Life Detective #6

Life Detective #6

Hi all, and welcome to our first Life Detective for 2017, where Lynn and Da-da look at past, present and future lives of various people. Typically, when Lynn taps in, she gets the most dominant past life of the subject come forward, showing what’s most relevant to who they were/are today, and who they’ll be in the future. It’s always surprising. We don’t reference subject names in the article, but instead put the answers below. Try not to peek. Da-da’s questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Here we go.

Subject A

Past Life: This person looks like he was a ship builder (actually, the architect of big ships) in New England. I want to date this to the mid 1600s. Doesn’t look like a ship that we know of (or not one that I’m being told), but more like trading ships that would go to the Mediterranean. I hear that in this life this subject loved “exotic” women, like LOVED them.  

Future LifeWhere is this subject today? I hear he’s a German physics professor. Brilliant mind, but socially very introverted. In some ways it was a miracle that he was able to get in front of people to teach, but I also get when he is in his element, the shyness fades away.  Socially, he feels very awkward though. 

Subject B
Past Life: The image I get of this subject is as a little boy. He lives in a modest little hut in an outlying village. His family raised goats, but he himself is brilliant. He often feels stuck and defeated in his life, milking goats, taking care of goats, but he has this brilliant mind and he wants more. His mom always said to him, “You are destined to do great things.” He used that mantra his mom gave him to carry him through that lifetime of drudgery, and he started to believe in himself. That residual feeling stuck with him and jumped with him to his next lifetime. It’s unusual to have a mantra do that.

Future Life: I don’t get that this subject has incarnated, yet. Looks like this person left their mark and is still in spirit.

Subject C
Past Life: I see a man during some Viking age. This subject was a Viking in this past life, looting, pillaging, manhandling women, shackling them and selling them as slaves. Very aggressive and cruel toward women. But it was this brutality toward women that created this flip-flop in this subject’s NEXT lifetime, to speak out FOR women, trying to exonerate this subject’s actions in this past life. Their subsequent work in the next life explored how darkness and brutality can underlie and reside within people’s creations. 

Future Life: This person has come back as a woman. She’s a judge, now, not famous, but very much into this feeling of justice and wanting to uphold the law and do the right thing. It’s highly upsetting for her to see the law being flouted. It’s her passion. As far as location, I hear something about Concord; I’m being directed toward the New England states. 

Subject D
Past Life: I keep hearing that this person was a prince. I’m directed to Ancient Egypt. This subject wasn’t necessarily famous, but he came from wealth and was privileged… but all he wanted was a good conversation, an intellectual discussion. Unfortunately, all the people around him were too timid and afraid to approach him that way, given his powerful position. He was starved for deep intellectual pursuits. It’s not wonder this subject came back as who they are.

Future Life: Looks like this subject is not gonna come back for about 150 years. He’s going to be a homeopathic pharmacist. I see him infusing a sugar pill [placebo] with a vibration that’s encoded in this tablet, one that heals. [How was he doing it?] He looks like he’s using some kind of tuning fork system to do it. It’s as if this pill was inert (I think is the word I want to use) and he sort of drowned the pill in this sound/vibration for a predetermined amount of time, and then the pill took on the properties of the vibration. [A new study which we seem to be launching right now!]

Subject E
Past Life: Wow. I get an image of this dad and his little boy a loooong time ago. The dad is teaching the boy how to hunt with a spear, dating waaaaay back, just barely post-Neanderthal. All of a sudden they see this enormous light in the sky. It would throw us off, it was so bright, but it was also LOUD. They run and take shelter in a cave. Lo and behold, it was a spaceship that “landed.” It hit hard and knocked trees down. It was a major impact. The man and boy crept out to investigate, hiding behind a tree to see the craft open and beings come out, unaffected by the rough landing. They look like bluish greys who walk out, nice and non-threatening. Before they know it, the dad and son are suddenly surrounded by these beings; they could sense the humans’ fear, so they were easy to locate. Interesting. The dad and son then suddenly realized that they could communicate with these beings telepathically. Thus, the son was instantly exposed to the vastness of the universe and great mental powers, and he got this telepathic download that followed him into his next lives. His subconscious kept nudging him with this through all his future lives. Considering this one past life as a hunter/gatherer was all about survival, for him to experience something so profound at this stage was really special.

