Group Post [Beached Wales, Animal Deaths, The Staircase, Possession, Health, Harry Potter and Pain]

Group Post [Beached Wales, Animal Deaths, The Staircase, Possession, Health, Harry Potter and Pain]

Hi everyone!  Thanks for viewing!  Please see original post at

Q.  Hi Lynn!  Could you see why all of these whales have beached themselves??
A.  When I look at this, I get the internal compass (instincts) were off within these animals.  As I look at it closer, I see that as true north shifts (and I see an image of an earth and as it wobbles like a top,  true north is not always true north- it wobbles), and the magnetosphere is being tugged due to planetary objects above.  The currents and temperatures within the currents are being altered.  Animals on a collective get rerouted, and their instincts pull them into waters they would not normally go into.

Q. Hi Lynn please provide your take on this most distressing subject. Over 400 unusual animal deaths are still occurring around London, there has been no let up over the 5 years since this started and no idea of who or what is doing it. It is known as operation Takahe and called the Croydon Cat Killer. When will this stop?
A.  I get this is tied to some kind of gang activity.  I hear the phrase “They see themselves as the Jack the Ripper of the feline world.”  It looks tied to gang hazing or acceptance to be part of the gang.  I get the police have no real leads, and rather than look at this as a gang activity, they feel to be focused or distracted in the wrong direction.  I also see that there is a tell-tale they are overlooking, something with the ears or something they are doing to the ears (a tattoo, mark or notch??).  I cannot see it being resolved and the group being discovered in the short term, but I do see it eventually stopping (the gang seems to stop???).  It is like they want to leave a mark and stop before they are caught???

Q. Hello Lynn, I just finished watching The Staircase on Netflix. Could you please shed some light on what really happened? Did Michael Peterson kill his wife, Or was it just a terrible accident? Thank you so much.
A.  I did watch a few episodes to get in the zone, and I wanted to be able to focus on this.  I must admit when I was done watching this, the energy of the situation stuck with me no matter how hard I tried to disconnect from it.  When I went to bed later that night, she showed herself to me (standing in my room).  I had a difficult time understanding why she was there, and her vibe was very off.  I could tell with her actions and appearance she had a lot of mental imbalance going on.  She had a very difficult time trying to convey any type of a message to me, and the way she stood there made me uncomfortable.  I realized (somehow intuitively??) she was battling a mental imbalance (on mind altering meds???) and somehow that combined with alcohol made her unsteady on her feet and she fell.  It was instant, and I get she tried to get up a few times, but was so out of it, she kept falling and slipping in her own blood, and hit her head several times.  By the time she was found, her husband freaked out and handled the situation in an “out of operation” type manner.  Then I hear “you cannot image how you react until you find yourself in that situation.  It is easy to judge, but not so easy to live in the experience.”  This does look like a total freak accident.

Q. Hi Lynn,  I am feeling VERY STRANGE after having just watched this – to me, it’s not just magic, it’s actual possession. And if true, what’s worse, is, it’s generating great interest….directly, not hidden subliminally in music, in fashion, in whatever…here it is, in plain sight…. would love your feedback and hoping it’s a hoax, but the judges and entire room are freaked out and too much of what she ‘performs’ from start to finish of the video seems to be saturated in dark vibes. Look forward to your thoughts so I can sleep tonight!!
A.  I do get this is a darker “illusion.”  I see an image of David Blaine and see she works in the same way.  The head twitching is part of her act to aid in the distraction to complete her performance.  She creates the “creepy” vibe to intensify the shock factor and get emotions invested.  Overall, great performer and try to keep the same perspective as you would while watching a horror movie (can only effect you if you let it, and stay in the mindset that it is only entertainment).

Q. I am noticing an overwhelming increase in women having chest pains and cardiac problems over this past couple months. Women that are in their 30,s 40’s and 50’s. Is there something going on?
A.  People that are sensitive to energies are having a hard time with Wave X blasts that we are continually getting.  The heart chakra looks to take the biggest hit from the energy waves we are experiencing (it hits you in the chest first).  The energy usually runs down through the root, or up through to the crown, but if it gets stuck, it effects the heart.  (As a disclaimer, I’m not a doctor.)  If you notice someone feeling things in their chest (starts as tightness or a panic feeling) encourage them to ground themselves (as long as they are medically sound and open to it).  They need to move the energy rather than let it pool up in the chest.

