in reality it may be more like 100 different spirits that get incarnated from this same familiar group.  (Your sister in this life may be your mother in the next and your son in the one after that…)  This narrows the infinite amount of spirits to a more closer group.

Q. Hi Lynn, How does a soul seek his/her future parents. Must the spiritual vibration level of the baby match the spiritual vibration level of one or both parents?
A. As the spirits within the soul pacts reunite the dynamic of the next lifetime is determined.  It has to do with the spirit’s current vibration, where they are wanting to go and what lessons or karma to they need to address.  

Q. Is the baby’s day and time of birth planned and determined before the soul enters the embryo?  Since astrology depends on the date of birth, does that mean that outside intervention e.g. doctors inducing early labor, causes a change in the destiny of the child?
A. I see that the universe works this out and knows the life path at the moment of conception.  If there is a c-section or induction, that is the way the universe planned the birth.  That event goes with the plan, not against it. Few people may experience adverse affects with an altered delivery, but for the most part the universe knows what it is doing..

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Beings and Spirits [Group Question]

Beings and Spirits [Group Question]

Q. Hi Lynn,  Can you please another reading on ghosts?  How would you describe ghosts? Are they really souls of deceased people or are “glimpses” of people from another layer of earth/dimension or both?  
A. I get they are both. I also get they don’t like to be called “ghosts” as that has a negative feel to the term.  They would like to be called “spirits” or “beings.”  

These beings or spirits reside in a different layer on earth, and they are able to do so due to their specific vibration.  Some of them are  the spirits of deceased people that have unfinished business or are choosing to wait to incarnate.  Some are other beings (like ETs)  that want to hang out here on earth, but in an elevated plane.

Q. Do ghosts spirits see what living humans see? How do ghosts spirits perceive living humans?  
A. Some do and some do not.  It really depends on what their intention is for living in their earth plane.  If they are here to guide, protect or finish something, they are very in tune to humans.  They see us just as you and I would see each other, however, our 3D limitations prevent us (most times) from having that clear of a return connection.

If they decided not to go to the light and continue to live on earth, they they sort of “ignore” what humans are doing.  They live their life, and I hear that most times they have a ritual or behavior (always walk the steps at a certain time, or turn on water at a certain time, etc).  

Q. Are ghosts really more active at night than during the day or is that really a misconception?  
A. It is a misconception.  I get that we hear and experience them more at night because things are calmer, and it is tied to our subconscious activity that occurs either before, during or immediately after sleeping.  Spirit interactions happen at all times of the day, we are just more aware (or have a hind sight awareness) during the night (sleepy time) hours.  I also get that people that meditate and tap into their alfa and theta brainwaves during the day will have an increased ability to experience spirits during the daytime as well as the nighttime.

Q. Does a building that is haunted by ghosts spirits basically stay haunted forever or will they eventually go away on their own?  Thank you.
A.  If really depends on their purpose for being there.  Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be shifted elsewhere.  They do have the ability to leave, but not always the desire.  Most times they need coaxed if they are tied to the property, but if they are here for other reasons, they may chose to go on their own.

Q. Hi Lynn, Could you tell us how do spirits distinguish between the tunnel of light to the spirit world versus the tunnel of light to the human womb (reincarnation)? 
A. I get the tunnel to reincarnation has a brilliant yellow glow at the end and there is also a noise that sort of draws you in.  Then I hear that “you are drawn to this light like a moth to a flame.”

When a spirit chooses to stay in the spirit world, there is a certain determination.  This determination can be strengthened by the spirit’s vibration.  If they resist or reject the golden yellow light, the tunnel sort of fades and you are here on earth, but on a different plane.

Q. Are there different tunnels of light with different colors for different humans depending on their spiritual evolution? Or do all humans go to one and only tunnel of light?
A.  The end of the tunnel looks the same (a brilliant white and yellow light), but the tunnel walls look to be different for everyone.  The wall color looks to be related to a chakra or something significant  in their life (therefore making the transition very comforting).  I hear, that for example, if someone had heart problems during their life, when they passed they would most likely see tunnel walls in various shades of green.

I also get that the color of the walls can be in shades we have never experienced with our human eyes.  We don’t have the human limitations when we pass, so we see all things.  There are hues in every color we never knew existed.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Spirit Guides in Regards to Soul Mates and Karma