Future Life: I don’t get that he’s come back yet. The world needs him more where he is now than here on earth. I don’t see that he will return any time soon either.

And that’s it. Note that we’re going to be adding a new segment to this regular feature. Stay tuned! 


Random and Interesting Q & A

Random and Interesting Q & A

Q. Can you describe what happens to those people who wake up speaking a different language (and forgetting their native language) after waking up from an accident? Is this a timeline glitch?
A.  I get that in our subconscious there are residual memories from many of our past lives.  When we are near death or in a coma state of being, our brain waves go through a phase that mimic deep meditation (and even allow astral travel, a period of disconnect between our spiritual and physical self).  The trauma endured triggers a theta brain wave response, and that response that is similar to a deep meditation which allows the person to tap into past lives (that are hidden from the conscious mind).  These lives can, and usually are, very different than our current life.  The connection and emotional response can be so real that when the person regains consciousness it takes time to detach from the past life, causing them to still act, speak and think they are in that previous time.  

Q. How do animals (e.g., dogs, cats, birds) see humans? Do they think we are less capable because we don’t have their telepathy and intuition? Do they see our appearance differently (e.g., like via an infrared night vision googles)? Do they see us as equals/superior/inferior in a social hierarchy? How do they sense our vibes (e.g., happiness, fear)?

A.  Animals are highly intuitive.  They can feel a personas vibration, and know if they mix with that vibration (some pets may gravitate to one person versus another).  They don’t see us as less capable, because we can do many things they can’t such as preparing them food, offer protection and speak with a large verbal bank.  However, they don’t see us as more capable either.  Birds fly, dogs run fast, cats jump distances etc.  We are seen to make a good partnership, as long as the pairing it right.  

I get that visually they cannot see us a well as we see them, but what they lack in vision, is made up with their other senses (smell, intuition and hearing).  

I see all emotions being tied to a frequency.  Animals can perceive what frequency they feel coming from you, and that allows them to know what emotion you are feeling.  They then know how to respond (go in protection mode, console you, etc). 

Q. How does telepathy work? Can I just send a mental message to anyone, even to someone who doesn’t even know me? How does the recipient receive it?

A. I see that emotions and thoughts are all tied to a specific frequency or vibration.  When you think or feel a certain way, that vibration is send out.  You can focus on a person (imagine what they look like if they aren’t around, or actually focus on them if they are near), or send the thought / feeling to a group.  If the receiver of the message doesn’t know it is coming or is blocked (they may be having a lower vibrational day, or set a strict protection through mental intent), then the message is typically weak, if even felt at all.  If the receiver is open, whether they know you are not, then a direct connection and message can be sent effectively. 

Q. What does it really mean when we dream about losing all your teeth?

A.  Dreams can be very unique to the person, and interpreted different ways.  In general, as I look at this as a dream, I see the throat chakra lit up.  I interpret that as meaning that the person is being challenged with regard to communication.  They are either not being heard, not feeling they are being heard, or not vocalizing their emotions (due to fear or lack of clarity).  

Q.  How important/relevant are birthdays/zodiac signs when choosing a romantic partner? There are people who obsess over this detail as if it’s the ultimate guide, but how valid is this?
A. I see an astrology reading that is thorough and specific (not the one from the Sunday paper that is more for entertainment) being a good tool to understanding people, and determining basic (and I hear an emphasis on the word basic) compatibility.  I hear something about an astrology reading, even though can see how people pair up, is only one piece of a whole person.  Factors such as belief systems, childhood influences, family and life experience also need to be looked at to see how they compliment one another.  

Q. Can you describe to us how “earthing” (walking barefoot on the grass) really works? It was discussed from a non-spiritual perspective by people who are into finding bio-hacks for things like curing jet lag, improving sleep, etc. 

A.  Mother earth is a living breathing thing.  Connecting to her directly allows you to create an energetic, and healing energetic flow through your body.  Energy moves in many directions depending on what it is that you body needs (your body is smart enough to control the flow).  It may come up through you feet, and out the top of your head.  She may also send healing up one leg, through your body and down the other leg.  Sometimes we just need to purge excess energy, or energy that isn’t serving us well, and she gladly takes it to redistribute elsewhere.  Again, it really depends on what it is that you need.  

Grounding in general can be very soothing, and assists in getting your chakras and in balance (which leads to other health benefits).  I see the core of health starting with a good physical, spiritual and energetic balance and grounding.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-