Q. Hi Lynn, I did a search for Harry Potter books on here and nothing came up. Have you never looked into them or do I need to search with different key words? I was just curious about your take on them. I love them, but I have a few very fundamental friends who insist they are satanic. So, whenever I’m curious about things I go to your site. I trust the insights you get. Thanks for what you do!
A.  I’ve never read these books, but I’ve been exposed to them.  I do not see them as satanic, but rather encouraging kids to believe in their gifts.  It is about understanding what you naturally have and using it for good.  People that try to take gifts that are given and discourage them, are trying to encourage people to suppress themselves (out of fear that they will grow, expand and question “things.”)

Q.  Hi Lynn, I recently had a thought that gave me anxiety and a kind of panicky feeling. I thought maybe getting some insight from you would give me some clarity and/or comfort. I want to know why some people have to experience extremely painful events such as being burned alive or tortured. This has been my worst fear as pain is something I never dealt well with at all and I wish we didn’t experience that feeling. 

Do the people who experience these events agree to do this before incarnating? Is it some sort of karmic debt? Or does it just happen because of free will?

A.  We do agree to certain life experiences when we incarnate.  It could be to help you overcome fears, phobias, break cycles, grow and expand.  It could be to resolve a karmatic debt or reset a balance.  We do have free will, and if you intend to feel pain, you will feel it regardless of what you “agreed” to, but otherwise it truly is part of your life path.  It is important to remember that the Universe doesn’t see “pain,” it sees experience, and what you do with that experience is the fundamental lesson.
And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to REAL.Video Channel (Reading and Discussion):

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Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards

Q. Sometimes we hear about people playing with Ouija Boards and being negatively effected by paranormal events, including possession.  But, why does this occur if we are always watched by our Guides and Angels?  Is it free will? How come they (our guides and angels) don’t intervene to help us, or is there a order of seniority that allows the bad ones to overcome the good ones?

A. First, ouija boards are not toys.  Spirits and beings in other dimensions want to be heard, so if they see an opportunity, they will flock to it like a beacon.  

When someone uses a ouija board, they approach it knowing that they may (and probably will) connect with another being.  The intent of the user is to communicate.  If the user doesn’t set proper protection (through intent, mantras, and a belief in their own strength), a low vibe being can come through and attach to the user.  The low vibe being see it as a way to be heard through communication and/or influence.

Guides are there to protect and nudge you in the right direction, but if you go on your own, especially with the intent to connect to something not in this dimension, they can only protect you so much.  This is an example of how the Law of Attraction works; setting intent to connect (without protection) can give you any connection (because you didn’t set boundaries). 

Even though the question didn’t ask, it is coming through strong that it is no coincidence these are found in the toy isle of the stores.  The PTW (Powers That Were) want us to be reckless.  Keeping our vibrations low through fear, negativity and low vibe interactions.  This prevents us from ascending and growing (which inversely keeps us weak and easy to control).  

I also get there is an agenda to keep people afraid of the spiritual planes.  Spirituality, and connection to a higher power is empowering and teaches people they can manifest their own destiny.  It encourages people to be empowered rather than powerless.  Free thinking people are much more difficult to control.  In the right environment (always set protection),  spirituality and connecting to both your higher self and high vibrational beings is a very beautiful thing. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Be safe.  Thank you.  Love and light-

Link to PsychicFocus reading (I will include my own personal experience with a ouija board, and why to never play with them!  These are not toys, and I cannot say it enough.) on:

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Islam, Thought, Intent and the Veil

Islam, Thought, Intent and the Veil

Q.  There seems to be a war against Christianity and a rise of Islamic Fundamentalism. 

Two thousand years ago, Paganism and Judaism were dominant.

Is it possible that as our values change, and people become more educated, and critical; that current religions will decline in the future and another belief system will replace them?

I was just wondering, because 2000 years ago in ancient Rome; they had hundreds of religions and cults to worship, not just the state sanctioned gods of ancient Rome.  And Quakers were relatively common several hundred years ago but they are a rare breed today.  So it is logical that today’s religions may cease to exist or morph into something new as well.
A. We are constantly changing and shifting.  I do see very controlling religions emerging because under that reign people are easier to control.  As the religion gets accepted within society, then people begin to be punished based on religious based laws.  For example, if you have a religion that requires women to be covered by a burqa, and she removes the burqa, she could be sexually assaulted.  Even if you don’t personally believe in the religion, you have to fear those around you that do and it can be easier to go along that try to resist it.  