Spirit Guides in Regards to Soul Mates and Karma

Q. I guess I was a little surprised and shocked when I learned that spirit guides can pull two people together in a relationship.  I think I have seen and heard of a few occasions where this has happened, or nearly happened.  In the very few cases I saw, I felt that there is a bit of manipulation involved, sometimes a cloak and mirror type of ..um… trickery (there, I said it) involved too, perhaps.  I think spirit guides helping two people come together is okay, if there was some prior arrangement to make this happen (like soul mates wanting to meet, for instance), or if two people were meant for each other (they are a good match and fit well, and the match is for the greater good of both parties, in the very least).  But I was shocked to see incidences where I felt that situations were sometimes not ideal for the women, where the women tended to be trapped in a relationship under the name of patriarchy.  It came to me as women being treated as something disposable, where they were often asked to sacrifice their lives both figuratively (in terms of their original aspirations and goals) and literally (when someone is born with a really rough karmic path, and someone instead gets the blunt end of the energies and events in place of the person). I thought these situations were against some kind of karmic law, using another person against their free will, or tricking them into unideal situations?  Is it just me misinterpreting things, or do these situations really happen, have I only seen isolated incidences; or do these situations happen disproportionately for women often times; if so, is there a dependence on the culture they are in?  Does this happen only when a spirit guide happens to carry a negative or low-level intention, or is there a “convention” among spirit guides that such things are okay (is there a bit of sexism involved this realm too)? … I’m getting that the spiritual realm is really vast and large, so maybe I should try to rephrase my last question a bit… Are there spirit guides who carry the notion of, and take advantage of sexism, that enable them to put women at a disadvantage for someone else that they are primarily involved with?  What kind of mindset should women have in order to fully avoid such unduly situations?
A.  As I think on spirit guides, soul mates and even how fate works, I see a path unwind… I will explain how it is being shown to me.  When we are in the womb I see a main guide being assigned to you.  That main guide will be with you your entire life.  You have other guides come to you at birth, and those guides will come and go depending on what you are learning to help guide you with your experience, but those guides sort of “tap in and out” during your life.  At all times you have a small team, but the team may change as you encounter new experiences.  

In the spirit form (before we are born) you have a group of souls that you most generally (not every, but most times) incarnate with.  There is a predetermination as to who will be a brother, sister, son, daughter, best friend and even soul mate.  Some of your “soul pact” members will be in your life your entire life, some will come and go and others will come and never leave. Fate as to those interactions are also predetermined, and you guides will help you find those people.  

When we are in spirit form we also chose a life path that is in our greater good for the goals and experiences we need to expand, learn and grow.  That life path may be based on lessons we need to learn or karmatic events.  Even though this general plan is outlined, free will can always intervene and change thins.  People (men and women) are born into all types of circumstances.  We often don’t understand in our human form why we would have chosen a path, but there is always an element of learning that is done.  All things need to be experienced (good, bad, high vibrational experiences and low) to round out our development for our spirit / soul.  For example, you cannot know what it is like to be truly generous if you have never experienced the emotion / action of greed.  I even caution people in past life regressions that they may not like who they have been or things they have done as we have been in will be all things.  

There is no sexism with regard to your guides.  That is not an emotion they would recognize.. Their goal is to help you stay on your predetermined path, and create situations so you can learn and grow through experience to enable you soul to fully develop.  If you in your conscious, rational mind decide to go against that path, you can always enlist the action of free will to change your life direction.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Gender of our Soul

Gender of our Soul

Q. I have a quick question. I know that every soul has a soul mate and for each pair there is a male soul and female soul. If each soul has spent many many incarnations as both male and female, how can you tell what gender your eternal soul is? I’ve tried meditating and guided meditations without a clear answer. My gut instinct says i am female but i just don’t know. Is there any other way to tell? Thank you!
A. I get your sex is a physical trait tied to your human body.  The soul itself is actually both.  I cannot see a defined female or male soul, but rather a soul that is encompassing of everything.  We can incarnate into our human body as a male or female, and experience that lifetime as that sex, but when we pass, we go back to being a soul (energy that is part of the Universal consciousness with memories of experience and growth).  For us to grow and expand through our experience, we must experience all things and be all things.  I get if you had a soul that was assigned to a gender, then when you incarnated to the opposite gender (as part of the necessary growing), it wouldn’t be able to connect properly.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Souls, Spirits and Incarnation

Souls, Spirits and Incarnation

Q If (the Universal Consciousness) has a feel of a trap that doesn’t cause harm, but holds you back from reaching your potential I get that the longer you roam, your soul develops more and has a better understanding of universal laws and allows your subconscious to expand. When you jump back in right away you are robbing yourself from the experience of stretching your subconscious.  
So, our souls learn more by not going to the Light? How can we reach an enlightened state if we don’t reincarnate to learn life lessons?
A. I get that the more we “roam” in a spiritual state, the more we learn.  In order to incarnate we do have to cycle through the light.  The real key is to learn what you can in a spiritual state so when you are incarnated (choose to go through the light) you have more residual lessons in your subconscious.  The higher you evolve before incarnating, the quicker you are to tap into that knowledge once you do chose to incarnate.  