The goal is, and always has been to keep people suppressed and easy to control.  Fear is the easiest way to control and manipulate people.  The migrant crisis in Europe is already shifting the culture.  This shift of people (instigated by the PTW / Powers That Were), was designed to start to attack Europe and it’s descendants.  There are two dissimilar cultures and belief systems colliding, and the governments are standing down and allowing it to play out as these migrants refuse to assimilate.  A (more) free thinking group of people is being broken down by a very aggressive collection of people. 

Please hold onto your beliefs, and do what you can to preserve your way of thinking.  Send some love to Europe- these people need it!

Q. How is ‘thought’ transmitted?  Is it faster than the speed of light?
A. I see thought as an energetic pulse.  I would say it is faster than the speed of light, as I see it happen almost instantly.  The interesting thing is that even though the thought “pulse” happens instantly, it may take a moment for your body to interpret the received message (either through an intuitive nudge, vision or even clairaudiently).  

Q. I bought a ‘Jesus’ candle last Easter.  Its’ one of those candles that are popular with Catholics and Hispanics.   I bought it to celebrate Easter and I burned it several hours a day until it ran its’ course.  I recited the prayer on the back when I lit it the first time. Many times when I passed the candle, while it was lit;  I said ‘Hello Jesus’ or ‘How are you doing Jesus’ and when I blow out the candle at the end of the day I said
‘Good night Jesus, say hello to God and my Mother for me’….lol

Are these just amusing antics from me or does Jesus, God and perhaps my Guides actually hear me? 
A.  With or without a candle, Source, angles and guides always hear you.  They are always around, and when you call upon them or talk to them, they know what you say.  They like to help and be of service, so your wishes are important to them.  You can speak to yourself, or out loud (but out loud creates a stronger intent).  

Q. If people on Earth are the only ones that live in a 3D world, and time does not exist in other worlds…….. what creates the difference?  Is it a hidden veil, like an invisible fog that exists around the Earth or our Galaxy?  Or is it a state of Mind that we are not aware of, like psychic abilities? We often hear about raising our vibration through meditation, but how does that occur?

A.  There are other worlds that experience time on a linear scale because they too live in the same density as earth (just under different circumstances and “rules”). Earth does have a veil that keeps us here (possibly the firmament as described in the bible- which is a topic I’ve talked about in past readings???). 

Meditation does help to raise your vibration because you are more connected to source.  Heavy or negative emotions keep your low, but meditating and being in tune with your subconscious and higher self helps you to rid yourself of those negative emotions (similar to unloading a heavy weight), which helps you to elevate yourself.  When you meditate focus on grounding to the earth (she welcomes everything you purge) and reaching to Source.  That intent and motion will help you to increase in vibration. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.
Intuitives, Psychic Awareness and Emotions in Spirit

Intuitives, Psychic Awareness and Emotions in Spirit

Q. If you were in a room full of psychics and intuitives, would you get along with them on a personal level?  Would you be friends with each other because there are so few in society (statistically) and have similar personalities (helping others)? Or would it be difficult because you would be in a room of mentally active people that would give you discomfort?  

A.  Intuitives and psychics are like everyone else, some you mesh with, and some you don’t.  It really depends on the person.  I do have friends that are very gifted and intuitive, and I’m blessed to have them cross my path.  We have great discussions, and the synergy that forms makes me feel like it recharges me in some way.

I have also come across some very spiritual people that focus on love and the greater good, but have a hard time accepting things such as the existence of the PTW (Powers That Were) or negative activities in the world.  I still get along with them, but I do have to hold back and watch what I say because they are not ready to hear it.

Q. Is there a level of psychic awareness that is considered the best or the highest?  There are several abilities like Clairaudience (hearing) , Clairvoyance (seeing), Telekenesis (influencing objects), Remote Viewing……

Does knowing one in particular elevate you to a higher Spiritual level than others?  In other words, does learning one Gift make you a white belt in martial arts, another make you a brown belt and another one make you a black belt?

Are there any psychic abilities at higher levels that the average person is not aware of that might be withheld from the general public?  
A. All psychic and intuitive abilities are gifts, and I cannot see one being better than another.  Having and recognizing abilities is just the beginning.  Developing  and trusting your gifts is what will help you elevate to a higher spiritual level.  

You may have the most amazing, vivid clairaudience, and not experience other “clairs” and be more advanced than someone with two recognizable gifts that are undeveloped.  Take what you have and work with it, and don’t worry about “rules” of advancement.

At the higher level, there isn’t anything hidden that I can see.  The big difference is the clarity in your messages, and your ability to relay those messages without altering the meaning.  

Q. When someone dies and passes to the other side, do they ‘sleep’, do they dream?  Do they feel sad or happy?
A. I cannot see that they sleep / dream.  They look to always be active (and “on call” should you connect with them).  I do sense emotion from them, so yes, a wide range of feelings can be detected from them.

A Few to Revisit:

Q. Ancient  aliens has some interesting ideas on their show even if some of them might be fantastical. Recently, they had a show profiling Chaco Canyon which housed several thousand people but they are still guessing as to why it was abandoned.  They lived in kivas, round circular homes; with wooden roofs.  At least that is the assumption.  What were they used for and why were they abandoned?  Did they build them on their own, or did they get assistance from someone else?
A.  Dada and I worked on this topic in a History’s Mysteries session.  I thought this question would be fun to pull, and I included an excerpt from our post: 

Chaco CanyonSo, who originally built Chaco Canyon? What happened to the civilization there? 

What Lynn Saw” The people who built this had very dark skin and straight dark hair, the native american tribe that built this community here. It feels like there were a lot of battles and fights over land and resources here, a lot of competition for survival. It was built with a big wall as protection, to protect against invasion, as terrible brutality existed at this time. The people within had a good mentality; they were just trying to protect themselves. They built the wall first, the rest later. It was its own little town. This tribe stayed there all year round. I also get that, as competition increased to survive outside, it became harder and harder to feed the thriving community inside. The resources dried up and the community was forced to abandon the area. They tried to reestablish this same community elsewhere.” 

Q. When people talk about ley lines and energy lines, they usually include remarks about enlightenment and positive experiences.  Are there energy lines that create bad experiences or bad feelings?
A.  I tuned into this in a past reading, and wanted to share it with you again.  Here is what I was able to see: 

I get there are no naturally occurring ley lines or energy lines that are negative.  There are “man made” portals that are negative and hold a negative space, but are directed to the sky, and not Mother Gaia.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon

A Few Thoughts for Monday

A Few Thoughts for Monday

Q. Hello Lynn, I am curious…  When someone is viewing an event on another timeline, they often comment that someone ‘saw them’ and reacted with surprise. Were they seen because the person in the other timeline had a sixth sense and was able to perceive them? Or were they able to be seen by anyone; like a ghost? 
A.   There are beings in every dimension, and every timeline.  Since time runs in a loop in the spirit planes (versus linearly as it does here on earth) there are beings experiencing that time line as well as beings that toggle between timelines (which is the basis of the Mandela Effect).  Anyone looking at an alternate timeline can be seen or sensed just as they can see other people. The “surprise” factor comes from realizing that you are seeing or sensing someone that has tapped into a different timeline.

Link to previous readings on the Mandela Effect:

Q.  Is there a single Heaven for the Universe or is there a different Heaven for each Planet or Galaxy? How come people that visit the ‘Other Side’ see other people and sometimes pets; but they never return saying that they saw dinosaurs and aliens?

A.  I see the progression on the other side happening in phases.  All beings do go to one spiritual “plane,” and they progress or ascend through that plane until they decide to reincarnate.  People that have a NDE (Near Death Experience) travel to lowest spiritual plane (think of it as the “welcoming” point).  They may see white light, have familiar people nearby, experience the earth from above, but don’t submerge themselves so deep in that state of existence that they are able to progress.  IF they stayed in spirit, they would gradually advance and ascend within the plane to the vibration that houses those beings, but they are pulled back or encouraged to go back before they get that type of advancement.  

Q. There are some special qualities about buildings designed to Sacred Geometry and the Fibonacci Numbers. Are there any foods in Nature that have the same design as Sacred Geometry and might have additional benefits beyond nutrition?  Thanks for your blog Lynn! 
A.  When I focus on this, I get that everything in nature is based upon sacred geometry.  We can either see it visually, or under a microscope, but regardless, it is there.  The tough thing in to determine what it is that you need (or need to eliminate) that is causing your body distress.  The first thing I heard (rather clear) when I read this question was the quote by Hippocrates “Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.”  To go beyond nutrition (which I see as health, healing and spiritual development), you should focus on natural elements found in our environments.  

The single most beneficial thing I see is water, and I hear the phrase “living water.”  It appears that water infused with a certain vibration whether done with music, herbs, oils, flowers, fruits or vegetables can be very beneficial depending on your health and spiritual goals.  This “living water” looks to help you to feel better, detox, promote cell regeneration and decalcify the pineal gland.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

Question on: Are They Recycling Your Soul?

Question on: Are They Recycling Your Soul?