Q. You can do whatever and go almost wherever you want (if we chose not to go to the Light). You can travel the earth (and beyond). Gain insight without your conscious, rational mind giving judgement. I get that many people visit places of significance. You can see relatives, serve as a guide… Really the options are limitless. You make your place. 
Doesn’t that sound like paradise? Are the relatives we see in this realm, the relatives in our last life? Do we also meet our “soul pacts” here? If we do, and since we have lived many lives, won’t there be confusion in terms of relationships? Perhaps this meeting of “soul pacts” only happens after we go to the Light?
A.  You do go and see whatever you would like.  You also meet up with the energetic form of past loved ones (providing they haven’t already gone to the light).  Soul pacts also group here (I see it like magnetic attractions between balls of light), but there is no confusion- the rational mind and ranges of feelings create confusion here on earth.  In the spiritual world things (without the conscious mind interfering) are just understood- there is no language- things just “are.”

Q. Once you are in the light you start to forget who you were (not really the knowledge or experience, but the physical stuff).
If that is so then how do we recognize our soul mates if we forget who we were? 
A.  Soul mates are much more than a physical appearance.  The body is just a shell for something much grander (the spirit).  There is an attraction (“chemistry”) that draws the two of you together.  That “chemistry” is driven by their spirit (vibrations) and how their vibrations interact with yours.  

Then I hear that in the presence of some people, you will feel repelled.  They may make you feel ill, or like you don’t want to be around them.  It is the internal vibe that they exude that contradicts your vibration.  Some people you enjoy being around- they make you feel happy and good- it is because of their vibration.  A soul mate compliments your vibration so well that you cannot get enough of them.

Q. We normally do incarnate with the same pact of souls. They just are different to us in different lives. Who you feel is your soul mate in this life may be your brother or cousin in a future life. We do come together many times (not all, but many).  
Do we decide who will be who in the future life before we reincarnate? If we decided to be siblings, doesn’t that mean that the other pact of souls will have to wait longer to reincarnate into the same family? I somehow, don’t see the “souls pacts” with our partner because more often than not, they are complete stranger till we meet them. Correct me if I’m wrong. 
A.  I first get that if the soul pact decides to come in with the same family, some may have to wait.  I also get that time is relative, and even though we define a lifetime as several decades, in the universal perspective time is so infinite that waiting a decade of earth years is not defined as “too long or short.”  There really is no “waiting,” time just is.

Regarding the “soul pact” with our partner, we do make a pact with your true soul mate.  Free will can intervene, which may cause a missed opportunity, but your soul mate will appear to be a stranger until you talk to them.  I get most times when you connect with your soul mate, they feel like an extension of you (and feel familiar without being familiar prior to meeting).  

Q. I do see several planes, and souls can visit the various planes BUT they will reside with the one they are most similar too (regarding vibrations). Low vibrations (most generally) don’t “feel” well in a higher vibrational plane and vice versa. I hear that “like attracts like.
Is that why the Christians believe in paradise as their soul will reside with those who have similar beliefs/faith?
A. Yes, they feel as though when they pass they will be united with other spirits who share similar beliefs and behave a certain way. 

Q. I get that some older souls advance to the ET level.
How? By reincarnation (like birth?) or just transformation to an ET appearance? 
A.  I see this happening in the process of reincarnation (exactly like a birth).  There is no “transformation” because a spirit is still a spirit, and the outer covering is just a shell (human, ET or otherwise).  

Q. I see it (human) as a humanoid looking ET that is incarnated in a place that looks similar to earth, but has a very different feel to it. This humanoid has an appearance similar to humans (skin texture, smooth hair, six fingers (?), six toes (?), they are empathic and intuitive (know what they are thinking and feeling without even talking). The main difference from humans is the color of their hair, skin and eyes- they look to be of all colors (red, pink, blue, purple). 
Where is this place similar to earth? In one of the other planets or another realm on earth? 
A.  When I tune into this, it “feels” like an alternate solar system that runs parallel to ours (it’s close).  I see it spiraling like a cork screw right beside us (as if it takes the shape of the other side of the double helix DNA strand).  Our solar system is one side, and this system takes the other- then I see it being attached to the sister sun, and it is one of the planets tied to it [referring to our sister sun].

Q. What intrigues me further..  What happens once the spirits cross over and absorbed into the “oneness? Do they reincarnate straight away or is there another spiritual realm after they crossed over the light tunnel, where they still have the free will to reincarnate or not? 
A.  Once you go into the light tunnel you being the process of incarnating- you lose your free will at that moment.  You have complete control (even though you may feel the influence to go to the Light), while you are a roaming spirit.  

Q. How do we know if we have a spiritual guide or not?
A.  Every person has several guides.  Some will stay with you your whole life, and others come and go to help you through certain lesson (like a specialist).  

Q. Is the low birth-rate trend now due to many souls not wanting to reincarnate? Or because of human decision, many souls cannot reincarnate?
A. Soul incarnate in many forms.  There is ET incarnations, animals, humans and beings on other planets.  If a soul wants to incarnate, there are many places it can go (or wait if it chooses).  

A. Is there a difference between soul and spirit?
Q  I see these things as the same thing and the term in interchangeable.