A. Hi Lynn,  So thankful for this blog, we learn SO MUCH!!

Lynn, can you please explain more on the above “YouTube” subject, They Are Recycling Your Soul

I know that you explained once on this blog that if you die you must not go into the (white) light to avoid being recycled into this world again.  I want to know, do we have a choice of not going into the light?  My concern is if this is a “set up” (grid / jail) of sorts and I do not want to be recycled.  Also, are there repercussions?   For example, if you do not comply with this system will your soul be rejected and you end up all alone in the universe without any chance of belonging somewhere?

This is a real disturbing thought for me!

A. I think this is easier if I break this down into parts.  Let me first start with the video..  

I see a lot of truth with the video (the concept itself).  I’ve always seen that when we cross into spirit we have the option to stay in spirit or go to the (white) light to begin our next experience with reincarnation.  If you chose to stay in the spirit plane, you are free to roam, guide, protect and look after whoever and whatever your chose.  

If you decide to go to the light (bright white light) either at the time of passing or later, you do start the recycling process where memories and quick recall is wiped, but residual DNA memory still remains (they would love to wipe that too, but have not figured out a way to do so).  The purpose, as I understand, is to prevent humans from ascending and being able to build upon their wisdom and knowledge.  If we continued to grow, and didn’t have to relearn everything, we would soon become SO powerful we would overcome the overlords (i.e. Reptilians) which has been their greatest fear.  It looks as though this design was created by the Archons (the most evil of the Reptilians?).

Something new I have been shown is with the emerging of the 4D earth, new “light” sources / tunnels will be evident at the time of passing.  Specifically I see a green, blue and violet tunnels of light.  These look like options given to promote the ascension process as you graduate to the new 4D, and you will be drawn to the thing you need to work, expand on or heal (green works on heart / relationships, blue focuses on communication / expression and violet deals with the self / self-reflection).  These colored portals are all good in their own way, and there isn’t a wrong choice (Don’t be afraid of these!).  

Is there a choice?  
You do have a choice.  You can chose to roam the spirit plane, or go to any of the colors of light.  You can even elect to stay in spirit to wait and watch others, and go to the light later.  The light (all four of them) are always open.  It is also important to realize that once you are in spirit, time is relative. There is no limitation or clock ticking creating a deadline because there is essentially no time.  

Are there repercussions?
I cannot see any repercussions.  In fact, with regard to the white light, I see benefits to waiting as the longer to stay is spirit, the easier it looks to tap into your residual DNA memories (it looks like they imprint or something similar to that).  There is no punishment, and when you do chose to go to the light, any of them, you are welcomed.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

Health: Physical, Mental and Spiritual

Health: Physical, Mental and Spiritual

Q. Is there a spiritual advantage to being a vegetarian, or does it even matter?
A. I get it really depends on the person as there is no “Universal” rule.  I’m always reminded that it is the intent behind the consumption that is most important.  Meaning, if you have gratitude for the life force given to you, and express thanks for the food, it will serve you well. 

Some people in general feel better when they reduce animal protein from their diet, but that has more to due with the ability for your body’s resources to be allocated in other areas (such as healing and detoxing).  Animal protein does take a lot to process, especially for the liver.  Just be mindful that protein is important, so you need to consume it in other forms if you do eliminate meat (and soy is NOT a good replacement). 

Other people may feel worse eliminating animal proteins.  This can be due to not enough other protein resulting in fatigue and a poor mood.  It can also be part of a detox that occurs when meat is eliminated. 

All people are unique, so do what makes you feel like your best self.  Just remember, a moment of gratitude before every meal can mean everything.

Q. Hi Lynn, I was wondering about illness / diseases / conditions.  Do other ET groups also get sick or is it unique to humans / earth life? Our DNA was spliced and modified by the aliens.  If they have that kind of ability, they should also have the ability to remove all ‘disease-causing genes’.  Or perhaps they are the ones who planted these disease-causing genes? If so, why? Or again, is the reality of illness / diseases inherent to 3D life? If so, do other 3D civilizations outside earth also experience this phenomenon called disease / illness? Thanks.
A.  I see two things with this.  In our 3D life, dis-ease is part of our world, and creates opportunities to learn and grow through experience (even if the experience is viewed as ‘bad” it is still experience).  It is a necessary component to this reality. 

Also with the existence of disease, is the spiritual opportunity to learn the infancy stages of healing ourselves.  Many miracles (or what seems to be miracles) have been witnessed.  These diseases help to open and strengthen the gateway to spirituality (which is further accepted and expanded upon in the 4D).  The higher 3D beings such as light workers and healers emerge, and dis-ease shows them how to manifest a different reality by teaching others the power of intent, thought patterns and belief in Source. 

Q. Hello,  Is taking ormus or monoatomic gold a DNA healer / frequency increase / pineal gland stimulant? Or is it a tool by the cabal to mess with our DNA in order to keep us in the 3D with them. 
Thank you for all you do!

A.  I get a little of this is ok, and can have some very productive effects on the pineal gland, but too much can be toxic.  It does feel like a powerful element, and you should do your research before taking.  I also get that IF you decide to experiment with it, it is best done in cycles (one month on and one week off, for example).  I also get that some headaches can be a normal part of the pineal opening process, but they should not be debilitating and could be a sign that you have too much of this in your system.  

Q.  Hi Lynn,  Below is a link to a webinar that provides a good introduction to the Emotion Code and Energy Code founded by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Recently (through synchronicity) I met a practitioner of this new healing modality so have had firsthand experience with this revolutionary new healing system. I can personally vouch for its efficacy as I’ve experienced a profound shift in my own physical and emotional well-being since trying it. I would be interested for you to do a reading on it as I feel that it is a real game-changer in the way we “think of” and treat disease and will be of benefit to many people who are desperately searching for answers to health concerns after having exhausted other avenues.
Thanks and blessings to you!

A.  I too see this as a great way to approach healing.  Tapping into and looking at energy fields is a great way to access current and past traumas.  Many times these traumas can manifest into physical symptoms if they are not dealt with and purged.  Clearing a field and healing in this way can most definitely transform a person.  He does feel real, honest and sincere with his technique.  This is worth exploring to see how it resonates within you as an effective modality of healing. 

Q. How effective is tideglusib for restoring human teeth from damage by cavities or external trauma?
A. I get it depends on the severity of the cavity or trauma (are the nerves involved or it is close to the nerve?).  In the event that the damage or cavity is more superficial, it looks to be effective, but in more severe cases, I cannot see it making that much improvement.

Q. Hi Lynn,  I have a question regarding this supplement. 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula. “The Ultimate in Immune System Support This product represents 4Life’s highest level of immune system support.” This product was recommended for a family member that had cancer. The reviews on amazon are amazing. I’ve taken it before, and I remembered I didn’t get sick that year. Does this supplement really give what it says?

A.  I get with a healthy lifestyle and dietary changes, this can be really effective at promoting and maintaining health.  It doesn’t feel like a “magic” potion, you will need to put effort into your health, but looks to be a great supplement to allow natural healing to occur. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:  to be posted 
To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.

New Age Spirituality and Paul Simon / John of God

New Age Spirituality and Paul Simon / John of God

Q. Hi Lynn,

There are so many testimonial videos on YouTube (in the link above) of people “converting” from New Age Spirituality to Christianity, and many of those people claim things such as Yoga is demonic, Spirit Guides are demons, and New Age movement in general is demonic. Also, some people claim that the New Age movement is a NWO / Illuminati deception. What do you see is going on with the New Age movement and is there is any deception involved in it? 

Thank you. I will really appreciate it. Seeing a bunch of those videos got me kind of confused about the New Age movement now.
A.  When I tune into this, the first thing I hear (really clear and loud) is that this is complete propaganda because spirituality threatens some forms of religion, specifically the church.  It is possible to have a beautiful balance and harmony between religion and spirituality, but a religion or church that wants to have complete control doesn’t want to compete.  

Some religions use fear as a way to control.  There are people that are scared of the after life, and one of the best ways the get control is to evoke fear, especially fear of the unknown.  We are to have an all forgiving God (or Source, Universe, Consciousness, etc) which is true, but some churches make you fear Him if you do something he doesn’t approve of.  They want you to think all you need is faith, and you are helpless to the results.  

Spirituality puts the control and empowerment back onto you.  You have the power to create and manifest your destiny.  Not all things will make sense, but the Universe knows what needs to happen for you to learn, grow and expand.  

Yoga is NOT demonic.  It is relaxing, balancing and helps you to connect to your higher self.  Your Guides are beautiful spiritual beings sent here to help you on your path, and have nothing but love for you..  

Lastly, many times the PTW (Powers That Were), speak in terms to confuse people.  The accusations they are saying are untrue and are purposely trying to to take the empowerment from people.  Spirituality is one of the best practices to create harmony within yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and psychically (which does not fit the agenda plan of the PTW).  The PTW ultimately want to suppress our gifts from the Universe because they fear what will happen if we become too strong, or understand how to use our gifts to overcome evil.

Q. Thank you for all you do!

Back in 2014 Paul Simon went to the Casa, the house of John of God in Brazil. During his second visit, the medium asked him to sing one song to all present! Somebody handed him over a guitar and he played one tune. What happened that made people tremble and faint while he moved around in the room singing to the healthy and ill?
(here’s the link to the story:

A.  I get there was an amazing alignment of events that led to this reaction.  People went to the Casa with the hope and prayer of healing (they set their intent, just like in a meditation or spiritual healing).  Being there, in the presence of everything, it feels energetically very overwhelming.  John of God (or Source) also has a large presence.  

As it came time for Paul Simon to heal, he felt as though his troubles were not as great as those around him, and in that humbling moment voices came to him  and told him that foregoing his healing doesn’t take away from someones else’s healing or pain (healing and health is abundant).  He was then asked to sing.  

I see he sung from his heart with such conviction and love, that those around seeking help were overwhelmed and could feel the vibration of “love” coming from him.  It was genuine and pure.  Many did physically react, it looks like it was an involuntary reaction from their subconscious.  It was truly a beautiful moment. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you  Love and light-
Link to PyschicFocus reading on YouTube:
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Suicide, Death and Mind Control

Suicide, Death and Mind Control

Q. There are so many suicides in the world. I’m wondering if a lot of people plan to leave this place via suicide before they’re born. (Boadica, Cleopatra, and all the obscure entities we don’t know.) Sometimes they work, sometimes the suicide attempt fails; so I assume you aren’t going anywhere until your contract is up.
A. As I tune into this, yes, that is true.  I get that when you decide to incarnate, you have agreed that part of your life path is to live a shorter (or abbreviated in some way) life.  Though lessons, experience, opportunity and to an extent free will, their path left them feeling that suicide was the only way out, fulfilling their pre-incarnation contract. 

Q. If there is no time, now is eternal, and eternity is now (since on the other side you can access any nanosecond in history); is every step we take predestined, with different states of consciousness always inhabiting the ‘same’ body, so the only thing that changes is the attitude of what ever state of consciousness is inhabiting that body?

A.  That is true that in the spirit plane the past, present and future all coincide.  It is important to know that several time lines run in parallel, so as choices, influence and free will lead you in different directions, you are still walking on one of the many predestined paths.  All paths are correct, and will provide opportunities to learn and grow through experience.  We have been and will be all things, so the lives we live are limitless.   

Q. Hi Lynn! Can you do a reading on Anita Moorjani? I watched this video where she was on Dr. Oz saying she was in a coma dying from cancer (suffered for 4 years and her organs were shutting down) and passed over into the other realm – Is she being sincere? it certainly comes across that way. When Anita came back to this reality her cancer completely healed and she got better. Now she has her own channel on YouTube and has a best selling book “Dying to be me” (just found it so have not read yet). I was surprised when I searched your blog for her name that nothing came up. There is one commentor on the video above who says she is lying because she also had a NDE and only part of what she says is accurate. However so far what I’ve heard is everything I have been reading about so it does resonate well with me.
A.  I do see and feel she is sincere.  I do get she crossed over to the other side, and in the process of her deep mental state (coma and seeing other realms), her body was able to heal itself.  He body was shutting down and didn’t have to work on things such as digestion, giving her the ability to use those resources for healing. 

I also took note of how she used her had to describe out individuals are connected.  I see too see this is how we psychically connect (only my visions always looked like a spiderweb with individual points).  She phrased the connection as our fingers being individual beings.  Many of us go through life only seeing the fingers.  As we awaken, and spiritually expand, we realize there is a palm connecting each finger.  We are individuals with a tether connecting us to each other, and to Source.

Q. Hi Lynn. I was wondering if you could do a reading on why so many politicians,actors and world leaders including the pope have bruised eyes. What is happening to them?  Is it the PTW (Powers That Were) that is doing this to them? Thank you.

A. I get this does involved the PTW.  There are those that are deeply rooted and vested with the PTW, and those that are somewhat questionable.  Those in question in order to prove their allegiance look to be participating in some kind of ritual.  I see a full moon outside, they are inside a stone building, the window are open (no glass or screens), and an alter in the middle.  They look to be staring forward, being as still as possible.  As something is chanted, the person talking reaches up and wipes a salves near their eye (like a baptism??) and some kind of snake or reptile (looks small like it fits in the palm of your hand), lurches out and bites them on the face where the salve is located.  It does look like an induction to the PTW.

Q. Hi Lynn,  Can you take a look at these anomalies and explain them? It would be appreciated. Thanks!
     Cardi B suddenly “freezing” at Grammy’s:

     A. I get that was just nerves and anxiety combined with something she took to calm her before the event.  

     Strange glitching eyes of a news reporter:

      A.  I get that really was a Reptilian glitch.  Occasionally they show themselves if you pay attention. 

     Woman with “rolling eyes”:

     A.  I get she is just rolling her eyes and expressing her thoughts and emotions through an eye roll.  She didn’t agree or support what the woman was talking about at the time.  It was a non-verbal communication. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, 
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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The Event.. 3D, 4D, 5D. What Does It All Mean?

The Event.. 3D, 4D, 5D. What Does It All Mean?

Q.  Trying to conceptualize comparing our 3D existence to a 4D or 5D reality can be overwhelming and confusing.  I’m often asked about The Event, ascension and the different dimensions that are around us.  I thought I would try to break this down to the best of my ability based on what I am able to intuitively “see.”

A.  Our 3D reality is what you see and feel around you every day.  This reality runs on a linear timeline consisting of births and deaths, and repeating the process in cycles.  Even throughout a person’s life they experience mini births and deaths (could be children moving out to the birth of grand-parenthood).    Every chapter of life is a death of something, and a birth of something else.  Some lessons and expansions of experience can only occur in this linear scale, and we are put here time and time again until those lessons are mastered.  

This 3D plane looks and feels like a balance of being very primal (surviving) to being spiritually awakened. There is a huge range of vibrations in this density, from very low vibe 3D to very high vibrational 3D beings that are within the ascension process.  I see this wide range of vibrations providing an opportunity for many beings to incarnate here to re-balance karma, learn, heal, teach and heal.  There are a wide range of lessons to learn in this reality.

The Event has been coming for some time now, and will continue to come.  These waves of energy are slow to come as it takes the higher vibrational 3D beings even higher.  It is a slow process because it needs to be.  Rushing it, or doing too much too fast would fry our biological and neurological systems.  The surges of energy that wash over us like waves in the ocean can be difficult to process, even at the slow rate they come.  Our human bodies are amazing things, and adjust to the environment, but it does take time, and we do feel it.  Some get energized, and have amazing moments of clarity.  Others feel exhausted, have strange sleep patterns and even feel like they have the flu.  

While The Event can take a toll on those ascending to the higher end of the 3D spectrum, it is also responsible for aiding in the development of a 4D earth.  I see the 4D earth overlaying the 3D (like a layer on photoshop).  Those incarnated onto the 4D earth may come and go (share some similar events and timelines merge or cross from time to time), but then they go back to the 4D.  Groups of 4D people may experience this crossing of events and timelines like the Mandela Effect and then go back to their respective 3D and 4D realities.  

People remaining in the 3D will need to do so until they are ready to advance to the 4D.  The 4D requires a certain amount of spiritual advancement and openness to free thought.  Things work on a collective consciousness level, and your intent needs be in line with the greater good.  The 4D is about internal reflection, understanding and being in tune with your higher self.  As I described above, those in the 4D may occasionally cross over to the 3D (like they are part of lessons, learning and even healing to the 3D trying to ascend), but ultimately the timeline will reset you back to the 4D.  

Some talk about the 5D.  I see the 4D very different than the 5D.  5D looks and feels like something more on an elevated spiritual plane.  The 4D still has a human body, but the 5D looks as though people can “float” in and out of their bodies (like astral project on command).  Just as 4D can overlay the 3D, 5D will overlay the 4D. 

As I discussed this post with Da-da, he had a few questions too that you may enjoy:  
Can someone on 4D see and interact with people on 3D, and vice versa? 
A. Yes, upon occasion, but things will eventually reset to where that interaction doesn’t exist.  It cannot last any length of time because the vibrations don’t feel to be in harmony with each other. 

Will someone on 3D see a 4D blog post (that is, textually)? 
A.  They may, but memory of it will feel more like a dream.  In fact, they may not see it physically, but more like a deja vu type of event or something as a thought or dream.  The blog is in the collective consciousness, so they would be accessing through that manor versus real life. 

And who is on the 5D plane now, anyone?
A. I get the impression that it exists, but it looks like blank space.  I want to say it is there, but not developed.  There may be a few beings there, but I cannot see that it is a populated reality…yet…

For those of you wanting to do what you can to make it to the 4D, Da-da wrote a great post outlining some steps you can take.  Enjoy!  Click to see it on Schrodinger’s Other Cat

And that is all I have for this post.  Thank you.  Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus on YouTube:
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